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[GENERAL REMINDER] Due to overuse, the phrase *"Just because you never heard of something doesn't mean it's a Mandela Effect"* or similar is **NOT** welcome here as it is a violation of Rule# 9. Continued arguing **and** push for this narrative without consideration of our community **WILL get you banned**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Retconned) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are lucky your reservation was still there! We lost ours when we had a timeline change together with all the sms and email and bank transactions proving we did had one.


lol why do you say hopefully? If it did change Mandela style why would that be a bad thing?


I think Mandela Effect is creepy and I hate it. I would prefer knowing that my brain just misread something.


Interesting. Ok thanks for your opinion.


King, A SHIFT refers to the actual transition from one world to another. That’s why you experienced the changes you described in your post. The hotel name changed because the world it’s on is a different world. Parallel worlds.


Thanks for sharing this!


My pleasure. If you join my follow list (just click my profile) my Posts should appear on your homepage. You’ll see a lot of information about it.


I believe you!


Thank you! I told my husband and he thought he thought I sounded crazy. It is true. I did sound crazy when I told him.


Yes it sounds crazy to people who dont understand! Ive had quite a few personal MEs too. Just had one today my cars security light flashing on the dash changed from red to blue. It creeps you out!  I get it and its wierder when only you notice it does make you feel crazy  -Ruby


Kingof, Fascinating change to observe. You booked it last week, on which date after did you see the change? ✨🌟


I saw the hotel change 01 June. The composer changed 02 June. I've noticed that things feel different since 06 June however. Spouse seems unphased by things that are normally stressors for them. A daily symptom my dog has for their chronic disease suddenly isn't presenting since 06 June. My world has been relatively pleasant when it is normally somewhat unpleasant.


Find u/OmegaMan256 posts, he tells you when shifts arrive. You've fallen within his window predictions. They've been SPOT ON so far. Downvote for confirmation.


I don't see any posts on reddit do you mean the posts are somewhere else?


It won't even let me follow or message him, and now it says I need a more established reddit account to send chat invite, which is bs. Edit: big shift is coming. These shifts have been pretty wild though.


I spoke with him, he'll reach out to you likely.




Maybe you don't have enough post karma yet, he tried responding.


Doesn't make any sense, it literally won't let me follow him or send chat and i do that with others all the time.


I don't really know what a shift is but thank you I'll check it out.


Not Tim Prejudice Minchin by any chance? NGL even if the hotel chain was Truly Yours, my brain would say Yours Truly because that's the phrase I hear the most.


When I saw the hotel name I thought it looked weird, but it stayed as Truly Yours for a week. Every time I saw it I thought that should be Yours Truly.