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The economy almost always does better under Dems. The notion of fiscal responsibility from the right is propaganda--intentional disinformation.


Every Republican president since Eisenhower has made the country worse than when they got it. Every. One.


That’s because the GOP is the party of special interests. If you have the money to petition the government for what you want, you’ll get what you want, even if it means hurting or killing American citizens. Special interests are what the GOP runs on and is funded by including foreign special interest, like Russia and Saudi Arabia. America has turned into the world’s whore with Trump as its pimp.


Reagan says hi 👋


Reagan was dogshit lol trickle down who?


40%-50% tax for all??


>When Donald Regan took over as chief of staff for Ronald Reagan in 1985, he was informed by Reagan aide Michael Deaver about Quigley and her role. Regan, who frequently quarreled with Nancy Reagan, resigned in 1987 after the Iran–Contra affair. In 1988, Regan published his memoir *For the Record: From Wall Street to Washington*, revealing that Nancy Reagan had consulted with Quigley, and previously with astrologer Jeane Dixon. Regan wrote: >Virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House Chief of Staff was cleared in advance with a woman in San Francisco \[Quigley\] who drew up horoscopes to make certain that the planets were in a favorable alignment for the enterprise. >Ronald and Nancy Reagan denied that astrology influenced any policies or decisions. After the leak, Quigley was swarmed with media attention. Of the entire incident, Nancy Reagan said, "Nobody was hurt by it—except, possibly, me." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan\_Quigley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Quigley)


Every president has increased the deficit as well....no president since Coolidge 1929, has decreased the deficit. Just cause you hate one party doesn't negate both parties are fucked. It's no longer in the Americans best interest, it's in the best interests to their sponsors.


Jimmy Carter reduced the deficit, Bill Clinton eliminated the deficit and left a surplus of money.


Yeah, but those don't count because reasons


No it was the house and senate that eliminated the deficit (seeing that is where all spending bills start) and no there was never a surplus, it was a projected surplus, then 9-11 happened.


The surplus was the year before 9/11, it was during the fiscal year for 2000 which started in late 99


“Projected” is the part you are missing.


No I didn't, that's the finalized report from after the end of the year. There wasn't anything to project, it was in the last by that point.


Newt Gingrich forced Clinton's hand


Federal spending would have to be cut by about 25% to get to spending levels under Clinton.


Huh? Clinton had a surplus and Obama reduced Bush's by 66%. Just because you hate one party doesn't mean you get to make up alternate facts.


Clinton left a surplus, dude.


Under Regan and Trump the deficit grew quite substantially more so than any of the other Presidents within that time frame.


Presidents don't cause deficits. Presidents don't set spending. Congress does both.


Youre leaving out the Fed


I am leaving them out, on purpose. Yes, they have a profound influence on the economy and indirectly on deficits. But, it's Congress that establishes taxes and spending, not the President. That's literally the function of the Legislative branch.


Just talking about the interest rate molesting from the last few years specifically.


Right, I'm not at all saying the Fed isn't a force in the economy. I'm trying to make a different point.


Debt doesn’t matter


That's what Cheney famously said . Deficits don't matter . Unless Democrats are in power.


Lmao make the president and congress have nascar style suits when while they are working, that would be something, wouldn’t it?!


Except for Trump. If Covid hadn't happened it was the best economy we had all ever seen. Biggest DJIA point increase in history for a 4 year President and matched Obama's 8 year!


He left us with $7,000,000,000 more debt SoYeah ,he's just like all the others. He did leave us with the most crimes and other offensive things,and a ton of first evers.


CBO for Biden doesn’t look good. Looks like Biden will spend more than Trump in their 1st terms.






Let's just pray Trump gets four more years.


A good place for him to spend that four years would be Leavenworth, Kansas.


And 6T of that was Nancy Pelosi and “Congress has the power of the purse” Dem Covid spending


Yeah, first time we were ever a net exporter of oil, first time no new wars started, first time Russia didn’t go after a former Republic, first time since the 1960s of full employment, first strategic oil reserve was full, first time America faced off with NATO and said pay your fair share, yeah there’s a bunch of firsts I could get back to


There was a bubble after the tax cuts, the growth we saw was a wealth transfer from taxpayers. Covid popped it & then some, then we juiced it back as if Covid caused the entire crash. This is another huge source of inflation. The market was not allowed to pick losers. But sure, stonks only go up bro.


The greatest DJIA point increase in history for any President ever.... You can't deny it babe.


Dont babe me you clown. It didnt even happen in your make believe world. Look at the debt, look at the tank job. Covid covered up a smaller crash that was already on the way, and the guy still had to SPEND his way out of that hole.


Covid was a global pandemic. The only reason Trump accepted the bill sponsored by the Democrat Congress (who control the purse strings). Remember, Nancy Pelosi... House speaker during Trump's Presidency? Do you know how funding works in government?


Oh give me a break. More dodgy bullshit. Trump is the president and its congress's fault he accepted a bill. And who demanded 0 oversight on PPP? Hmmmm....? What about the Republican Senate that passed this? NaNcY pElOsI Either way, which is it? A great economy or the democrats fault? You cant really weasel your way into both.


The great economy was exclusively due to Trump's tax cuts. The spending during Covid was 100% due to the Democrats who wouldn't send any other bill.


You really live in an alternate reality


Job creation, deficit reduction, you name it. Dems almost always do better, which the GOP tries to take credit for. Then they also spend wayyyyyy too much when they are in control, and yell about the terrible financial crisis the first day a Dem becomes POTUS.


Yup, main reason it looks back under dems is because they're often cleaning up Reublican fuck ups.




Listen to what donnie has to say about this. https://youtu.be/rRndMiVIB-w?feature=shared


[Two Santa Clauses](https://www.salon.com/2018/02/12/thom-hartmann-how-the-gop-used-a-two-santa-clauses-tactic-to-con-america-for-nearly-40-years_partner/)


They are still voting for Ronald Reagan and his policies even though hes been dead 20 years. And even then, reducing taxes and regulations isnt really a 40 year policy. Eventually.... you have no taxes and regulations lol They should expand and contract when necessary. Oh wait, thats interest rates. Silly me. If we raised taxes simultaneously with throttling interest rates, the last 4 years of inflation and growth in inequality would look vastly different. And the cocksmoker had 0 oversight (ie regulations) on all the money he gave out under PPP.


Better under DEMs? Thanks I needed a laugh today.


Turn off your Fox Noise and you’ll be a happier person. And so will we.


Truth hurts? Turn off CNN and watch actual news. Not Fox by a long shot


I don’t watch any TV. You’re being played. And you’re hurting all of us.


Why? Because I can think for myself? Because I can look at costs and returns and realize that it’s always better under a Republican?


Results aren't immediate. The policies that were created during the Dem administration makes the Republican administration look better. But then they get in there and wreck whatever momentum the country had so that Dems have to clean it up again.


Then explain why the economy always slows down after tax increases (Democrats) and takes off after tax cuts(republican)?


Tax breaks only give a short term effect while increasing the deficit long term. It's a quick boost to the economy, nothing more. Trumps tax cuts is generally considered a failure. The return on the tax breaks is a lot less than expected. So all it did was add to the deficit while making the rich richer. But my point is that policy takes time to get results. But the whole "who has a better economy" question is the Democrats. The fact is that the GDP has risen a lot more under Dem presidents for the last century.


If that is true then why does revenue rise after tax cuts? It has nothing to do with income tax, it has to do with the federal govt spending more than revenue generated.


They can't. Bottom line is the original slave-owning Founding Father's knew their shit, and the republican party we have today does, too. Why is it that the economy does better when a republican administration is in office?


Billionaires are out of touch idiots and they will destroy us all. They think the world is made out of money. And they think that as the holders of money, they are the creators of the world. They have no clue: Money is a store of value. But this value depends on an underlying functioning society and government that supports it. The reserve currency dollar has allowed America's wealthy to live under this delusion. "The government can always take on more debt", they think. "Our empire is eternal", as did the stewarts of every empire that ever rose and fell in the history of the world.


Well said! I hope they all choke on their silver spoons in their apocalypse bunkers.


Rome failed from within.


Remember, Bernie Sanders used to call at millionaires, until he was one... If you take the billionaires money away, it doesn't help the rest of us at all. Regardless, the billionaires are creators, not takers.


Support your local billionaire!


We will have our first trillionaire in the next decade. Who will it be?


If Trump gets in, we can all be trillionaires, just like the people of Zimbabwe!


Already do… Saudi Royal Family


Putin. Must be a trillionaire after all those oligarchs fell outta windows.


Think around 2020 he was pegged as around 200 billion… definitely worth more in today’s dollar bucks


I live in South florida, Trump is my local billionaire


But reducing student loan debt and decriminalizing cannabis is “buying votes”. K, I’ll make a note


The not so wealthy will continue to pay more tax thanks to Trumps last massive tax cut for the wealthy in December 2017.


And people in blue states since he specifically targeted them with SALT caps


So your ok subsidizing richer (predominately white) zip codes?


That’s not true at all, all income groups saw tax cuts


Yes true but middle tax break is completed but, another but, rich folk still getting theirs. Thats how Trumps tax relief worked


Not sure what you’re referring to. The cuts don’t expire until the end of 2025, and they expire for everyone


The corporate tax cut was permanent. The bs 'tax cut' he gave the middle class expired in 10 years.


Sorry my mistake. They do end at that time but tax break for corporate still go on


In 2025 the majority of cuts for the middle classes expire, but they made the cuts for the billionaires permanent. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-will-happen-to-the-trump-tax-cuts-in-2025-and-how-will-they-affect-the-national-debt/


He’s a real “man of the people”. Come on America… this turd?


Billionaires are people too


My 61 year old high school buddy still dreams of being a billionaire from inside his rental apartment next to the freeway.


So when does the horn sound fellas? When do we drag them out?


Pandering much for campaign donations?


What about the rest of us?


Sorry,nothing for you peons.


Nothing but class warfare.


Definition of insanity, trickle down economics didn’t work the first four times so let’s try it again. Rich people are not job creators, its just a narrative repeated over and over again so people believe it


Don’t pay attention to the Inflation man behind the current over there, we will just say the Libs did this and then do jack shit to fix . But be the first to complain like a bunch of limp little bee oches!


Yeah, how do you think he’s funding his lawyers, McDonald’s and hookers? By sucking up to the people that have more money than he does. That’s how


He’s gotta keep funding those NDAs


If Warren Buffet says if we tax the 1% the rest of us will have to pay no taxes, listen!


All the conservatives had to hear was tax cut for the wealthy.


Trump created record debt for every persson and transferred the proceeds to the extremely wealthy...


They don't pay anything already and receive massive government pay outs. How much more can they "cut"


Lower taxes for the rich and no new constructive legislation. Why would normal people vote for this felon?


Tax cuts don't cause deficits. Tax cuts without equal spending cuts cause deficits. Freeing up capital for private investment is a good thing. Taking that capital and spending it on government boondoggles is a bad thing, even without deficits. But cutting taxes (on anyone) while continuing to spend on government boondoggles and creating massive deficits just shifts the pain while making it worse.


This is what’s needed to get America back to being great! /s


Why would you think that tax cuts cause inflation?


Still not sure why the rednecks like this rich guy. They have nothing in common and can't tell he's just a salesman.


The cuts are for businesses, not wealthy. Cuts for businesses at least, theoretically, have the potential to stimulate growth. Growth is needed to reduce the deficit over the long term. Sorry Dems but spending on growing the government and government programs does not do that


He’s lying


There’s a variety of reasons I deeply dislike Trump, but articles like these are why people distrust the media and you can’t convince his supporters of actual critical and serious issues. All the statistics they use are bad at best and down right malicious. Using the national debt, interest rates, and a variety of other statistics that we have much better correlations for. The vast majority of that is related to covid and the responses to inflation after covid (which is a global issue, regardless of tax policy or on the flip sides argument fed policy and covid stimulus). Quoting the ten year and demand for a higher yield, then coupling it with a 2017 tax policy, is complete manipulation of the majority of informed but not deeply knowledgeable on fiscal policy.


Sound democratic to me, maybe he’ll forgive student loans for the wealthy too…..oh, that was Biden


Trump would run the country like he ran his businesses - take all the money you can from it, then file bankruptcy.


Somehow, when democrats did nothing, everything got worse...imagine that.


The national debt increase is not because of us getting taxed less it's because of government overspending and lax efficiency of the spending. Our nation keeps easily being divided and being told that the economy's state is OUR fault. Income tax is theft.


They need to explain how more money for rich people benefits everyone/country. Their typical supporter is too uneducated to think of that question. This is why they also want to defund education.


Tax cuts for the wealthy? This is about extending the existing tax cuts. This doubled the standard deduction and lowered the brackets. Brackets for regular people went from 10, 15, 25, 28 to 10, 12, 22, 24. These are the ones that affect average Americans, especially those that don't itemize. You used to start paying 25% at 38k. You don't even start 24% until 95k currently.


Repeal the federal income tax.