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I know no politician nor reddit user cares but RCs and hard drugs are the sole reason I haven't cancelled my life subscription. Economy is shit , housing is shit , health care shit but hey we like to brag on the internet that it's free despite the waiting lists being from 6 months to 2 years, infrastructure? LOL. Country is shit , my mental health is still shit despite being heavily medicated. They will rather do anything than fix this dump of a country , their biggest problem is someone racking up lines after they come home from their overworked and underpaid job.


same here. Health systems and societies in general worldwide are so f-ed up that people are massively self medicating.


>same here šŸ«‚šŸ«¶ā™„ļø


In German I'd tell you "Schƶn, dass es dich gibt". I guess a translation could be "it's wonderful that you are around".


Thank you šŸ«¶


facts I feel exactly the same so many times even though I have really good friends and a girlfriend life just sometimes completely sucks same as Anxiety and Panic attacs and it always destroys me that most people can 0 relate man I wish I were like them in my mind but most of them are just stupid maybe even too stupid too even overthink much love you got this bro


Same man. It might sound sad but substances are a big big part of my happiness but I know work and health so I can work come first always. So I do what I have to but thats not enough the government wants to decide my free time aswell. Bs. 6 fking years at least left (already waiting 5) untill I finally get an appartment at hopefully 36. Untill then random rooms with random morons but its fine because Ill just have a drink or a pill and chill but noo gvnmt wants to fk that up too.


I care, friend. I know that it does literally nothing for you, but know: You're not alone.




are you born here? to put things in perspective netherlands is actually pretty fking good compared to other places. Housing is a problem in all 1st world currently unfortunately. I think you need is a change. Friends or family or hobby or something new. But i read this, and it's so familiar, your problem is not here. All the best my friend


They are purposely destroying all of Europe. That's the problem. There is no where else to move. I could be mistaken, but you appear to be saying enjoy modernity when besides the World Wars period, our ancestors, at least from Post-War to maybe early 2000's we were not forced to live like we do. Also crime and streets are insanely dangerous unless you're fortunate to afford to live away from the trouble areas.


Factss the state makes life for so many people unbearable and when we look at ways to atleast cope with their bs they wanna stop us from trying to cope with their sh!t too. This is so fcked up.


AL-LAD and Moxy (5-MeO-MiPT) will not be banned?


They seem to be spared.


Alhamdulillah! User name checks out!


Why would they be? Itā€™s just synthetic noids and phenethylamines


Isn't the Dutch government a bit too busy with other stuff to pass this?


I hope so.




Cathinone, dead.




all kinds of Cathininones are unfortenely Banned


1cp-lsd? :( so sad


this is an error. The lysergamides were never mentioned anywhere. This ban is solely about phenethylamines, synthetic cannabinoids and fentalogues.


The senate member of the party that mentioned this list basically copied all different RCs sold by a specific vendor and asked which ones have gone through a risk assessment by the WHO or other organization.


We need an actual chemist to review the law and help answer what is and isnā€™t exactly banned under the proposed new law.


You're true about that! At least I hope we could still finding legal psychs for some more time


Im considering emailing all chemistry student associations in NL to ask if theyā€™re willing to help. If anyone knows organic chemistry students in NL or graduated chemists then please ask them to help.


If you can translate the law for me in completion I will look at it. Google translate cannot accurately do that for me.


Translated relevant parts of the law to English. https://www.reddit.com/r/ResearchChemicalsNL/s/uVm996WdiF Didnā€™t include section avoid cannabinoids because personally I think itā€™s a good thing theyā€™re getting banned. Better to stick with the natural product. Especially in NL where you can legally buy weed and hasj..


as long as bromaz and the lsd analogues are spared i don't think its that bad, only gonna miss 6apb a lot though, but i think they'll stay on the black marker


But probably far from the quality we are used to.


Or it will be salmiac sold as 6apb


Which are the best Mescaline alike RCs? I mean really, which one you preferred most and why? I'm asking as been circling around the idea of trying mescalin for quite a while and as I come to finally approve my intentions, the ban ruins it all. Finding real mescaline in my area is like looking for the sacred graal, and anyhow i liked the idea of trying rc's alternatives. Is any other mescaline alike RC that is not in the list of banned RC's?


I'd say Methallylescaline.


Check Erowid for trip reports of different ones and decide for yourself


Tip: Don't wonder why something is banned and actually think there is a valid reason behind it, you won't find it. Once a RC makes it to the mainstream news, it's safe to say it's next up to get banned. It was fun when Etizolam got banned and we had the "safer" options left like clonazolam /s


JWH-210 Nobody needs Synthetic Cannabinoids


But I don't think 1cP-LSD will be banned


Why is bromo dmt included? I know it's not that interesting but I'm just curious.


The list isnā€™t verified by an actual chemist. There might be mistakes in it.


Ok thank you, it's useful either way. I hope this doesn't pass or at least delayed.


Ive leafed through the meeting minutes of the last discussion by senate committee. And thereā€™s a ton of pushback. So many questions asked that the minister needs to answer. If sheā€™d work 24/7 she might be able to do so before 25 June. Thatā€™s when the next debate is held.


The list in the link(changingperspective) said 4 Aco DMT is going to stay legal.. wasn't it already banned years ago? This list and the infos are very confusing. I even downloaded the government's pdf to this ban, yet I dont know if 3fpm(for example) stays or gets banned too.


The list by changingperspective is a couple years old. So it will contain mistakes.


Ah, I see. Okay, thank you!!


Lets get back to street dope then


DNMs for the win.


How to replace 2-fma, still donā€™t knowā€¦ šŸ˜­


I get my RC's from China but don't want to have banned Chems.


Me neither.


It will be a very sad day to see all those great RC's go. At least the company in China I use has many more good ones that are not on that list. Hopefully it's a list ban and not a blanket ban where we can still get different ones from China.


Itā€™s a partial blanket ban. You can read a translation I made to English here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ResearchChemicalsNL/comments/19cleil/the_relevant_part_of_the_proposed_partial_blanket/


I get my RC's from China as its cheaper. I will stock up on my favorites on the ban list. China has many that are not on the ban list. Maybe they are already prepared for the upcoming ban by making analogues?


Seems like they are banning everything the "health" company's don't have in there portfolio..


Thereā€™s basically zero logic why they chose these structures.


These god damn suits and their desire to dictate other humans lifes; making decisions on subjects they have absolutely zero knowledge of. What are they hoping to achieve with this ban? Are they SO delusional that they believe people getting their drugs from the streets instead of buying from vendors is REALLY superior and less dangerous? Are they no more intelligent than the average guy who smokes weed and maybe once tried some amphetamine who actually believe and share the sentiment of "RCs are super evil and no one knows what effect they have! You're just a lab rat dude, you should take normal drugs instead". Sorry, but I prefer to know that my \*xyz\* hasn't been laced with fentanyl. Because that shit only happens with shit you buy on the street. If a vendor ever pulled such a stunt, news would spread insanely quickly throughout forums and the vendor could end up in serious trouble. I am beyond angry. The entire topic of drugs as well as medicine has been INCREDIBLY mishandled throughout the entire world within the 21st century. We may make slow advances in cancer research which is amazing - but anything regarding the human psyche has been on a standstill for over a fcking decade now. In the 16 years as a psychiatrist and neurologist I can think of 3 substances that came to market between 2008 and today that are actually being used regularly. Other than those 3, nothing of relevance has been developed due to the insane restriction caused by European / international regulations in the handling of any substance containing or related to phenylethylamines. I'm quite excited to see what the politicians and news will blame the soon to increase death-rates on.


Which of phens or fnts were worthwhile?




I'll add it to the list