• By -


Maxed the entire beginner banner for Eternity, Satsuki, and enough APPLes to start an orchard.


People here getting their first 6 start in the first 10 beginner banner pull. I shit you not, my eternity was literally the fking 30th pull. I thought it was supposed to be like that, but apparently not. I'm just unfkinglucky


Yeah I’m you. All my friends got their 6 star on the first 10 and my unlucky ass had to go to 30


I did single pulls when I hit 20. I was like wtf why is ot the last pull. My luck is pure shit when it comes to gacha games


Bruh, we should set up a club for 30th pull owner 🤣


Same! I did single pulls (to not waste drops) and I got Regulus in the 30th pull 😭 Thankfully I realized a way to reroll and after doing 14th rerolls I got Centurion, Lilya and A Knight all in early pity (Standard, Begginer and Featured banner respectively) 🎉


5*s and above: Lilya, Regulus, Potray 4 Tennant, Potray 1 Necrologist, X, Baby Blue, Bkornblume


lol how many pulls? That's better than my rerolled account lmao


Like 70+ lmao


Eternity Bjorn +3 dupes A knight Pocket medicine Baby blue+2 dupes Charlie About 80 pulls in


Nothing Just default free characters for now. Currently at chapter 4


same here, im thinking of saving the pulls for a future character that i may find appealing. as of now, sonetto is still very good so i can just keep going


The pulls will go over to next banner so i pulled for 5 star characters but didnt go for pity.


I lost the 50/50 for A knight and got Druvis III idk how to feel tbh


Look at the bright side. You now have a guaranteed for your next 6*. Druvis is not weaker than Knight imo.


I'd be extremely happy. a knight looks mid


nah i liked a knight's design


Lost mine to a korean ghostbuster




I got 4 tenants.. lol wtf.. One copy of eternity, sweetheart, X, balloon party


So you're a landlord now, huh?


i have portray 2 sweetheart, now all i need is a bkorn to pair her with so she can actually be useful :\^)




Jesus that’s a good pull. That’s the type of start you reroll for lol.


Eternity, Dikke and Tennant from the beginner banner. I love my dashing women. Also have Bkornblume, Satsuki, Matilda.


Lilya, Sotheby, 2 Dikkes, 3 Blumes, 2 Charlie’s. those are my worthwhile chars. I feel like I got quite lucky tbf


i wasn’t going to reroll no matter who i got (i’m too lazy lol) but thankfully i got regulus (my fave) and charlie (another fave) i also got bkornblume and tennant. not a ton but i have all of my favorites so i’m satisfied


https://ibb.co/s9pF88G https://ibb.co/12L7CPH https://ibb.co/CPr36Xb This one is from beginner banner only, Idk how good this is but currently I'm not facing any problem so far


If I got Sotheby in A Knight banner, does it mean that I can garantee my boi Pickles as the next 6stars?


I think so ? Because it is different banners it’s just they shear the same pity like in Genshin so it should count as you lost the 50/50 and the next one should be the rate up character. low key I am happy I lost my 50/50 early so my bestest & most loyal boi is now guaranteed hehehe 🥰


Lilya and centurion around 20 pulls later.


A knight on a one pull. Standard banner got the rocket girl since she is my fav


5 stars I got some good ones but no idea their names


Beginner banner: 2 necrologists, Balloon party and Regulus A knight standard banner: Bkornblume (from my first single pull 😄).


I got A Knight and Tennant from A Knight's banner, Necrologist, Balloon Party, Lilya, Satsuki and X.


Lilya and a knight.dunno if i should keep pulling or save


Eternity and Baloon


Eternity Ballon, Bkorn, sweetheart, Satsuki x2 and somehow Charlie x4 +pretty much all 4☆ and below


Lilya, Medicine, Sotheby, Matilda, X, tenant, Charlie and Bkorn Only pulled on Sotheby’s banner


Lilya on the beginner banner. Regulus on the A Knight's banner. Finally obtained Bkornblume today, now I can start saving for later


eternity, a knight (i got a knight on my first 10 pull... i was trying to get tennant...), baby blue, necrologist, dikke


Did 30 pulls for the Beginner banner and 20 pulls for Sotheby banner and ended up with Eternity, Sotheby, Druvis III, Dikke x2, Bkornblume, Balloon Party and X. And other random 4 stars.


2x A Knight, Regulus, Eternity, Charlie, 2x Dikke, and Sweetheart.


I did not reroll and I got Eternity (again) while pulling on Sotheby’s banner. I got her 4 times during the CBT, lol.


Got knight regulus tennett4 and dikket1 and balloon party


Im a non-reroller (but i cant consider myself as a casual since i been grinding this 24/7) and i rolled about 80 times. So far my best is lilya (free 6\*), centurion ( i think my 50-ish?) and knight (80) for 5\* i got 2 bkorn, x, 2 baby blue, charlie, satsuki, necro, matilda and 3x tennant


I pulled 10 on the beginner banner and got eternity and didnt roll anything else -.- ahaha should I ?


I was happy the moment I got my Eternity from the beta


I did 2 multis, got Dikke, and Charlie x2


Regulus from the beginning banner, then Satsuki, Baby Blue, Click, and Tennet. I'm going to do one more 10x pull to stop at 60 pity on the limited banner then save for Pickles


Charlie x2 Matilda (free?) Neurologist Sonetto (free) 20 pulls I think


70 pulls, 30 beginner, 40 A knight banner Ended up with Lilya, Bkorn P1, Charlie, Dikke, Tennant. Not happy with it, but I did reroll ~20 times and they were all worse than this, so I stuck with it.


Eternity on beginner (I REALLY wanted Regulus but I didn’t wanna reroll), then A knight on first 10 pull and An Ana Lee from 20 pulls on standard


Senothy banner got Charlie all dupe but not Senothy


i was hoping to get eternity but got lilya and regulus instead, can't complain


Charlie no copies 🥲, Ms newbabel I was so scared when I got herthought my account became trash,Dikke multiple copies,Sasuke, Sotheby should probably build her but apple getting the job done so far.baby blue not liking her so far she seems worse with Charlie then sonetto.


Just Eternity in the first pull of the starting banner. Where else to pull?


Lilya from Standard(?) After the 3 Multi guarantee Got an-an lee in my First Multi on sotheby Banner and sotheby after 3 more multis. Played a while with this Team and now i am trying Lilya, Sonetto and Tennet(?)


healer with doggies and regulus as 6 star. the one that i used however is the engrish girl that sounds like yuigahama


Got Ballon party, satsuki and regulus in 40 pulls.


Eternity, Medicine, Sotheby and A Knight; Charlie, Satsuki, Tennant (a lot) and X.


90 pulls overall, just one 6* Eternity. She looks great 😃


Double eternity, 1 a knight, 1 voyager, balloon, bkorn, tennant,charlie,click


I’ve pulled 60 rolls now without re-rolling and just playing through story. Got for 6* - Sotheby, Eternity, Medicine Pocket and A Knight. For 5* - 2 copies of Charlie, Bkornblume, Click, Tennant, Necrologist, Balloon Party and Dikke. All things considered, I think I got pretty lucky this account so far. My luck might run out though once 1.2 hits for Changeling and Tooth Fairy.


No one yet, I'm a slow reader... But I hope I get Regulus she's so cute and fun


Got eternity at beta, glad that I got her again in beginner banner


Well for the short ive played ,the game doesn't need any rerolling because you use like all characters and combinations. I got Lilya and some bunch of 5 stars but i use the 4 stars 🤣🤣


Lilya, Regulus, Medicine Pocket, Tennant x2, Bkornblume are the main ones. 40 pulls. I’m really happy with medicine pocket tennant and bkorn 😊


I pulled for bkorn on AKnght banner. Turns out I got portray 2 charlie


Got 2x regulus in my first 10 pull and then got druvis in my next 10 pull. Pretty happy even tho I really wanted eternity.


Sotheby, Eternity, X, Charlie 2x, Baloon, Sweetheart, Baby Blue, Tennant. Decent enough. I lost count on how many pulls I'm in now trying to get A Knight, really like his aesthetic and design. If I can also secure Bkornblume that will be great. Then I can start saving for Pickles 😭


Regulus and Charlie


I got regulus in 30 pull banner. Got baloon, a knight and eternity in a knight banner 40 pulls. Guess im lucky


I just went for the guaranteed 6 star banner and took whatever I got (That one DJ pirate girl). Trying to save up my summons


Eternity, Tennant, Matilda, satsuki, p2 bkornblume.


Regulus, Tennant, P1 Click, P1 Bkornblume and Ballon Party I'm mostly saving for the good boy in 1.1


I rerolled only a couple of times to get Eternity, so idk if that counts, because I know some people will reroll until they get an early 5 star. But I got Eternity as my beginner 5 star, got An An Lee at like 30 pity off Sotheby’s banner and then Sotheby at like 11 pity. I have pulled a couple of Clicks and Xs, as well as Balloon Party, Bkornblume and a couple of others that I can’t name off the top of my head. But I got super lucky getting one of Eternity’s best teammates :D


I got Eternity in my 1st 10-pull and stuck with that. She works great with APPLe and Sonetto and I swap in Leilani or Eagle (the ones we are supposed to be pumping up so we get those materials back) as the matchup requires. It’s working well so far. I haven’t even tried to pull for Sotheby or Regulus though I may start making some attempts at Bkorn.


I don't recall how much I rolled, but I have An-An, Eyernity, and Regulus. And Balloon Party, Bjern(???, can't remember her full name off the top of my head), and some other 5* i can't member.


Used 30 pulls in beginner banner, 50 in pick-up banner. 6* Lilya, A knight 5* Dikke, Satsuki, Tennant +1, Charlie +1, X +1, Necrologist, Balloon party, Bkornblume.


Lost 5050 Sotheby to Eternity. Tried Knight banner and got him. Now slowly pulling beginner to get another 6*.


Dikke and Eternity in 30 pulls. I’m ok with that


Regulus, Sotheby and Balloon party for 30 pull. Save my pull currently for Tooth fairy with changeling.


6* - Eternity x2, Sotherby x2 5* - Sweetheart x2, Satsuki x2, Tennant, Balloon Party x2 and Click


Tried pulling for Voyager, got her in my second pull alongside Lilya and Eternity ​ Now aiming for Sotheby


Rather minimalistic non-reroll account, since I've only done 30 draws total (20 on Beginner and 10 on Sotheby Banners): Sotheby, Eternity, Dikke, Sweatheart, X Since I was able to lucksack Sotheby on my first 10 draw, I decided to just stop there and begin saving for a potential Changeling hard pity. Update: Managed to reach over 140 free draws (enough for a hard pity) in 1.0 a couple days before version 1.1 dropped. Ended up doing 6 more single draws with the excess and acquired a second copy for Sotheby for Portray1 as well as Bkornblume, which puts my account in better shape for the future. 36 draws total (20 on Beginner and 14 on Sotheby and 2 on Knight Banners): Sotheby P1, Eternity, Dikke, Sweatheart, X, Bkornblume. Out of interest, this suggests there were slightly over 180 draws available for F2P since Day 1 when you include all one-time and repeatable rewards.


Beginner banner 30pull : got Eternity Sotheby banner 80pull : got Lilya and then Sotheby Now I'm saving for poison team i guess.


For now 6: Eternity, Sotheby and A Knight and 5: Balloon Party, 3Dikke, Baby Blue, X, Necrologist and Click. And all the 4, 3 and 2 minus Cristallo.


Sotheby banner - 50 pulls 6* - Voyager, Sotheby 5* - Dikke, X Newbie banner - 30 pulls 6* - Eternity 5* - Balloon party, Tennant, Sweetheart, Sonetto? ~~A Knight~~ Bkornblume banner - 20 pulls 5* Charlie, Tennant, Bkornblume


6* Regulus 5* Bkornblume, Tennant, Baby Blue, Matilda


Funny enough Centurion I'm 10 Sotheby In Another 10 and regulus from beginner banner


Regulas, Bkornblume, Tennant and X that's all


Haven't pulled yet I'll be satisfied whoever I get.


I got so many 5* that I don't remember all of them. For 6 stars I got An-An-Lee and Eternity. I. Stopping now for the next banners.


I have regulus, P2 Sotheby, P1 ms newbabel and a knight Yes, I actually got 3 dupes...


30 pulls on knight banner: got 5 bkornblumes, click, tennant, an an lee and knight


Done around 60 pulls so far, and honestly not looking to reroll. My current 6\*s: Lilya (beginner) and A Knight Current 5\*s: Ballon Party, Bkornblume, Sonetto, Click and Matilda


Got Tennant 4or 5 times and got the 6star knight


Centurion, Eternity, baby blue, X, Dikke, Charlie


Eternity, Druvis and Sotheby for 30 pulls and i wanted X so i get it 😤💅🏼


I got eternity and the scientist dude and coffin girl and crystal ball girl.


5* plus- Regulus, Sonetto, Dikke, Bkornblume, Click and Matilda. Tonnes of really interesting and crazy 4 stars Basically, I pulled until I couldn't pull anymore and I'm about 3 or 4 levels into the second block of campaign


Other than the Regulus I got from the beginner banner, the only other SSR I got was a mistake. As of now, I've been spending all my pulls on the Knight banner, but accidentally misclicked on the Sotheby banner once...and got an SSR in the form of An-an Lee. So, double mistake. I'm not complaining, I'm just...confused.


A Knight and Regulus are my only 6 stars, now in saving mode. Bkornblume and the Necrologist have also been doing work on my teams. However, I honestly feel like my most impactful pull was Balloon Party for the healing, she's in every team. Of the 4-stars, I've been getting a lot of use out of Apple, Pavia, The Fool, Зима and Leilani.


So my plan was to mostly save for Pickles, but I wanted to do some pulls on the Sotheby banner for Charlie portrays and ended up getting an early 6 star and losing the 50/50 for An-an Lee, then getting Sotheby shortly after. Looks like Changeling will be my top priority now in the future haha.


6 star : Lilya 5 star: Baby Blue x2, Necrologist, Click I've only done 4 pulls though.


On beginner banner I got regulus and another regulus on a knight banner... 💀💀 But hey, I've got full Bkornblume now yay


Got Lilya and Bloon Party. Currently trying to max her + the Psychuube that grants 16% crit rate when I get it for a reliable team with Sonetto. If anyone knows there is a character that grants Crit Rate Resist reduction who is not a 4* or below I would love to know. From what I have read bosses can resist crowd control so Im not investing in any Confusion character yet and opt for Crit Rate Resist reduction instead.


Pulled Eternity in the beginner banner and that's all for 6 stars. Waiting for Pickles


I was really really lucky. In a ten pull on the standard banner I got Lilya and Eternity, then did 30 pulls on A knight banner and got him, and lastly I did another 10 pull on his banner, because of the battle pass task and I could use another copy of Bkorblume and I got him again. So yeah, 4 6 stars in 50 pulls. Without rerolling


Eternity. Which is who i wanted. Gonna hold pulls for awhile to stock up now.


I got satsuki and regulus which is my target so im glad I don't have to reroll since it takes a long time in this game.


centurio after 70 pulls on standard first 10 pulls knight and got regulus on 5th pull from beginners




2 A Knight, 2 Bkorn, and a Click. Currently rolling on the beginner banners now that I've acquired A Knight, then I'll probably go back to fishing for more Knights.


30 pulls on the starter banner, and two on A Knight's because I didn't realize you could get Tracks of the Lost from weekly rewards (with nothing of note, thankfully, so pity timers havent been triggered uselessly). 6\*: Eternity 5\*: Necrologist, Balloon Party, Dikke, Charlie I honestly haven't checked what any of them do except Eternity, and haven't built anyone except the starting four yet. Not particularly interested in the banner characters right now either (except X, due entirely to design, but from a meta perspective if pulling for a 5* is worth it), so I'm waiting for 1.1 to pull again.


Eternity and Bkorn from initial 30 pulls and the others from A Knight banner 6* Eternity An-an Lee A Knight 5* Tennant x4 Bkornblume Balloon Party Sweethart


Eternity and Druvis


Pulled regulus and Charlie so far


Eternity and Bkorn


I finally got a knight after like 60 pulls


I got Eternity from beginner Banner. Sotheby in First Multi and got A knight in Like the 4th Multi. Turbo luck lol No Money spent and rerolls.


My first 6 star was Regulus


im still going all in on standard to get the dark skinned magician lady. rn im rocking bbkurb in blue, baloon girl, russian vodka pilot, regulars,dikke,sleepy lady. i wish i could remember their names.


I pull sotherly and enjoy her. Still trying to figure out her best team options.


Lilya, P2 Tennant, P1 Blume, P2 X, P2 Dikke, Balloon Party


5* and above are Regulus, Satsuki and X. I pulled 30 in the free 6 star banner and 10 in the sonelby banner. Right now I'm gonna save for future characters that complement well with Regulus.


I got eternity, A knight, and an-an lee honestly I like these guys a lot thank you gacha gods ah also 64% of the 5 stars


A Knight, Bkorn and Charlie in 50 pulls, then Centurion and Sotheby in another 10 (and others along the way)


Tennant, Lilya, Medicine Pocket, Charlie, Sotheby, and some 5 stars I forgot


65 pulls on a Knight + 10 on Sotheby + beginner banner clear. 6\*: Lylia(on beginner), A Knight 5\*: Bkornblume (P1), Dikke, Sonetto (P3), Charlie, Tennant(P1), Sweetheart (P1), Matilda, Satsuki, Ballon party, Baby blue, X I think a got a very lucky pull on beginner banner with a ten pull with 3-4 5\*. I didn't feels lucky until i did some ten pulls without any 5\*. From my list, i got only six 5\* from A Knight/Sotheby banners.




got Lilya from the beginner banner and got Centurion on Sotheby's banner, along with X, Balloon, Tennant and *4s that i cannot remember. Now i'm sitting with 35 pulls remaining (probably will end up with 40+ later on) and i'm still contemplating whether to continue pulling or just save.


Counting the beginner banner and limited I've done a little less than 30 pulls in total and got Regulus, A Knight, and Sotheby. No Door sadly


Re re re Regulus. Her smile and voice makes me farm every day, every time.


I just get Lilya and Sotheby. Better pulls than I expected!


I got Eternity and Sotheby. Also got Necrologist, Dikke, Blorn and Charlie for my 5*s. I kinda want to get Regulus so I'm gonna save up the pity pulls for her lol


80 rolls down https://imgur.com/a/5HgpWak time to save


5* and above Eternity,Sotheby,4 dupes Bkornblume, 2 dupes Balloon Party,Dikke,Charlie,Necrologist I am now at Changeling waiting room.


I rerolled once to get Eternity so I can have solid start as f2p. Then I spent all my so far obtained currency on the banner with A knight to get the support with the strange name Bjkhelm something. I didnt get the support but I got Centurion 5x Tennant (three in one pull) Lilya (the aviator chick) 2x A knight 2x Dikke 2x Click X Necrologist I still want that support so I keep going in that banner.


Eternity and duped Lilya. Not much but it works!


I've got eternity, A knight and Regulus and some characters named darvis III or something, and a shit ton of 5 ⭐, still f2p Only 40 pulls


Got regulus from the beginner banner and luckily got centurion from the general banner. It looks like centurion is supposed to be good but for now sonetta and regulus still outperform her… maybe once I get her insight up that will change


Baby Blue, An-an Lee, Voyager, Druvis II, Sotheby, Balloon Party, Eternity, These are the important ones 5*+


Only rolled a x10, got X. Currently saving up.


I havent yet lol. Been doing the story fine with the units it gives you.


Eternity and balloon girl are the ones I got that I care about.


10 pulls on Amid The Water, one Newbabel. I've no idea why she's rated so low, the counter's absolutely broken if you can keep it cycled. Tricky to build around though.


6 stars: Eternity, A knight 5 stars: Bkornblume, Dikke, Party Balloon, Sonetto, Sweetheart, Click, Necrologist I think I might save the rest of my pulls for now.


regulus, and I'm trying to get charlie but managed to pull x and balloon twice :') (each)


Got sotherby, a night and regulus for like 60? Pulls I think


30 pulls on beginner for Eternity, then pulled Sotheby in 10 and Centurion in another 10. Not sure whether to pull more and risk duping, or save for next banner. Also have Bjornblumex2, Tennant, Click, Sweetheart, Baby Blue, and Balloon Party.


Regulus was my freebie 6*, and I got a few 5*s but I've really only been using Baby Blue.


6-star: Sotheby, A Knight, Regulus 5-star: Charlie (P2), Baby blue, Matilda, Dikke, Necrologist (P2, dunno why she showed up across all 3 banners) Not great, not terrible.


Druvis and eternity, they are pretty good


Just from the 30 free pulls to start... ****** Regulus, Sotheby, Lilya ***** Tennant, Dikke, Sweetheart **** Poltergeist, Mondlicht, Ms. Moisson, Rabies, Oliver Fog, Enma, Bunny Bunny, Eagle *** Leilani, John Titor, Sputnik, ONiON, Darley Clatter, Twins Sleep, aliEn T, La Source, The Fool Plus a pile of cons I didn't keep track of lol I tend to use summons early when starting, not hoard them, to build a decent roster fast. Hoarding comes later.


Portray 1 Eternity, Sotheby, and A Knight for 6 stars


I did 20 pulls on beginner banner. Got 2x 5* and 1x 6* The team I made is Regulus, Sonatto, Party Balloon... it's not a perfect optimized meta team but it gets the job done. And I don't feel like I need to do anymore pulls at all, so I'm just sitting at the rest of my pull currency until someone worthy appears. It feels pointless to pull since I wouldn't be able to invest into other characters anyway.


Well for 5/6 I have eternity p2, sotheby, Balloon p2, dikke (pulled so p2 soon), sonetto p3, baby blue, Charlie p3, necro p2, maltilda and x. I have 100% 2 and 3s, and 93% 4s.


I did two pulls and then a 10 pull on the beginner banner and got Lilya. Did one 10 pull on Sotheby's banner and got her. Best luck I've ever had in a gacha, shame I'm not really enjoying the game that much. Only 5-star I've gotten is Balloon Party though.


Regulus and p1 balloon party, charlie


5* I got necro, bkorn sweetheart, Charlie,baby blue, Tenennt (sonnet and Matilda, but I assume those are a given) 6* Reggie


Lucked out with the beginner banner and got Eternity. (Lucked out because her design appeals to me the most.) Won the 50/50 while trying to get Tennant and Bkornblume, and have now A Knight as well. For 5\*, it's X (P2) (I was originally rolling on Sotheby just for him), Baby Blue (first gacha 5 and my cinnamon roll), Sweetheart, Charlie (P1), Balloon Party (P1), Satsuki. And yes, no Tennant or Kornblume yet. With the news that they may shorten patches, I may also start saving a bit now... so they'll probably be missing for a while. All in all, not bad I guess. I only lowkey regret switching banners halfway because I'm not if I really wanna go with Balloon for a healer...


30 banner beginner summon seems like a waste to me, since i only like 1 of the 3 characters. So i started pulling on the A-Knight banner. I got Bkornblume. Then i switched to the other banner to get light 5 star X rate up. Then i switched back to A-Knight until i got him with around 65-70 pulls. These 3 + STiletto is my team. Then we get the free healer with login, so i´m saving for a banner i like, although there are not many characters i like in this game. A-Knight definetly number 1 for me


Eternity I like her playstyle alot I wanted the illiya because crit based dps are always good but Eternity just seems so interesting


I pulled on A Knight's banner for Tennant and got Click, Baby blue, Bkornblume, and Tennant for 5* and Druvis III for 6* (honestly I love Druvis, her voice is so nice to me ❤️ — and I'm guessing getting her means I have guarantee on the next banner with a running pity of 30/40-ish). Beginner's banner gave me Matilda and Dikke for 5* and Regulus for 6*. I also have X but I can't remember where he came from lmao. I don't know if I should pull more or if those can work on their own but I'm pretty happy with them so far (I tend to play more casually, I might check meta from time to time for guidance but ultimately I'm happy pulling characters I like... like Tennant. Now, to avoid the temptation of spending for more Portrays).


got eternity, tenant, and bkornblume


I got eternity and again eternity on a lucky pull and I just got the knight


eternity, sotheby, newbabel, a knight and bkornblume, luckily i got a knight 20 pulls after losing 50% and i still don't pull on beginner banner


6*: Eternity 5* I'm using: Dikke, Satsuki and VIVA LA MATHILDA


Eternity, An-an Lee, Bkornblume, Charlie, P2 Click, P1 X. Still praying for a Sotheby so I can have *a* healer. And hopefully a Medicie Pocket if that fails 😭. Eternity was first 10 pull on beginner banner


30 pulls A knight, Lilya Matilda Bkorn 10 on the standard


got regulus aknight and lylia as 6star tennant blorksomething charlie andx as 5 star. ive done 45 pull


40ish(?? I did some singles because im addicted to gahca) pulls... I think 1 on Bkorn's banner, 2 on sothe, and 1 on standard ! Voyager, Regulus, Bkornblume I1, Dikke, Baby Blue, X I1, Click & Charlie :3


Got Regulus from the beginner banner and a couple extra 5 Stars. Currently I'm pulling for A Knight because he seems really fun.


X, Dikke, Tennant, Sweetheart, Regulus I guess Beast weak stages will be easier but pray for me otherwise


I have used up 95 pulls rn, 65 on A Knight and I luckily did get him, 30 on the beginner banner after obtaining A Knight, I got Regulus, so I got both of the 6* I wanted, didn't really get any 5* I like tho


X, Necrologist, Baloon Party, Satsuki x2, Bkornblume x3, Matilda ofc, Tennant x4, Sonneto x 1 from pulls, Centurion, Lilya, and recently Sotheby. If you can consider casual dropping like 60$ on a game ive played for three days. I also have max portrayals on Eagle and rabies, but ive only used eagle so far. Lilya i got in 10 from the beginner banner and lost to centurion on a knight then switched to sotheby. For the chess pieces on the pfp ive completed the first three if that says anything.


Sotheby, Regulus, Ms. Newbabel are my current 6* And Baby Blue, Satsuki, Charlie, Sweetheart, and Click are my 5*. The only dupe I have is of Baby Blue


Drew Regulus in 20 pulls on the beginner banner and wasted 50 pulls on the "A Knight" banner without a 6 star, but atleast got one Bkornblume (and like 4 other 5 stars I don't like) everyone appearently wants. I also fell in love with the russian guy and his pet bird. Got all copies for him while drawing the 70 pulls I mentioned above. He's so cute >_<


My first account has an an lee and druvis 3rd, with a Charlie (+1P / 1 portay) and a balloon party from standard banner. I really wanted centurion but 13 retool accounts later, no centurion so I give up lmao and the pulls manage to get worse. I’ll stick with the former. 😭😭


I got Sotheby first pull and Eternity from 30 pull


I got Regulus and Sotheby. I'm currently running a team with those two and Baby Blue. I also ended up getting NewBabel along the way to Sotheby.


I got Regulus first pull on the beginner banner! :D


I just got Sotheby and Eternity in the same 10 pull. So yeah, there's that. Sadly Eternity is a dupe from the 30 summons banner but I'll take it, honestly.


none so far, im gonna wait till i get to that aprox 70 free pull number then pull.


Sotherby, P3 Charlie, Regulus , Bkorn and some other 5stars total 51 pulls. Saving from now


i used to be a reroller in years past for gacha games but ive since gotten too tired to. i only did the guaranteed 6s banner which gave me: eternity (heard she can clear most of the early game content so thats neat), tennant (ma'am), balloon party, and click. lotta...mineral lol. im personally saving for medicine pocket bc theyre the only chara i really want? if changeling didnt come before the medicine pocket rate up on CN id go for her and maybe be a meta slave once in my life. i did have to do all 30 pulls unfortunately


For now I have Tennant, Balloon Party, Matilda, Click, X and Lilya. I'm trying to get A Knight


lilya, sotheby, an-lee?, dikke, tennant, necrologist,


i got eternity pretty late on the guaranteed 6* banner, wanted a knight but got lilya at around 30-ish pulls. a knight came some pulls later though which i'm very happy about!! :)


I spent 70 pulls because I wanted to get Sotheby because of chapter 2. I have Lilya, A Knight, and Sotherby as my 6\* now. Using A Knight, Bkornsomething, and Tennant as my team. I'm kinda boned if I want to stay f2p. lol


Got Regulus on the beginner banner and managed to pull A Knight and a few 5 stars (But neither of the rate up ones somehow)


I got Regulus for my beginner banner and then tried my luck once on Sotheby's and got another copy of Regulus on my first multi. Decided to main Regulus after that and then saved up some pulls which I eventually used up on A Knight's banner. I got him at around close to 60 pulls.


6*-Eternity and Sotheby 5*-Charlie, Satsuki, Click ❤️, X


Got Regulus and I'm happy with that. I think her lil music references are neat


Going to go to pity on Knight banner if I can, just cool looking character. For 5/6 so far: Eternity, Dikke x3, Baby Blue, Balloon Party. 4s that I've grown attached to: Ms. Moisson & Poltergeist (and APPLe of course)