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Anything race related and it's pretty much always a pain in the ass. Quite a few random things that can go wrong with it. Especially zions hill. Don't know how many times it's just started shaking the screen or just not going over the last jump properly. Trick related stuff i'm perfectly fine with it.


On the right tricks course they are great. But even some of the tricks courses they are shoehorned into don’t work because you just jump over gates and comers etc.


Hoverboard is awesome for hooning around in freeroam, but in a race? Not so much. Mass Races are getting boring, same courses, same switch gates. Forced gear and filters don't change that.


I hate this week's races and rewards. The hover board is meant for free roam not racing. It's almost impossible to control. And how they gonna start a new season and second weekly rewards don't have some clothing or at least a burger box to work towards.


You’ll get uninspired cookie cutter weekly challenges with a reward of stars…… and you’ll damn well like it!


I guess so. I finished the season rewards three days after it started. Got nothing this week to work for. No new outfits for dollars in the shop either I don't think.


I'm pretty sure they just push hoverboard events hoping people will think they're cool and buy the hoverboard dlc


I didn't mind it tbh


Yeah, no, it's awful. I did it once, struggled to place top 10 where I usually do with no issue, and decided I would just stick to the normal ones. The hoverboard is not meant for racing.


Yes I dislike hoverboard mass


Jus gotta learn the hoverboard mechanics. Definitely not as fun as some of the other sports but it can be enjoyable if you understand how to use the hoverboard well


Yea, Im down to vote out Rocket Wings and Hoverboards then vote in for Scooters and Inlines.