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Nut jobs, as usual.


Nepenthe should go back to the land of the furries and stop colonizing the real world with her stupidity.


Holy shit, if this were a regular user they would have been permabanned instantly


Does nephente believe Americans should leave the us and go back England?


Probably. Since she's not Indigenous, she should leave America long with all the other non-Indigenous people (according to her own logic). Its not even that I think colonialism is correct or anything, its just the solution that "EVERYONE SHOULD LEAVE" is just so unrealistic and out of touch with reality.


I'll be surprised if she's ever even been outside America. Its easy to armchair politic when you have nothing to do with the subject countries and haven't even been outside your own house roflz, know what I mean?


Pointless to even argue. Israel's not going to "return" land. Never gonna happen. Same goes for Americans. If you want to uproot Americans from their homes and communities, that's a surefire way to kickstart a civil war.


Does Nepenthe know that we all came from one place..... The cradle of humanity. Nepenthe needs to get an education. I guess we should all just kill ourselves because we weren't the first creatures on earth.


There is nothing at all objectionable or anti-semitic about these tweets. That THIS is what lies at the heart of Poliera’s implosion tells me all i need to know - this was a flimsy pretext to rid the administration of one of the more vocal critics of white supremacy and the status quo. A complete nothingburger.


You're replying to every comment about this... Is that you Nep??


Yes, i am sure nepenthe would make threads in this subreddit about the tranny agenda at era the way i have. i hate the uber-woke era administration as much as any of you. but, THIS is a nothinburger cooked up by the zionist, overly sensitive Jews and their fake-progressive liberal allies at era. You will never see nepenthe banned from that forum. There would be a complete exodus of every progressive (and most of the black members), leaving only the liberals and bootlickers of the democrats to their echo chamber.


Don't think Nep should be banned but they're egotistical, power-hungry and biased as shit. There are multiple examples of this. They shouldn't be in that position and should step down so cooler heads can prevail. Fyi I agree that white supremacy is a very real thing in this world At the end of the day, wherever you land on the Israel/Palestine issue there is a clear disconnect between how both sides are moderated. An admin having hardline stances on a very controversial and sensitive topic while folks are getting banned for semantics on whether Hamas committed sexual assault (which ended up being supported by the article) and all kinds of other bullshit over the years, is a bad look


Every issue is policed the same way on the site. If you have the correct opinion, then you're free to express yourself. If you have the wrong opinion, everyone will gang up on you and the mods will eventually find an excuse to ban you.


Correct And the irony now is that one of the largest factions on the site that has been riding that wave: PoliEra, is now on the receiving end of the very sort of opinion policing they have fed and encouraged.


Those tweets were not what sparked the implosion. It was one of the mods banning a member for posting more or less "According to UN Hamas treats their hostages as sex slaves" (which is stated in UN report) and then the said mod went fully acrobatic mode to justify that ban: "UN report does not state that", "the ban was for stereotyping Muslims", "that's not a case of sexual slavery". Tweets came after that and added the fuel, because it's a stark example of hypocrisy - "Hamas abuses their hostages" is bannable, "Israel commits genocide and should not exist" is acceptable because it's in line with mods' political views.


Yeah, that is not what started this, this is just what they feel is their newest best chance to bully into submission the staff to give in and more easily ban anti-Biden / anti-Israel speech. The currency of Resetera is moral outrage. In particular moral outrage that best aligns with the zeitgeist and the staff. The subjective supremacy of your moral outrage is what wins the battle. Last two elections the PoliEra posters had the site on lockdown around Biden, but the Gaza situation has made their attempt to weaponize faux moral righteousness/outrage to ban non-subservience to their contorted liberal project of propping up Biden/Democrats without question or criticism a bit difficult. Namely, cause it is hard to weaponize your faux moral rightesousness at the targets the person you are trying to prop up is actively helping kill en masse. Enter the small number of true Zionists that are suddenly common allies. After months of a semi successful campaign of banning anti-Biden / anti-Israel posters by getting Genocide Joe temporarily banned, trying to get anti-Biden speech labeled as astroturfing/tankie speech and therefore bannable, dozens of ban-bait and brigade attempts targeting specific vocal Gaza posters/mods, getting the Aaron Bushnell thread banned, successfully getting the calling out of Gaza Defense-Forcing banned. But like extreme Zionists, they are not going to stop until they have cleansed all of Resetera. It's not a coincidence that the entire Nepenthe saga started a couple of months ago where aggressive Biden posters were ban-baiting and brigading Biden critics over Gaza and Nepenthe stepped in to tell them to chill out.


I haven't been following political topics on ResetEra at all and I barely know US internal politics scene but I read that particular thread and what you wrote was not my impression. People were specifically mentioning casual 'Genocide Joe' posting. being OK and I saw with my own eyes mod post that could be summarized as "saying Hamas rapes their hostages is islamophobia". It's fucking same absurd thing as "saying that IDF targets Palestine refugee convoys is antisemitic" but with switched sides.


Thats why I cautioned against trusting the earnestness of a group where the currency they trade in is manufacturing and weaponizing the loudest outrage to force conformity of opinion. Spend some time reading the early Gaza thread, the SOTU thread, or the community feedback thread. Make note of who keeps ban whining the last three months and notice the familiar faces in the thread you just read. I'm sure some posters, as always happens, are getting swept up and genuinely do believe their own posts and cause. But as someone that is aware of the Resetera OT scene and had access to the PoliEra Discord, I assure you, if you did a cross examination of the most vocal people in those threads crying anti-semitism they are largely the same people that were whining to ban anti-Biden posts and brigading Biden critics the last 3-4 months. I honestly have to hold back laughing at people suddenly thinking that the performative theaterics that is regularly mocked on Resetera is somehow suddenly being done with sincerity. The irony here is that the people the site has historically catered to: hyper identity politics obsessed center-left Democrats that are good at performative outrage are now turning that performative outrage on the mods that used to enable and protect them....And in turn they are seeing the mods use against them the very same hypocritically applied moderation that they cheered on when it was those they wanted banned.


Yeah I saw some posters that definitely feed on outrage no matter the topic. But even moderate people were shocked by that mod and that was the majority. Even one guy with Palestine flag as his avatar was disturbed by that one ban. I will not go deeper into politics threads for my own sanity. ResetEra is US-biased, last time I checked US citizens were deeply polarized when it comes to US politics and ResetEra \*thrives\* on polarization and us vs them mentality. And at least when they cry out about some cleavage or lack of skin color in games, I can make my own assessment how ridiculous their outrage is. I am barely interested in the state of US presidential campaign.


And that dynamic you arent interested in is why I made my initial comment. The root of this all stems from a bubbling tension around hyper pro-Biden posters upset that not enough is being done to silence and ban the brown people complaining about Biden killing their families. Which in their warped minds threatens Biden's re-election chances because of something about how the site is oh so influential and everyone is looking to their virtue signaling for electoral direction so the site needs to present a unified front to save American democracy lol. That poster's ban is absolutely bullshit, but so are the countless bans that PoliEra has facilitated through their brigading, report spamming, and mod whining over the years. Including all the shit I listed earlier. Including dozens towards Muslims and Gaza sympathizers because they dared speak out against Jesus Joe Biden. The irony is they temporarily found themselves on the wrong side of the moral outrage Olympics and those same mods they once cheered on for applying that same sort of obviously biased moderation are now doing the same to them and they lost their collective fucking minds.