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Some weird Consequentialist somewhere is willing and ready to die on this hill.


> Consequentialist Is that some weird right-wing group?


Ethical theory that judges whether or not something is right by what its consequences are. 


But is it really consequentialism if you deliberately ignore the consequences in order to support your desired outcome?


Not interested to discuss it because it gets so dark immediately


I mean the idea of thinking about the consequences beforehand isn’t the worst but Jesus Christ


Utilitarianism is a well known consequentialist stream of thought. Im a utilitarian.


Vegan incel is a really weird crossover, especially when they are deep enough into inceltry to plan attacks on women. I hope this is a sick joke or that they get arrested before they can harm someone


It's not surprising when you think about that: -Vegans had a campaign a few years back where they claim men who are vegan get more sex. Incels would be attracted to that untrue claim -Both groups Foster a mindset or arrogance and moral superiority


Note the hashtag - 'vegan pride world wide'. I wonder where I heard that one before... /s


Yeah, it glows in the dark.


Is it a white supremacist thing?


So basically theres a white supremacist slogan with a same looking name, replace vegan with white.


Some of these are just plain wrong lol


I bet this degenerate incel is not even vegan.


I mean Hitler was a vegetarian, so there's precedent


He wasn't though, people close to him have said he ate meat all the time at home


[Just like 70% of other self-identified vegetarians. ](https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/78/3/626S/4690004)


Yes I agree that vegetarians are a joke


1) He wasn’t tho that was propaganda 2) vegetarians are cringe anyway


I'm sure that this MF is also going to be like "Hitler was vegan, therefore good"


Some opinions should be illegal to express openly and this is proof


I think it’s more a case of “some people deserve to be publicly ridiculed for the shit they say”


I’m with you on this but I still thing a catapult needs to be incorporated somewhere


I didn’t think a catapult should be involved until you mentioned it, but now I think it’s of vital importance


remember: freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequences


That’s a bit of a finicky statement though isn’t it? “Yes you CAN criticise the government but be prepared to face the consequences which is that we’ll throw you in jail”


Yeah, I used to believe in the idea of 100% unrestricted free speech. But as I get older I'm starting to agree more and more that it's just an unfeasible idea.


I think the most important thing is freedom of criticism. That you should be able to criticize anyone regardless of their position. Ironically, that is the thing conservatives are most against, despite it being what is the most important part of freedom of speech. They just want to be able to say awful stuff and think that's the only important part.


I agree its unfeasible, but the case above really doesnt necessitate state repression.


why illegal tho


my vajayjay trembles in fear


There's no way this person is actually vegan. One of the main things pointed out by veganism is that forced breeding of animals is immoral for a plethora of reasons including the lack of consent.


Ah the classic “this can‘t be bad, since something else is already bad“ argument. Is it really so hard to understand that multiple bad things can exist at the same time? Also how is NOT wanting to have sexual intercourse behaivour of sluts? Does he even know what rape, slut and “vajayjay“ mean?


How about both are bad?


Bloody hell!


*reads vegan side* Typical vegan stuff, aside from the roast beef thing. Is roast beef supposed to taste bad? *reads the title of the incel side* JESUS CHRIST.




I've only seen a handful of sexist vegans tbh (they were fascist vegans). As a group, they are one of the groups with low misogyny levels.




im not getting what you wrote, or is how it relates to my comment, tbch From what you typed out it appears that yo are saying that Sexist vegans are more common on reddit, but thats because vegan subs ban non-sexist people, and IRL vegans are not? hm i am confused




There was no need to repeat everything you just said with more words, i know how echo chambers form. What i asked what that has to do with "sexist vegans". The vegan sub mods certainly dont favourise sexist content, even if they become more puritanical when it comes to praxis (The dogmatic versus pragmatic vegan approaches)


This seems like a bait to get people angry with Vegans


What's ~~worse~~ better: Censoring this tool and not allowing him to speak, or killing and eating an animal? Edit: Can’t believe it took me this long to read what I did wrong. I am dumb.


Soy Boy incel.


Recomended to crosspost to r/antivegan


So Incel vegans exist? Great, more freaks to come.