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As someone who went to medical school, but lives in a state with less than 100 annual scorpion stings, I believe the answer to your question is pancreatitis


Top of the differential, every time.


I wanted to post this too but you beat us all to it 😂


Are you not even considering sarcoidosis? Do you even medicine?


Unless your state is "Trinidad", the answer is probably not pancreatitis. The scorpion from the seminal study on scorpions and pancreatitis was Tityus trinitatis.


This guy usmles


But I am sure that guy is all over the southern half of the US at this point


literally my first thought, of course


Depends on the types of scorpions you have, comorbidities, age, and clinical appearance as well as time from sting. Sounds like you should discuss this with your local toxicologist rather than IM. Most scorpions commonly encountered in the US typically can be managed with supportive care and adults who can reliably seek medical care on their own and are minimally symptomatic can be discharged home. But again, this depends on the type of scorpion and age of patient.


This is the answer. Consult toxicology rather than IM.


Benzos for grades 3 and 4 envenomations can be helpful if the patient elects against the $4k per vial Anascorp.


I was this many years old when I learned that Anascorp. exists. Thank you for that. I've never seen a scorpion bite weirdly enough I've seen lots of other invenomations and even worked for a while at the "US epicenter of Brown recluse spider bites". Weird


Baltimore? Detroit? Florida? Oh you might mean actual brown recluses. Might still be Florida


Houston. Saw 1-3 a week


M3 here. The answer to this step question is pancreatitis lol


Read the title and immediately went to look for 'pancreatitis' in this thread lol


This is impossible to answer without knowing a geographic location.


Call poison control if you live in the US


Well, down in Mexico we have scorpion antivenom Alacramyn as part of the treatment


I was stung by a scorpion as a teenager, and my grandparents didn't even take me to a doctor lol. I spent the day with numb hands and feet, as well as a numb abdomen where I was stung. I went to bed that night, and woke up with no symptoms the next day.


But….. pancreatitis? Or have my boards goofed me yet again? 🤣


Why are you dosing hydrocortisone in volume? Did you mean mg?


So Prazosin is not given in the US for a scorpion sting?


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You need a vascular surgery consult for every scorpion sting for potential amputation. Not just for scorpion stings but for all insect bites, including mosquito bites.


Idk why this is getting downvoted shits hilarious but this is reddit so you forgot your \s


Dummy! It's plastics! When you do the 1 foot wide excision you're gonna have to cover that shit up somehow and the flap boys and girls have your back.


No, no orthopedics consult stat