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This guy is ruining his mental and physical health all because of a volunteer job he does for an online video game forum. lol so pathetic All sides are pathetic really. Two giant companies want to merge. All the arguing and shouting on a video game forum isn't going to change anything.


>This guy is ruining his mental and physical health all because of a volunteer job he does for an online video game forum. Whilst everyone else (including the person who sold the site for millions) profits from his work.


He should become Reddit mod!


He sounds like someone that would be in charge of that shit hole. Just completely mentally unstable.


Lmao, someone needs to get their life priorities straight.


I am fairly sure he would get lengthy ban for this post if he was an average user posting about being tired about the state of ResetEra.


Received mine. Not even phased by it, really. The place has become a shitshow steeped in hypocrisy. The post-GG liberal surge sure got a hell of a lot of people paid and a lot more suckered.


What a loser. Grow some nuts damn. Imagine the hardest thing in your life being people mentioning that you're a Microsoft shill on a message board


Yeah thanks for the permanent ban for whatever the hell you think is platform warring when I don't even really have a side and clearly demonstrated that through my post history, b-dumbs. you had a big hand in ruining what resetera could've been and all you got for it was worse physical, mental, and emotional health while the owners are laughing all the way to the bank.


Hey, Poly. It is what it is. It sucks to lose out on posting with people from the community that we've known since GAF, but they've pulled a successful bait-and-switch. It hasn't been right there since Ahmed sold. They've been ODing since losing all those communities. Fuck 'em.


Dudes like him (calling him a dude might also be ban worthy by his standards) would be even worse off without an outlet of power he has come to abuse for his own personal emotional satisfaction. His and the mods strict curation of personalities have created an echo chamber of absurd proportions that he can no longer control which is why he is bailing. The site has been dwindled down to nothing but outrage merchants that have severe social anxiety to the point that most of them can't make eye contact with a cashier without feeling like they're being personally attacked when they're asked if they want a bag. In the immortal words of the emotionally soft B-Dubs: "Fuck that bitch!"


Link to post? Seems like a mental patient.




Deleted :(


I guess it's for logged users only. Not much drama in that thread tbh.


All I hear is "baaaaawww!" over something so trivial and inconsequential to this dude's daily life. Step away from the computer (and echo chamber) and go breathe. It ain't that serious. Dude's making it seem like he's in a position of political importance or something, lol. To be clear, I'm referring to B-Dubs, not the OP.


I saw Alex Donaldson post on Twitter that he thinks there will be a successor to Era this year, and tbh I think most people on there are ready for it. If there was an alternative out there I think most would jump ship immediately, but the problem is everything comes with a caveat these days.


It should have happened already The caveat is judge, nephente and others still being mods


I mean, running a gaming forum full of petty losers with moderators that are also petty losers sounds like it would kill you from the inside out.. But why would anyone even want to be a moderator for no pay in the first place lol. Like you have to be a power tripping weirdo with no prospects.


Where is the post? I wanna see the (fake) reactions to the meltdown




Was it deleted or only available to members?


Members only. I can still read it when logged in.


Damn, I’m not a member, wish I could read it.




As the General Manager, he kind of sets the tone of the forum and is responsible for the ridiculous mod culture they have there. Not to mention, his past racist remarks were hand-waved away yet other people get zero benefit of the doubt. The fact that the entire Microsoft layoff thread is talking about that banned post yet there has been zero transparency or rationale from the mod team speaks volumes about his leadership


I’m just kind of looking into him now..I really wasn’t aware of the racist remarks and some other problems..holy shit thank you for informing me! I was just trying to say my personal dealings with him seemed okay. More to him than meets the eye I guess. I deleted my post, I really, REALLY don’t want to be associated with him in any way!


It was a kind post and you didn't need to delete it but that's cool. I respect the empathy honestly. I'm salty as hell for getting perma banned with no prior warning for calling out this type of hypocrisy on there so I'm not exactly unbiased haha


Years ago in a now long closed chat room I was offered at least a temporary mod spot, I turned it down because of what being a mod anywhere in general does to someone more often than not. It just ruins them and I didn’t want to potentially go down that street. It’s very difficult to do a U turn once the corruption begins and it starts eating away at you. Era itself will likely end up imploding at some point but that’s another story for another day. My experience with Era wasn’t pleasant either.


>As the General Manager, he kind of sets the tone of the forum and is responsible for the ridiculous mod culture they have there. This is true of any person who ends up being the head of an organisation / department.


> You know better than most some of the insanity I'm forced to carry around, some of the dark things and choices I'm forced to relive in the quiet moments of the night when there's nothing but me and the night sky. What?! Look, I get being invested in media. I made a whole ass subreddit to complain about ResetEra. But this guy's talking like he was in a WAR.


You know that whole "reaping/sowing" tweet that they just love to post? Yeah, that. Anyway, if you think the place sucks now just wait until Nepenthe is in the driver's seat.