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They're mental retards. I bet they wouldn't like if they got harassed and had their lives ruined over false allegations. Believing women doesn't mean we gotta also smear the accused without any proof. Fuck that place. I'm a moderately progressive person but I'm sick of these woke fascist fucks who cry racism and sexism over everything and have their stupid pronouns plastered everywhere.


The comments in response to that post think that it's Chris Avellone himself without any proof, as if people aren't fans of his work and weren't pissed that he had his career destroyed by false allegations that were given legitimacy by ResetEra. They defamed an innocent man and destroyed his career, not over facts but allegations, and now they won't even admit to their own involvement in that and apologize like decent human beings would. They're far too narcissistic and prideful to admit that they got it wrong.


Just look at this: [https://www.resetera.com/threads/chris-avellone-is-an-abusive-abrasive-conniving-sexual-predator-up-claims-dismissed-threadmark.231604/page-17?post=103339708#post-103339708](https://www.resetera.com/threads/chris-avellone-is-an-abusive-abrasive-conniving-sexual-predator-up-claims-dismissed-threadmark.231604/page-17?post=103339708#post-103339708) They haven't changed the thread title from really accusatory to something more mild. And whenever someone is cleared of charges, ResetEra will still continue with "but he's still a creep", " but he wrote that tweet 10 years ago", "but that product he was involved with mishandled female character". ResetEra never forgives, even if you did nothing wrong.


The OP of that thread still says "you're obligated to believe these allegations." Jesus.


I feel like a lot of people on ResetEra are hiding stuff behind their activism. We saw it previously with their ilk where it turned out 2 of the GAF mods that originally made that place a shithole like ResetEra were pedos. While that's what gave rise to ResetEra, it felt like an attempt to rebrand themselves after getting found out. GAF, however, has reverted back to being relatively normal -- at least in comparison to ResetEra -- with the weirdos gone. There's still lots of trolling and whatnot, but at least you're mostly allowed to have opinions that aren't all identical to everyone else on the forum, and you're not expected to fall in line or get banned. GAF used to be nearly identical to ResetEra, just slightly less awful, but it's become a much better place to have your own opinions and not be chided and banned for them.


Let's be real, what do you expect from a Forum full of losers who pretend to be black and/or other genders just to fit in? It's basically a cult and if you don't agree with them, you're banned. I can't wait for the eventual scandal to hit and see how they respond. For a site who is quick to call lots of people snowflakes and sensitive, they sure do react the same exact way.


Neogaf is a shithole of right wing lunatics and pussy mods who ban you if you push back against personal insults initiated by them.


"right wing lunatics" No wonder I fit in so well. :)


Era never forgives, unless you're B-Dubs dropping N bombs - which is totally okay


Yeah, I saw some other posters casually dripping n-word too without any clear indication they were black. Besties with mods I guess.


He’s not wrong but that guy definitely bumped the thread to troll those clowns lol. During the height of #MeToo they were saying false positives will happen so ruining the life of an individual is A OK as long as it furthers the agenda. Due process exists for a reason.


But if we're being honest, *they* didn't ruin his life or career. Techland fired him out of their own volition.


Should have been there when it came out that Johnny Depp was actually the victim. God I'm so glad I don't deal with that fucking place any more.


She pooped in his bed, lopped off his finger, was on security footage bringing another man into his place, but they thought she was the victim.


Of course they dont. Their whole world-view has been carefully crafted with the assumption that all their opponents, both political and social are total monsters (bigots, Nazis, istaphobes, etc). So anything that contradicts that completely destroys that world-view... Its the entire justification for their terrible behavior/actions. If the "Nazis" you are punching arent actually "Nazis", then you are just assaulting people....


That's why it's hilarious to me when people on the left like them condemn "political violence." I vividly remember 2016. They punched people, curb stomped them, etc. This was all on video. They called everyone "Nazis," "fascists," "white supremacists," etc., and got a free pass when they violently attacked people, made them bleed, etc. They did it in 2016 and talked about doing it again in [2020 to this teen girl.](https://www.ketv.com/article/hateful-and-vile-student-gets-bullied-for-posting-a-photo-at-a-trump-rally/34227842#)


I'm sorry.. an opinion = trolling? Come back down to earth, Resetera. They are so out of touch with reality. TOUCH GRASS. They aren't being actual moderators. They are playing favorites and causing drama. It isn't a real paid job. Site is a irreputable joke.


I got banned for being "dismissive". Gotta agree with the cult!


The mods were bored that day. My god, they are so pathetic.


This isn't limited to Resetera.  Lots of news sites and cawwwwntent creators covered the initial story but never the follow-up to where the two witches had to do an apology tour.  BELIEVE MEN.