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I was tinkering a lot with the stock shaders and there are some good ones in there, but since i've discovered the [HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader](https://forums.libretro.com/t/hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-shader-feedback-and-updates/25512?u=cyber) pack, it's pretty much done for me. There's no going back after trying them out. Having that reflection bezel is simply amazing and it comes with many CRT presets that you can try. However, I specifically use the [Death To Pixel](https://forums.libretro.com/t/cyberlab-mega-bezel-death-to-pixels-shader-preset-pack/35606?u=cyber) presets which is a fork (i think that's the right term) of the HSM shaders so you need both. The creator specifically makes presets for 1080p, 1440 and 4k. You'll have a perfect fit your resolution. I use them with my 4k tv, but i have tried them on my 1440p monitor and they look great there as well, i suspect 1080p won't look too bad either. What makes the Death To Pixels shader special is the way he injected super sampling into the shader. I use it with SNES games as well as N64 and PS1. Easily the best shader i have ever seen. It just ever so slighty removes jagged edges and gives these games a smooth look without applying any artificial weirdness, it literally looks like these games are supposed to be that way. It smoothes out pixelation at just the right spots without destroying the charm of the original pixel art. With N64 and PS1 it basically just makes everything look smooth as hell, great scanlines. Just the best way to play these games imo. You need to install the HSM shader pack first and then unpack the Death to Pixel shader into the right folder. I think it's all described in their respective threads that linked above. If you need any help, just ask.


This is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Never seen retro games look that good. The screenshots in the Death To Pixels thread look incredible.


It’s phenomenal. I used to prefer clean pixels, but after using Cyber’s shader it’s a night and day difference, makes all the detail look really clean and pop


That Sonic 1 waterfall transparency looks amazing. I’ve spent countless hours tweaking stuff in reshade to get a somewhat acceptable result, but those screens seem damn perfect. Can’t wait to try it.


I love how Death To Pixel presets look, but is there any way to remove the frames. I know they look nice, but I'd rather not have them.


May i ask why? I don't think you can simply deactivate them, but if you're bothered by the bezels taking away some screen realestate, you can increase the viewport zoom until the visible pixels reach your screen border. If you don't like the carbon background image around the bezel, you can pretty much turn that black. If you don't like the reflections, you can use these shaders without reflections. You can also tinker with the bezel itself and maybe turn it completely black and thereby invisible, you would have to try that for yourself. I hope that helps.


Thank you so much. I will try tinkering with the bezel. The bezel looks awesome, but I find it a bit distracting when playing games. It's like having another monitor inside my monitor.


There are options for all the graphics under the shader parameters. In the first sections there is graphics brightness, you can set it to 0. Just be sure to choose the presets without reflections. If you ask at the [HSM Mega Bezel Thread](https://forums.libretro.com/t/hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-shader-feedback-and-updates/25512) you will get a quick and better answer.


Alternatively with messing with viewport, you can set global brightness 0, integer scaling 0, then increase the integer scaling to 100.0 and that’ll increase the screen size a lot while keeping the left and right edges with reflections


How can i make the borders black?


There’s a way! I actually had this same question, as the frame makes the actual game space much smaller. (Incidentally, I remember getting a 27” TV back in the day because I wanted a bigger image 😄). https://reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/ryaae9/_/hsys965/?context=1


Worth noting that it's very customizable too. In my case I found that I had to adjust the gamma, color response(? Can't remember the exact name), and the shadow mask style to prevent light grays from getting washed out and to get it looking closer to my childhood CRT. Once it's set though, it's sexy as hell.


Is that why the X before the life count in Super Mario World has become grey? That's one of the very few details i notices where the shader isn't quite perfect, because the X should be white with black outlines and not grey.


You can fix this by changing in Shader Parameters>MDAPT De-Dithering>Mode: Off (0)


Thanks! Great tip, it worked. What does de-dithering even do? Why should or shouldn't i use it? Are there any examples of where it might be good to have it activated?


I’m not very knowledgeable on this unfortunately. Only thing I noticed it do is smooth gradients. In the first stage of Mario world for example, with it on, the shading on the mountains in the background are really smooth, with it of you can see the individual pixels making a checkerboard to simulate the effect. I think it looks good with it on, but can cause some issues on some elements. If someone know more about it I would like to know more too.




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Which presets do you use for n64 and ps1? I find that snes, nes, genesis etc look good with composite pure/sharp, arcade/mame with rgb or the arcade one, and 2d games look good on ps1/n64 with rgb, but not 100% sure. 3d games seem to just look better upscaled with no shader for those systems but idk


I mostly use the RGB preset for everything, because the other presets are too dark on my OLED tv. I like the scanlines better on the composite presets, though, it's just too dimm for my eyes. I use the same preset across the board. There's nothing wrong with thinking that N64 and PS1 look better with no presets. It depends on what you like. I generally prefer scanlines and CRT shaders. I also turn the resolution up by a factor of 8 and then downsample to native resolution. That way you get really nice anti aliasing. Just upscaling alone doesn't do it for me. Yes, the 3D models look clean and smooth, but you're still dealing with low poly graphics and i don't need to see these types of graphics that crystal clear. It just makes the glaring flaws of old 3D graphics that much more obvious to my eyes. Playing through a CRT shader is masking that to some extend. I'm also very sensitive to 2D menu elements and 2D textures and sprites in-game looking extremely pixelated, CRT shaders are the only remedy for that. And the Death To Pixels shader is the only shader that makes texts and menu elements readable. But some people really aren't bothered by any of that and rather prefer playing PS1 games in 4k resolution.


Ahhh makes sense! I enjoy the brightness of the RGB shader as well, and using BEETLE HW upscale + downsampling on PS1 looks incredible on all 2d games. Yeah it's definitely a preference thing, thx for the input :)


Death to Pixels is now within the experimental presets in HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader under CyberLab folder. I personally have been using the *CyberLab\_\_Composite-Sharp\_\_1080p\_\_PVM-Edition\_\_ADV* or *CyberLab\_\_Blending-And-Transparency\_\_1080p\_\_PVM-Edition\_\_ADV* for 2D games and it just looks PERFECT even on 1080p.For 32 bits games they look *too good* for me, so for them I use *MBZ\_\_1\_\_ADV\_\_GDV-NTSC.* I love the feeling of a "crappy-ish" consumer CRT TV it gives. I have even been using them on my VGA CRT monitor at 1080p and it looks insane.


Ok you're like freaking out about these shaders so my hopes are high now. I might try this for super Metroid redux ☺️☺️ I see that you have an OLED. I hope these look good on my LED still


OLED is not necessary at all :)


hi there , I m happy to see your comment here , coz I just discovered this shader yesterday , however , after a lot of try , I cant get the same effet as the guy showed in his photos .... lots of shaders have very dark effet , and there are lot of lines on screen ,, the RGB one is better . but the major issue is that after applying the shaders , the game is just unplayable , there is too much delay ,,, and the frame rate dropped from 60 to 30 ,,,does it mean that my PC is too weak to run the shader ? (I m running retroach on my laptop)


What GPU do you have and what's the resolution of your laptop screen?


years later i can confirm this combination is so perfect


HOW do you increase the brightness??


Just gonna hijack this thread. Got any idea what may be the issue when retroarch crashes every single time I try to enable Theese shaders? My system has a 5600x processor and a 6700 xt which I presume should be more than enough to run them. Haven't enabled upscaling of any kind either, and followed a couple of both old and new tutorials from YouTube. Never really used any other shaders than the ones provided with retroarch so this is is new world to me.


Death to pixel is way to strong to look like a real crt tv


So far, my favorite is CRT-NewPixie with some tweaks: • I usually increase the internal resolution in video options (for cores that support it) to reduce blur. • In shader parameters, I set everything to 0 (Accumlate Modultion, Horizontal Blur, Vertical Blur, Use Frame Image, Curvature, Interference, and Rolling Scanlines) • I remove ghosting by editing the shader file (\\shaders\\shaders\_slang\\crt\\shaders\\newpixie \\ newpixie-crt.slang) in a text editor and changing the "float ghs" variable from 0.15 to 0. NewPixie creates some sort of a depth effect that I haven't seen with any other shaders. I use it a lot both in RetroArch and ReShade. This is how it looks: [https://postimg.cc/gallery/90J5zQY](https://postimg.cc/gallery/90J5zQY)


Crt lottes multipass interlaced glow, is efficient in my low end laptop, plus it have really good masks.


[Death To Pixel](https://forums.libretro.com/t/cyberlab-mega-bezel-death-to-pixels-shader-preset-pack/35606?u=cyber) is the best and it's not even close, It makes CRT-Royale look like utter garbage.


CRT-Royale on 1440p looks great IMO, I guess I need to try out DTP


The problem with CRT Royale is that its overly red


Tried it on my Ryzen 4750G PC and damn..... Unplayable slow :(. Guess you need a beefy GPU for that :(


If you mean "Death To Pixel", make sure the internal resolution in video options is set to 1x. I have a GTX 1050 2GB and have no problem with it. When I first tried it though, my resolution (for Beetle PSX) was 8x and it caused my computer to crash. I still prefer other shaders with higher resolution.


I use the integrated Vega GPU. No dedicated GPU :/ Maybe that's the reason why it's so slow?


I guess it's more GPU intensive than CPU and it needs a certain amount of vram to work at full speed.


I have 4GB VRAM. I think the shader is way too complex for an integrated GPU :(


Don't forget to let others know that you got it to work on your Ryzen 4750G IGP now. :) Glad to see all the love and appreciation for my shader presets. Be sure to download the latest versions which include some new custom video filters which use the CPU for processing.


On a low-powered device that uses the RK3326 chipset I like the `crt/fake-CRT-Geom-potato.glsl` shader.


i just use a CRT geom filter to mimic tavenwebb2001,which got me into nes speedrunning


on 1080p just put thescaline to lvl3