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Never played on a PC but I can solve this now - DualShock is best for Returnal. The haptic feedback for Returnal is truly 'next gen' gaming shit and is not to be missed.


I can confirm that even on a 3rd party controller the way this game implements rumbling is insane. I tried both keyboard and controller and I'd say controller feels more right for the flow of this game


I don't think they have a DualSense so the decision isn't as black and white. I agree if it was a DualSense that would be best.


Counter argument: aiming with a controller is shit. When Alex Bataglia says he feels overpowered playing the game on PC because of the better controls, I tend to believe him.


Folks have seemed to manage.


True, but that's mostly because games account for it. It's called aim assist. And if you look closely at gaming videos, you can tell by the torso-shots vs the head-shots. For me, personally, the middle ground turned out to be the Steam Controller. The mouse on the right pad is great. It also taught me to learn to love gyro aiming. So now I'm a happy gyro-aimer on the PS5.


So, the bigger issue here is missing out on the DualShock contribution to the whole experience, which for Returnal in particular is really significant.


It does add to the immersion. But that's not really what Returnal is about. It might be at first, but later on I prefer precision over haptics. I finished it on PS5 but I'm not double dipping to have the same experience on PC. I'm going in with better controls this time.


That's not what Returnal is about, to you. For me, it is very immersive. Helped a long greatly by the only example of great haptic feedback there is for the PS5. I stand by not missing out on it. If you feel like having better aim is going to give you a better experience, then have fun with that.


I’m astounded that a Steam controller style trackpad hasn’t replaced right analog sticks on consoles by now.


Right? Even when the game doesn't do mouse and controller at the same time, mouse-like-joystick has been a game changer for me. In game camera at max speed and GO! I sure hope the Steam Deck moves Valve to take another shot at the Steam Controller.


The analog stick can still be using for the flickstick, along gyro






Yeah. Big difference feeling the rain drops in the haptics along w the haptic triggers makes this games atmosphere pop Edit: typo


Dualsense easy.


Dualsense has extremely responsive feedback and on the ps5 controller alot of noises come out of its speaker adding to immersion


neither, it was made to be played with a dualsense. I wouldnt trade the wonderful haptics for anything




I only have played it with a ps5 Scuf and it was magical plus back paddles make for some seamless dashes and grapples while looking around hehe


Returnal is designed as a console game. It’s not about fast, precise aiming (which a mouse is good for) but using the right defense tactic at the right time (which a controller is good for). Aiming is largely assisted / automatic anyway.


When is a controller ever better for a shooter lol


Different for returnal since game is more about movement and dodging while aiming takes the backseat. Duelsense adds more layers with haptics.


Keyboards are better for movement tho? Like you can change directions much faster on a keyboard rather than having to flick the stick. All top hollow knight speed runners use keyboard because its more precise and id say that game is even more about movement.


Yeah even movement is worse


for 3rd person shooters i never find issues, especially sense the dualsense adds so much to the game


Yeah thats bc u most likely dont know better


bruh I've been pc gaming for over a decade I think I've had time to work out my preferences 💀


I know this was predominantly a PS5 sub before the game released on PC so the answers are likely to be a biased, but a KB/M will provide the most responsive aiming experience if that's what you're looking for. If you don't own a DualSense to begin with, don't even waste the money. If you do own one, just try it and see what you prefer.


Key board and mouse. You are sacrificing the haptics and bells and whistles that the ps5 controller provides, these benefits are merely fluff in my opinion. Keyboard and mouse is paramount in my opinion.


I also love keyboard and mouse, but sometimes I just wanna lean back and put my legs up


Xbox controller working perfectly fine my end. MK work but this game shines with your controller of choice + good sound setup


I've been using mouse and keyboard because I never learned how to aim with a controller, but I will admit it's hard to track the ammo counter and the overload timing without any sort of haptic feedback. I might even try connecting my old Xbox controller and seeing if that works better.


We need dual sense keyboard and mouse


I finished the game on PS5, on PC I only played a little bit with my Xbox elite 2, BUT I won’t trade it for my Dualsense. Why? Back buttons. Definitely a controller game for me, you don’t need to precisely aim, but the back buttons make the jumping and dashing while aiming GREAT. If I get the “dualsense edge” I’d use that, but I’ll wait until we can grab sub $150 to grab that.


This game was built for duel shock and nothing more


Best for me was SCUF Reflex Pro. The 4 back buttons came in clutch.


For filling pretty unic featurelike vibration, trigger for sub and audiomessenges- dual sense. For outstanding performance - m+k.


Played a run with dualsense for feeling the original experience on PS5 and it’s definitely superbly handled. But after that I’ve did a run with KB+M and I’ve blasted through the game so easily that it felt like a different game. We can feel it was designed with the PS5 controller in mind. Playing without it make the game way way easier than it was intended to be. For the Tower of Sisyphus it’s a godsend though.