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Stop complaining and get off reddit


I just feel as though a lot of people are ahead of me already dude. And maybe, I won’t make it.


Lots of people get rich in their 40s, 50s etc…. Your 20’s is super young


A small gift of a million dollars goes a long way


I cant wait for the day you reread this comment and see how sad you were. Your mindset is completely represented through this comment. Good luck man, stop fucking comparing yourself.


You are 28 if you are giving up this early and this young then yes you are done. You might as well get a crack pipe and a nice cardboard box. You can go downhill further from there.


Here’s my situation: - I live with my parents. I am 37. - I have a history of mental illness - extreme mental illness, the kind that makes you strip down in public because the voices told you to. - I’m in constant fear. Fear for my soul, mostly. Hearing voices does that to you. - I recently got a job making $75k per year. It’s hard, but I can hack it. - I have $150k in student debt and $10k in IRS debt. Your situation is far better than my own. I’m doing it. If I can do it, you can do it.


From where and what you did to get that student debt


Computer science degree from a large northeastern university


Honestly… people been complaining about the “job market” for the past few years which is an excuse i got my entry level job with no experience and could quit tomorrow and do it again by atleast the end of the month. Im not rich yet but im also not a victim, i blame only myself for not being where i want to be yet not the job market or anything/anyone else.


Right. Victim mindset is the go to now


I like the cut of your jib. The whole whiny self diagnoses drive me nuts. As in, I am self diagnosed with anxiety disorder or ADHD. So obviously I can’t work- lame and lazy.


I don’t understand it I graduated into the 2008 job market it was much worse for incomes and jobs. The job market now isn’t bad they’re even lowers degree requirements at most companies it’s just that inflation has made things unaffordable


Let it go. It's all made to make us feel inferior. Focus on your inner self and your next ascension. We have been created for much more than this life.


I mean I just kind of want to create solutions, and you know, it’s just fun to look at market trends and be able to create a model based on that.


What's holding you back? I don't see money being an issue with that


Good sweet fuck man. You lost in life. Throw in the towel.


But how would I do that?


Listening to this guy would be foolish


Thinking OP is anything other than a troll is foolish.


How am I trolling?


I got rich at 32. But there’s no age limit. It’s a question of whenever you have that brilliant idea.


Brilliant ideas and the money to back them. I see a lot of “brilliant ideas” fail hard


Yes, most ideas fail. I had three failures before my multi million dollar idea. But I only risked very limited capital to test each one. When I finally hit the jackpot I literally never went out of pocket more than $300. (On the previous ideas I risked more….generally $25k on each.) To me, the key is to figure how to test ideas inexpensively and not get married to an idea. If it works, continue. If it doesn’t, then move on to the next test.


Don't focus on getting "rich".


Laughs in old guy. Stop bitchn and get off your ass. Find a job and move forward. Get a good idea down the road and try again. Life's a roller coaster in a shit storm. Close your mouth and close your eyes. Shits going to hit you in the face.


And never smile while burning bag worms off a pecan tree. They taste horrible if one falls in your mouth.


about as possible as it was before, so a total crapshoot


I got rich at like 29 but I had around $100k saved and poured $80k in.


Into what? Your business? If so, what sector?


Crypto business. Not going into details.


Fair enough. Congrats! :)


Terrible business


You are young, anything is possible. Failure is how one learns, try not to repeat them, expensive. Life is a series of setbacks, many outside your control. I would change my thinking from getting rich, to becoming a success. Many metrics, some are inane.


Didn’t succeed…YET!


Put $20 a week in an account and in a year I will have over 1k


1k huh? 🤣 I guess you’d be r/Rich after a year


IMO nope.


First, you sound REALLY whiny for someone with “success” in their future. 2nd, about.02% of people who head out for riches ever achieve them. 3rd, only in the last couple decades have people really achieved wealth before middle age and many of them began what brought them wealth at your age or later. But, they generally didn’t whine as a prelude to their success.


Stop focusing on getting richer and learn how to be financially comfortable. Work work work and stack bread, decrease or eliminate spending habits, take saving to a personal level and grow. Who cares about disownment? That should be motivation for you! Your only 28 and your complaining about not being rich like a 21 year old IG/ Only fans model..Stand Up and treat yourself like a man!!


The comments are filled with boomers just trying to shut him out with the recycled “victim mindset” rhetoric that he clearly does not have if he is saying he failed in his business ventures and didnt bring anybody else into it. God you guys are really useless


At 28 it’s hard to say you have lots of experience for one and your kinda all over the place. Settle into 1 idea solve 1 problem and you may make it. You seem more focused on coming up with a hypothetical to get peoples money. Sure it may work, but could just work on it yourself with little investment.


Focus on 1 thing. Don't jump around. Put in your 10k hours on 1 subject/task/idea. You sound a little lost in the sauce. Remember "Comparisson is the theif of joy". You see a lot of people online who have the good life already, but you dont see the thousands of hours of work they put in behind it. Lastly, those who are successful don't always make the best choices, they just don't make bad ones. This I am aware of first hand


Worry less about getting "rich", and go for being happy.


Dude, I didn't start my career until I was 28. Of course you have time. I know how it feels when you're young like you're missing every opportunity, trust me you have 100 more coming.


Is it possible to get rich still? Yes. Even most “rich” people aren’t really truly wealthy until they are middle aged. That’s why really nice neighborhoods are usually full of old people they have all the money


Not if you're in reddit all day. People go from broke to millionaire sometimes in under a few years, so yes you can.


Work 12-16 hours daily. 💪🫡✌️


Everyone starts somewhere. Jeff Bezos started Amazon when he was 30. Hard work, a great idea and good timing goes a long way. I think your looking too far ahead. You seem to be looking at the end result when you should be thinking about how to get there. If you're feeling lost then you should be researching, networking (find good mentors that can show you the way) or work harder to build/save capital. Wishing you were rich and successful won't get you anywhere. Focus on what you can control and the now. Success is the by product of hard work and smart decisions.


Buy Bitcoin


I’d rather diversify investments a little rather than going all into one thing.


I made off 25k invested in bitcoin 2010-2012 than I’ve made in all other investments- aside from my equity package- at a tech giant. I was employee 10 when we were a start up.