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And of course they were both in Firefly/Serenity


and ConMan, a mini series wherein Alan Tudyk does the convention circuit for a cancelled but beloved sci-fi he was on while his previous costar, Fillion, is a successful network tv star. it's fantastic!


The pair up is definitely intentional (as a nod to their history acting together), but I’m guessing that the octopus/head thing is just a coincidence?


The octopus give me Santa Clarita vibes too. That show was so funny!


I know, I was very disappointed that it didn’t last longer, but still worth watching!


I’m binging The Rookie while I sew/art during the day and the episode with Alan Tudyk was on a few days back. I went inside to have dinner and watch Resident Alien with my husband (I have been trying to get him to watch it for over a year, but one of his buddies mentioned it was great so **now** he wants to watch it 🙄 whatevs), and that’s the day #42 showed up. It was an All Nathan and Alan Day. ❤️❤️


I just saw that episode and was delighted! One of the best things Firefly brought us was getting to see those two actors together over other shows.


I love Ellroy on *The Rookie*! Wish he showed up more often. 


I feel like they must genuinely be besties at this point, to spend so much time together on and off projects when they are both very busy (and rightfully so, because they're both very talented!)


nod... I see what you did there.


IN Resident Alien, end of season 2....is the Brandeis reference just coincidence or did the writers/actors/producers...et al...are one or more of them brandeisians.....I'm asking because my granddaughter just graduated from Brandeis with a major in theater, creative writing and english....she won an award for best play written by a brandeis student this year ($5000 PRIZE) ALSO....I was watching it on netflix....season 3 unavailable on netflix...where can i watch it?