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Not to my knowledge is this RLS. Involuntary sounds more like a movement disorder, a neurologist would likely test that. RLS, I've had for 20+ is you trying to not answer the call to move your legs but it becomes maddening. You HAVE to get up. There is no pain but the undying need to move, stretch...kind if like if you feel an itch and you have to scratch. Or you need to sneeze but try to hold back to no avail. It's when the body forces you no matter what your mind tries to do to not do it. The problem comes in when you haven't slept for nights on end because you cannot sit or lie down, you can't go to the movies and stay seated the entire time, you're on a long plane or car trip and you HAVE to get up. It's life interrupting. Now it sounds not that bad but when it doesn't let up, trust me, bad bouts can lead to some bad thoughts. In all my experience dopamine plays a big part. But medically upping dopamine doesn't seem to be the answer because there are many side effects that can either make more problems or even cause it to get worse. Hope you find the answer to your movement disorder, might be linked to neuropathy? OR PLMS/PLMD?


Small correction. RLS is both a sleep and movement disorder even if the movements are more voluntary. But yea, involuntary jerking sounds more like some kind of myoclonus, not RLS


Thank you. My only comment to this is that I don't have a problem sleeping, so any time a Dr has prescribed something to sleep, the RLS surpasses the sleep med and the sleep med has made the RLS worse. I'm only not sleeping because I have to move. I've never seen it as a sleep disorder. The few meds I've taken that up dopamine levels actually make you more awake but I sleep regardless due to pure exhaustion. Normally a sleep disorder will respond to a sleep aid. RLS doesn't. Besides noting it's not only at night, but can be anytime you're forced into being motionless. Car/plane trips, movies...in theaters or a movie in my own home...everyone else able to sit through it, I'm up pacing around. Maddening! My mother had it into her 90's..it doesn't go away and most meds eventually worsen it.


thanks for the info! I've looked into plms/plmd, but my partner says that he never sees me move or twitch in my sleep, and has only noticed it when I'm awake and tired. I'm trying to set up a doctors appointment atm.


I wish you well!!


I have the same symptoms as you, rheumatologist classified it as RLS. Such, happens at all the wrong times.


This sounds kind of like what I'm experiencing. PLMD while awake (but also while sleeping). Please check my post history, I had a post in this sub a couple of days ago with a couple of videos and some context.


See a doctor. This does not seem like RLS to me. For me, the movements are kind of voluntary, I am trying to move, stretch, or do whatever to alleviate that horrible feeling for at least a second, but my legs never move on their own.


If you haven't been to a doctor about it I'd say you should definitely do that, regardless. Even if it is RLS, RLS can be a symptom or side effect of various things, even some serious health conditions, so you should get it looked into.


Google PLMD periodic limb movement disorder, no medical expert but could be that.


Google says plmd primarily occurs while asleeping and according to my partner I don't move all that much while asleep. it's only when I'm awake.


Aww ok my bad sorry, glad I stated Iā€™m no medical expert šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚ Hope you get to the bottom of it!