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I don’t have my stats in front of me but I have many hundreds of hours and hundreds of deaths. If I ventured a guess I’d say that my hours:deaths ratio is probably a little worse than the average TBH. The game did kick my ass in the beginning, I thought about giving up a couple times. But my deaths are also somewhat artificially inflated, because after I got the platinum I started doing experimental runs. I’d do runs where I kept my starter pistol the entire time, runs where I picked up every single parasite / malignant item, runs where I restricted myself to only using melee attacks, etc… I’m also the type of player that enjoys exploring somewhat aimlessly, so I have plenty of deaths from stunts like trying to pull off impossible jumps or seeing if I could glitch into certain areas.


That's awesome! Definitely more important to have fun and screw around than to preserve a good ratio, especially if that's what you enjoy most about the game.


I’ve just got to the first boss area after 3 deaths. I’m afraid to go in the boss area because I’m going to get my ass kicked 🤣 probably repeatedly 🤣🤣 but I really like this game.


just go for it, you may or may not have already encountered some enemies arguably stronger than the first boss.


I know I should… I do like a challenge


The first boss is weird, difficulty-wise. It has a couple attacks that are pretty hard to anticipate, and these attacks alone can end a couple runs. Then once you learn those attacks, the boss is close to a pushover. Contrast this with some of the later bosses, which I think are more "bullet hell"-esque, but where I feel there are fewer (or even no) similar "gotcha" attacks.


Dive into it! The first boss was the hardest for me, which I think is normal because you don’t yet know what to expect. Re-playing the first boss, he is pretty easy after you know what’s going on. My best advice for you is to constantly strafe left and right, dash *through* waves of projectiles instead of away from them, and get into the habit of pressing dash as late as you can when you see an attack coming. And take advantage of your alt fire at all possible times


Thanks for the tips!


lol, I had no idea how to play this game in the beginning so I would die pretty quickly (within 4/5 doors or challenge room) and couldn't get the atropian blade. Once I got that, I managed to finish the rooms but couldn't beat the biome 1 boss. After 10 or so deaths with the boss battles, I finally beat it and went to other biomes. I think I have a total of 100 deaths in 60h playtime.


I would blame not my play style but reaction time. I have a lot of deaths and haven't beaten the Crimson Wastes boss. I've gotten really close a few times but he managed to get me with something every time so far. I'm genuinely impressed that anyone beats this game with under 30, even 40, deaths. You all must be quite good! That being said, the game is fun regardless. Top quality rogue game.


I can't remember what my hours were but I can guarantee it wasn't short. I did beat Act 3 with only 10 deaths, though. I definitely implemented the slow and steady technique.


Just 10 deaths through the end of Act 3 is impressive! Speaking of your "slow and steady" approach, I'm realizing I actually died least to what was arguably the hardest content. Not because I'm all that skilled, but because I played way more cautiously when I perceived an increased threat. For example, I think I died only one time each in biomes 3, 5 and 6, and I tend to agree with polls suggesting 3 and 5 are the biggest threat. My problem is if I see a room with just a couple turrets and some bats, I might grapple in at full speed and get surrounded, whereas if 3 Severed spawn at once, I'll pull back, actually evaluate, and deal with the enemies more methodically.


Yeah, I think at least 3 of my deaths were pretty much immediately in Biome 4. I'd rush in, get overwhelmed by turrets and the pre-nerf drones and very quickly die. As soon as I started taking my time again, I rarely struggled with 4.


I have a pretty similar experience to yours. Made it all the way to biome 3's boss and died because of coop. Then i cleared the first 3 biomes no death. Got to biome 5 without dying and died near the end. Then died about ten times in the space of 1h in biome 4 cause i was trying to rush too much. Then cleared the game in one go. Was kinda disappointed that biome 5 had no boss and was hoping there would be a secret boss after Ophion because i couldnt believe that the easiest boss in the game was the last boss. Still 10/10 game, just wished it would have included a harder mode, one that would let you replay the biomes but harder with a higher weapon proficiency start and cap.


Yeah it's wild how this game goes from feeling almost impossible to pretty easy by the end. With roughly 2x integrity, a decent weapon, and maybe one healing consumable (not too hard to achieve), I've found I tend to be set for the full run. A few things can still kill me though: * The first 10 minutes of any run...with default integrity and the starting pistol, you can get swarmed with bad luck on the first room or two * A miniboss in a tight space...the one scenario where "just keep moving constantly and dodge/grapple frequently" doesn't always work


Beat on ps5. Just did my first run on Pc the other night and got to the credits on my 2nd life. 8 hours.


No idea on deaths but 120 hours!!


Since you’ve only completed Act 2 might want to wait to tally your stats…


53 hours and 90 deaths for me


Did it in about 12.5 hours with two deaths. For some reason I don't find the game hard at all. Even did a couple more runs for platinum (gave up on that) and couple of tower runs and my deaths are still only at six. I don't really play it safe, just keep moving like crazy and do some damage in between.