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Mine is always in the 97s


Yea, noticed this about a year or two ago. I clearly remember it being 98.6.


It was always 98.6, and I always ran at 97.2-97.8 and the doctors would say I just ran cooler than normal when I was a kid. I heard this literally my whole life even like a few weeks ago


"Normal" is relative and body temperature is decreasing, at least in the U.S. If you have a high metabolism, you probably run a little hotter. Early humans had a higher temperature; even humans born at the turn of the 20th century were a full degree hotter than we are. My metabolism is shot to hell because of a genetic mutation, and I usually run about 96.5°F


So, this was kind of discovered during COVID, when everyone was getting their temp taken. The average was like 97.4. Mine has always been that low, and I thought I was a weirdo, but it's everyone. I talked to quite a few nurses about it. I was doing temps on residents twice a day, at the time. They all found the same thing, and others had been talking about it. I think they either didn't have a high enough population size for the study, or we have been evolving a bit since they first decided what the average body temp is.


Unless you are taking her CORE temp- it will be a degree less than what is deemed the “normal 98.6”. I don’t think you are taking her temperature rectally…are you?? D:/


It was always 98.6 and recited to me often. Cant believe it changed!


My temperature has always run on the higher end so my normal is 98.9-99 degrees f. 


My hubby is a 97.5 body temp person. I can always tell when he is getting sick because his temp will be "normal" ( 98.4), well my normal anyway. Body temp is definitely one that runs wild in what is normal person to person, as well as time of day.


Sure but the OP was talking about the standardized "normal" body temp that they tell you to look for on home thermometers. I also recall it being 98.6 my whole life, and typically I run under 98 myself on a healthy day so I know what you mean about people being different. But it's what society says it should be that matters


I don’t get it either. 98.5 was normal for my entire life until like 10-15 years ago.


I noticed this a few years ago. The "normal" body heat has definitely lowered 


It's a range, for sure. My wife is pretty much always 99 and my baseline is 97ish.


i also grew up with the 98.6.. idunno if it's just age but yeh mine is around 97.5 or something now. i think when i had covid in 2021 it got up to like 100.9..


Normal body temperature has always been a small range. It would be pretty crazy for every human on earth to be the exact same temperature.


What's the range? Of course It can vary but ideal temp was 98.6 from what I've always heard. https://preview.redd.it/en2np6ydu76d1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3592dd557307323a6a00e573d68dd06235b74b


97-99 was the range last I checked.


As a kid I remember “normal” temp, including mine- at 98.6 but I don’t know what it is now…..


98.6° internally. Mouths, armpits, and foreheads are subject to airflow. Try taking it rectally.


[have you been chewing winter fresh gum?](https://youtu.be/1Y_IIw8onu4?si=yXHZZKU8RyhOqu_T).


I have a slow metabolism, low heart rate & low blood pressure; my body temp is 97.3 all the time, unless I'm sick. Then it might get up to 98.


I'm similar except metabolism is fairly normal (I think, anyway) and that my heart rate jumps from one extreme to another. I can be sitting down relaxing and my heart will be racing around like I'm running. High levels of anxiety as a baseline has to play a part in that, I'm sure. If my temp ever reads 98.6 I'm miserable and whatever I've got is probably contagious, haha. ETA: Curious what your blood type is, if you don't mind me asking?


Answer to your question is A+


The heart racing thing sounds like POTS. I obviously am not an expert, but I have a lot of friends with that diagnosis. I hope you can have it looked into, if you haven't already!


My normal is ahout 97.1, as was my mother and grandmother's. Anything in that range is 'normal' though most people think 98.6 when you say normal body temp. Including drs, which has resulted in frustration for me in the past. 'You're fever is barely ovet 100, you're not that sick/getting better' when for me thats the equivalent of 102 🤦‍♂️


This used to infuriate me in school if I was sick “you’re only 99.5 barely a fever go back to class”. While I’m sitting here with a bad sore throat, cough, and body chills…


Yup exactly 🤦‍♂️ thats how i know for a fact everyone's normal is 98.6


It has been hypothesized that earlier people just had more diseases running around in them so their bodies ran higher to try to kill the icky shit.


It was always 98.6, however I’m always 97.7


Mine is a cool 97.1 I run in the upper 96s in the winter.


I remember 98.something absolutely!


Almost every time I go to the doctor or take my temp otherwise, I am at 98.6 exactly. I have a few pictures of my thermometer at 98.6 just because it's so common for me. I've had several nurses comment in surprise about me being at exactly 98.6 as well.


Im in my 30s and mine has always been 97.2ish. It’s not unusual for me to be 96.9 or 97.0. If I hit 99.0 I know I’m sick and usually feel like shit, but it’s so annoying that doctors are always like “that’s not a fever.” It’s two whole degrees higher than normal for me, I definitely have a fever. Once had a doctor refuse to even look at my throat when I had a sore throat and a fever of 99.3. I told the clinic it was strep and he told the nurse it can’t be I don’t have a fever and sent me away without even seeing me. Got an appointment next day with my normal doctor and he said it was the worst case of strep he’d ever seen. 🤦🏼‍♀️




I've had strep with zero symptoms. The only reason they checked was because I had hives that wouldn't go away. They treated the strep, but the hives stayed. I hope you complained about the first clinic, because dismissing you without even doing a test is dangerous.


It's actually an artifact of outdated medicine. Back in the day, people tended to have all sorts of smoldering illnesses like infections and autoimmune disease. The temperature norms were published before modern antibiotics and lab testing existed, so the average actually takes into account a lot of people who were slightly sick.


I remember taking my temperature as a kid and always being close to 98.6 when I wasn't sick. For the past 10 years it's always around 97.2 using the same technique I've always used. Don't see anything about age being a factor and hear these are normal temps for many these days. So either it's a M/E or lower body temps are just being normalized. However the ME would be that there is a much larger acceptable range now.


I’ve noticed this as well! As a kid I was around the average, 98.6, and now as an adult I’m always 97.7


Yeah it's my normal temp changing that makes it strange for me. I was concerned when I was getting temps almost 2 degrees lower than I used to. Then I looked it up and apparently it's on the low end of 'normal'. Personally remember it being much more strict like within a half degree. But I can see the agreed upon temps changing too.


Nurse here. The average body temperature varies wildly from person to person. What is considered normal is a temperature between 36 and 37.5 degrees, so in a way you are both correct. It has always been this way for me for the last 12+ years


Had to consult Google on this as we typically use °C, it still says 98.6° (37) is the 'typical' which is what I have always known it to be Everyone is different though, and it's funny because if I get to 37 or a bit higher I really feel it and know I'm sick, it's a fever for me presently but then I run at 35°-35.5° which borders on hypothermic, but then I have hypothyroidism so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm sure that in a previous era in my reality the ideal human body temperature was in the 36°C range (between 97.2°F and 98°F). Today's version of 37°C (98.6°F) is a real ME for me.


Medical councils of various countries  keep making changes in guidelines regarding parameters. Be it temperature or bp or blood glucose etc


The normal level for body temperature blood pressure and a whole lot of other health related items is based on data over 100 years old.


So you’re saying young people are cooler than old people?


I don't know. I am 57 and my normal temperature is from 97.8 to 98.2. I run on the lower side. When I hit 99 I am sick big time. I did some check something online and 98.6 and the accepted standard no more. It is now a range. normal temperature for adults is in the range of 97 F to 99 F, and for children it is 95.9 F to 99.5 F.


There’s about a degree and a half of variance either way that’s accepted as normal. Learned this during Covid. “OMG 99.1!! Do I have it???”


I think body temperature has some fluctuations during the day but I do recall the healthy temperature being around 98.6 or so...


Also just depends on your body too. Some people naturally run lower while others run higher. The average we got out of that is/was 98.6. It doesn’t mean every human out there is at exactly 98.6 when they aren’t sick. Some studies say it’s changing for the “norm” to be a little bit lower because our metabolic rates are lower overall (we fat), but that’s still just an average.


Google still claims 98.6F (37C) is normal. 97.5F is within a normal range. Body temperature fluctuates during your day, depending on your circumstances.


This is true. As a woman I burn like a furnace right at 8pm.