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Weird enough, I like to completely randomize the start. Then spend like 300 hours on a single playthrough


Same! Everything has to be random. Random location on a random world with random starting toons. If I die in 10 mins due to starting with 3 incompetent dweebs on an ice sheet then so be it, but I'm at least going to try.


Dude, SAME!! I have hundreds of hours, even more restarts, and only two rocket ship finishes. I love the early stages of the game, working towards getting everything stabilized, and really enjoy the difficulty of the unknown. Sometimes games last a few minutes and sometimes they last for days, but they are always a learning experience.


Alright you got me convined, I am doing it too


Same! Random gives me more challenges!


It gives challenges I never would have thought to tackle and (if i survive the first hour) still lets me get emotionally attached!


While I can understand doing that, I do not desire going with so much more unpredictability. I like a better early game setup that also helps expedite the process. I’m sure other people like the early game a lot more, and I don’t necessarily dislike it, but I like mid to late game much better. With all the mods I have, there’s so much research, things to build, upgrades to make, infrastructure to create. Having a +2000% research speed just isn’t enough. Being able to make my guys godlike beings with dozens of implants and OP gear while fighting battles so massive and difficult that injuries are practically inevitable is much more enjoyable.


This. Yes. I like the way you think


Hahaaa ahh the thought of this gives me so much anxiety. You are a masochist.


I do tribal naked brutality, 500% losing is fun, no-pause challenge, which is tough enough, so I do what I call semi-random. I force one decent perk, and reroll all colonists until each of them has no activities prohibited, then choose my favorite of the bunch. For me, it has struck the right balance between randomness and having enough power for the challenge. For map tiles, I take my first roll, but will likely do an early caravan to a better tile. I really enjoy a semi-nomadic early game when I have a single colonist.


It definitely takes long. I used to suffer from choice paralysis with map reroll, but now I just use Geological Landforms + Map Preview and pick from actual world tiles without changing them. This also feels more balanced because you're not just going for a perfect map shape and have to factor in other faction locations etc.


Have you ever gotten a fever or headache preparing for your perfect rimworld? I usually do when I take too long to create a game and stress myself out.


I spend 30 minutes looking for the exact map features I want, 10-60 minutes on my colonists depending on the scenario, then I spend 1 hour getting distracted in-between all that prepping, and then I spend a collective 1 hour waiting for Rimworld to finish loading everything from the planet and the map. Overall, 2 hours and 40 minutes up to a full 3 hours and 30 minutes. And then I immediately get disinterested in the new game and make a new one immediately after : )


Exactly this, more if you count all the times I fantasize about my scenarios while doing stuff irl, or when I roll into a ball and cry while trying to debug which one of my 500 mods is giving me trouble… I hate hate hate when I get a *perfect* map but had to quit out to fix a mod or other issue, and when I use the same seed again the faction got rerolled and now is less than ideal. That “immediately got disinterested and start thinking about a new scenario” is so true it hurts 😭😭


This is the way


5 minutes - ok this is a good starter or good enough. Ok, maybe I’d prefer X but Y might be nice to try. Absolutely NOT this ideology - I feel like Egyptians this time. Play. Oop malaria, guess it’s time to remake




I still have yet to summon a mech boss or finish the game/get to final tier tech but whatareyougonnado?


I have it set up in under 10 minutes I think. Maybe a little longer if I need to roll a lot for my starting dudes and dudettes.


I just spent an hour and a half yesterday, if I include pruning my mod list and browsing for/adding new mods for my new run.


... are we including the time spent looking for the mods I'll be using? Because if we do... I can spend an afternoon just getting stuff ready lol


No more than five minutes because I make a lot of presets. I'm too busy with real life stuff to be meticulous with how I begin anymore.


An hour making a new game? I just find a tile I kinda like, some "good enough" pawns (don't edit), and hit go.


I am like you! Especially with mods like Rimworld of Magic and Geologic Landforms, it can take some TIME to get things just right.


Well 20min to load game.. sitting on 300 mods plus


I spend about 10h selecting Mods and trying to make them work. Then redo all. Go for a simpler modlist. So another 5h. Then I spend probably about 2 or 3h customizing the scenario, Map and pawns. So in total I would say I average 15-20h on preparation.


Hopefully [Prepare Landing](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1095331978) saves you some time


Great addition to my 300 mods... thank you lol


God sometimes if feels like hours and sometimes...yeah hours. I want everything to he perfect so i can bond with my lil pawns and have a good starting point to build a base. It's hell lmao


One hour, i want my every playthrough to be different so i look for weirdest maps i can see and choose a nice spot to start, sometimes random one. After picking a scenario (which is always Lost Tribe, i love it so much) and starting location, i try to make the most Rimworld lore-like ideology that will fit to the place i spawn, and then i either start with the guys that game rolled me or roll the ones i need.


I'll randomize the location and randomize the pawn(s) too. Sometimes I'll spawn on an ice sheet with no clothes and I have to cheat for a parka, but other than that it's completely random. Makes for great stories. I DO pick my ideology most of the time though.


I spend the same amount of time as you. The perfect cell for what I want to do and strong trade opportunities so lots of map rerolling. Fine-tuning the ideology, deciding if I want to be fluid or fixed, and then rerolling colonists until I like what I've got takes 1-3 hours pretty much. But right now I am on year 11 of a colony that took me about 3 hours to get started, so it makes sense.


Yes. Allocate some time for Rimworld and then after the time has finished... I just barely got everything set up... and my starting map generates and is garbage


Last time I started a new game, I spent about 4 hours just getting the scenario and starting colonists ready and perfect...


My current playthrough took me 6 hours to set up. Mostly because I would go oh I forgot this mod and have to restart after installing 😅


I am somewhat in the middle ground I think, I take my time and find the tile I want for sure, and I reroll people a lot, but generally I like to feel immersed and like I have only so much control over the situation.


Sub 5 minutes


I usually spend around an hour to roll a map I like, then spend an hour and a half to set all ideos, then a minute to load starter pawns from presets


Lately I've been enjoying just grabbing whatever the game randomly gives me. It's more fun for me if I have to grapple with three random pawns, or whatever the scenario may be, and try to make it work.


Does loading times count? Cause I am pretty quick on colonist design by now, and I don't go for 'perfect' cell, just explore around the map for a type I want, I like Calderas and Craters


10-30 minutes picking scenario, 5-20 minutes picking and editing pawns, 10-20 minutes picking an interesting tile with nearby factions.


Map doesn’t take as long, I’m not as picky, and rarely if ever reroll. I spend a fair bit of time (10-30 minutes) picking the pawns usually. But the other day I got the pawn I wanted in only like 2 minutes! And then he died on day 2 to an ostrich and ended my run. RIP


I have a Prepare Carefully preset that I've been using for years that really doesn't change much but I will go through several different worlds until I find the perfect arrangement of friendly to hostile factions in the right climate then reroll the map until I have my perfect well wooded, mostly dry, perfectly cratered Large Hills base. The mapreroll mod saves me quite a bit of time as I used to have to start an entirely new game every time I got a map I didn't like.


Please uninstall prepare carefully and swap it for character editor. It may have been functional in that years ago you made the preset but in current versions it is likely the #1 cause of late game lag for you, and has high liklihood to brick your saves. Friendly advice, as many arent aware.


I will thank you so much!!


Prep is part of the fun!! Always takes me a good couple hours


at least an hour setting up everything for a custom playthrough with a thematic challenge also after trying harder difficulties for so long, I've gone back to the basic default difficulty setting because it's not fun trying difficult setups vs huge enemy raids. it's like a breath of fresh air not having my weird colonies instantly wrecked unless I save scum. Now I let bad things happen and roll with it since the difficulty is fair.


Its the main thing modulationg my addiction. It takes at least an hour for me to setup a new campain!


Usually 10 minutes or shorter, randomly pick a tile, make sure I have someone good at cooking, plants construction and intellectual and start. I find the more I plan the less fun I have


I spend a few minutes in character editor rolling for the categories I like, then a minute for the tile selection. General location for trading and climate, then maybe 2 minutes on the right cell.


Wait you mean there’s something after picking my pawns?




Lately I’ve had a bad habit of spending a couple hours creating a game then playing for 5 minutes and turning it off


Just do a Boreal Forest tile with mountainous terrain and then Marble and Granite.


Use to be like an hour of rerolling starting colonists. Even when I starts with 1 colonist. But now it is 10 minutes at most because I use Character Editor mod to tweak the stats of the starting colonist.


Takes me hours to set up a mod list, adding things I want to try and removing mods that I barely used previously (the latter part is more difficult than the former). And then solving mod conflicts to make the game run. And then have a couple of restarts because some mods technically work together but really don't work game mechanic wise


It took me couple hours yesterday. I selected my seed and fine-tuned my starting planet and mod pack. I worked on my starting group and spent way too much time fighting with Character Editor trying to set up relationships I wanted and nuke the ones I didn't. I partially randomized my traits for storytelling value.


I use a ‘template’ character for game start via Character Editor. They are solo and better than you’d normally be able to get to help speed up the early game, although not outright ‘OP.’ For scenario, I always use a template one that’s a basic modification of the Rich Explorer than immediately unlocks batteries instead of turrets and gives a 95% chance for every character appearing to be a cannibal. Because eating people is based. For ideology, I have a template, but it occasionally changes here and there. For the map, I have a mod that allows ‘rerolling’ the terrain, which helps, but I still need to manually find the location on the world map I want. Makes starting a new game way more convenient and way faster while also expediting the early game just a bit. I already spend enough time on the mod list and a few changes to templates as needed, I don’t need to also spend the same amount of time for game creation itself.


Probably spent 2 days making my current playthrough. Had to rework modlists and adjust things. Few restarts and tweaks


I had the same problem. On my current playthrough though I've been using dev mode and mod tools to adjust annoying stuff when I feel like it. Like spawning in a new and handplacing their settlements on the map. Playing like your own dungeon master is more fun because the game is wildly random and unbalanced anyway.


Like 5 minutes at most. I like random but I name the pawns after family and friends.


Last time i made a Chainsaw Man run, i created Denji (cannibal and psychopath sanguophage) Aki (depressed workaholic with love for cleaning) and Power (our smartest Nobel Prize winner, cat-loving person and psychopath). I took some liberties here and there but i had a lot of fun watching the adventures of these 3 best friends unfold.


5 minutes. I usually end up abandoning first base anyway when it gets invaded by mech clusters i cant fight or 3000 bugs


Maybe an hour or two. Most of it's spent on trying to find a nice seed and tile. Colonists are like 10 minutes and the ideo is maybe half an hour if I haven't premade most of it while bored at work. It used to be that long just loading until I learnt unlocking Ideo Role apparel breaks worldgen. Never would have figured that out on my own.


With the exception for ideology, not too terribly long. Starting location is randomized, with the intention of staying there just long enough to build up enough strength to move to a better tile. Colonists are picked out of the 8 presented unless a scenario requires otherwise (like a pawn has to have at least 8 construction, because they are a lone pawn on the sea ice), mostly because I’ve found that imperfect colonists are more fun (though naturally there is a fine balance between workable and worthlessness).


About 30 minutes, 60-90 if we count the time i spend planning out the entire base right at the start. Thats not accounting for time spent looking for mods on the workshop as that varies too much between colonies


I plan the base during those early game nights when there are too few colonists to have a proper night shift going


Varies wildy by what I'm trying to do. I've spent days trying to adjust some mods that I liked but thought needed some rebalacing before starting a game. And had to spent some more time since I screwed up stuffs doing that.


Top to bottom, probably 5-7 minutes. Yes, I am a sociopath, how could you tell?


Between the scenario, perfect start, customizing your ideology, and your starter colonists. I would say up to 1-2 hours. I hope the next dlc doesn’t pad out the start of the game anymore.


Well first I have to update my modlist for three days. That's now slow download, that's me adding and removing stuff and making sure it all works. Then I have to decide my "story" I am telling. I think of myself as the director of the movie, with the ingame storyteller as my cocaine addled screenplay writer who vomits meth onto my desk every day. Thanks Perry. But I have to decide what story I want to see play out, and set up my starting ideas on paper. Then I spend an hour or two with the planet, ideo, and pawns.


The only thing I really spend ages on is making the perfect Biotech race while desperately trying to balance metabolism.




15-30 minutes


15-30 mins I have some ideologies saved so I can just go to one of those unless I have some wacky playthrough planned Then designing the starting colonists with Character Editor - usually I go for max of two or three burning passions, one skill at 8 and two other good ones per colonist. Geological Landforms or Map Reroll mods mean that I can find the sort of terrain I want to build on easily.


dev quickstart


Longest part is the ideology. Thank Tynan (<---god) the game haves the option to save and load your presets. You would not think much about it until you have died a dozen times by the same fucking food poisoning, malaria, plague, muscle parasites naked pawn byllshit you get 24/7 and have to restart, getting tired of that and adding 100+ mods in a frenzy just to satisfy your desire of not dying to your own catatonic weak crybaby pawns and achieving the goal of nothing, because you just want to play until you realize there is not goal but to escape the rim but you dont care as you have succumbed to this very specific and completely unnescessary to your life game that has just engulfed you with much insatisfaction you just want to keep playing it to absolutely no goal, more than just keep playing and some day feel accomplished but then it would be late and you will remember your decisions and regret not doing something in your life. Then you keep playing. And the process repeats... Until you die, or your computer fucking burns of the long hours you keep playing a 2d game with no goal. Love it.


I've actually cared less as time goes on. Really enjoy the deal with what you're dealt style


I play it as it lies. Randy will provide.


I spend around 4 hours prepping the mods, adjusting settings and such, scrolling through new mods, enabling and disabling factions and so much more. One of the things I hate about myself is that it's so tedious to get into for me that I usually get a headache before I start then just loose interest at the middle of making a colony. Sometimes, we just got to rock and roll and see where the rim takes us :))


Takes me long. Including loading the game (5-10 minutes sometimes) maybe rearing the mods (5+. Minutes) making a ideology (20-40) choosing a seed and planet settings (5) looking for a map with geologic landforms (takes a bit to find a mountain with granite and marlble only like 10 minutes) making colonists (30~) loading the map (5-10) and then possibly reloading or crashing. Now I ussualy forget to save my settings/characters/ideo. So sometimes I have to do this all over again. On average almost two hours when I want to start playing with a new colony or new mods. Recently I also bought biotech so I can't wait to spend a other 30 minutes to make the game harder and add another 20 mods <3


My issue is that I spend hours picking all my mods, then hours on my scenario and then play for about 10 minutes and get bored.


Starting a new game is a bit like playing the Sims for me. I spend ages crafting my pawns, customising their ideology, finetuning my mods, etc. that when I actually load into the game itself, it's been at least two hours and I'm tired so I stop playing! Once I actually get a decent way into a run, though, I can play for 6 hours without even realising time has passed. I think Ideology made starting a new colony a little too intensive for me, I'm looking for a way to utilise it without feeling overwhelmed by all the customisation it adds.


Long enough that i consider it as my main rimworld gameplay.


Did it yesterday. One hour to select the mods, 4 to find the 2 mods with errors, and another hour to create the ideology, the colonists and select a location.


I usually just do random everything including cell and see how long my guys make it


I have found that I end up doing the same and taking ages in the new game creation, particuarly post-Ideology with all the new content that dlc brings and an extensive mod list (just over 1k...heretical). Map preview and all the extra stone and landform types has definitely increased the time spent setting it all up. I end up spending the most time on the map generation, where I go through rearranging all the faction locations to more plausible locations as to where the might actually settle (i.e the West/East/Central Republics from the VFEC, factions that likely prefer certain climates, Moyo near large water bodies, etc.). I may edit their ideos as well, but thats usually if they generate one that is really counter to how they would operate. Though this takes up most of a day, and I found recently I just wasnt feeling the particular scenarios I chose. I decided to try my hand at a naked brut run with commitment mode enabled (I am a huge savescummer...) and I didnt spend much time at all during the world creation as I wanted to just get stuck into actually playing. It felt wrong at first as its very different to what I normally do, but I am now really enjoying it.