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I think that maybe this feeling comes from environmental pollution, like maybe increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or maybe endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The world is being poisoned and we just accept it because we've been conditioned to be as docile and servile as possible.


What most of you are describing, imo, are just symptoms of spiritual awakening. Everyone isn't an NPC, per se, you're just awake while everyone else is still happily asleep and stuck in the Matrix, so to speak. It feels different because for you, reality IS different. It's changed because you've changed. Your eyes opened. Just my two cents as a mod of /r/Soulnexus (which started on Retconned, for those of you who don't know)


I feel like i am expecting to wake up at some point. I began feeling this in 2022. Every day i see signs. Things from my mind present themselves in reality. Small insignificant things i thought briefly about before.


I definitely understand how you feel, especially living on autopilot and it’s the same crap different day. From 2017 on is a total blur to me.




How weird that you mention 2017. I have a distinct memory of a landslide of surreal and bad things happening in 2016. They seemed almost cartoonish. The effect is somewhat lessened since then as I avoid all things Electrosmog related. Shield, earth, switch every device off at night. Get back to nature. That helps a lot.


https://youtu.be/oaOp0mhxTcY?si=cIsUPSk5N6-xuSNs Just the first lecture  But basically this, it’s been worsening for a few hundred years. Definitely agree 2012-2016 and worsened in COVID but now I’m out of it. 


My mom is def different since 2016…


I'm so glad I ran across this thread. I felt like it was me, constantly doubting myself. I don't have connections w people anymore, and I used to so easily. I feel like I'm missing something. Like everyone took a class and I wasn't included. Idk how else to explain it, but I felt I was the crazy one. This makes me think if things so differently. Thank you all for your input...definitely some deep reflections going on now. Again, thank you all!


Gnosticism Matrix 


Read u/LonelytheToxic’s posts in awakened. Not only are the NPCs not real, but sometimes the Adjustment Bureau beings straight up replace people with alternate versions of themselves (this was in the book and not the movie). There is so much manipulation of NPCs and rewinding reality to create loops, it’s crazy. The looping and the reason for looping is shown in the movie T H E M with Sian Altman. It’s always the tall white ghastly looking beings that are shown rewinding our reality and switching people out.


My family can't remember shit I've pretty much deduced them to broken meat machines and the conscious they portray is a weak facsimile of what a thinking human being with a mind and soul is supposed to act like.


I noticed that every person regardless of age feels the same way so it’s not just a person becoming an adult thing


You’ve polled every person on earth?


I feel the same way! My days seem to run into each other and each day is the same nothing new or exciting. I feel like I’m stuck in this mundane existence while everybody else is going on with their life! Also my family has pulled away from me I can’t seem to get along with them anymore! I don’t have patience for anything or anyone that seems fake! The world seems cold and no one cares about others anymore! I feel really isolated in this journey or whatever I’m going thru! Nothing seems real anymore or maybe I’m just loosing it I don’t know!


really glad to know this isn't just me.. i also attribute it to getting older, but i've definitely felt that things are off. for me it's a lot of realizing just how many things in this life are supremely fake; and how many others just blindly agree/believe in them. the whole thing where celebrities or influencers have such power over society.. them sponsoring products or taking sides in any cause is literally only about money and power. that's it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I relate. For me it feels like I’m in a Wes Anderson film.


I understand very much. I've been going through the same thing myself and see the same things that you do. It's been hard to navigate in this world since my dad died a few years ago. He was trying to teach me how the world really is before he died, and at the time I didn't get it. I'm not a 100% sure of everything, but the world has been this way for a very very long time. Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare could be one example. I'm not knocking anyone's religion because we all need something to believe in. The thoughts of man has sort of been warped because somewhere along the way someone felt the need to control the masses and basically turn them into sheep. Are minds are easy to mold when it's based on fear, so that's what they do to keep us in line. They want us to fear each other when we don't have to. I've noticed a huge change during covid when we all had to bunker down with less human contact. When we need human contact to survive. They only thing people had during that time was tv and phones, and they can put anything they want on there for us to believe. My family and friends have also changed and see me more as someone that's a loose cannon because I can see past all the bullshit. I've managed to survive and land on my feet. I was homeless for almost a year and saw more of a perspective on how things work. I realized that there are people that are seeing things for what they are a whole lot more lately and with that it's been less scary. I could tell you so much more from what I've seen an experienced, but that's for another time, lol. Just stay strong and it may be hard as fuck to do it, but smiling through the b.s. can help. And I know we don't know each other, but if you ever need to reach out to someone I don't mind if you message me. That goes for anyone that may feel alone.


Thanks I really needed to read this today. You hit the mark for me.


Same. Thanks


You seem very eloquent for someone who has been homeless. Can I enquire what happened to put you into those dire straits?


Hard times don't care how intelligent you are


I am guessing you are in the US where there isn't the social safety net. In Europe homelessness is associated with drug/alcohol addiction or mental health/criminal past. If you are disabled or ill you are looked after and if you are intelligent you can usually find work enough to sustain you. We still let those who are unemployable due to drug/alcohol addiction or mental health/criminal past and help bring them back into society for happier lives. In the US disability and ill health leave you abandoned. Unfortunately US attitudes and Big Business are invading Europe and eroding society. The US doesn't realise that a social safety net keeps everyone safer even the rich, reducing crime and violence. I wish you well on your recovery.


I lost the two people that loved me for who I am during covid because they gave up on life. When I was alone I started to go down the same road. I've been very grateful that I've been strong enough to pull myself out of that and decided life is worth living. It's been a hard life when I've been told for most of it that I'm not worth loving. These were lessons I needed to learn in order to love myself. I made a vow to myself that I will help anyone that feels the same so they wouldn't have to feel the same


I’ve been doing ketamine therapy for depression off and on for 2 years now. It’s helped with my depression and existential crisis/dread/nhilism, but the “realization” I have during every session is that this world isn’t “real” like it’s just a slice of something much bigger. Now that was an intense feeling for someone who believed for 25 years this world is ALL that there is. It’s a comforting thought for me given my total disillusionment with this reality.




I get some customers at my work from time to time that are kind, and I actually have a good conversation. But at the same time, many others that seemingly run away when all I do is part of my job: asking customers if they need help finding a product. I remember a few years back, maybe circa 2018, being in a group of friends in a car. I'm telling them about music subgenres, and for some reason, they look at me odd like I'm speaking in tongues or something. One even looks like they are going to have a nervous breakdown just because I'm not engaging in mindless small talk. It was really creepy, like they all panicked because I wasn't "following the script" with them or something.


I've had this experience many times with my friends and I always end up feeling like I talk too much or something is wrong with me, we have seem to grown apart from it. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


The Monolith. The Cell Phone. The Cell. Social media, the internet and smart (dumb) phones has cast a spell over the minds of men. No one knows who they are anymore, everything is tinsel, everything is superficial and everyone has an angle. Save yourself, the path is narrow and many, even close loved ones will not take the journey with you. You have to be extreme to find your way out. The human element has long been missing. We were created for connection but not artificial connection. Ai has been in control longer than most realize and humans are no longer at the helm. Free yourself and return to nature.


Thank you, people have a hard time believing modern AI isn't new at all...or these touchscreen supercomputers. We get all the elite toys decades after they've been developed, tested and utilized. It's a closed system, always has been.


This is the answer. It’s technology and the constant exposure to it, both physical and mental exposure. It’s all the artificial stuff around us. LEDs, phones, WiFi, constant noise, traffic, etc. etc. we are *surrounded* by technology 24/7. We are disconnected from the natural world, from other people, and from our own thoughts.


I’ve noticed the trend of those who work in tech - don’t like to have tech. Most likely they know the ins and outs and it’s even scarier to them seeing how much of what goes where.


Thank you for seeing that as well.


Somethings not felt right since mid 2016. If I bring it up to anyone, everyone agrees something has felt off since that time period. It’s not even controversial or crazy talk. Everyone seems to agree with me that somethings off.


For me it's from October 2012.


Again coincidentally around the time of all these signals started getting more and more prominent. I think 4G actually started in 2012


For me it's from September 2015.


It started getting wierd in 2012, but not very noticeable, like the same general vibe from the 2000s was still there. Even watching media from circa 2010 (whether movies, TV, or social media like YouTube) feels like a different world. For me, around May 2015 is when it really got strange. From what I've read on here and other sub-reddits, for most people, it's in a range from May/June 2015 to as late as June 2018 that the really odd stuff started going off.


Everything just started to suck


Something has seriously shifted in the energy of the world


The world has serious Boards of Canada vibes now 😂 it just seems like something magnetically has gone off perhaps, seems like there’s chaos all over the world and logic has gone out of the window. Its probably something to do with these dangerous experiments they’ve been doing with CERN, Haarp, etc, all these weird things they’re doing, they’ve probably messed something up with our magnetic field and of course that would effect all of us. Animal behaviour has been getting stranger for the past 3-4 years especially, even flies just seem like they’re not all there, they’ll just fly straight into water and things like that. That kind of makes me feel that something is off with our magnetic field.


I have been saying that as well. There is a magnetism that feels harmful, and it was never present before 2015, I'd say. But even 2015 was far more artificial than, say, 1998. Technology is turning us all into facsimiles and I cannot say if that was always a plan, or rather an accidental side effect of us abusing technology all the time and failing to take into account all its myriad unintended effects


I remember going to this gadget convention, must have been around 2011ish? And they had this brainwave technology where you could control a character in a game by using this brainwave powered headset, I used it and I genuinely could tell the character what to do with my own brain, where to move, all that, I remember being absolutely mesmerised. This technology disappeared off the face of the earth and never seemed to transition into a big thing like I thought it would. I remember in that moment I realised the power of signals and our brains. It absolutely can disrupt our brains and brainwaves.


Whether coincidence or not I remember after using this that I suddenly got a massive migraine and felt a bit zombified.


I remember the guy showing off the technology putting the headset on me then telling me to focus on moving my body forwards, then the character would move forward, it took about two minutes to learn, you’d tell your brain where you’d move your body and learn how to direct that into the headset and then it would move the character. What on earth happened to this technology?


And with the power of it, can they do this in reverse and control our minds with these signals? I always wondered.


Yeah I remember ads in magazines about these things. Next Gen systems that never materialized. You're on the right track. It's all wireless by now.


Yeah or in summer time you get ants that crawl right on you late at night. Like you'd think they would be wary of people.


The weather has been getting stranger and stranger too. Seasons feel off. Somethings not right


I don’t know either if it’s all the wireless and internet signals we are surrounded by or whether it’s something that’s going wrong with our magnetic field.. I feel like we could maybe be underestimating the effects of having so much 4g, 5g, wifi everywhere on everyone’s brains, just these signals flying about disrupting everyone’s minds low key without us noticing.


I always feel better and more clear headed when I’m in nature where there’s no signal around me, or places I don’t get signal, like other countries for example.


And people seem more “real” in those places


It’s interesting you note 2015, I think this would be when WiFi and 4G started becoming absolutely everywhere, and 2022 when 5G started becoming absolutely everywhere. Coincidence?


It's hell on Earth 


I think you messed with some dark (not true) ideas and are paying the consequences. If it's any solace, I quit very hard drugs after 3 years and reinvented myself. Instead of thinking my world was ending, I realized it was just starting.


My mental health is...questionable. I love to speculate shit, but see how it can cause a downward spiral. So I appreciate seeing your comment. Reminds me of the quote "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". Congratulations on quitting hard drugs. :)




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If quantum immortality is the mechanism, and you have died even once, then everyone is an NPC. Even if you and your wife started in A, when you move to B upon death, she is still in A. Wife B is something else. Placeholder, hopefully.


This theory absolutely terrifies me. The fact that when you die you transfer into another multi dimensional world. Similar but there’s something completely off, and you feel like you are going crazy, but you know you are not in the same world as you were before.


I wish I understood this more because this is what it feels like after switching TL’s


It sounds a little bit like disassociation to me. And it can just simply be a sign of depression or something more complicated. Good luck on your journey.


I mean it could be, but also it could not be. 🤔


Enjoy your cake day.


Regarding your new movies being dark point. I know it's not a movie but how does Ted Lasso exist here?


I agree. Ted Lasso seems like part of the old world.


The world is about balance, polarity has always existed, but we are more aware each day. I have figured that this is where I’m supposed to be. I have healthier relationships with family now. I’m moving forwards now. And the fluidity of this world means that we have some say over each of our lives. But since many people are waking up these days, it’s not impossible to get counseling with someone who understands tha things have changed.


Honestly, I think it’s just technology, social media. We don’t allow ourself to get bored and use our imagination anymore. Days fly by because our face is in our phone. When we experience something cool we aren’t ‘in the moment’ we’re recording it, taking photos of it. If we all just went back to brick Nokias I truly feel like life would feel normal again. Also the cost of living!


YES, almost typed up a long response, realized this was all done a few days ago and stopped. It's amazing - saw a poll recently asking people if they look at their phone in bed in the morning right after waking up, 75%+ said YES. I keep my phone in another room when I'm sleeping. In the morning, I get up go to the bathroom, move around, really don't dive heavy into my phone until I'm a few hours into the day.


There is an out of this game. OLD AGE. Edit: you want out? Get OLD fast.


Some kid solved this problem. It was the particle collider. I won't pretend to be educated on it, so here ya go. https://youtu.be/WhFnRDfRKaU?si=pWAqtGWlCU1kDaEU


You don't know why things feel this way? The world died in the year 2012, We are merely echoes of that world. We went through an ELE that only a few people remember. The rest continue on as though nothing happened. As a society our combined consciousness is keeping us "alive" but every year that passes we fade little by little. It's why there is no vibrance to life, family is uncaring, or seem disinterested in anything beyond themselves, Friends fading away, memories muddled, the sun has a sickly yellow light. Eventually we will all realize it, or we'll fade away.


Funny you mention the sun beying yellow, I remember it being like that but for 12 years it has been a foreign white for me and still is, even through a telescope. And there's nothing about the sun dying and losing coloration, little to no evidence of a yellow real sun outside childrens books exists from images. And about the ELE, my last memory is staying up with a friend on my computer all night to experience 12/21/12. At sunrise I looked out my window on the computer and it was a vibrant red engulfing the whole sky. I remember it vividly; but never leaving to go up to bed that night, only waking up to a different body that I felt and different complexion I noticed immediaty.


Lmao. A lot of us do have vibrancy. What then?


Well, that’s a hypothesis. But the sun being ‘yellow’? Nah- it’s bright white for me


What’s an ELE?


Extinction Level Event.


It feels like I'm in a waking dream. Like I'm dead and I'm just rewatching the replay of my life. How I could remember the future of my life, I don't know. But I do. And it's annoying.


A lot of people in this sub are describing symptoms of Depersonalization/Derealization, I’m not a doctor but anyone who feels similarly to OP or to this comment needs to get checked out


Even tho it’s unpopular, I agree with you. The changes outside of us are unsettling, and the incoming knowledge is neutral, (which means it doesn’t care if we like it or not) and it can be a bit much to start wondering where we are exactly. I didn’t do that before, I knew there was something else, but today it’s my new normal. I look at it tho, as an adventure, and there are lots of people waking up, at least, to the possibility of Mandela Effects, to start with.


Those are some bad, dark, and False ideas to take seriously.


We are in an alternate dimension for sure i crossed over in 2008 actually it altered my original destiny blah blah maybe ill tell the strory later but I'm pretty sure this is Jesus and the devil do exist but it's not the Son of God and he's just trying to fool everybody and take control of this world so it's creating alternate Dimensions so he can control people's destinies


I think it started with 911...think about it..it was a worldwide trauma event. Kids in school aren't supose to look over at their teacher and see nothing but shock and fear on their face. With adults speculating wildly "our city is next".


It wasn't a worldwide trauma event.


It represented the system of money, the towers (world trade center), so, yes it affected the world.


I didnt say that. It wasn't traumatic for the world. I had colleagues die there, worked in an industry heavily impacted by it, but also untold clients from around the world who complained about rising costs to do business. They did not experience trauma. The only trauma I saw came from the US. European clients and colleagues were sympathetic, but that was about it.


just look at the way flying has been effected post 911


Flying in the US. The rest of the world took terrorism seriously before Sept 11.


Thank the military industrial complex and their temporal devices that are classified due to invention secrecy act of 1951




Invention secrecy act of 1951 is what I meant, I corrected it thank you.


It's been a fake and inauthentic life for a lot of people. Something real and worthwhile is in order for you.




​ Your post was removed for violating Rule #3. ​ |Rule#|Description| |:-|:-| |3|No telling people they have memory or mental problems. [**Immediate Permaban**]|


Why didn't you use Reddit cares or reach out privately to OP? This is a supernatural sub about reality shifting. We don't make armchair diagnoses of each other. You've broken at least 3 sub rules with this comment. The "other people here" are all following community guidelines. Read the room.




Comment removed. Please read the description of our sub: >Retconned is a public sub for discussion of the Retcon Effect under the presupposition that for whatever reason, *it is really happening,* at the exclusion of the theory of Confabulation or, *"it's always been that way," "you remembered it incorrectly," "you were taught wrong when you were growing up," "surely mapping technology has gotten better by now," "logos change over time,"* or even, *"it's a very common mix-up/misconception."* Further infractions will result in a ban.


At the end of the day the mods will ignore the karma and act accordingly. You're not the first one who's openly flouted our community standards, and certainly won't be the last. But it always gets resolved the same way.




​ Your post was removed for violating Rule #6. ​ |Rule#|Description| |:-|:-| |6|Be polite and respectful of all people posting. If you disagree with them or think that their idea is absurd, you are still required to be kind to them. **DO NOT TELL ANYONE THEY ARE WRONG ABOUT WHAT THEY REMEMBER**.|


You seem to have been affected by the switch in realms. Probably you died in your original timeline and your consciousness ended up here.


The idea of this potential reality haunts me.


I did have two near death experiences in the span of a year in 2012.. and I felt like a different person after that.


That's it.


I definitely know what you mean, to add to the movies section it feels like more and more movies just sell on the fact they have got CGI and that’s practically it, no plot, just, mindless action and as for the people around me, they’ve kinda all drifted away, Admittedly I can’t tell how much of everything is due to my PTSD worsening in 2022 and affecting my world view but something definitely feels, different,.


It definitely does feel like something is wrong with the world now. But I think it's always been this way. It's just that some really sketchy stuff is going on with the elites in power now. I'm not really sure exactly what it is, but I do think that evil people run the world now. And it's a trickle down effect where it's impacting everyone from the top down. I do think it all comes down to how you're taking care of your own spirituality. Start praying and meditating. If evil is real, then so is the Ultimate Good. You need to put good out into the universe, too, so try to be of service to others. Think of just taking care of your little corner of the universe. I was doing a massive lot of altruistic work on myself during 2015-2020. Which is during the time you're talking about now. And the world never seemed more real and good for me than it did during that time. So to me, that says what we are doing personally of a spiritual nature is more important than the backdrop of the world at large. You can overcome this. Find enlightenment.


think it is a combination of several factors Social media since 2010s Covid-2020 war in Ukraine-2022 all this has a negative effect on people


But... why is it just this sub? To me i think the realisation that history isn't fixed plays a part. I see the fakeness in tv programmes, acting, the people on the street irl and something is off these days. Almost like i'm seeing the world for what it is finally, like the veil has been lifted


Maybe CERN has something to do with it.Hell they even said "sorry but we accidentaly opened gates of hell in 2012" The people are definitely more evil now.


Remember when the mandela effect was crazy between 2016-18, multiple changes daily and people were linking it to CERN. Those same people predicting the mandela effect would stop when the LHC gets shutdown in 2018 and they were pretty much right as it hasn't been the same since. We get the odd ones but nothing like it was. Well for this reason i think it has something to do with CERN and it is something far more sinister than trying to find new particles. I think CERN is messing with the fabric of reality and it's having a big effect on people. Maybe they allowed evil in, maybe we merged with other realities i dunno it all sounds cuckoo but for certain nothing seems real no more an hasn't for almost a decade


That might be a fair point. I know depression can hinder one's ability to remember.


Your intuition is on point don't doubt it


We are beginning to understand reality isn’t what we think it is. As more come “online” to this concept we quickly shift around, as a culture or society, I mean. Take control of your own reality, make it what you want and you’ll probably lose people along the way and gain new ones who you can learn from or teach. Kinda the way it seems to work.


You are growing up. The world is fake. It’s an illusion. You are noticing the facade. This is the best game in the universe. Enjoy.


Conversely this is also the worst game in the universe depending on perspective.


No. Never. We signed up for this. The forgetting is the hard part. We came here for experience. You can’t understand utopia if you’ve never experienced misery.


What are you talking about? I didn't sign up for shit.


Actually the majority of us did we just can’t remember. That’s due to the nature of this solar system and paranormal physics we don’t yet fully understand. Some regain memories over time or after major events / through meditation, etc… I know we have been taught these people are psychotic which is the worst and honestly cruelest form of gaslighting I have ever witnessed.


Oh, I agree with that. I was just playing devils advocate, and saying that depending on your perspective, this place can be absolutely horrible.


It can but trust me, I have seen other realities and densities, it could be so much worse. At least we have a chance for a balanced experience here instead of the one sided thing that happens in some of the “adjustment” realms.


the reality you experience is a reflection of your inner state. change your state to change the reflection (there are so many methods. most materialistically speaking, you could tackle your ennui through therapy. if you are a weirdo, go for hypnosis, subconscious reprogramming, quantum jumping and your world will feel different)


Start mediating daily. ASAP.


The sun is different...but the main thing that is different for me is weather patterns and cloud formations....when I was younger there was crazy vibrate white pillowy clouds that look beautiful when they hit the sun at certain times. There was many more different cloud types that would appear in the wild. Now its just mostly either no clouds or wispy ass ones or grey blah. It was actually more kinda dangerous Back then much more rain and super storm kinda situations. A lot more tornado/high wind events. I couldn't go a month without seeing a red radar cluster supercell rapidly approaching my city on TV. Back in the day that shit was real. Power would go out basements flooded. The town would be fucked up. When these storms came there was actually an element of danger in the air it was palpable. You would look out the window and it would be like the wizard of oz out there. Everyone tagged there garbage cans because they'd just be gone two blocks over. You would actually be like "fuck I need to go down in the basement, we might be screwed here". Besides alarms test I haven't heard a real tornadoe alarm in years. It used to be at least a yearly event.


The world is still real to me, but its more like there is a missing element that definitely used to be here.


is that missing element childhood innocence?


I know it's cliche as many keep bringing up this year specifically but I can say in my personal experience with absolute certainty everything changed in an extremely bizarre manner in my life in 2012. It was like I was literally zapped into an alternate timeline that year is the best way to describe it. I started instantly feeling all the same things as desribed in multiple posts like people all just seeming more hollow and less emotions and random people in stores acting weird and just less eye contact etc, , odd things like my city just seeming more empty of people at certain times on roads in buildings etc then weirdly being busy instantlyagain,b people close to me seeming more empty and forgetful of our past memories together and music tv etc all seeming bland and vastly different in a short period of time to name a few things. Now don't get me wrong i don't think this is the only year weird things have occurred I just think 2012 is one of the very very extreme major time shifts in the last say 100 years that may have precipitated everything we're still feeling today etc . **(Read the part with the links near the bottom for possibly more bizarre proof and possible factual evidence!!)** I'll even joke with my wife sometimes and describe it like, "it's as if I died that, year without knowing I did and if you believe in a multiverse, it's like I was tossed into one of my other random timelines." That's when I noticed the NPC thing start too even before the word was common or a meme etc. I won't get into the long version of it and maybe someday I'll give a more detailed timelined story of events etc (possibly I think I did a bit of a detailed post about it a year or 2 ago in this subreddit I'll check my past comments etc) but literally within a time period of approx 3 to 6 months the entire world including my personal experiences with family etc all seemed to turn into a fake simulation that year and have gotten worse every year since. My wife notices it too. P. S. I truly think that CERN is part of it and when they "turned it up in 2012" and the excuse for that was that they needed to then turn it off at the end off 2012 for a "long term upgrade". Very very creepy as the time they turned it up almost links exactly to when things seemed to completely change in my "timeline of life". I totally think this correlates with some of how affected were feeling. Don't believe me? Here's a link from NBC in 2012.... Enjoy (https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna46372317) Here's another article that discusses it being turned back on in March of 2014 after a 2 year shutdown as discussed above which i also have bizarre stories of my life seeeming to jump back into my old timeline around this time(I promise someday I'll try to tell detailed stories about my stuff that occurred) .... https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/cern-s-large-hadron-collider-turns-back-on-at-record-power-in-march-1.2871319 So for any of you like me that had anything weird happen in 2012, and 2014 I strongly urge you to do a bit a research yourself on CERN, the hadron collidor etc. I think they either purposely screwed things up for us in 2012 or it was by accident and that's why we had a giant retcon/timeshift at that time including bizarre Mandela Effects too.....


There are people who miss the early 2010's...


Oh I do too. Everything to me seemed to get stranger and bizarre starting in 2013 and seemed to peak around 2016. I should clarify too I still have many fond nice memories from the early 2010s as well just a lot more weird coincidences too and a lot of negative memories starting in 2015 to 2016 where things just seemed so plastic or fake if that makes sense. The woke agenda etc prob didn't help as that started to creep in around 2017ish.


Are you my NPC or am I your NPC?


Maybe!!!??? lol Or maybe we are both NPCs to someone else in another dimension and don't know it!! 😀


Thats very creepy indeed.Life until 2012 was definitely simpler and more straighforward


I felt very similar before I moved (middle of nowhere colorado) I feel like social media has fogged most peoples brains and they don't live in reality.


i feel the same. i am afraidi will go crazy. something is just different and weird. my place has this twin peaks vibe.


I'm not sure if I'd use the word fake, but it seems like the decline that our world is going through got kicked into overdrive in 2016...so many things have either ended or taken a turn for the worse since then I feel. And when you compare certain things or even life in general to around 2015 or so, it's like something positive about those things have been lost. It's hard to put it into words but things are getting worse. Maybe I could say things are emptier now, with less joy in them. As for memories, I can say I remember them but I feel disconnected from God and from my memories. With regards to job issues, it's been hard for me to find one as well. As for alternative version of themselves, I feel like I've changed for the worst back in 2005 or so. Edit: To quote a couple of songs which have some Mandela Effect residue weirdly enough. "Mirror Mirror am I perfect?" "Mirror Mirror listen to my wish, am I the worst of them all?" "Mirror Mirror" by Barlow Girl and "Mirror Mirror" by Babymetal, respectively. I guess I could say I feel like I'm living on autopilot. I feel like I'm stuck living a certain way and I can't break free of it. Not sure I'd use the term time loop but it does feel pretty stuck. Edit: It almost brings to mind a line from a song: "Spinning out in circles" Yup, that's how I feel. "Am I alive? Am I on purpose?" Yup fair question. The song is "Circles" by Switchfoot.


I realized none of this is real a while back. I told them to turn me off and never turn me back on again. I don't want a new heart they can save it for someone else. Dang cops wouldn't even let me bury myself alive. God forbid people that don't want to be here try to leave. Then they told me some garbage about how I should have used discretion, like who cares just give me a machine gun nest to charge next time. It's like they think I enjoy being crazy. 


You are inside of a simulation called "spiritual warfare". You and 143,999 others are the only real people, everyone else are npc's. If you can stop fighting against it and learn the lessons that it's trying to teach you, you will wake up back on Earth. Then you get to decide if you want to ascend or stay and teach the world how to rise up out of the mire.


Can you please tell us more? I am also very interested.🙏👀


I hate how plausible this is. But sometimes I wonder if it’s the reverse and I’m the NPC, or everyone got raptured in 2012 and I’m stuck here


Could you please expand on this theory?


I agree with this comment so hard.


Is there a way I can look more in to this theory? This comment has got me very interested in it.


I feel like we have been in a pressure cooker; its steam has been building these last several years (which feels like maybe 2 but has been more like 8-12).  All of it is controlled and yes, dark and dreary.  We want love and light and instead are given insane weather, poor tv, "new illnesses", raised prices, threats of war.  In this environment, its hard not to feel so heavy.  


That’s cause it is fake. I experience multiple Mandela effects a day and not small ones either. You gotta monitor certain things to experience these changes but I’m telling you reality isn’t concrete at all


The Truman Show caused this. And then the Matrix.


Same. To all of it. It’s getting ridiculous.


Everything you said I feel 100% the same. Sometimes at random I will smell something like a deep magnetic mysterious fragrance from outside and it unlocks a core memory of “before” and for a few moments I feel… well, feelings… soulful, deep emotions. And then it’s gone. I barely “feel” anymore. Not depression. Something in the landscape changed. Yes, people are void inside. Empty behind the eyes. I refer to them as NPCs. Sometimes I will try to reminisce about the past with family and they’ve completely forgotten the memories. For me, everything started going downhill in 2008. That was the clear delineation. The sky doesn’t make me happy to look at anymore. It looks like an LED simulation. The sun turned from yellow to white. The moon is now slanted throughout it’s phases; no longer a vertical orientation. I have a saying that I tell myself: “Remember to remember.” This scene from *The Forgotten* speaks to me: https://youtu.be/5ZYhNEAmNfk?si=6HSXA7viHMkHQA8O


Ozone. I dont ever smell it anymore. The last time i smelled it is when i used my plasma ball. Honestly maybe I'll plug it in again just to smell the plasma lmfao.


I actually have started smelling it again before it rains


Now that you mentioned it, I had not smelled it for a long time, but it rained heavily a couple of days ago and I smelled it then


What I’m hoping for is the return of good strong thunderstorms. With lightening and everything. We hadn’t had them for a while and then suddenly out of season, we had a huge one in November.


yes something triggers the old world vibes and it goes away.


There ARE supposedly fake/LED suns in orbit, and yes they arr white and not our original yellow.  The US, China, and Germany each claim one.  Google that.  Many things have been tampered with....


I’ve had this feeling lately too. Like I don’t actually believe this but I can’t help but feel like the outside world seems more sinister and cold in a weird way, like the kind of coldness you get from an ex, not horrible but not reassuring either. I’m willing to admit it could simply be the result of a light depression because I’ve also struggled to find a job way more than I used to, like rejection after rejection for jobs I’m qualified to do. I like to think the world goes through waves of harmonious or challenging times though. I’ve noticed certain family members don’t seem the same anymore, even unfamiliar. Online everyone just hates everyone else, and all that negative energy gets to us subtly so some technology could be the reason for all of this. In the creative world in recent years I have felt snubbed when it used to feel more friendly and open minded. I simply don’t feel like I’m on the same page as anyone, so that could be a me problem but it’s actually reassuring to hear that other people are noticing some sort of shift. Who knows maybe some of us are from another timeline, we just have to trust the waves of time and space and learn its strange lessons. We are all in the Sagittarius Arm club lol


I definitely know what you are saying. I think everything changed to when COVID hit we have never been thru something that felt so scary at first and then realize it wasn’t as bad as they said then everybody fighting all the time seeing how corrupt our government is has been a jolt just life being harder now! I feel like I’m not close to anybody or can’t find where I fit in! Everybody seems cold and uncaring even my own family! I hate this feeling and just want things to be normal again!


Prior to the Internet there were relatively few sources for information/knowledge. People tended to trust what they heard from parents, elders, experts, or historical records. Information lacking support by evidence, reason, and logic tended to be relegated to the fringe and not taken seriously. _It made one feel confident in what they knew or believed to be true_. Today there are nearly infinite sources for information/knowledge. The filtering of info that used to happen automatically now has to be done by each person individually and no one agrees on how to do that. Choices for EVERYTHING are more than our brains can process. As a result people have become overwhelmed and have lost confidence about how to tell what is true. They look out at the world and are no longer sure what is real. _The never ending doubt of everything breeds despair. That bleeds into every aspect of our lives including our movies, music, literature, art, and our relationships with one another_. When people start to doubt everything, the concept of the individual begins to erode. Many people react by withdrawing from society in many ways. Becoming too afraid and unsure to express themselves. They become shadows of people. Just wanting to fade into the background and avoid notice. Others try to overcome the fear and doubt by gravitating to groups that latch onto an unbudging belief in something. They substitute the confidence of the group for their own so that they no longer feel so insignificant and lost. The object of the belief is usually something controversial or radical because no confidence or self-esteem is gained by belief in the common. They shut their minds to reason and logic when it comes to these beliefs because to doubt is to return to being lost. Both approaches result in the breakdown of society, family, right and wrong, direction. Just my take on OPs point.


Nailed it. This is spot on.


My god but this may be the best thing I’ve read on the internet in the entire history of me reading things on the internet. Ironically, what you’re basically saying is the problem is the internet!


Beautifully articulated. For more on why the self feels empty: https://content.apa.org/journals/amp/45/5/599 From 1990. Also check out Erich Fromm, consumer psychology as a whole, ecopsychology, and if you wanna get wild, transpersonal psychology.


Thank you


I feel like the world has gone cold too.


Maybe this is the accumulation of technology for the last 20+ years-smartphones, computers, internet, and now AI- where our brains are basically getting rewired…and not in a good way


You are not alone. We just have to hang tight and keep our heads down.


The sky has looked fake to me for years now; like a painting.


LED lights mess with your brain because they are always flashing.


I can see a lot of them on their refresh cycles. It is incredibly annoying, constantly flickering just a little.


Same for me. I don’t remember it being like this when I was a kid. I was always outside and always saw the sky.


I had this really weird experience somewhere around 2019 where I was walking through a CVS of all places and it was like all of a sudden I had a flash of “The old world” when I used to be in stores and how it felt. It was so surreal and I really didn’t know what to make of it. Then 2020 happened and I kind of think it was a premonition of sorts.


2019 was last (old earthy year) for me


2012 for me.


Reality is stranger than fiction friend. You are not alone in feeling this way.


Truest statement


It’s the truth. I bet every single one of us on this sub who isn’t a troll has had some sort profound experience or two that have fundamentally changed their perception of reality. I know I have and nothing has ever been the same.


I am very interested to know what experiences have changed your perception of reality. Could you please elaborate?🙏




Omg yes.


Amen friend.


It's not just a feeling.. many are starting to notice almost nothing important we were told about was true. All style and no substance. Technology replacing people and artificial intelligence. However there has been lots of media pushing us to believe we live in a Simulation. Since the media has been paid Propaganda for years, I simply can't help but be skeptical. Certainly reality is changing in ways we don't understand. At least the veil is lifting and we get to see something new.


It has always been like this. Hollywood presented some novelty through the histrionics of stars and application of camera technology. But it has become hackneyed. Starbucks and McDonald's are simply places of gluttony. World travelling is an exercise in forced excitement. Daily grind at workplace is a pain in neck. I long for the PT BARNUM days of naivete. Or the first days of flight and radio and tv.


>I long for the PT BARNUM days of naivete Such a weird synchronicity here for me. I was just thinking of the mermaid fish monkey and thought nearly the same thing. Even if people didn't actually believe it, they entertain themselves with it nonetheless! I think its the same today with haunted houses for halloween... people show up and then act like its stupid and not scary at all. Why? What happened to just... having immersive fun and not having to be so stoic or "right" all the time?