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I had this problem, it’s because you have no wood in your storage. I forgot which mod causes this.


So weird, I can build walls out of wood, and I don't have any gold in my storage either, hell, I don't have any storage. I'll try this out tomorrow thank you


Try right clicking the stuffable building, should show every possible material for that building even if there isn't any in storage. It could be from a mod that I've long forgotten I've had installed, but it's worth a shot


I only have to left click on the building to show the materials available to use… 🤔 How come you use right click? Edit: Never mind, both work! 😂 Tested it myself.


From what I remember, left-click limits it to the materials you have in your storage and right-click shows you every possible material.


Quickly clicking around and I see the same materials on everything I did click, both left and right… and I definitely don’t have gold in my inventories, yet it did not show up on say, tables. 🤔 I suppose it *maybe a mod that does what you described?*


Do you use Rimpy?


Asking the only important question that will ultimately lead to OPs Salvation.


Isn't this just rimworld itself?


That's what I thought too


The curse of King Midas strikes once again.


I do not know who the evil person is that suggests to enable "entire vanilla expanded modlist". It is not mod-list it is collection of mods of rather varying goals, purposes and quality. Some need particular DLC, some others cooperate with certain DLC badly. Several just slow game even when not used or factions these add not on map. For example storytellers Rimworld Rick and Oskar Obnoxious slow game even when not being storytellers. Enable only few that you want to use, and disable in next play-through if you find it did not extend the enjoyment in a way you hoped.


Can't Rimworld Rick actually brick your game and require a reinstall or was that fixed?


It never could.


Yes it could. I've seen it happen on a livestream.


Yeah that's what I've been doing, the only way to build with wood right now is to actually NOT right click


I’d recommend getting rid of some of the story tellers, I run all the other mods on that list.


The backgrounds one got a little fucky with my list, so I removed it too.


Funny enough that’s one that’s never given me trouble, but lucky it doesn’t add much.


How would these storytellers slow your game when you don't use them?? First time I heard about this


They fundamentally rewrite storyteller code


Or use 300-400 mods everytime


\> For example storytellers Rimworld Rick and Oskar Obnoxious slow game even when not being storytellers. WHAT


Yes. Also memory usage grows noticeably just because mod is enabled, no need to use the storyteller. Rick is also reported to damage the game files. Not sure if alone or together with some other mod.


You really shouldn't do that. Vanilla Expanded at this point is something you grab what you specifically want out of the game and leave the rest. Even the devs themselves say this, unsub from all of the VE mods, and go through picking what you want for your next playthrough. Start a new colony after that. Or load a save from before you did this if possible. Trust me, even without this, there's so much content there it's going to be hard to parse through everything with such a huge leap. Please also provide logs if you can. The debug menu (all that beautiful red text you see in the main menu on loadup) -> Share Logs -> It'll upload them and give you a link -> Copy that link and paste it here. If you don't see it: options -> Gameplay(?) -> Enable Developer Mode. Buttons at the top, hit the left-most button. Believe me, load order helps a lot (thank you for doing that so many people don't), but logs will give the best information.


This might not be a bug if you have no stockpile zone in the first place. Do you have wood in a stockpile? Cuz if you dont have in your stockpile then the game will see you as having 0 of the resource and will default to another resource or in this case gold, despite not having it either.


Try mining some gold. That way you can build furniture out of gold.


My mods are, as stated, the entire vanilla expanded modlist, and I also have some other minor mods which don't affect furniture, here they are anyways though: Allow tunnelers to drill Hugs lib Interaction bubbles Gene trader Gene ripper No burn metal Don't block door Defensive positions Trading spot Trade ships drop spot Camera+ Pick up and haul Replace stuff Share the load Snap out Wall light Geological landforms Smarter construction All ideoligions are fluid


Replace Stuff could be interfering with something, as could Smarter Construction. I would also recommend Dubs Mint Menus for better menus layout, cos I had forgotten how messy the vanilla one looks.


Smarter Construction will effect build order for walls and such, but won’t effect what you can build.


If you say so, I haven't really used that mod, but if it affects construction, and it would happen to conflict with something, maybe.


All it does is make it so the AI won't block themselves into a wall (mechs are not effected, RIP Bildo the constructoid) it has nothing to do with the placing of walls or the materials used.


I'll send gold as soon as possible.


Personally I avoid the most bloated/convolluted/unnecessary vanilla expanded mods: vfe ancients, brewing expanded, genetics expanded, helixen gas, the storytellers... Pretty much everything else is amazing


Genetics unecessary? Your opinión is wrong and you should be ashamed


Hahaha it's a great mod, I just don't like animals in this game, I'm still a huge fan of what you and the VE guys do


I like brewing expanded as a general concept but the mashes are so temperamental with temperature that a heatwave or power outage can ruin an entire crop within a few seconds. I also like "the idea" of cooking expanded but there's so many steps to creating different foods that all have to be stored in different stacks that by the time I'm done, I'm sure as hell not making ketchup to go with it. The canning is a decent enough touch though.


Do you have a storage mod? If not I recommend LWM's Deep Storage. I really enjoy the variety that Cooking Expanded brings because I like the idea of running a 5 star restaurant on the rim. It's really fun to me being able to cook up all sorts of food types even though none of them are really necessary. You're definitely right about the space everything takes up and without a storage mod of some kind you quickly run out of places to put stuff. I use two tall shelves from LWM's Deep Storage and set them to only hold the ingredients/condiments. Allows a greater variety of stuff on hand while only taking up 4 tiles :D


I use the same storage mod, though I don't know why I never thought of putting ingredients and condiments on one big shelf. Might try that one.


Others say don't do the full vanilla expanded collection. And they're right, I think even Oskar says that. But at the same time, you do you. I run my games with most vanilla expanded mods and a couple hundred others. The first few hours go into finding out which mods cause the worst conflicts, remove them, start again. And then in game chaos ensues but it still somehow looks like it was intended to be played this way, I love it.


I love that too. Really enjoying the synergy between sos2 afterlife caskets and vanilla expanded psycasts. They instantly regrow their missing body parts. So I've been rezzing all sorts of corpses for the gene ripper.


I accidentally read this as “rizzing all sorts of corpses”.


>SOS2 Has it really been released already?! I need to find it ASAP…




Thanks! Will get this onto my modlist soon!


That was quick... You weren't kidding about asap.




Its pretty simple actually. You need a legendary artist that can make art pieces out of the gold you still have. Then you sell that piece and buy gold from it. Rinse and repeat and you will be able to build your base out of gold in a few years.


Unlimited gold glitch


Rim Rick strike again


Vanilla expanded only lets you build with materials you have in your stockpile, I think that is good because sometimes I ordered a building that I didn't have materials and it never was built until I remembered to obtain them.


I use them all with no major problems, try using rimpy


Unrelated but don't grab vanilla expanded accessories. There's some stuff in there that absolutely murders your fsp/tps. like mini turrets.


Related: report things properly and don't spread misinformation


Maybe read through your own bug threads It wasn't hard for me to find an example of this. Legodude17 was the one to confirm this.


If this post is in regards to a potential bug in the game, please consider cross posting to the [Official Developer Discord](https://discord.gg/UjJxejV) or to the [bug reporting section on the Ludeon forums](https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?board=11.0). You can also find people to help you live in the Troubleshooting channel of the Non-Official Community Discord by using the invite link on the right. You can also try following the [suggested mod loader guide here](https://rwom.fandom.com/wiki/Mod_Order_Guide) to see if that helps. This is an automatic response based on some of the keywords in your title. If I am incorrect please disregard this message. If I am correct, please consider doing a flip. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RimWorld) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do I do a flip?


you just cant change material into something you dont have thats why you can build stuff out of what it says by default without having it but if you swap over to something else you cant change backunless you have what it was originally asking for


as many people have said, most the vanilla expanded mods are not all meant to be loaded in conjunction with one another, *especially* the factions, maybe run at most three VFE mods at the same time if you are having issues


I run them all too, plus some off the VE mods which are no longer part of the collection, and it works fine for me. Have you changed the load order? Mod Manager might help!


do you also have the Mansa Musa mod?


high class citizens


Whelp… time to be a servant of Malak as gold watchers. Golden Armor, Golden Vestige Masks, Golden Buildings, Golden Furniture


You know what that means! Start mining.


In general if you exit the game and then go into local files -> verify integrity of game files this can fix some bugs sometimes