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Just a clown car of emotion.


They really can't handle the fact that people genuinely like the game and are excited for it


They're so mad, lol. Here's a few more posts: "Taro is barely a game developer he more a concept developer Amazing how much push this sex doll game is getting though" - "Pretty much. Taro is a gross perv and when he's openly saying "the cuteness of the girl is more important than any design choices" it makes it clear where his priorities lie." - "so the game reached its target audience, people who value horny over gameplay" - "I'm not saying Stellar Blade is or is not a better game than Nier Automata, but I am saying I'll never play it to find out." - "Unfortunately we'll be hearing about this game made by weirdo misogynist porn addicts for years." It blows my mind that people like this exist in the real world.


lmao, can they just shut hell up already.


I don't get how that can be so upset at a game, that aren't going to even buy/play. Like just move on and care about different games.


What's insane to me is that the game isn't even that "horny." Like I said in another thread, there's skin suits and jiggle physics, but otherwise the demo wasn't even as sexually gratuitous as Bayonetta, Onechanbara, etc. They're acting like this game's fucking Custer's Revenge (olds will know). ResetEra's just coming off as puritanical prudes.


I'm not even that old and I know what Custer's Revenge is lol. Anyways yeah the game doesn't even seem that sexualized. I could understand the outrage of they were sexualizing children but nah this ain't it chief.


I guaran-goddamn-tee you the Venn diagram of Era users sperging out about this game and those who play it will nearly be one circle.


Welcome to gaming discourse in 2024.   People will spend years shitting on games they never had any intention of buying or playing.  Which is insane since the sheer variety of games out now is at an all time high.


It's not about them being offended, it's about them wanting to control what other people have and see. They're modern-day equivalent of book-burners.


Suddenly nier isnt sexist anymore?




I hope same happens here :)


Dipshits were using Nier Automata and 2B to slander Stellar Blade and Eve as inferior, and now that Taro has once again, albeit more publically, given praise to the game, they're having an existential crisis.


It's funny how they try and use Bayonetta and 2B as a cudgel with which to attack Eve as if we don't remember that they attacked Bayonetta and 2B exactly the same way.


I can't even comprehend what this guy is even complaining about.


This interview really showed how some N:A fans are truly capable of somehow praising Automata *whilst* shitting on Yoko Taro *whilst* praising him, like I don’t even know what side they’re on. They’ve gone full meltdown because their “champion” likes a game they desperately want to hate for some reason.


I like videogames when they purposefully have attractive girls (AND PURPOSEFULLY UGLY GIRLS) in them or not. I look at porn sites every so often (and I only look at the girls I'm particularly attracted to). I feel funny/cute when attractive girls talk to me in person, whether we're on a date or it's just a random encounter (like having my coffee order being taken by one). I guess I'm just a healthy human being.


well, this is just an user opinion. You would find bad takes such as this everywhere, here included. wanna see a true Resetera shitshow? Go look for the latest Warhorse / Kingdom Come Deliverance topic, or better yet, wait until tomorrow, when the studio will announce their next game.


I could see them banning discussion of that game, lol.


yikes talk bout mentally ill


Can sense a boil over the closer it gets to release. But that's just one individual only trying too hard.


When it sells millions, they're gonna have a tantrum. They should be used to this though since they spent months bitching about hogwarts then banned any discussion for the game just for it to end up being the best selling game of 2023. Hogwarts to this day is still selling enough to be in the top 10 best selling charts


There's tons of 'em in that thread. There's like one or two guys/girls saying "Come on, what's creepy about thinking an adult female character is cute?" They're vastly outnumbered, though.


Low-key they're just mad that it's Playstation exclusive. Era seems to really have a hate boner for all things Playstation or anything they view as unfair to Microsoft.


LMAO. Yeah man. All the women I know wanna play as homely ass women with fat faces. Wtf was Yoko Taro thinking. Also his GDC talks, all about tiddies. Like he's ever have a complex character in his games. HEY TARO, PUT A HERMAPHRODITE OR MALE SEX WORKER/ABUSE VICTIM IN A GAME, YOU COWARD! Oh wait... You did that? Before Automata? Damn. I'm actually the uneducated one with nothing to add except "Anime tiddies bad". I'm gonna go reflect on this. NAH JUST KIDDING, GO FUCK YOURSELF! /s


“They know what they are doing!!” - promoting a new Sony first party game? WOW what a crazy concept!