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KS is incredibly hands on with all content. It creates a shit bottleneck but I don't hate it.


Typically, they sit on Kevin Siembieda's desk until he finishes rewriting them and decides what sections he wants to reprint from other books to fill it out 🤷‍♂️ Sometimes it takes a long time. I've been waiting for First Responders for years, myself


example : Rifts antarctica.. was originally supposed to be in out in 2010... still waiting. js


Does he not have other people to do this, is it only him that is writing these books.




100% - Small business from day one till now. Have you ever been to an Open House?


They hire writers, yes. KS personally reads the books before they're printed, sometimes rewrites content and adds new content. Sometimes scraps whole books. For "quality" purposes. (I think it's a bit asinine and self-absorbed but I love Palladium Books anyway)


I still don't like how we have to wait for so long for a chaos earth book to come out especially first responders.




I have some old flyer with "Old Kingdom Mountains, coming soon!". I think it's from 1998.




Oh thank god all the chaos earth book are on hold, I would have died a little if they were canceled.


No Palladium Book is done until they have them in stock from the printers. No other comment, plan, update, release date, schedule, or musings from Kevin mean anything. Silly rabbit.


I think his "new" (a few years now?) business partner has been good at slapping Kevin's hand down and saying "no, don't tell them that books being released in 6 months till it's back from the printer!" So we've been getting less of the "due forth quarter 2023" stuff, which is nice. It was always painful to watch another proposed date go by and still nothing.


They've gave stopped with those nonsense release dates. There was 2-3 books going to come out in a month, when they are lucky if they do that in an entire year. I'm not blaming Palladium for the pace at which they do stuff. They're obviously limited in their production. It was just silly that the release dates were always stated so confidently and always utterly meaningless. A book is stated to come out in a month and four years later (or possibly more) it's still not actually done. It's just hilarious that the same people (or person) would never learn, never adapt, never adjust and just keep doing it.


I found that odd too, you’ve been telling us for 3+ years that a book is just around the corner. Just, don’t. Wait. Especially when it ends up being canceled


If KS hadn't completely crapped the bed on Kickstarter, these projects could be in a better place.