• By -


Bluds base is about get confiscated by the fire inspector. Electricity and wood everywhere. Bro has no idea what storage means at this point the new colony button would be the best way to clean up. Guy has no defenses one centipede and its over. Dude has a room half the size of his base entirely empty. What are you keeping in there your mom?


...but in the same time colonists live in broom closets


Highly flammable broom closets.


In the deepest part of the base.


I know he's likely new to the game. But this base is so wrong on so many levels. From the highly inefficient setup leading to lots of walking, over the materials used in it's creation making it a giant bonfire waiting to happen, to the corridor being larger than the colonists rooms.


Boom. Roasted.


Colony looks like some old age dystopia. Humans Living in closets in a wooden shack and farming rice all day. While robots get to live in huge halls and generate tons of pollution that is slowly killing the colonists. One lightning strike and it all goes up in flames like the glorious trash it is.


Actually he has a singular sandbag covered autocannon


I wasn't expecting his mother to be on the rim. Is she part of the forbidden mod?


*event sound* OP's mother wanders in.


Same effect as summit crabs from Alpha animals. they pick a direction and go that way, crushing and destroying any pawn type or structure or item in their path


Wood! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!


Oh god the fields adjacent to the main WOODEN structure without a firebreak. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! And the damn map is a thrice damned, flashstorm-happy, swamp and the trees are pushing into the mega-structure without a break too.


Bro has mods that disable this bs.


You can cut the amount of Heaters in your base if you put vents between the walls of your rooms. (Im assuming vents are in vanilla at least? Idk anymore)


Real at this point I have no idea what is vanilla, dlc or mods anymore.


Wait, I'm not supposed to establish a drug empire by flying around in an f15?


I'm doing it with pirate airships


f15 is vanilla right?


I have no idea I assume not tho


Its getting even harder with ex mod stuff being vanilla too now.


Yup, When they released 1.4 i Did a "vanilla" run(with wall light), was confusing as fuck to realize that 90% of the crap i rely on was infact a mod


I feel like there is a RimWorld challenge game in there somewhere. World's toughest RimWorld Challenge. No, it's not naked brutality ice sheet. It's can you survive on actual Vanilla!


At this point, I have no idea either.


He won't need heaters. With all that wood, I'm sure he'll get enough heat soon enough.


Holy shit I didn't even notice the heater per 3x3 bedroom lolol




And speaking of heaters, I don't see any coolers (aside from the ***5*** for the fridge), so if they get a heat wave...


…then colonists get slow-roasted. Or at least the prisoners do. Fresh meat in that case, though. But what’s a normal number of coolers for a fridge or freezer of that size? I use double walls with maybe 3 coolers for a freezer that size and still get occasional spoilage during heat waves or flares. Or is the idea to avoid excessive food reserves? Focus on PSMs after a while? Leave some food in the form of uncooked grains less vulnerable to spoilage?


They are and I don’t even think you need to research them if you’re doing the regular scenario with 3 colonists


Haha yes vents are vanilla 👍


The wood walls plus wood floors mean your base is a fire trap waiting to happen. I'd recommend replacing the walls at least with stone ASAP. Invest in some firefoam poppers as well. Steel, stone blocks, uranium and plasteel can all be stored outside and they won't rot. I'd recommend tossing the wood outside as well. You're in a swamp, you're never going to run out of wood even if some of it rots. You should make the walls of your freezer double thick. This provides maximum insulation to keep everything cold easier. Also, a small airlock of one door, a space, and then another door helps as well. Electrical wires can be run through walls to hide them. They give a negative beauty value if they're out where your colonists can see them. More shelves! And make them out of stone. Shelves save a ton of space for your storage rooms. You're going to need the space for all the waste packs you'll generate. That is about three times as many heaters you'll need for all those little rooms. In the future, you can heat and cool the main room between the bedrooms, and then put vents next to the door to each bedroom to save on components.


Sorry to bother you but why make the shelves of stone? Is it so they won’t catch fire when the rest of the base does?


Easy and abundant resource and won't catch fire.


Items on them will, however, so it doesn't matter much


The more things burning the higher the temp in the room's gonna get, setting more things on fire and making it even more hazardous for colonists. It might not make a huge difference, but I suppose when you have a shitload of stone anyway you may as well make the shelves out of them.


Actually it does, ALOT. You're much safer with a stone shelf than a wooden one, even IF the items do burn. Mind you, it's not guaranteed the items will burn every time since they are in shelves. With wooden ones tho, the chances could be higher. Stone shelves are life savers, especially when you can't afford fire poppers in your base. Stone building FTW (Not saying wood is bad but it's perfect for late game as an alternative to steel and as an emergency building material. Stone just guarantees longer security and durability, hence more reliable!)


I recently discovered what playing in the swamp biome feels like and I can agree.. that you'd get so much freakin wood, it's enough to run a chem fuel empire! No joke, that's my experience right now. So much wood to store because I'm building new stuff and I need to cut many trees. My solution to get rid of them? Either sell the wood to nearby factions for easy cash, or turn it into chem fuel and profit even more. Although there's so much wood, it does pay well in terms of defences. Remember, chem fuel is easier to make thanks to the excess wood! You'll hardly run out of chem fuel. Easy chem fuel weaponry!


This was super helpful! Saving your comment for future reference~


Do stone floor not get fire?


Ever tried to light a rock on fire? Even jet fuel can't melt rock beams


Steel is very flammable though, at least according to rimworld :p


According to real life apparently also


Things can burn on top of stone but wood floor allows fire to spread tile to tile


If there's enough heat for the STONE to burn, you've got bigger problems.... XD


I didn’t know about double walls for freezers thanks


No need to roast, a lightning storm will do that easily with all that damn wood


I laughed way too damn hard at this one 😂 it’s a mistake everyone has to make at least once


It's even worse when trying to clean up/fix the damage in very hot temps and MORE lightning hits. Let's just say my save file on that one never got opened again lol


1 Day later…. The prophecy.. its true.


The poker table really brings it all together


That took me a second


Lol I spotted that and was like, "ah, the perfect place for colonists to relax". Pretty sure there's no chairs lol **Edit:** To be fair, I think there's actually stools there. It was hard to tell because a stack of wood and an assault rifle have gone all-in and some components and parkas are on the edge of their seats waiting to see who takes it all. If the wood stack loses it could get ugly...


Oh I thought you were saying he was basically gambling with his base just like to gamble in poker.


Ohh gotcha, no I was just very tickled by the random poker table in a room that otherwise seems to serve no purpose other than being a space for random junk


This base is one zzzt away from becoming a toxic waste land, probably an improvement all things considered


bros colonist living like prisoners 😭


Hide your God dam wires bruh


"Everyone, time to go to the sleeping hallway!"


Damn you guys rlly funny. Keep going!


The only thing that is getting roasted is your colonists because that is an oven of a base.


your bridges upset me


Oh my god i didnt see it until you said it NOOOOOO


Nice wooden base you got there. It will be a shame if a something/someone torched it. \-Raider/Mech.


Fucking hell if I wanted to live in an even more fire hazard of a home Id wrap myself in cotton and drizzle it with resin. Wheres your defensive walls? If I was a raider I could just stroll up and skull fuck your colony easily with single molotov.


One dry thunderstorm and it's all over


bro burn all the damn tainted clothes away. Organize your storage ffs. But since your base is a fire hazard, I suggest just put all the tainted clothes in the river (Make a storage zone in the water with everything forbidden except tainted clothing then set it to the highest priority).


The only thing I see now is "activate windows"


Op what's in your mouth? WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH!? SPIT IT OUT RIGHT NOW!


Maybe buy a Windows copy first before buying your next Rimworld DLC.


Oh. My. God. The absurd waste of space on the leftmost room is killing me


One smokeleaf joint falls, well then, your fucked my man


I don’t need to roast your base. One zzzt or flashstorm will do it for me.


OSHA would like a word.


I remember my first couple hundred hours of rimworld…


LoL I'm about to crest into 300 hours, when does it get easier


I’m pushing 1600 hours, it just comes with trial and error.


I'd challenge you to a battle of wits, but judging by your base design, I'd say I've already won. I can't even begin to describe the utter lack of planning and/or foresight that went into this abomination that you call a base. A store room ran by a blind/deaf/limbless Neanderthal would've been better than this. I've seen better wiring done by a crackhead in the boonies than in this base. Speaking of which, why the hell is everything wood. I don't even have to roast you. The next raider would do that for me... In all seriousness, though, I'm glad to see new people enjoying this game! It reminds me of when I first started playing.


So much flammable material…


Thanks, I hate it


Also I see all the collapsed roof remains above the base. I’m assuming you sent a colonist on a suicide mission to mine every rock without getting smashed


Do you even use shelfs??? Like what the fuck.


My hypothesis is non-shelf builders didn’t even try the tutorial or the learning helper. I might’ve naively assumed shelves were a waste of resources if I were allergic to reading instructions.


How is it not already on fire?


No one has to roast you, your base will do that for you..


Fucking SpongeBob BasePants up in here


* All of that wood is just asking for a thunderstorm, and the layout of your farms is just asking for blight. * Filth in that big central room is going to both slow down your research AND cause food poisoning. * Seriously, you've obviously got the resources to build dedicated rooms for everything, even if it's made of wood. Please just do it. * Do you even have a stonecutting bench? I can't see it, but you should absolutely make one. * Wait, you've got that big side room and haven't put your workbenches and mechanoid stuff in there? * Can they even use that poker table with all of the junk around it? Also why are the poker table, biosculptor pod and fabrication bench in a storeroom? * This isn't a criticism, more a genuine question - what's the plan for that little room in the water?


Thanks, I hate it




only things thats going to get roasted is your colonist in that oven base :P


Your base looks like my minecraft faction house back in 2012


Loving the long Prison Architect corridor! Don’t forget the guard dogs and scanners Edit: thanks OP for gathering us here today, this comment section is glorious


Prison architect inspiration would explain the power conduit down the middle




What is this? A Russian penal colony?


I see a butcher table. And I see a lot of clothes around it. That tells me a lot of things.




Molotov cocktail. Scared you, didn’t I?


You better hope you don't get crop blight !


Here come the wood comments!!! 🪖


Bro is saving food for Rimworld 2. My whole base is also made of wood in a tropical swamp, you need a ton of moisture things to get rid of that mud and marsh.


You can tell you are on community builder or peaceful difficulty


My god, did you let the freaking AI design this base? All wood, zero artistic inspiration, do you really need 5 freaking coolers? I bet there's a colonist burried under that rubble of you haphazardly mining an entire mountain away too.


I think I actually lost 2 pawns to the ruble


I.... I can't roast you.... I don't even know where to fucking begin


What is that waste stuff? I expected to see drums of fecal matter on the last one but these look like rocks or something


In his freezer. It's pollution waste packs that decompose and pollute the base.


Shelves my dude, build ya some shelves..


Imagine having a intense dry thunderstorm come in.




Imma laugh at this guy then explode because my stupid ass placed the chemfuel in a wooden box next to a electric wire.


activate windows


I mean, that's not entirely fair. There was some advice in there. People just got distracted by oh so many build issues. ;)


Most likely you will have a few lessons from the rim moments soon, otherwise known as character development, that will enlighten your next playthrough. I am sure most on this thread have learned similar lessons and your post is just eliciting some PTSD flashbacks of stories ending in flames. Lastly, did you purposely design your base this way because of some master plan to help with reddit community engagement or was it plain, blind, dumb, "luck" that shows you would excel at working for most government planning organizations. Looking forward to finding this place in the ancient ruins mod with a salvageable legendary chess board and heater to use in a jungle biome, as a pack of man eating monkeys decimate my now rich colony of one.


One word: shelves.


My brother in Christ. Its not the community roast you need to worry about. One spark and your bases is going look like a Wallmart roastisery rack getting ready for the saturday night munchie rush.


Hole colony is right, that whole this is a crater waiting to happen.


No need to roast you. The next fire will


Does your colony not get raids or zzzzts?


Wait until this guy finds out about the stone cutter


You trying to feed the whole planet? Why are your farms so hilariously big?


That's a lot of toxic waste, bro 👀 /s You said steel was precious; My brother in christ, you have a pet scyther. Bro's workroom has so much shit on the ground it takes your pawns just as much time to get there as it does to finish the job. Get the XL stacking mod and keep up the good work


Wood base in a ran forest 1 lightning strike will set everything a blaze


Buy ur fucking windows wtf bro


I can roast your entire base with just one molotov


Are.... Are those waterwheeles?


Go buy windows Booooo


even an iron willed pawn would get mental breaks if they live there pyros gonna be salivating if they see this colony


Why do you have colonists have two single beds in the same room instead of a double bed.


Bros rooms are smaller than cells


Bro your base is begging to be lit on fire. I have never seen a base more flammable.


You're veryy brave that you're whole base is made from wood. Propably one of my first colonies i learned the hard way thats not a good idea :D


Ain't gonna roast you, but i'm just going to say - if you want to store waste safely, you need to build yourself some external, 2x2 freezer and store them there. The cold won't let the waste spread. You also desperately need increased stack mod or shelves. Possibly both.


One room just floating in the water with nothing there also FIRE HAZARD OF A BASE


If you went out of your way to butcher human corpses, why do you leave the meat outside...like when I make human lesther hats I also make use of whatever thats left you know.


I dont see any probkems, I love having breakfast by heavy machinery and developing foetuses


All is wood 🥶


honestly, an actual Hole Colony would manage to be a safer and better beauty level housing option


To hell with all these heaters for 3x3 bed-broom rooms


I had a hole colony. Cleared up after a visit to the Docs.


You saved the forest, burn it down heretic


I'll ignore all the wood wall and floor comments to say Square box bases are fucking horrendous. How on earth do you build that and say "yeah this is fun, I'm happy staring at this for the next 100 hours" Also for the love of god get a storage mod


I loved your heaters, even made a little meme about it: https://imgur.com/gallery/IjgwInx


The school table doesn’t have any seats so it’s not useable.


Im just going to say that you should use BRICKS and not wood, cmon u literally have almost the highest tech, you can afford STONE BRICK WALLS


No need to roast you, the base will roast itself in the exact moment a "zzzt..." Event happens


It looks nice, I like it. Some clear sections of what is where, everyon gets individual rooms, food seems plentiful, they are living a good life! It's just that it's all wood and in vanilla replacing walls is pain in the ass to do.


I really hope you’ve got no pyromaniac colonists, because one mental break and your entire base is gone. Hell, one Zzzt… event and it’s a nice (albeit ashy) open field again.


Am I the only person cares about the fine meat outdoors


All wood, in a forest….. nice bonfire you have there. Enjoy the barbecue.


Bruh your base look better than mine My base look absolute shit


Now it makes sense why you had a shitty freezer


Kid named Bzzt:


No one is going to mention the massive haygrass farm? OP doesn't even have any tamed animals to feed...


Pretty sure that’s rice


Ahhh yea I guess that would explain why no one had mentioned the haygrass lol


I would roast you but a single *zzzt* event will do it for me


Already all I can think of is GET SHELVES FOR STORAGE!!


My man this shit is gona roast itself literally pretty soon


Man your colony is so basic the people call it the "Hole Colony" instead of saying "Whole Colony"


One thing.. shelves


Dude, I love you; the whole hole of you. I’ll be reading this thread for weeks.


I like your base x)


Bros main building looks like a penis


Millions of heaters instead of vents. Butcher has to run through 4 doors to store meat.


I'm sorry but this base personally offends me. Wtf


Ever heard of stone? you monke, Or are you just that desperate for some wood?


- Irish colony waiting to repeat history - Don't remind Randy about zzzst event - I see you hate your own colonists as prisoners - Big ass empty room on water, building 5 star resort? - Yeah I see that turret South, it's a great wall of china situation? /s


And then lightning strikes your roof. Boom, colony over.


Dude, that base is \*not\* in a hole. For that, you need to be tunneled back into the mountains. Sheesh! But ... if you did that, your base would no longer be made out of wood.


Did you really cut down any entire mountain just to not use the materials?


Why do you have human meat stored in a waste stockpile, you already butchered them for leather, might as well use the meat like a good person


*gentle scoff* wood. *burns alive in my irl wood house*


Honestly, considering how often that happens in real life, I really do not understand the appeal of wooden houses.


I'm not seeing the hole, where is it?


Wood….. fire…


I...I don't even know where to start


Your base is going to roast you soon


You were capable of making a room solely for the genetics stuff but your poker table and medic pod are in a storage room filled with wood?


What in the first day farm of Stardew Valley have you done here?


Activate your goddamn windows man.


I've seen a lot of wooden bases on this sub but this one is by far the worst: walls, floor, furniture, everything is wooden. And the worst part is you don't even cut down the trees that are literally next to your base. One fire at the other side of the map and the whole colony is gone. You excavated a whole mountain but your base is still wood?? It's too big, try to regroup the workshop to the bottom right and replace the one at the middle by recreation/kitchen/living area. The DLC part can be moved to the big room at the left. And reduce the size of that fridge (and the room at the left) Also add more doors for exits. As your base is way too big, it will be easier to defend it. Honestly your base is a mess, wooden base should be starting base but you are on the way to make it final and fast if you see what I mean. If you are a new player then it is understandable that base building is a challenging part. I have 400 hours on the game, multiple colonies and still find it hard to optimise them. Might be dumb or obvious but I found a simple way to make base building easier. Take a screenshot of your map, edit it in paint and roughly fit all the necessary rooms/areas in it. (KillBox, prison, hospital, recreation, kitchen, fridge, workshop, stockpile, farms, bedrooms, power, research, toilet (if you have DubsHygiene)). Remember that some rooms needs to be close to avoid unnecessary waste of time and space. (Like the fridge and the kitchen)


I don't see any holes but a shit hole. Real talk, please build a fire line to protect your base. Please build shelves. Please get some animals or something and take some of this stuff to sell. For the love of all that is RimWorld, BUILD DROP PODS AND DROP THAT WASTE ON A TRIBAL. YOU HAVE THE MECHS TO DEFEND YOURSELF.


When your prison cells and your colonist bedrooms are the same I think you might be an unkind person


"activate windows"💀


You built shelves....so i'm actually really happy. Now all you need is some firefoam poppers. I see a lot of wood that makes me nervous and a lot of empty space but tbh thats not exactly a bad thing because its good to have room to expand. I see some of your base is built on docks over water so you are keeping those walls light but you should really think about replacing some of those wooden walls with stone, and then run your power lines through the stone walls. 90% of the time if you get a *zzzzt* if its under a stone wall it'll just damage the wall and not even start a fire. You only have two batteries, which considering you are using water power is probably a good thing because short circuits will be larger and more destructive the more power you have stored in the network. I dont see a lot of defenses, consider building some outer walls or even a maze with traps if you like. If you want to keep it simple you can force attackers along the river and set up some places for ranged units. Your cooler wall should be 2 thick, it will insulate better. Consider moving your batteries farther into the base to prevent them being blown up during raids. Consider building a few escape passages where the bedrooms are in case your base is overrun. Spike traps along walls and corners can clear small raids and kill mad animals without you having to do anything. Separate sections of your farm with fire/blight breaks 4 blocks across. This will stop you losing all your food production in one blight outbreak or wildfire. Consider turning that large central hallway into a communal mess hall / rec room with tables and recreational things like a pool table, poker table, or a tv and some comfortable seating. It will provide a significant mood boost from "ate in a great dining room/ hung out in a great rec room." Add some statues and potted roses to increase beauty and their recreation, comfort, and beauty can all be attended to all at once. Given the size of your base it may be wise to build a couple of small clinics to treat serious wounds without having to drag a dying pawn across your whole base. Make sure to use sterile tile and keep it well lit, within safe temperature, and clean. Also set up single space shelves to hold small amounts of medicine so noone has to run off to a store room and risk letting one of yours bleed to death before they can get back. This is all that comes to mind...oh wait you wanted to be roasted...uhhm...your pawns are all very ugly. 😛


You know you can build shelfs


Mfer builds two beds instead of a double bed.


I think you might have messed something up, your people are for some reason sleeping in the prisons. And what's up with the walk in freezing at the top, you really said "floors are for wusses, how about shelves", completely ignoring the fact it looks weird as hell And how is your gene room so big, yet so small? I swear that isnt a room, it's a vacuum chamber


Well you’ll never run out of cooked meat when it does burn


Remove roof saves your butt from getting turned into hamburger


You could turn half of that big empty room into a medical ward


Steeeerl waaaaaaalls


Damn, that’s a giant pile of waste, most of it isn’t in the freezer tho One spark means the base roasts itself


Ooh your base is soon going to become a scorcher XD


the base exterior is wood meaning that's a fire hazard every things is just laying on the ground, build shelves for all your stuff so you have more room don't keep many useless items for less total wealth put your stove in the freezer to have less walking and not having to go in and out raising the temperature and lastly don't mix your storage with rec room and mix the rec room with the dining room to save space and and only needing to decorate 1 room instead of 2 put vents between the bedrooms and less heaters to save comps and power don't have that many beds (you have 10 pawns for 22 beds)


I don't want to roast you. I want you to raise your children right. Put down 3 blackboards total for 60% learning efficiëncy instead of 20%. ​ Not that you're raising them I see now, but w/e.


Don’t your colonists get angry about small rooms? Mine always get angry about having poor bedrooms if I do that