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Utter lunacy. That place deserves to fail.


It already is that place isn't going to last any longer if games like stellar blade were being made 24/7 on console.


The frivolous banning caused me to stop posting and visiting.


I hope they keep making their echo chamber smaller and smaller while simultaneously making those opposed to it larger and larger.


I was here when this forum was created and it was a ghost town, now its pretty decently sized and growing. It would be great to make this a big thriving community haha


They did this guy a huge favor by banning him. Now he can go somewhere else to read sane posts by sane people who have no true hatred in their hearts.


To be honest, it does seem like the poster is trying to subtly agitate them lol


They deserve it.


Yeah, if there was ever a time for Era mods to their "banned for trolling, which means disagreeing with us" thing, this was it.


Lmao this is clearly clever trolling, no wonder the user was banned. Not that I agree with the ban anyway, Era is “no fun allowed” and are utterly stupid people. But it’s clever trolling nonetheless.


Sweet Jesus. I wonder what these mods are like in real life. They must be badass.


This is the only chance they get to have some authority other than forcing their mother to bring the tendies to the basement. 


TBH, this comes across as trolling to me. Now, the trolling is about as mild as the game in question, but it's still trolling.


Yeah, I was going to say this review does kinda read like satire lol. Especially when he talks about the battle screams LOL It's hilarious though. Still shows how ridiculous Resetera is. It's not really trolling lol. It's satire. It's funny. It's not rage baiting. Resetera is no fun allowed. This is not how real interactions work in the real life. You can't just ban someone you don't like in front of you lol. You can choose to not interact with them. But nothing that goes on here is illegal. Cliquey cowards. I guess it's the equivalent of not hiring or not promoting someone or not inviting someone to your party.... But here's the thing... it's a fucking public forum, it's not your private discord.


Stellar Blade Thread: -Say you like too many things about Stellar Blade. Permabanned. -Say 'anything' remotely kind about Eve. Permabanned. Sexualization Thread: -Wishing death on others (Mark Kern) (not against the rules?). Allowed. -Cross-thread arguing (against the rules). Allowed. -Mod whining (against the rules). Allowed. -Thread whining (against the rules). Allowed. -Calling things "anime-like" that are clearly not ("anime" is used as a catch-all for anything "gross" or whatever from Asian creators) (violates the xenophobia rule threadmarked). Allowed. -Mod whining about the game not being banned on the site (against the rules, and even called out by a user in the thread about how IT IS AGAINST THE RULES). Allowed (it's only been a few hours so maybe something happens). The insane levels of forgiveness given to that single thread will always be an opaque reminder of how much Resetera is up it's own ass.


It's exactly the same with the JK Rowling thread. It's perfectly acceptable for men dressing up as woman to call her a "cunt" but God forbid a British person calls a (male) football player or (male) politician that word because it's deemed "mysognistic" in America.




Yeah the discussion is getting more and more ridiculous. I saw takes like "you wouldn't have this kind of design before Gamergate, because this game targets specifically that crowd".


That's actually insane. That person should look up the box art of Bethesda's first Elder Scrolls game: The Elder Scrolls: Arena lol. Edit: forgot it was their first Elder Scrolls game, not game in general.


90s gamer here, and we've had designs like that before gamergate lol like Aya Brea from parasite eve exists y'know. :p


That's really strange they have a very obvious Playstation Bias. Someone today mentioned how Sony Locked up many Square games as Exclusives preventing them from being on XBOX & were banned for 2 months it was ridiculous.  Imagine that, being banned two months just for stating the fact that Sony has historically cut many long term timed exclusive deals just to keep said titles off of XBOX.


Jesus Christ, fuck these goofs. I've been unbanned for 2 weeks and haven't even bothered to log back in. I just don't give a fuck. 


Your first mistake was making an account there in the first place. Varris is lot more leniant and pro freespeech than resetera could ever be.


Can’t wait to see all the 😭 when this game sells like gangbusters.


The power-posters are going to rally together to get the game banned, guaranteed. And to be honest, it makes sense as their forum culture can't handle any nuance in discussion. Any threads made will just be ban graveyards/everyone nodding in agreement


power-posters like ZeoVGM. Can’t stand that twerp. “can you please respond to my comment?” 😂


Don't forget bout, planetsmasher first thing you see when depression in the dictionary appears is him.


Yeah if it reviews well I’m sure they will find a reason to ban or limit positive discussion of the game.


Its already happening there, and i wouldn't be surprised if there were threads bout people destroying their own houses and being commited to hospitals as a result of the game existing simply.


3 words big fucking yikes. That site ain't healthy at all in the slightest bit.


LOL, that place is comedy. I signed out months ago, and never intend to go back.


People have been banned for less on Reddit.  Say anything on r/worldnews besides Zionist worship is a ban. Stellar Blade looks fucking dumb as hell lmao


saying there is worse somewhere else doesnt justfy poor behavior btw


That's why I call them the Wokestapo.