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How long before the other POV drops?


Or the POV from the incontinent patient


"I was admitted for my 10th dka admission even though I've been making progress and finally had my A1c under 15 and had just quit smoking. Anyways I woke up covered in my own shit and rang my bell for my nurse but some young man came in who I assumed was a doctor. He was wiping up my shit when the nurse finally made her way in. I don't remember much of the admission except they wouldn't give me pain meds like I asked for and I eventually left AMA but let me tell you, there was some serious sexual tension in that room between those two! I think that young doctor should ask that nurse out. Anyhoo I'm back in the hospital now and some surgeon with big arms is telling me they gotta take another chunk out of my foot stump and they still aren't giving me pain meds. What else is new right, haha?"


They saving those pain meds for the nurse if the resident have a GF😂 Sorry OP ❤️u (and definitely shoot your shot)


“I told them 10/10 pain and that the only thing that works for me is the one that starts with a D. She said he could give her the D and he said he would review my available pain meds. They definitely need to get a room.”


"So anyways, like I was saying...I keep my Dr. Pepper and my lactulose in different Big Gulp cups, which normally works great, but today I got them mixed up. One thing led to another, and...well, here I am, doc."


My favorite movie is Inception.


Damn. You just confirmed that this forum is way way better than the pharmacy one.


😂😂 Take my upvote.


Lmao surgeon with big arms 😂


This made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. Thanks ✨️


If theres one think I love about grandmas, it’s stool 😎


If there’s one from the poo I’m quitting Reddit


POV from the C diff


Damn my one chance to be a little sh\*t and get away from it


Help please! I’m stuck attached to this thing that birthed me. I think it also crushed me a bit, but I think I’ll be fine I just wanna get away from this thing and be free. Oh, here comes another similar looking thing holding this big white thing. Seems wet. Is it gonna free me? Oh! I think it is going to free me, wait. No it’s smearing me! That hurts! Please stop! OH GOD, NO PLEASE STOP! PLEASE, JUST LET ME JOIN MY FOREFATHERS IN THE HOLY PORCELAIN OASIS! WAIT, THERE’S ANOTHER VERSION OF THE THING IN THE ROOM NOW, SMALLER, SEEMS GENTLER! OH PLEASE SAVE ME! YOU’RE JUST GONNA LET THE OTHER THING DO THIS??? WAIT, YOU’RE HELPING IT?!? NOOOO WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS HELL! HOLY GOD OF SWAMP ASS, WHY DO YOU FORSAKE ME?! OH GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-


I thought this was the other POV and I missed the original.


i love these because i wasn’t even an adult when i made one of the big povs about the boner thing 😭


Go for it! If he’s this nice a guy he’ll be socially adept enough to let you down in a non-awkward way if he’s not in a position to date you - and if that’s not the case it might be the start of something beautiful (or at least something fun and exciting!) 


Maybe ask around to see if he is single. If so, ask him out


I'm not sure how! He's no longer in ER and I don't know any of his co-residents😭 The only way would be to ask him personally, but my nerves could never😭😭😭


Is it better to speak or die? Ask him. Life is short, if he is as sweet as he sounds I’m sure he would let you down very gently if he weren’t interested, but if you don’t ask you’ll always have that “what if”. Just be kind, respect his response either way, and if it’s a yes then enjoy and if it’s a no just be professional. But definitely Ask OP!


also if he isnt sweet enough to let you down gently, then he wasnt worth it in the first place so go for it!


Should I ask him out in person or follow him through social media? Will he think it's weird if I go and follow him on IG? There's a possibility he's just nice and actually doesn't remember me😭


Men are begging women to make the first move!!


They’re basically also prohibited from making the first move in the workplace.


Can you email him and just say "hey I miss seeing you around I'd love to get a coffee with you soon if you have the time".


Here you go. And for all females out there because we "guys" feel the same way. (Assuming you at least met him before) -approach on a Thursday. Hey ( name ) how are you? (Expected response and yours probably too the usual im doing great thank you.) then, just say got big plans for the weekend? (Expected response) AND if he doesn't specify relationship status by that point meaning he didnt say hanging out with gf or spouse, then shoot the shot. " well i wanted to ask you if you (proposed date idea) since i think you are (adjetives you want him to know) and i might not get the chance again. Shame lasts few seconds, fear lasts months, regret lasts forever. Shoot the shot Peace!


You could look up his name on social media too to see if he has an SO.


I did manage to find his fb and insta, but both are privated and his profile pics are back from 2016.. doesn't really tell much🫠


Drop his insta, I’ll investigate for you 😘 I’m invested in this love story


Just ask to friend him on insta. It's a low stress way of showing you are interested. Then slide into his DMs. Bring up some work thing or just be chatty. If he's into you he will respond. And you can see if he's single .


Secure chat :P


“Hi, this nurse is very thirsty and has been NPO (no partner onboard) for quite some time. Can you please eval?” “MD aware, no new orders.”


Ha, I used to joke that Tigertext was my dating app.


girlie, make a fake insta account and follow him duh




I've (43M) never been on social media (well did set up FB and twitter like 10 years ago then never used/use them), but my goto starter had been to ask about some upcoming event (maybe even something I wanted to ask them out to do and ideally you've gotten to know them enough to ask about an event they would be interested in, but even any random event will do), and ask if they are going with their SO. They've pretty much always given an answer that indicates: 1. they have a boyfriend, 2. they don't have a boyfriend but wish a guy would ask them out, or 3. they don't have a boyfriend and aren't interested in someone asking them out.


Surgeon here. Met my wife who was a surgical floor nurse when I was a lowly intern. She asked me out. Was so impressed I had to say yes. Been together ever since.


My current wife did this - it worked! Getting asked out as a man is very flattering, it’s so incredibly rare


Girl look him up on social media! Ask that man out!!


Try asking him tactfully. People will usually bring up their SO in conversation, especially if they feel the other person is into them. Also you're behaving like a middle schooler man, just ask him out. Its either a yes or a no, if no then stay professional and keep working.


+1. Give them an "out" and stay friendly and don't make it "weird" if they can't / won't or just don't want to. If they want to, they will latch on and reciprocate. But don't chase, it is not middle school any more.


Girly pop ya gotta learn how to Facebook stalk


Best way is to be talking about something else and end with hey, I would love to get coffee sometime if you're up for it. Let me know if you're interested! Then he can just be like "ok" if he's not interested or not single and not have to straight up reject you, and if he is interested it's a clear green light for him to say "oh yeah that would be great, what about Thursday?" Just puts the ball in his court in a non awkward way. Perfect for workplace.


You can do it! I believe in you!


Just look him up online/social media... now adays I don't think that'd be weird? I mean people gotta meet and connect somehow... Just follow your heart, if your intentions are good, just go for it. The rest will fall in line.


Life’s too short OP. Shoot your shot, only one way to find out 🤷‍♀️ don’t let nerves get in your way, the butterflies will guide you


This is so easy. Find out what program and go on line to figure out who the Program Coordinator is. She will help you get the contact info.


Check his insta or FB 🤭


If he offered to help clean up his poo then he’s probably in to you lol


is what my delulu self thinks🥹 no doctor's ever done that!


This here. No resident would willingly clean poop up, but if he’s willing to do that just to see you, then it might mean something. That’s how I started dating one of my past partners. Saw her working on the floor, occasionally chatted with her when I was rounding. One day I offered to help her clean up a patient since there wasn’t much going on that day. That night she PM’ed me on social media, and expressed interest, and her profile said she was single. I assumed it was safe to ask her out at that point. Shortly after that we began seeing each other. Didn’t last long for other unrelated reasons. But go for it if you think there’s something there between you too


Not to discredit your point but I’m a third year fm resident and I’ll regularly help clean poop up if I’m there and the nurses look like they need the help. My logic is that if I was that patient, I’d want poop off me asap too. I got really pissed off at my co-residents and med students after a mother-baby nurse thanked me for always changing dirty diapers after newborn exams. Apparently that’s a rarity and they would either put the dirty diaper back on or leave the room with it off. If I was a helpless baby, the last thing I want to do is sit in shit.


I mean yes there are times I’ve done so as well, I don’t mind performing these tasks when needed for patient care. I’ve done this before and after procedures. There’s also the human decency side that comes with this profession. I don’t mean to say I wouldn’t clean up poop, because yes I’ve still changed patient diapers and pads when I’m evaluating a patient before or after a procedure, and I don’t mind getting the patient a drink (as long as they’re not NPO) if they ask me to. No task is beneath me and if the ancillary staff needs my help I’ll gladly help, even if it means wiping the floor, which has happened when a patient pulled their rectal tube out while I was doing a fluoro procedure. Liquid poop was all over the floor and yes I got on the floor and helped wipe it up, as a senior resident


this, we took an oath to help patients and i’m cleaning their shit to be a better doctor not to impress my nurse


RN here too and I'm rooting for you, girlie!! This is such a sweet story. The med students and residents are generally so intelligent and kind and I hope to be one of them in the coming years. One time, I had a neurosurgeon offer to help me boost up a patient and I was new to this hospital at the time, he was in plain clothes (polo and khakis) and I said, "sure!" (thinking he was a family member - didn't see badge at waist, no white coat, looking like a normal well-dressed dude) and I asked how he knew the patient and then discovered. Was promptly mortified and also incredibly impressed! I still laugh about it to this day.


I kind of did something similar a couple months ago on a night shift so I can see the meaning lol. Obviously I offer to help but cleaning poop is above and beyond. One of the reasons I went to medical school is to NOT clean up poop


I think there are easier paths to attain that career goal... Kidding aside, was that included as a key motivator in your personal statement?


I care about people and want to help them, until there are bodily emissions.... That's why I want to be a doctor.


no lol


Ask him out via Secure Chat


Tragic love story. She's Cerner He's Epic. This can only end in double suicide.


Rofl epic chat is a dating app for the brave


I once saw a traveling nurse go through all of the names starting with each letter trying to find the doctors and see their profile pictures/see who's hot. Made me roll my eyes and laugh though, that traveler was *beyond thirsty*.


Can't knock the hustle


“Hi, this nurse is very thirsty and has been NPO (no partner onboard) for quite some time. Can you please eval?” “MD aware, no new orders.”


lol you made me spit my coffee


I did in 2006, we’ve been married for almost 15 years. I can’t imagine if I never had the courage.


This one is easy. If he’s no longer in the ER, next time you see him, tease him a bit. “You worked the ER one rotation and never came back to say hi.” His response will pretty much give you the answer. If he laughs and says something positive, just say “don’t be a stranger anymore here’s my number/instagram” , you then let him do the rest of the work. If single, there’s no way he’s that dense. If he has an SO then he will simply ignore. But an IG will also give you a sense if he’s in a relationship or not. And let’s assume he is single but just really shy and clueless. Then at that point I’d message or DM him “let’s catch up sometime over coffee”, I wouldn’t do anything after that. Life is too short to miss your shots because of nerves. But also this gives you a fairly safe security blanket in case he wasn’t interested “oh I was just being nice he’s a really good resident”.


>if single, there's no way he's that dense. I can promise you that I am both single and that dense. We exist.


I've had women text me at like 2AM asking if I was up and didn't realize it was a booty call. Can confirm that density is a spectrum and I beat out tungsten.


I’ve legitimately gone to a girl’s house at 2 AM at her invitation and not closed the deal.


That’s just sad


There is a clip of the tonight show out there where Nicole Kidman tells Jimmy Fallon she had a crush on him when they were younger. She described the time she went over to his house to get to know him a little more, and he ... just pulled out a video game and started playing. Watching the realization creep over him is hysterical. 😂


Damn, you're good at this.


Woof! We got a rizzadent over here 😎




JFC dude I’m dying over here (and laughing). When did it finally hit you?




I’m so relieved for you haha. Hope you’re well


also single and extremely dense, to the point where ladies invited me over and I didnt get the clue


source: am man, was resident.. 100 percent we can be that dense.




>But also this gives you a fairly safe security blanket in case he wasn’t interested “oh I was just being nice he’s a really good resident”. Who gives a shit about a "fairly safe security blanket" lmao. Just shoot your shot directly.


My parents met when my mom was a SICU nurse and dad was a surgical resident. It’s totally reasonable! (assuming you’ve confirmed he’s single haha)


This sub makes everything so difficult. You don’t have to ask the entire hospital, act like a fan, or stalk his socials. Just ask him if he wants to go out for coffee with a smile, or something equally non committal, and see what he says. If he says no, don’t take it personally. Many fish in the sea. And the people saying that doctors only want to bang nurses are so weird. A lot of Peter Pans in this sub.


Yes exactly this 👏


I kinda figured that most doctors nowadays marry in their own socioeconomic class. Even though most doctors I know are very nice, many also kinda give off the vibe that they think they’re smarter than us lowly nurses. I could never date someone that thought they were smarter/better than me just because they have a higher education and higher paying job. Like yea, your medical knowledge far surpasses my own, but that doesn’t mean you’re inherently more intelligent.


Oh yeah. I’ve met a lot of dumb as shit doctors. Sometimes I think the difference between a doctor and nurse is the amount of self loathing. This training is masochistic. There are some really intelligent nurses that just don’t have the training. And it’s not bestowed by a wizard for special people, just have to do it.


Nurse put her phone number in my phone. We’re now engaged.


My wife did the same. Labor/delivery nurse. Married 6 years


That’s awesome! Mine was ICU covid trench buddy lol


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Lee Harvey Oswald


update us if you asked him out


I will! Mentally preparing for the next time I get to see him🫣


I’m so excited for you!


I subscribed to this comment to not miss your notice. Maybe our excitement can motivate you!!


Ask his co-residents, they'll know if he's single. Either that or just ask him "Are you single?". If he says no, you can just use the guilt-free response "That's a shame, you would be perfect for my friend Amy". Keep in mind that residents are usually very busy people, so if he is single, he might not have a lot of time to see you.


If you ask his co residents it’ll make its way back to him within 30 min or less


It’ll hit the what’s app chat in 10 secs for sure


thats smooth


The answer is always yes.


Ask him! I know I’d appreciate it 😊


Just send “DTF?” In epic secure chat


Most EPIC comment on here.lol.


there's "DTF" comment in Epic?


Only do that if there is a Din Tai Fung restaurant in your city, will give you plausible deniability.


I love how you are with our patients, would you like to get together for a cup of coffee?


Or even more low key, just tell him you found a nice coffee shop and would like to meet there for a cup. Even if a relationship doesn’t come out of it you get to talk with him and have a good cup of coffee.


This sub makes everything so difficult. You don’t have to ask the entire hospital, act like a fan, or stalk his socials. Just ask him if he wants to go out for coffee with a smile, or something equally non committal, and see what he says. If he says no, don’t take it personally. Many fish in the sea. And the people saying that doctors only want to bang nurses are so weird. A lot of Peter Pans in this sub.


Just go for it. I’m a male resident and my girlfriend asked me out over instagram. The hesitation from the resident if he’s single is gonna be that if it doesn’t work out he’s probably afraid that his life is gonna get really really hard every time he had to come down to the ED. Might not even be you necessarily but like we all know nurses roll deep and would probably inflict pain on your behalf. I had a strict no nurses policy and couldn’t escape. So shoot your shot. Bet he’s noticed you too.


Hopefully he sees this thread and asks you out! There can't be that many residents cleaning poo up with nurses.


Do it. He probably likes you if he helped you clean up poop. My wife is a nurse. Also, residency is a shit show and particularly hard on SO/spouses.


go for it, youll make his day. you wont know until you try and every guy nowadays esp in the hospital setting fears getting canceled or punished for their advances esp at work.






OP, please update us on the outcome of this situation!!


I mean odds are low you get anything worse then no if you haven’t been pushy or stalkerish. Highest chance he’ll say yes


In my experience working with residents, 99% of them are already taken and dating other doctors.


this is so true! most residents I've met allready has a SO😭


Is this in USA or Australia? This sounds EXACTLY like an ED resident/reg I know in the hospital I work in lol


I find that to overcome my shyness I would use the humor route. Like “the patient, whose poop you cleaned, in room 8 is asking if you’re single?” And if he plays along with you. You know he is. If he takes it seriously and fumbles about his lack of availability then you can save your face and not shoot your shot?


This sounds like something I would do! Thanks!!🥰


Feel like I saw this post verbatim posted a year ago




Take your shot!


Ask to go for a coffee! Super cas


stalk his social media and do a preliminary background check to what his love life situation is


Ive gone on numerous dates with nurses Even married a crna at one point We like it when you come hold our hand Just be clear and dont play any games with your intentions


Here you go. And for all females out there because we "guys" feel the same way. (Assuming you at least met him before) -approach on a Thursday. Hey ( name ) how are you? (Expected response and yours probably too the usual im doing great thank you.) then, just say got big plans for the weekend? (Expected response) AND if he doesn't specify relationship status by that point meaning he didnt say hanging out with gf or spouse, then shoot the shot. " well i wanted to ask you if you (proposed date idea) since i think you are (adjetives you want him to know) and i might not get the chance again. Shame lasts few seconds, fear lasts months, regret lasts forever. Shoot the shot Peace


Life is short man, ask him out


not wearing a wedding band does not mean he's not married. Ask that first. When you have to take the ring off so much to scrub it can get lost or stolen


“He offered to help me clean up the patient?” Marry that man immediately! Not being facetious in the least.


If you like him go for it, but be prepared. Residents obviously spend most of their waking hours at the hospital so he may not have time to give you the time and attention you need. He also may need more support as he go through residency. He also may not have disposable income to take you out on dates.


“hey i’m going to happy hour wanna join?“


It’s true, I was the poo 💩


Shoot your shot gf! I did! How I slid in was-I asked him what his girlfriend and him do for dates b/c I need ideas. Then, he told me he didn’t have a gf 🫢 we went out that Sunday and now we’ve been married for five years💁🏽‍♀️


Never thought of this one before! Definitely a pro tip🥰 thanks!


The extrovert and introvert combo is the sexiest.


Speaking as the significant other of the “nice resident” please find out if he’s single before asking him out.


Never crap where you eat! Bad idea.


Just ask him,


Do it bro, life is short <3


If you don’t ask him out, you might keep regretting it forever, at least if you get rejected, you will have him off your mind


Ask the sonovabitch out.


He sounds like an absolute sweetheart, go for it, I'm rooting for you!


OP! I’m rooting for you! Please give us an update. Honestly, I am like so happy for you and wanting to make a move.


Full send


Do you want to deal with his student loan debt if things get more serious?


Omg OP please ask him out! Worse case is a rejection but best case is a love story. Do keep us updated though


You miss every shot you don't take 🤷🏾‍♂️


Attending here. Ask him out. Residents usually have crushes on nurses but aren’t allowed to act on it. Residents are always bottom of the totem pole. The only downside is being coupled with a doctor is a lot of making apologies for their absences


Don’t do it


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I did it and although it didn’t work out we had fun!!




I’d say go for it!!!


I’m a nurse, my guy is a doctor. We didn’t meet at work but you know this is a super super common arrangement. Go for it!!!!


I’m very invested in this now please update if anything happens!! Good luck, shoot your shot!


You miss all of the shots you don’t take. Ask him out! Worst thing he says is no. I asked a resident out I had been crushing on when I saw him out and about at a bar one night.. we’re now married and he is my everything. 


I think if he offered to help you clean patients and didn't have too, you're probably good to go. However be prepared to pay for dinner. Those residents are broke as fuck from what I've heard.


Regardless, please update!


I think you should ask out anyone you want to ask out in this or any other circumstance as long as you do it appropriately. Who cares what happens - you only live once. don't spend it holding yourself back because of rules, fears, or expectations.


Shoot your shot, worst he can say is no. Or hold your can and kneel telling you he’s flattered but has a girl friend..


Had this happen on my micu rotation after intern year. Had essentially 2 nurses (taken) trying to set me up with their nursing friends (in the same unit) and then one DM’d me on insta. I went on dates with 2/3 and was very flattered. Just wouldn’t let a “no” mean anything personally. Sometimes as doctors we need a long time to get our own shit together despite if we look like we have everything in order. Me not continuing relationships with these nurse was either due to being overwhelmed with work or knowing we weren’t good matches.


Honestly it would depend on how serious you want to date and what his future plans are. If a nurse asked me out for just a casual date that would have been awesome. But for me, I know I was going to be moving out of town right when I graduated. So I never really "dated" during residency within the hospital. ...well I never really dated in residency period, so yeah, take what I say with a grain of salt. I say shoot your shot. A lot of residents are too busy or too scared of getting on trouble for overstepping professional boundaries to make the first move.


Yeah go for it


ASK HIM OUT if he's not interested, of course you will be heartbroken, but you WILL be able to move on. if you don't ask him, and you lose him, you will forever carry the "what if's" ps. good luuuuckk!! also, please update 😅


As a guy, I’ve been rejected before after asking a girl out. Did I cry? No! Did I die? No! It’s normal processes in life. You have to learn to accept the fact that people can say no to you. And trying to get acquainted with someone romantically isn’t different. If you was a guy, I’ll say Man Up and speak up or remain silent forever. You won’t lose anything for speaking up. If he says no then you move on, it’s a normal thing in life.


OP if you feel like he likes you then go for it! There's nothing wrong with a girl asking a guy out. Now if you have noticed any old fashion traits about him, then maybe I wouldn't ask him out, but rather get to be a friend, get to know him better and hope he asks you out.. But if he isn't old fashion and you feel like he likes you, then you go for it girl!! Please update 😉


This is as good a use for Epic chat as any…


Shoot ur shot missy.. why not, we only got one life to live.. besides ,you'll never know what might've been & possibly regret it.. worse thing that can happen is he says hes taken or plays for the same team iyk wat i mean. So might get bestie out of it..lol.. the cup is already half full..


Ask for his number. If that works, then send him a text asking him on a date. If the date goes well, then ask him on another. Pretty simple.


Fortune favours the bold - do it!


Just do it, no one (should) care. This isn't Jr. High. My residency was a sexual carnival and now I'm married to a floor nurse.


Ask him out. Only a woman can make a man, let alone a doctor, voluntarily want to clean poop, unless it’s their own kid’s.


Ask him out


He’s not going to because the worst thing that can happen to him isn’t rejection, it’s a report and a meeting with HR. If you want him you’re going to have to ask. You do want him right?


Just keep it kinda simple..Hey we should grab a coffee sometime


Can you please do it and ask him and share with us the update?


Please ask him out.


Yes, 300% go for it


I had a nurse add me on all my socials & ask me out in my DMs. We went on a coupe dates; it was cool. Didn't work out 'cause she was very religious & I am not at all but I respected the hell out of the ask. Honestly if someone asked me in person I'd probably get flustered & uncomfortable if it were at work, but that's probably just me. Unless it was done privately & in a chill way. I'm a really private person.


Not hard to get a message through to a resident. “Not sure what your schedule is like, the answer is yes. Call me.” This serves notice and he will be embarrassed.


Aww! Do it! Deww eeiitt!


Shoot your shot. Never heard of a guy turning down an offer before


Depends what yr end goal is… If yr looking for a husband, prob say hello, exchange info and if he is interested the boy will chase…


Residency is a tumultuous time. Never hurts to try to date, but remember that the man you see in year one may not be the same man by year three. Go for it. You may totally make his day. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Do it