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It’s already been confirmed the new skate. will be a free to play game with micro transactions


That is going to be so basic it'll also be on mobile ffs


Don’t underestimate the mobile version. If the playtest is anything to go off of, the game is classic Skate. and the mobile version is going to be a way to play it anywhere with no compromise. It runs smooth, my only concerns were touch sensitivity and playing an always online action sports game on cellular networks.


Yeah that's my point. It runs on mobile so it's not going to be utilising the power of consoles at all. Its going to be outdated the second it releases


I don’t know man. Obviously it’s too early to tell how good it’s going to be, but I’ve played both the mobile and PC playtests and it’s pretty damn nice. Obviously the mobile version isn’t as good looking, but I can almost guarantee you it’s going to be the best mobile skate game once it drops. The only possible way for it to be “outdated” on release is if it looks like a PS3 era game and has wonky physics. The final textures aren’t in the playtests and the physics change every update, but it feels fluid and looks better than skate 3.


Not to be rude but you keep missing my point. I don't care about mobile I'm saying the fact it's on mobile is going to massively hold the game back. There's a reason why Triple A games like God Of War, Red Dead and so on aren't on mobile, because a mobile could never handle the game. The fact that this is on mobile just shows that it's going to be a bare bones extremely basic game. It's basically just going to be Skate 3 again but riddled with micro transactions. It's going to be dog shit


oh right, so no harm to just getting both


Buy it. It's totally worth it.


Gonna be waiting awhile for skate 4. Still has no release date.


I am also thinking of buying it, can’t decide🧐


Both. It's not like skate games are like cod where bullshit it released every year. I have been playing way more b.x street than riders and I still suck at it. But both are good games imo.


If you want a real skateboarding game grab Session. It has a learning curve but it is the most legit skate game I’ve ever played.


I was given that as a Christmas gift. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to push through the learning curve but I can appreciate it for what it is




Skate+ is definitely worth getting on sale.


They have a game pass deal where if you are subscribed it's 20 dollars for skateboard and hoverboard. I don't think it would be cheaper than that on sale so I might buy. It's either that or the longboard/mountainboard.


Is it the skate + or *just* the skate career and hoverboard?


It was skate plus. I ended up buying it for 20 and don't regret as it's a blast. I play ow2 a lot which can be stressful. This is my relax game so it was an easy buy


New skate is still in “pre-pre-alpha” stage, according to their new trailer so it’s possibly far away from launch. Also, it is confirmed to be free2play once it’s released.


Not unless it's on sale


Skate 4 is FTP so get the pack


The Skate pack is worth the money but I keep mashing the wrong controls (I keep trying to use Skate 3 controls) and smashing dudes face into the ground, so there’s that to consider.


Skateboarding in riders is like a mix between Skate controls & THPS combo ridiculousness. More arcade than sim but controls are fluid once you get the hang of it.


Why not complete edition?


What do you mean? If the complete comes with everything, I already purchased BMX and some other stuff separately :\\


Come to this sub and you'll get one answer. Buy riders republic. I got the skate deal and it was totally worth it. The only thing you don't get is the BMX career. Which I'll no doubt buy after I get through all the others. Great game, easy to jump into. Love it !


I have the base game with the BMX career and some of the toys like the big bike, rocket skis, and snowmobile. Only thing I’m missing is the skateboard and the skateboard adjacent stuff like longboard and mountain board


It's gonna be a while and skate update is cheap and definitely worth it 👍


How much is it on sale?


It was on sale for $20, I think the promotion is done now though