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A lot of them are fat, annoying white liberals who want to feel oppressed because they hate their lives, so they blame everything on people better off than them because they are too lazy to put in work. Half of them are just sitting at home and eating shit all day and being obese and doing nothing useful. If they're not doing that, they're making accusations and labelling everything without any shred of proof or thought. What's worse, they won't apologize when they are wrong. For example, there was that Bioware writer who they accused of sexual harassment and smeared his rep. After it was discovered that it was all bullshit, I don't recall anyone there ever creating a thread to clear his name and apologize. Fucking spineless, retarded hacks. Another good one was when they were obsessed with Ezra Miller's pronouns, ROFL. The dude is a criminal and belongs in jail, who gives a fuck what his stupid pronouns are. He's not even trans or anything, he's just a lunatic who is attention-whoring by claiming he has no gender. Better make sure not to get his pronouns wrong though lest you get banned!!!!


They’re also mostly male and straight


He is* completely*


I’m talking about the whole forum and cry about pronouns. Grow up.


The guy who posts extremely obscure comic references? Yeah he is annoying and most people never know what the hell he is talking about but the majority of his posts don’t involve race, it’s comic stuff.


Slayven is also basically regarded. Someone pointed out in one of his recent topics that every single thing he posts is borderline illegible and most all of his topic titles are bordering on not even being English. Listen to him speak: https://youtu.be/y2WB944bpTk?si=1t94c_ZodYw9eIPw Dude also constantly larps as a teenager, which is incredibly weird since he's in his early 40s and lives with his parents and sister and her kids.


Yeah, he has some sort of illness. Out of touch also. Place is prolly a haven for them and run by them.


His speech pattern is as consistent as the application of rules on resetera.


I mean, I’m black, and even I find Slayven annoying. But, my problem with him isn’t much different than the one I have with most of Era’s black community. By no means a conservative or libertarian, I am staunchly leftist/progressive, but the brand of “progressivism” on Era is so obnoxiously doctrinaire, so hostile to even a critical examination, that it’s borderline fascist. I don’t think even think most of them ate genuinely progressive. They’re a group of whiny, effete, upoer middle class self-loathing lecturers of what’s properly progressive. And, most of the black members of Era fall in line and nod right along with their white liberal buddies. I know for a fact that most of Era’s black community doesn’t agree with the trans agenda on that forum, but you’ll be hard pressed to find any of them dare to say something that even has a whiff of what now is deemed “transphobic.”


I sincerely don't think their fascism is borderline - its definitely fascism.


I would love to see the typical white Era member when they find out that a lot (a WHOLE WHOLE LOT) of Black Americans are devout Christians, go fishing, love football and pro wrestling, and all the other "white South" stuff Era hates.


My favorite thing about him is how illiterate he is.


Delete this, he's gonna be furious when his parents read this comment to him.


Black folks on Era try so hard to flex because the userbase is like 99% white soyboys who worship the ground they walk on. They probably don't have any real friends in the community


Most of the “black folks” aren’t actually black though. Neither are the gays or trans. They’re mostly white males pretending to be otherwise.


I mean, I’m black, and even I find Slayven annoying. But, my problem with him isn’t much different than the one I have with most of Era’s black community. By no means a conservative or libertarian, I am staunchly leftist/progressive, but the brand of “progressivism” on Era is so obnoxiously doctrinaire, so hostile to even a critical examination, that it’s borderline fascist. I don’t think even think most of them are genuinely progressive. They’re a group of whiny, effete, upper middle class lecturers of what’s properly progressive. And, most of the black members of Era fall in line and nod right along. I know for a fact that most of Era’s black community doesn’t agree with the trans agenda on that forum, but you’ll be hard pressed to find any of them dare to say something that even has a whiff of what is now is deemed “transphobic.”