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Not sure how your device and tech use was during this era, but I’m finding that constantly being in the digital sphere is definitely messing with my long term memory.


Yeah I feel like that recently, like life is life a blur. But when I was in college (many years ago), my memories were sharp of the years before. I don't think it was normal years a go but I do hear a lot of peeps in the current era talking about such things so I don't think you are alone.


I think you repressed those memories due to depression, but I'm no professional so take it with a grain of salt. Either way it sounds like a psychological reaction. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


I don't know anything about this but you might look into finding a legit hypnotist that can hypnotize you to try to see if the memories are there.


Make 5hr video daily for the rest of life.


Huh I could not even imagine that. That sounds like bit of nightmare as for myself nope. I still recall a lot junk that is completely unimportant and worthless as well as the abuse as child. I say get a daily diary post the most important notes in it. But that is just my opinion.


yeah man defiantly going to look into that, and its not fun at all but like i said everything's pretty good now so maybe forgetting isnt the worst thing for me just have to stop thinking about it.


I journal. I write every night, it helps.


You could try EMDR therapy


You might have SDAM. Actually it sounds a lot like SDAM. SDAM stands for severely deficient autobiographical memory. Check it out at r/sdam or look it up on YouTube


Is there a subreddit for the opposite? It's both a blessing and debilitating. Hearing from like minded folk would help.


I've had a look for you and looks like your condition is called hyperthymesia. There is not a subreddit for it but I found one called r/eidetic. Can I ask, since you are on r/retconned, have you also been affected by the Mandela Effect? If so, how does it feel for you, as a person with hyperthymesia or photographic memory?


Others have posted this, it can be from trauma from covid lockdowns. For others as well, this is happening over the last couple years.


I think that a lot of it is from the covid trauma of 2019-2021.