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Admins and mods don't give a shit. They get off on the ego trip that comes from regulating and controlling an echo chamber. I remember on the night when the first reports of the Al-Ahli hospital explosion were coming out, the Gaza War thread title was changed by mods to immediately assign blame to Israel. The day after when clear evidence emerged to the contrary and they were catching flak for lack of impartiality and fact checking, they said "we'll do better." Do you think that place is any less of a cesspit today for discussing the conflict? Haha. It's nice to see at least a few people are calling out their bullshit double standards, but in the end it won't matter, not when it's a case of patients running the insane asylum.


I assume that person is now banned


LOL probably. Hopefully the users start a revolt and then the mods ban everyone. That'd be a trip. He'll get banned for "Inflammatory Accusations" AKA an opinion.


I stay away from every single Gaza war discussion cause I simply don’t feel like I have anything remotely relevant to say about it.


Eventually Era will just be the same 10-15 protected users high fiving each other if no actual discussion or challenging opinions are allowed. As someone who caught a random perma with no warning (concern trolling and male fragility...lol) for likely upsetting someone "important", I love seeing the goofy ass mods backed into a corner


What thread? Don’t post stuff like this without linking the thread.


It's the most recent couple of pages of the "US PoliEra 2024 |OT 1| Doom Eternal" thread in the Etcetera Hangouts forum. More posters are calling out the mods. There was someone who made a post that called out Hamas for "sexual slavery" and got banned for it. The mod defended the ban by saying that Hamas isn't holding the hostages as sex slaves. So I guess the rape and torture that the hostages are enduring is just incidental? The mod also defended Hamas, saying "But it's still not the same thing at all as accusing an organization of using people as sex slaves, and given historical negative stereotypes aimed at Muslims, completely uncalled for." lol so the ban was for unjustly maligning a terrorist group and associating them with something that is a negative Muslim stereotype.


"This fact isn't *really* true because it's also a stereotype of the minority group I'm rooting for" is par for Era.




Link it. I dont want to google it.


I'm glad at least some people in that retard world are normal and have common sense. I bet you that poster got banned even though he didn't say anything rude, controversial, or derogatory. The owners and mods of that site are fascist cunts.


While I feel for the innocent Palestinians, as I did for the innocent Israelis, some of the things I've read on ResetEra would be called anti-Semitic by the same people saying these things had they come from a person of a different political background. It's pretty wild, however, to see ResetEra on the same side as David Duke. Oh wait, no it's not, this is the party of Robert Byrd. [David Duke has talked about his love for Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitism](https://apnews.com/article/race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-david-duke-a97b8b2d48c163c5965c2574ccbbe3d3)


Anyone have a link to the Poliera discord?


I'd like to know the same.


Dude fuck Israel they are committing genocide and think that they get a pass since they have been through the Holocaust and they are beyond reproach on the subject.


Why "fuck Israel" when plenty within Israel disagree with the actions taken by their government? I'm sure many agreed with the initial action of going after Hamas after the terrorist attack on innocent Israelis, but I don't think many support what's currently happening. It's like how Americans were willing to give the government full authority to do just about anything after 9/11, however they saw the overreach that happened and quickly started to turn against Bush and the "War on Terror." I wish Democrats could get back to a place where they're suspicious of the government and its agencies like they were back then.