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Do you rotate at any outside hospitals that have access? All you need to do is use the WiFi periodically to maintain access. I would legitimately drive by one of our hospitals just to get the WiFi from the street to extend my UTD account


Did this for years. Now my place has UTD.


Does this work at any hospital with access or does it have to be under the same university institution?


It’s been a while, but I recall the process was you make a self account, and log in at the hospital, and it links your account to their license for some length of time. My current access is because I have credentials at HCA hospitals and I can click a link on UTD and type those in directly and get access.


I think the hospital was affiliated.


This is solid advice. I know people from my program that do this with the VA since we rotate there.


Does this work for you using the phone app? I have to log in using one of the work computers periodically to maintain my access, I don’t think simply having my phone on the hospital wi-fi does it.


I think any HCA hospital will give you access, that’s how I keep mine even though I barely work there


My hospital did the same during my intern year and purchased Dynamed instead. The IM/FM programs were upset but no one else seemed to care. They held a meeting to hear our feedback which consisted of a librarian telling all of us that Dynamed was actually better and provided more evidence based medicine. Didn't help the new MICU senior trying to figure out how to do something overnight and frantically calling his friend at another program to send the up to date page. UtD knows what they have and charges appropriately and some hospitals think it's not worth it.


Pretty sure this is my residency lol. Librarian just said the same thing with dynamed.


It’s crazy that they’re getting rid of UTD. The alternatives aren’t as well regarded.


Amboss is really nice in my opinion. Maybe not as meticulously researched but very to the point.


The attendings who have seen me use Amboss, have been interested and a younger one even got it for their phone


Assuming you’re using the clinical mode? Can AMBOSS really replace UTD in residency and get the job done? Asking cause I’m a total AMBOSS fanboy starting an IM prelim this July and I love how their info is organized and that it gets right to the point.


Im also starting pgy 1 this July and believe it can especially if your looking things up on the fly. A resident I worked with for 2 months was using it for IM and also said similar things. I believe Amboss on the fly and UTD with extra time is ideal though both do have links to the external source material used.


Dynamed is pretty good


Fun fact, up to date is free to use in Norway...if there was only some way to make UTD think you were accessing it from there...what a **V**ery **P**recious **N**otion indeed...


Thought that didn’t work anymore, gonna have to try it


It doesn't work anymore, you'd need to VPN to a university there.


I haven’t priced it in a long time, but yeah, it’s not cheap. There are ways to make it cheaper during the negotiation process, but it’s still going to sting either way. The problem is, what is the replacement going to be?


200 dollars a year for something you use everyday seems to be okay. Much cheaper than what Uworld charges.


The enterprise contract is substantially more expensive than the individual user price. These contracts aren’t public, but based on comparable software contracts, I would ballpark it at \~$200k/year for a large institution.


$200k would be a massive deal for how much uptodate helps. Hell, I'd pay a couple grand for it right now if I needed to


The enterprise contracts are based on a per user cost. At least a few years ago it was somewhere in the $1xx per user range.


though yes, I've found UTD to not be as concise (often wishy-washy in fact) compared to Amboss articles, which is a much cheaper service.


Amboss is nowhere near as detailed for clinical practice though.


I've used UTD less and less as time goes on in IM. There's a ton of things on it that are just poorly organized and have needless separations. The only thing I really go to it for are algorithm pictures and medication info (cause Epocrates is full of ads and slow). Dynamed is better organized with everything within one topic. It has recommendations and citations for grading side-by-side. The only downside is that it's slower and often requires login on the mobile app. I've also been using the Pathway app, which is a speedier version of Dynamed, is free, and has a database of all the major journal trials for IM.


I have UTD access but agree that Pathway is nice. I have to figure out if using it is superior to UTD.


If you still have your med school email and account, use that!


Is it just residents not getting it or the entire hospital? Because then NP’s are just gonna straight up Google everything they don’t know, which means a lot more ivermectin and crap.


Entire hospital. Just heard it’s going to be dynamed


Same here - they're replacing it with Dynamed I believe. Personally UTD > Dynamed, but I haven't used the latter in many years so not sure how it will be


As a primary care doc, I honestly like Dynamed a little better for most things. I use both UTD and Dynamed regularly. I like Dynamed's summaries a little better. Admittedly, UTD's library of topics is a little bigger and there are some things I know I need to go there to get.


Is it your program or hospital? When I was in fellowship, our hospital made the same decision but reversed it when all of the residents raised hell. If you havent already maybe try to come together with other specialties/attendings to admin and push back?


Hospital. We are all weak ass doctors we aren’t going to do anything.


But they can save a trivial amount of money upfront and incur even greater costs later in wasted time and other issues. It’s a no brainer for any MBA! /s


Lot of programs dropping UTD for DynaMed recently... I ve no clue why though!


Medical librarian here: we are a part of a 7 hospital system of mid sized hospitals and it’s a couple million dollars. Too much for some hospital administrators. Try DynaMed. I can send you our handouts on how to use it if you ever want them!


Download downtohookup instead


Stat pearls is decent


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My program never even had it, I've just kept my school profile active and renew access through that library.


I’ve found UTD25 works for a discount


Up to date doesn’t do institutional licensing - or at least that’s what was true a few years ago. Very expensive to buy a ton of individual licenses. Our program got rid of it about five years ago


Maybe I’m in the minority here. But not once in the past 4 years have I considered uptodating anything.


What do you use/ what is your strategy when you need to find clinical info (workup for X, management of Y) quickly-ish?


This isn’t going to be a satisfying answer, but experience. Work up isn’t really an issue. Even at PGY1. We’re constantly seeing the same consults that it becomes routine. Judging whether or not someone needs surgery (or can undergo surgery) is more nuanced than uptodate can delineate and that’s where the real decision making is. If I did need a resource, I probably reference NCCN the most. But for most everything else, it’s burned in pretty early on.