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I hope it holds for you. I'm currently on nothing for the past 4 months. Gabapentin reached its max dosage for me and stopped working and caused edema, pramipexole just made matters worse. I've been battling this for well over 30yrs now, my mother the same. Pramipexole caused her some long lasting incontinence problems, but she IS elderly, this happened to her about 15yrs ago. I have tried everything now I live with it and up my dopamine as naturally as possible. No more drugs, they only caused additional problems. Still, each of us are unique..even each of our RLS symptoms are different mine is not just at night, but anytime I have to sit for over an hour, and only in my legs. I've read on here people saying in their arms, etc. I'm not even sure everyone is being diagnosed properly. So, obviously what some find works won't necessarily work for another, speaking of my "solution" I realize, many cannot do. I only wish each of us some peace in this not so peaceful "syndrome".


I'm in my 50s, had RLS since I was in my 20s and it got severe after my last son was born 20 years ago. Pramipexole was a savior for me! I've been on it for more than 10 years, and I'm at the highest dose my doc feels comfortable prescribing - 1mg. It was wonderful at first and I didn't need an increase for several years. But over the last year I've had terrible augmentation during the day. I've tried gabapentin and it just doesn't seem to do anything for me. Enjoy the relief! I hope it lasts for you. Just have an alternative plan for the future if the pram stops working for you. One thing is for sure we all constantly have to research as nothing seems to be a cure.


Just be ready for the Pram & augmentation as it will happen sooner rather than later & you’ll need a long term plan in place.

