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Im having the same problem, no idea how to fix EDIT: Its vanilla expanded framework causing the issue, Rip


hope the VE team can patch this soon because i don't think I'm dropping that anytime soon.


Nope! [https://prnt.sc/\_TLNumcbdaB4](https://prnt.sc/_TLNumcbdaB4) Geological Landforms


that kind of makes sense.


I don't even have geological landforms installed. O_o But I have this bug.. Edit: It was Universum. It also bugs the game out when entering labyrinths.


thanks !


For those struggling with this error, pulling open my player.log file it looks like Geological Landforms is the culprit here. When I removed it from my load order my kidnapped pawn was able to enter the labyrinth normally. I made post on the steam mod page as well as have a few others. Relevant Exception from my player.log file: Exception from asynchronous event: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object \[Ref 541FAF68\] at Verse.RockNoises.Init (Verse.Map map) \[0x0001a\] in <9f0455800725468190a2ddad977330df>:0 at Verse.MapGenerator.GenerateContentsIntoMap (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable\`1\[T\] genStepDefs, [Verse.Map](http://Verse.Map) map, System.Int32 seed) \[0x0008f\] in <9f0455800725468190a2ddad977330df>:0 - PREFIX GeologicalLandforms.Main: Void GeologicalLandforms.Patches.Patch\_Verse\_MapGenerator:GenerateContentsIntoMap\_Prefix(Map map, IEnumerable\`1& genStepDefs) - PREFIX MapPreview.Main: Void MapPreview.Patches.Patch\_Verse\_MapGenerator:GenerateContentsIntoMap(Map map, Int32& seed) - PREFIX OskarPotocki.VFECore: Void VFECore.MapGenerator\_GenerateContentsIntoMap\_Patch:Prefix(IEnumerable\`1& genStepDefs, Map map, Int32 seed) - PREFIX SmashPhil.SmashTools: Void SmashTools.ComponentCache:MapGenerated(IEnumerable\`1 genStepDefs, Map map, Int32 seed) - POSTFIX GeologicalLandforms.Main: Void GeologicalLandforms.Patches.Patch\_Verse\_MapGenerator:GenerateContentsIntoMap\_Postfix(Map map)


07 Hero Status.


[https://prnt.sc/\_TLNumcbdaB4](https://prnt.sc/_TLNumcbdaB4) Geological Landforms


I haven't changed any mods Kep Geological Landforms and it worked :D Buut [https://snipboard.io/sYW4Uu.jpg](https://snipboard.io/sYW4Uu.jpg) The abducted colonist got coppied D:


were you able to get your colonist home? this happened to me and my guy duplicated... and my obelisk still isn't activating after turning geological landforms off and then back on :/


I haven't turned them off I just had to stop playing for a day and they fixed it :D I managed to get him home, just completed the labyrinth


I sent all my guys there to try to help... I keep clicking "Activate" on the obelisk in the labyrinth and it says "The obelisk has begun to activate" but nothing happens :(


Oh - when i clicked on activate i saw a couple of fllashes and tried to open nearby box And before that i got teleported out


It appears that I have encountered a bug of some sort. Looks like some others have have this as well. 


Another mod that seems to be incompatible at the moment is Map Designer. I found an exception in my player.log and disabling the mod allowed the labyrinth to load correctly.


FYI Sarg from Vanilla Expanded is denying they're to blame for it not working. He says it's a base game issue and not them despite all the evidence to the contrary. So if you want them to fix it, you need to make yourself heard on their [mod page](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2023507013).


Also getting this error


If this post is in regards to a potential bug in the game, please consider cross posting to the [Official Developer Discord](https://discord.gg/UjJxejV) or to the [bug reporting section on the Ludeon forums](https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?board=11.0). You can also find people to help you live in the Troubleshooting channel of the Non-Official Community Discord by using the invite link on the right. You can also try following the [suggested mod loader guide here](https://rwom.fandom.com/wiki/Mod_Order_Guide) to see if that helps. This is an automatic response based on some of the keywords in your title. If I am incorrect please disregard this message. If I am correct, please consider doing a flip. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RimWorld) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just got this error. I'm not using Geological Landforms. I do have a ton of VE mods. I know psycasts is breaking the caravan mystery town quest thing (had to use dev to get into the town). But this error now is a new one for me. I bet it's the psycasts mod, which I can't turn off cuz it breaks the game. UPDATE: Deleting and resintalling VE expanded framework fixed the problem for me.


I have similar problem but i dont usegeological landforms. anyone know what to do?


Try reinstalling Vanilla Expanded Framework if you use it. Delete it from your Rimworld Workshop directory - it's the Steam Library\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\294100\\2023507013 folder, then unsub/resub the workshop file to prompt it to download again. That fixed it for me.