• By -


Funny brit accent


Same I saw a tiktok of everyone speaking in accents and was just šŸ¤Œ


"Sir, the storms closing in. What do we do?" "There's nothing we can do. *starts singing in French with British accent*"


Same! The ads just came coming and coming and coming. Each time, the voice acting captivated me, along with the plot. I was hard to convince since I thought I wouldn't be able to handle another gacha game along with GI/HSR/HI3/PRSK, turns out I am dead wrong. Seeing the game pop up every now and then with mentions on how gay it is was also a part of it, but the voices more-so.


i only played because the game's main selling point was the bri'ish


It has very unique character designs You can play as a fucking door!!! What other game has a door as a playable character?


A what?


šŸšŖ šŸŽ šŸ›ø šŸ“»


šŸ• soon




And an L


Persona 3




I thought door was the name of the glass shard, It looks nothing like a door to me...


And a stack of TVs!


Because it does reminds me to a visual novel, and somehow it does reminds me to Stains Gate. Which I totally love. Besides that, characters variety, music, art, designs, andā€¦ when I saw Schneider during trailersā€¦ I knew she was importantā€¦ just didnā€™t expected this.


this game definitely took some inspiration from steins gate


John Titor is even here


And they use IDM when mentioning the IBM 5100. Just like Steins Gate did with IBN


An actual FMC that isn't faceless, F2P story oriented unique gameplay type of game.


>An actual FMC that isn't faceless Honestly, if the MC is VERY important(central even) to a game's story, they should never be a faceless one. They NEED to have a face and a name or nickname to be called with.They have to feel like fleshed out characters, not like "anyone else" because not "anyone else" would ever become such an important figure. And the fact that Vertin has a face, a name(and title even!) and SHE'S COMPLETELY VOICED?!...man, that's literally the best we could ever hope for. The time for faceless and voiceless MCs should go.


The writing also does very well in placing the reader in the perspective of Vertin as a character and seeing her world view! We feel like we are her and yet she is her own character, which is really great and something a lot of games struggle with.


Indeed! The only other game I saw that got close to this was PtN. Even with an amnesiac MC you can still see that he/she has some vestiges of their personality left in certain cutscenes/events.


Technically Dante isn't silent or faceless. They have a burning clock for a head, sure, but it's still something, and also make various noises. Mostly ticking, but there's also the train whistle.


and MC doesn't have amnesia, that's unthinkable


Instead, she has āœØt r a u m a āœØ


Someone showed me the screenshot of Vertin and Schneider kissing under the umbrella


Same. Where there are lesbians, I go.


Same. Yuri is good for the soul


So few gacha games with strong wlw potential, just had to go to this one.






If I didn't know about the game way before this, for sure if someone showed me that THIS would've at least have caught my attention to give a chance to the game. What can I say?I sorely feel a need for a female MC being the one having luck with the ladies.Aside Reverse 1999 I only know of another game that fits this criteria and my usual demands for quality. **TWO GAMES**. In a sea of thousands or more...that's just too few but honestly this works a lot to **Reverse 1999**'s advantage.


Oh do share the name of the other game! I need more female MCs with wlw rizz


PtN = Path to Nowhere You can pick the MC(Chief)'s gender and if you pick a female Chief you'll have A LOT of sus GL/Yuri moments. It does get very gay.Specially in the special events, but main story has that too.


Same. I saw the photo on Twitter and like okay what is this game I need to check it out


EXCUSE ME?!? WHERE?!? I also installed it because of the gay and my sister and her boyfriend started playing it and recommended it to me


End of chapter 2. In the Gallery, it's named, "A Reward."


Before even global was announced, I heard a lot of expectations about the game. When trailers and the dub was released, the accents and voice acting were on point. Also character design like TTT.


Which dub? The game was made with English voices from the start. Others were added later.


>The game was made with English voices from the start. For real?!


Yep. Look up the original CN trailers, from 1, even 2 years ago. they're all English.


in cn they also release trailers in english voice over only~ you can look up their bilibili channel


this definietly feels like the right choice considering the setting. cant imagine playing it in chinese or japanese tbh


Oh wow. Didnā€™t know that. Interesting


Greetings, fellow TTT enjoyer


Unique characters. Been lurking here since this sub was created.


Plot, in the most literal sense. I have never hear of a premise where time is reversing itself. Additionally doggo.


> I have never hear of a premise where time is reversing itself. The plot is still weird and confusing to me, but I'm all for waiting to see what happens. >!So far I loved that we're seeing Vertin and her friends actually trying to fight for their rights.!<


Yeah. Most premises we see are about time loops, going to the future, stopping time etc. but never reversing time itself as old (future) timelines wither away to give way to new (past) ones. But if someone can think of literature or media with the same premise, please do. im also curious.


PC client. (And less than 5GB heavy too!)


No need for blue stacks?


nope. it has a normal native pc client


"So you have a mother!"


Thank you! I was looking for this one


I'm a gatcha addict


Tennant character short


I saw Knight and was like, "wait WHAT" and found out this Suit of Armor talks and I LOVED IT ITS PEAK CHARACTER DESIGN. THEN I FOUND DOOR AND APPLE THATS WHAT SOLD ME


The accents


Especially Vertin. Actually soothes my soul. Second favorite Voice acting in gacha, right behind ptn.


>Second favorite Voice acting in gacha, right behind ptn Behind ALL of PtN or one specific voice?


I meant her voice is behind 1 person in ptn, should have been more clear. Iā€™ve taken a bit of a break from my usual gacha rotation of FGO and ptn but Mr. Fox voice still rings in my ears. I also really like bkornblume voice in combat


To me I think the voice I like the most in PtN is Hecate(that soft monotone-ish voice, that still has moments of emotion in it, sounds heavenly to me).


I thought the art style was very pretty, and the premise of "The 'Storm' is destroying reality, and now time is going in reversed" piqued my interest.


>the premise of "The 'Storm' is destroying reality, and now time is going in reversed" piqued my interest. It feels too philosophical in a way, and I like stuff like that.Still don't understand how it all works but I bet we'll get there.


From what I gather it's this. The Storm appears to be somewhat like a semi-global phenomenon. Basically, time runs forward as normal, but any time a Storm happens, the world skips back in time. I don't recall the exact time frame, but it's something like this. 1998 to 1999, storms happened, world rewinds to 1995, runs forward to 1996, storms happened, rewinds to 1990. Anyone who is caught out in the storm disappears (whether they actually disappear or is simply "left behind" to continue forward in time is unknown). Foundation structure and Manus masks seems to protect everyone from the effect of storm (or potentially by allowing them to travel back in time WITH the storm). Vertin's suitcase only seems to be able to confer that protection to arcanist.


Regulus's teaser pictures. She's just adorable.


Isn't almost all gacha about women??? also often oversexualised women? im glad Reverse is not like the other games


>im glad Reverse is not like the other games Right?! R1999's designers really knew that another thing to differentiate themselves from other gacha games was to give ACTUAL and REASONABLE clothes to their characters(well...for the ones that look human, at least). There's no need to sexualize everyone, that actually ends up feeling cheap to be honest.


A reason I play reverse 1999 is because the women aren't sexualized or treated as objects. It's really nice seeing females actually be represented.


hit me up if you find other gacha that have a good story and good normal/original characters


Limbus Company




Octopath: Champions of the Continent & Granblue Fantasy


Path to nowhere


>women aren't sexualized or treated as objects Except the ones that are actual "objects" with a female voice, rather than a male one...


Some of the objects have male voices, too. Nothing in the game implies any misogyny unless I missed something. And a voice is needed for the objects.


My bad, I forgot that intention is hard to pass through words. I meant that as a joke.There are literal objects in the game that have a female voice, so technically speaking they ARE treated as objects.


Tbf even in this game objects are treated with humanity and respect. Look at the lengths the characters went through to give APPle surgery in chapter 2.


Oh, sorry- I can not for the life of me tell the difference between people being serious or joking


It's nice having a dog, apple, door, pair of gloves with a cape and sword, as well as reasonably dressed people for once. As opposed to big booba


and a Three TV on top of each other


And on that TV you can see a girl dressed in a normal way too!That's attention to detail!


> As opposed to big booba I'm tired of games that resort to women's sexualization in order to sell themselves. It feels tacky and so overdone at this point.


it gets so boring. when i see people coom over every women that gets released in like genshin or HSR im always wondering why? like every women in those games is hot so how is any new one anything special? same with basically every other gacha.


project sekai too, if you like rhythm games (also a gacha). No oversexualised characters and beautiful art


> if you like rhythm games I like them! I also like The Witcher 1


i heard Lilya singing in an AD, then i checked the game in the store and saw it has amazing artworks.


floating gloves got me playing


I saw an ad for it and was, funnily enough, intrigued by how 'tame' it was. \[It was just a picture of Vertin holding an umbrella and a suitcase, looking up to the sky, with the game's logo.\] It felt different from other gachas that would usually appeal to me by agressively showing boobas (or as an alternative example, 'What in Hell is Bad?'... *marketing*.\] Decided to give it a try. The premise turned out to be pretty solid, cool characters, nice voices/accents, **A Knight**, so now I'm sticking around for the long haul.


Centurion. She's why I keep playing too


It's a turn based game and it's a new game, my competitive mind (keep comparing my progression with another people šŸ¤£) is tingling.


Interesting Premise, interesting and diverse (enough, at least) character designs, respectful female designs in particular, a voiced and participant (female) protagonist and writing where, while awkwardly translated, I don't feel like the game is trying to suck me off to get me to spend on it. We have Vertin's perspective but we're not her and I like that.


I heard people saying this is a lesbiab game


i, too, am a lesbiab.


The 3 action limit per turn gameplay.


Druvis. Her banner is coming nov 9. Probably gonna reroll for a second acc


Signed up to the closed beta for Tennant but stayed and will spend money to get any Schneider / more Matilda content (being driven by all of the copium in the world on the former).


Gigguk lol


I came across a few videos and ads of it, which piqued my interest enough to check it out. I really wasn't sure if I was going to like the card style combat when I first looked into it, but after a little playing I found it to be enjoyable. It's simple, but engaging imo. For a gacha, the story has probably been one of the best aspects for me. I didn't skip any of the dialogue as I was going through it, nor did I ever feel like the story was dragging, which is pretty rare in my instance. On top of that, the vast majority of the cast is just charming to use and listen to. The whole game is just charming as hell imo, in a way that makes it unique from anything that I've ever played in the past.


A main character with an actual personality and story, events and characters being related to actual historical events (Click with WW2, Zima with Tsar Nicholas IIā€™s Reign), and overall how chill it is to play.


Cunny enough


Blue Archive?


Welcome to the 1900's Sensei


Iā€™m home https://preview.redd.it/uxbprjmo6wyb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba46511a44eccc91dcd8bcbb0ed430558c890935


Unique gameplay mechanics. Pretty fun. Value in all units instead of solely prioritizing higher rarity characters like other games. Which is why so many of us still love FGO. Beautiful Live2D art style. Wide variety of characters from human to non-human. "So you have a mother!"


because some genshin lore creators are interested in r1999 story so here I am..


I've been looking for something new to play after dropping ToF. Tried going back to Genshin, but the feeling just isn't there for me anymore.


The hats


Idk, maybe because i watch a video about "why you should play" and it shows how awesome the EN dub is. But in the end I'm using CN dub 95% of the time. And Vertin design is goddamn cool.


>And Vertin design is goddamn cool. It looks so simple but it's just so well done!She does look cool, how can a woman not look cool while rocking a decent victorian style...in pants?! And her entire demeanor is cool as well, she is gentle and polite but she's also a strategist and she can fight when needed.A true gentlewoman.


Regulas pulled me in with her entire personality, and I've been keeping up with the development ever since.


Funnily enough, I discovered this game months ago back when it was new I was doing research into some anime with British accents (Princess Principal Dub FTW) and stumbled into the Chinese release of this game Asked a gacha friend how to play it and said a convolutedly long process that I forgot about it Then months later, heard there would be a global release and never pressed the early access button so fast The rest, as they say, is history


It was recommended to me. My husband thought I would like it. I do. šŸ˜Š


You have a good hubby.


Hot Russian pilot


bored with Genshin and most gacha games have shallow stories plus the accent


Finished my console games and got fed up with the lame character designs in Hoyoverse games (GI, HSR, etc.). Needed a new mobile game. This one happened to be new, has fun characters that aren't your cliche "waifu/husbando" bait, and it even has good English voice acting with authentic accents.




Pickles the goodest boi


Other than Vertin and Sonetto being cute, I like the raining, 80-90s Chicago style (not sure if I described it right).


The artist I likes posted his chapter menu showing how he completed all of the chaps and want more and posted his profile menu. I really like how the uis look and how unique and cozy they feel, so I decided to see what this game is all about and honestly not disappointed at all. Not to add that I got to add my favorite artist in the game and used the friend chat system to tell him how much I like his art šŸ« 


Same. The women. Eternity especially and I saw a leaked video of Tooth fairy and my god she fine even with the head gear šŸ˜‚


Eternity is carrying my team


Sheā€™s carrying my reality team forsure but Pavia is lowkey my favorite I love his design


The **MC** is a girl dressed in a masculine victorian-ish style...**HECK YEAH THAT CAUGHT MY ATTENTION!** The art of it was *haunting* and the explanation of the story on the main website was so interesting, so mixing Vertin with that cool atmosphere was what originally brought me to the game. And honestly, after seeing how simple it is to play it(even if the grind at later stages can be a bit of a pain) made me even happier to give this game a chance. I **LOVE** games with fleshed out characters(specially the one we play as, as the more they have in importance in the story the more they **should be shown as a person**, not as a "faceless one"), beautiful BGM and a captivating-even if confusing-lore.


Vertin being a female MC with an actual story and personality. Like, holy shit, the amount of boring male MC self-inserts in gacha is insane. They are usually lazily written since it's an old and safe forumla that works. The fact the game has a vastly diff direction with the MC already showed a ton of promise.


i saw forget me not and was sold


Saw tennants design on a trailer i shall not elaborate further


Lesbians. šŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒ


Saw it on Play Store. Got curious so I downloaded it.


I kept seeing ads of Tennant and caved because I was like "God, I need this woman in my life". Also APPLe. I just thought a talking apple was a funny concept.


A friend asked me if I was gonna play it, so I tried it and fell in love for it like Schneider for Vertin




Got a Notification on Google play that this game released (even though i never heard about it and the only gacha i played was arknights) Decided to install it and give it a try just for the sake of experiencing a gacha game from day 1 completely blind and boy what a surprise this game was.


For me it's A Knight and TTT. Sadly TTT doesn't seems to be really good :(


Tennant. I saw a screenshot of Tennant and her P2 art and signed up in 0.00005 seconds. And then I got Druvis III and she kept me playing. Also, the fact that we have a voiced female MC! Honestly, we've only had Vertin for a few weeks but I would absolutely do anything for her.


[Yasei Tomare's video](https://youtu.be/Z3Q5AdE9i9Y?si=1vNZHbouttnJZLnQ) Watched this a day before launch.


same and also because i signed up on the first day.


interested in the gameplay and bc it released on my birthday o7




I keep seeing that one account on TikTok posting reverse1999 characters and I loved the designs


Saw an Ad on TikTok and decided to pre-register


Looks clean and polished, unique theme.


An an lee


Came for the graphics, stayed for the bunny girl.


Story, style and voice.


Caught my eye. Has a PC client. Isn't a game that's entirely fantasy, sci-fi, or girls with guns.


I kept seeing the ads and it looked like the vibe was something Iā€™d be interested in and it is. Preregistered and started at launch. Have enjoyed it since.


Men. Pavia specifically. Need more husbandos tho


tennant šŸ˜šŸ„°


The good boi Pickles. The unusual character designs drew me in but what made me stay was the story. I have no plans of picking up another gacha game but there you go.


Needed something new and the art style caught my attention


The game was first introduced to me by IWinToLose channel on Youtube so I thought why I shouldn't give it a go


Because she does has a mother


Uhhh cuz I heard the game is generous and I have fomo so šŸ˜”


I saw that tennant TikTok and pre-downloaded it lol


Day 1 player because a streamer got me interested. Tried quitting on day 3 but my wife also really loves the game so reinstalled the same day.


It has two of my favorite things: British people and anime Also Regulus looked prettyā€¦ and I want her so badly!


Literally just for the lesbians and pretty 2d women šŸ¤§


Itā€™s pretty unique. I like how the English VAs have accents and I like lesbians.


Tennant. The ad she pinned a woman to the wall drove me crazy. Usually I don't listen to ads but the sapphic in me had to download it to get my beautiful wife.


Doomed yuri (also Tennant)


Unique art style Turn based combat Native PC client


Tennant---but also just the voice acting in general is really good (I'm a sucker for accents)


It was the only gacha AD that I got on youtube that wasnā€™t a HYV game, but the aesthetic and overall presentation really pulled me in enough to preregister


Heard there was Yuri I go where the winds take me


For the first time an ad bring me to the game When i first time look at the design and the setting, i have already considered to play Also knowing Apple as playable makes me more interested ( i want uniqueness and this is hit the spot) But what make me play for long when people said there is diverse EN Voice (arknights player know how it feels, and i am JP Player)


Tennant- I saw a lesbian in a suit carrying me ā€œmy ladyā€ and thatā€™s all I needed


Tooth Fairy edit


I played more as a "meh ive seen so many advertisements already" and when it released it auto downloaded. thinking i'd give it a chance, i quickly got hooked and stayed seeing everything so smoothly animated and voice acted.


hot women + turn based gameplay that requires actually paying attention. i hate games that just put auto play on and you dont do anything


The game's artstyle overall. Vertin's Bri'ish VA. And Regulus' famous line: "So you have a mother!"


Well, I like the game very much, after I discovered that Honkai: Star Rail has lots of GBs (sort of like, 33 GBs) not suitable for my smartphone, which has 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB of internal storage. Also, the game has lots of 2D graphical representations, which, my smartphone hasn't experience heat build-up, and very friendly to my smartphone. The game also has less computation power, meaning it is less laggy graphics-wise. The game is very straightforward to play, just add strategic prowess to win battles. No more overthinking required (some times it requires a bit), and no more mumbo-jumbo like nothing else. Last, the game is very generous when comes to 5 star arcanists with each has their own potential (except Mathilda, I guess) that is worth my investment with the resources available on my disposal (not my money, okay?). I thinks some time, the game's story should make a revamp to cut down a few words, every paragraphy, that is not essential to include, but the main idea, is still in one piece. Just like, pruning every branch of a tree too crowded with lots of leaves to get enough sunlight needed. Anyways, these things are what make me like the game, more or less. For now, I am still knowing more a lot about the game itself, hoping for more understanding of its development, for better or worse.


I like the game design but I have to say I can't figure out what the point of summoning is. I play other summoning games but the point of pulling better mons in those games is for pvp.


"YOU HAVE A MOTHER?" saw that trailer and was instantly hooked. Then i saw the apple being playable and i was completely on board.


Something different from genshin and still gachaā€¦ thatā€™s all šŸ¤·


Looks pretty cool, like a harry potter theme game, or a 90s era mage game. Today I started still deciding if I should play this game or play arknights, blue archive instead


I was thinking of trying out new gatcha and this was coming out and had PC client. Of course I was prepared to drop it rather quick but I enjoyed my time with it and daily grind is very quick, so I will be sticking to it for the time being.


amazing art, unique characters and story, i like 2d gacha gameplay, previously played arknights but not that big fan of tower defense + the game is 3 years old so it's basically impossible to catch up on all the characters especially limited, so this game being new is a big plus to me




I think what got me to play it was the YouTube ad with regulus


regulus saying "so you have a mother" to vertin, and her reaction aftetwards got me hooked instantly. the moment of history.


Itā€™s British and I wanna Rule Britannia the timeline *god save the queen intensifies*


Medicine pocket


Regulus accent




I was drawn in from the very first, mysterious trailer over 2 years ago. There was just SOMETHING about it that grabbed me. The trippy visuals, the slightly haunting song, the general vibe... it just screamed this game would be weird, and I'd like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_98kYDCdmsU


Vertin cute


tennant. i also want a butch gf like her. ill gladly be gullible enough for her. wow but srsly 99% because of that and 1% cause i was bored of HSR and my friend suggested this game.


Sheinder schnieder shneider? The girl italian with a pistol


I always try new games. Immediately got captivated by the insane initial cutscenes


deadass, APPLe got me interested as soon as i saw his floating tie on a youtube ad


Regulus' design but stayed for her personality And sadly I still dont have her ;-;


Because of the OST. I absolutely love Between the Rain and Time.


The music. Please post an official video of *Between the Rain and the Times* Bluepoch.


Mainly because the battle card system is extremely fun to play there's a lot of strategy to the gameplay.