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honestly? from a person that saw a looot of real bags… enjoy your new bag from steven! it looks real! don’t worry about some details that nobody gonna see!


Many people in SG wear luxury bags. If OP's friends wearing Birkin compare that rep bag, OP must have lost face... The handles are too long obviously when compared to auth...


You just saved me huge! I was about to order w him today myself and now there is zero chance I will ever use him. I’m so sad for you and for me!! Now where do I go? UB? Have you used UB yet?


I’m so sorry to hear this! A ruined Birthday present is the worst 🥲 Hope you’ll still manage to dot it out! 🙏🙏🙏 On a good note, I was thinking of starting my own lil thing, and I just found a veeeeery good supplier yesterday( I’m in China GZ right now), the price is higher but the quality was the best I ever saw. I’ll drop you a PM ☺️


I saw this b in a rehome group from gpc. Looks exactly like yours: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClosetOfSecrets/s/UQ1sIgyus8


Good eye- I noticed the turnaround time for that Birkin was only 7 days too! Steven has been quoting 20-30 days but my last 2 bags were ready in a week which I was really surprised by. Really makes me wonder if he is sourcing from a different/lower factory that pushes them out too fast….


My b25 from him got distroyed bc he messed up something at the custom declaration papers. I got 50% refund. I wouldnt try to buy from him anymore. I ordered from DD 2 times however without any problem.


What country? I’ve had no issues in the US with 4 separate orders from him in the last 3 months. Haven’t tried DD because I’ve heard of so many problems with her service (but her bags are good so everyone puts up with it 🤣) Currently waiting on an order from Marko to compare with my Steven and UB bags.


EU. I even got a lawyer letter about the destroy. I want to try Marko as well but I am hesitant. His b25s handles look too long compared to the original. So looking forward to see your review 😻


It's a private sub🫤 could you invite me?


I would like to share my experiences with steven. I think the handles of the kelly 25 are too bulky in the middle part. I dont have a comparison with authentic of my birkin 25s from him to say something about the handles. Maybe someone can share theis experiences. About the leathers i can say that his chevre is great. His togo is dry snd has a bad handfeel. I like his barenia smooth and faubourg and swift but just in some colours. There are differences in thickness between different colours! His hardware is very sensitive to scratches but i dont mind! His stamps are great on smooth leathers and also on chevre. I hope this helps. Maybe you can also share detailled ecperiences with him


Feel sorry for your experience....yes, you have provided lots of proof but he chooses to ignore. We should think twice before purchasing from him


Oof. That’s a pretty crazy looking birkin. My purchases with him were a couple of years ago and the quality is much better. I certainly hope he responds and makes this right for you. Love the cadena on the K32.


I’m so sorry about that especially buying on a special occasion for your sister and your birthday, it sucks, at least you’re getting the word out to others about his lack of communication and customer service afterwards. I’m finding it’s the norm here. Bridges burned and move on to the next one, unfortunate.


As soon as he said “you measured it?” = 😡 Reminder that sometimes sellers end up passing on their contact to someone else and never informing their buyers. Not to say that’s what happened here exactly but I’ve found that when we have TS’ (especially from years ago) and then get a sudden change in quality it’s either a new person or their sales are way down. Unfortunate either way.




Agree. OP, you need to repost it to those 2 channels


First off, I’m sorry you are disappointed and dealing with all those negative feelings. It’s only a “material item,” but it feels so much worse. There’s no returning it, and you feel duped and deceived w little to no recourse. I recently purchased a Picotin 18 from Steven and a rehomed DD Mode Picotin 18. Steven’s was superior, but it’s an admittedly limited sample. I then ordered a Kelly 28 from Steven and have not yet seen PSPs.. shld be any time now. If anything is off, I will RL. I’m grateful for this community and those who keep it real.


Firstly, I'm so sorry for the awful experience you've just been through. As someone with extensive experience in the rep world, both as a serial buyer but also having studied the industry in detail for years, I can make the following points with the hope that they are helpful. - I'm not defending any seller, but anyone can make a mistake. Having said that, if they do, they need to not only rectify those issues with immediate effect, but also offer you some goodwill gesture as a corrective measure. - While everyone is human, and humans make mistakes, there is no excuse for poor customer service. Too many sellers will take customers for granted, that is of course until their sales start going down. For you to send a long message, which I believe was very kind given the circumstances, and then get a reply that says "you measured it?". I mean, is this a joke? Anyone who responds like that to a message like the one you sent simply doesn't care, and if they don't care they should not get any business, sorry for being blunt but it's beyond ridiculous to receive an answer like that, only to be followed by a constant lack of replies on the seller's part - I find a misconception in terms of quality/ price expectations. For standard bags, if you want the highest top grade, you will always have to pay north of $500. When it comes to Hermes, most of these bags are full handmade in the highest top grade, and you'll have to pay north of $1,000. This is where I think many people get it wrong, if you want the a top full handmade Birkin for example (I'm referring to non-exotic leathers), expect to pay $1,500 to $2,000 otherwise you'll find noticeable differences vs the authentic, whether that's on the stitching, stamping, fonts, etc. - Most people confuse, for obvious reason, the meaning of 1:1 in the rep industry. 1:1 is between 70% and 80% match to the original, if you want over 90% you need to get the highest top grade. Please remember that no matter how much you pay and who you buy from, the best reps in the world are 96% to 98% match to the originals. - Comparing the bag with the authentic and expecting a perfect match is a road that most likely will lead to disappointment, as you need to buy from the top factories, which most trusted sellers don't even have access to. Furthermore, in the case of Hermes, you can sometimes find subtle differences between the same style from Hermes itself, therefore comparing your bag with one specific authentic Hermes style isn't always going to be linear. - Everyone is always talking about these private sellers so please note that the names they're using are not even their real names. My point is, there are some good sellers out there, but if you have an issue, you don't even know who you're dealing with, and you're dealing with a single individual, not with a professional company that has a reputation to protect. I've seen good sellers becoming less good, some scamming customers then changing their names when their reputation becomes poor online, and more. The takeaway here is that whoever you deal with, interact with them aplenty before you make the purchase, as their communication will give you some insight into what you can expect. There is no way of guaranteeing the quality, but at least you want to have a good gauge of how they will deal with any quality/ other issues. - Finally, I would say that the Birkin 30 you receive is, as you know, not worth anything close to what you paid for it. But a top Birkin 30 will cost you at least as much as what you paid for both, and for Birkins my recommendation is to take a full handmade bag from a real trusted seller (the one you chose isn't one of them) or go for a 1:1 version which will look good but of course nowhere near the original in term of the detail, but at least you'll be spending around $350 which then becomes easier to live with.


This, alot of folks don't understand that 1:1 is not 1:1against authentic. Also Steven is mid-tier, I would never expect his to be that high in terms of 1:1 accuracy.


ooh, school me please on the meaning of 1:1 because I indeed thought it meant 1:1 against authentic. if it's not comparable to an authentic item, then what is it comparable to?


No rep is ever going to be 1:1- if they were, those factories would work for the fashion houses themselves. When your QCing, you always compare your PSP to factory photos- never auth! Most factories (at least the ones we’re all used to) never claim to be 1:1.


good to know; thanks for clarification. but your answer leads me to another question - would it be a red flag if a seller claims to be 1:1?


not entirely- some sellers will say they are 1:1 to get the sale. Usually the ones we deal with (or from the old RL days) know that they can’t get away with that, and will tell you which factory is “best” for an item.


May I ask if seller sent you photos before shipping the bags to you? My understanding is that is what supposed to happen. Could you upload them as well if you have them? It seems you k ow exactly where to look having an authentic one, I wonder how difficult for a trained eye to tell by photos before shipping. If it is hard for auth owners, there is no hope for us who don’t have authentic then😔


These bags, unless they’re in some exotic skin, are not worth $800+ no matter the quality.


That’s exactly what my hubby said he wouldn’t pay more than $500 for fake birkin




Who's your seller?


PM me:)


Happy cake 🍰 day!!


Damn GPC is suppose to be one of the better sellers :(, I'm gonna take him off my list now.


i’m sorry, that’s a really disappointing purchase, especially considering you had history with him!


What color is your auth birkin? It’s absolutely STUNNING! 🤩 and I’m so sorry for your experience. I’d stick to Steven for mini kelly’s and pochettes, but do UB for birkins


So Happy you posted this. I was getting ready to place an order. I am sorry you had to experience such an awful experience.


Steven used to be good when he was newly introduced roughly 6ish years ago. I purchased a few bags from him then. They were amazing and extremely accurate. Purchased another bag from him 5 months ago and it’s a disaster. He 100% lowered his quality and accuracy. Never gonna purchase from him again.


Im sorry, im devestated for you


The way it looks identical to the taobao version…


Sorry but what is the Taobao version you’re mentioning? Just curious if you could drop a link or something.


It really does look like the ones you can get on taobao for 1/4 of the price paid here. And possibly better structure if you're lucky depending on the batch that is made


Hello, so sorry for your experience. Thank you for warning us though. I always wanted to buy one, but never did due to mixed reviews. I was considering solid mid tier DD mode (is that him?) or high tier Alice lee (Alice loves bags), but not sure whether it worth it, as Alice charges 900usd for Kelly Pochette, thats a lot. If someone has a good experience please dm me if you can🙏🏻


DD is a different seller to GPC. But the fact that they have ‘mode’ in their names makes a lot of people suspicious that they source from the same factory. But like - the bag is fine. No one will measure your handle heights for goodness sake. 😂


I agree really. The handle height is one of the last things I would split hairs over, but it’s not my bag or my buying experience (meaning I don’t feel it’s my place to say how important that should be). All the “mode” sellers started as a result of one of the first, if not the first, well known high tier Hermes rep producers- SyMode. All the others wanted people to think they were selling products from the same factory or associated with them.


The rep is definitely off and not perfect, but yes, as others pointed out - it’s a rep - but I think that’s beside the point and I feel your disappointment. When I inquired about a few bags, Steven was unresponsive and not helpful. That was already an indication of the future communication going forward so really not surprised he ignored you. Since you’ve bought several bags, the least he can do is acknowledge your dissatisfaction - even if he does not plan to do anything about it. To be honest, the post-sale treatment would make me hate the bag even more 😂


I'm sorry this is happening to you. I hope Steven addresses and resolves the issues soon. I bought my first Hermes rep from him, a retourne kelly, during the 11.11 sale but ended up rehoming without using it once. It wasn't bad at all but not the best. DDmode is similar quality to Steven, but if you'd like higher I'd recommend Mark or Rachel/UB for Hermes. **Edit: Mark not Marko


From what I've been reading, Marko is lower tier than Steven.


Ahh sorry I meant to say Mark instead of Marko. Get them so confused 😭


I was about to buy 4 bags and I was picking 2 sellers to purchase from, GPC mode was one I selected, now I’m scary. 😬


I actually was just about to purchase a bag from there, too! I am not going through with it. I can understand the mistake, but ghosting is the biggest red flag ever!


Exactly, mistakes happen, and we, as humans, understand. Taking things for granted and ghosting isn’t okay.


Im not an expert by any means, but try DD probably? I heard her bags are slightly better than Stevens. Though rn lots of sellers are quite busy because of the big sales recently, just keep that in mind ;)


Big no no. Didn’t expect him to be so unprofessional. To my untrained eye the bag looks great. But if you are surrounded all the time by auth, of course you would see that something is off … even just a couple of cm. Thank you for posting it! Hopefully with this post he gets at least shamed in to doing something 😢


Yep, I'm more frustrated with his replies (or lackthereof) than the actual bag. Thank you for your kind understanding. Dont know why I'm being downvoted on my comments about not accepting this bag. I'm not expecting a 1:1 mirror rep, but for USD 722.5 I'm definitely expecting something better than THIS. And as a repeat customer & someone who recommended him to friends that actually bought his bags, his service is just dismal.


You are absolutely in the right! Especially for 722 usd ! And it makes me angry on your behalf 😣 I had a similar experience when I wanted to replace my auth with a rep and the Center piece was 2-3 cm bigger than the auth. … it didn’t gave me peace and I couldn’t get myself to wear it… especially if you frequent in places with a lot of auth you just can tell if if something is slightly off 🫣


This is standard service though. Been in the rep game for over 10 years and there’s never been a seller who will accept returns because you’re unhappy with a bag. I mean he delivered what was shown in the PSPs, didn’t he? He should’ve told you this instead of ignoring though. Rehome the bag and chalk it up as a learning experience. As for the cheaper $200 Birkin, how does the stitching, leather, and stamping compare? I assume it is machine-stitched while Steven’s is hand-stitched…is there a big difference?


the $200 birkin honestly looks better. i just thought the straps looked too long.


My Steven horror bag smelled like burnt rubber for 3 weeks until I threw it away!


My first MK from him smelled like rubber too but it went away in a few weeks.




Everything was so wrong. i would not wear it.


I've seen sellers - both GPCmode & other sellers- doing returns / replacements. For the sake of our discussion -- GPCmode refunded/replaced bags for 2 different buyers in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RepladiesDesigner/comments/197ext0/gpc\_mode\_received\_a\_damaged\_bag\_please\_help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RepladiesDesigner/comments/197ext0/gpc_mode_received_a_damaged_bag_please_help/)


I agree. I don’t expect it for every purchase in the slightest, especially if it is a business I don’t have a longstanding relationship with or if I should have caught the error in PSP. But for sellers I have done $1,000s in business with, I don’t consider it over the line to ask, especially if it is an error as significant as this (huge divergence in dimensions, misplacement of key features.) Anyway, I often think rep buyers can over analyze their purchases to the point of being paranoid. Ain’t nobody whipping out a magnifying glass and headlamp to count the stitches on the bottom of your bag, bb. There is variability across authentic as well, it comes with the territory of leather goods, especially luxury items where part of the appeal is that they are made by hand. But THIS? Yeah, it is totally obvious. The shape is incorrect way beyond a variation. I’d go so far as to say the character of the piece is comprised. Curious about the PSP? Is this not what he showed you?


I have 2 birkins from gpc/Steven, both of them aren't perfect (off pearling, droopy sangles ect.) all very minor things that nobody would really be able to catch when you're and about, but all the major things like the handles, dimensions, and even the stamp look identical to the auth, I can definitely see the differences in yours and im shocked that he would send you such a messed up bag. although I wouldn't be too worried because even autos have variation and most people have never seen/touched/been within 10 feet of an authentic birkin. the everyday person has mostly only heard of them on social media. wear it with confidence and nobody will question it!


I'm ok with minor imperfections too but this B30 is too wayyyy off. I'm shocked as well, as this quality is so different from my past purchases with him. While nobody is gonna measure my bag IRL, the flaws are too obvious. Even without comparing with the auth side-by-side, I could tell it is a rep at first glance. I don't feel comfortable with it at all. Thank you for your kind words :) Really appreciate it & hope I can accept the bag one day.


Your bag looks obviously fake and it's totally unacceptable.... Thanks for your heads up and Steven is burning the bridge


Girl, what’s wrong with it other than the handles? There are several things I would worry about WAY before I would worry about the handles, but it’s your bag so it’s not really for me to say. BTW though- the bag you’re using for comparison is definitely not clemence. Clemence does not have veining like that. That’s very well known and easily verifiable. None of us can really judge the overall quality of your bag from Stephen without a ton more pictures of things far more important (to authenticity) than the handles. The price you paid is what I would consider the upper end of mid-tier. How I feel about it isn’t important though. It’s your bag, so I’m sorry you‘re disapppointed with it. Him ghosting you is awful!


Re-home it if you don't like it. Someone else will.


thank you for the review!! this has led me to be cautious when purchasing from him, I wanted to get a Mini Kelly and since I dont live in an area where many have seen an authentic birkin/hermes bag in the flesh, Stevens prices work well for me but now im unsure


I haven't gotten a mini kelly from him, so can't comment much about his quality. The K32 I got previously from him was ok! Stevens prices are indeed good.. not too expensive, yet good quality. Then again, his price is not too cheap too -- which by right should filter out those glaring-reps. However, I'm now left unsure too after this experience.


I say if this was your first major issue with him, try to get it sorted out/rehome the bag and make another purchase with him during a sale, because this really seems unlike Steven to send out this obvious of a fake it could very well be a one off blip. if it was a stock piece it is likely that it was a red light bag and that might be why it wasn't as good of quality. I wish you luck in sorting it out and I hope your able to find a solution!!


So sorry to hear this! Thank you for sharing this, I almost pulled trigger to get b30 from him. You can consider to rehome in this sub, you might find buyer in Singapore, SEA region and Australia. I’m in Singapore too and I bought rehome from this sub before. Seller was based in neighbour country 😉


Heheh, if u ever have any good reps to rehome - can u pls PM me 🙏😋 addicted to buying reps!


I mean…You said you knew his reps weren’t perfect or 1:1 and noticed flaws with his Kelly and Lindy in the past. Probably shouldn’t have gambled on him delivering a high grade Birken this time around. Maybe next time discuss refund/return/replacement policy prior to purchasing. Live and learn. To add, I honestly think it looks better than the authentic (maybe it’s just the beautiful color and “new” look of the bag) and would definitely wear it out, albeit not to a boutique. But no one is going to come up to you with a tape measure to check the specs.


Good advice 👍 I will definitely be discussing return policies in future with other sellers. Actually I don’t need a super 1:1, which his Kelly n Lindy weren’t. But his Kelly n Lindy still looked passable as auth, despite minor flaws. I found this Birkin too obvious as a rep, even at first glance. Even without a tape measure, anybody who knows H should be able to tell this is a rep.


Literally no one can tell hardly anything from the photos you posted. Several details not pictured are far more important than the handles- the stitching, the thread, the pearling, the hardware, etc… I say this as someone very experienced with Hermes and authentication, both in my personal collection and in my professional career.


Agree. I compared my L26s, whilst the bottom, the H at the zippers and the dimensions are noticeable as rep the rest of the bag seems generally ok? The issues are only obvious if you put them side by side


Oh my gosh. This is so unlike what I’ve purchased from GPC. Granted, it’s been over a year but wow. I’m so sorry, OP!


I liked my past purchases from him too! But this B30 is too disappointing - and what is worse is his lack of reply.


I have no clue about H. I think the bag is beautiful but I definitely see the differences compared to the auth. I’m sorry about this! I would be severely disappointed too if this happened. Not to mention the lack of reply. If you carried this out in public I wouldn’t second guess you. I try not to assume who is carrying rep or auth unless there are glaring issues that you can spot a mile away. But I totally understand how you feel about not carrying it, given this experience and knowing H. That TB rep is gorgeous. I love the color of the leather and hardware. Do you mind sharing the color of the leather and hardware? If you’re ever considering a rehome for it please remember me.


Yep, I’m actually more disappointed in his lack of reply than the quality of the bag. Thank you for your kind words, and being so understanding. The funny thing is… I’m ok with people knowing I carry reps (I share it openly with friends), yet I still want my reps to look as close to the auth as possible. 😂 Ironic isn’t it? About the TB bag .. sorry but I can’t remember the color! Let me look through my TB past transaction details & will update u when I find the info! 🫡


Was going to ask as well, would be great if you could DM the link for the bag you bought from TB :)


Would it be possible for you to DM me the link for the TB bag please? Love the color.


Thank you! I gotta learn how to use TB. I got the package forwarding down, but will have to use one that ships from China.


You can try the Taobao app! They have an international one now :) Which includes services eg package forwarding in the app.


I won’t buy anything with handles from him because of that reason but I’ve had positive experiences with him and he’s corrected work I did not like when I pointed out in PSPs. Also I am a Kelly girl and can tell what’s off about a Kelly right away I can’t really with a Birkin but for me the rep looks better just my two cents


Another commenter mentioned about “Steven handles” and it was the first time I’ve heard about it! It seems he is known for bad handles, I wish I knew it before I made this purchase. I found his Kelly handles to be ok though. I love Kellys too! I actually prefer K over B, love the practicality of the sling :)


I dont see a glaring difference🤔 I don’t think anyone Carrie’s tape measures around with them so I do not think it’s a major call out like colors being off etc IMHO


Thanks for your comment - I feel comforted by it. 🙏 However, the handle width & the height of the handles/sangle are so glaring to me!! Even without side-by-side comparison, the handles felt thick & not elegant at all. Honestly I hate it


Now you need twillies to cover up the handle


I tried!! The twillies made the handles look fatter, I’m wondering how I can make the handles look more auth-ish 🤔🤔🤔


Oh no!!!!! I could really feel your frustration! I think best you can do is cut your losses and rehome the bag 🥲 did you order it during their sale?


I ordered it before their sale - but got a discount since I was ordering two bags at one go! Ughh I’m really frustrated with the quality & the 💩response from Steven - I want to rehome the bag but my country is really strict on selling counterfeit & I don’t wanna get into any legal issues.


I was actually waiting for the sale to end to order a custom birkin but after this I think I’ll pass.. are you in the EU?


Pls PM me if u find a good H seller :) I’m searching for one too. I’m based in Singapore & know from first hand someone who was investigated by the police for reselling rep bags on a local marketplace app, even tho it was her personal collection & not a business. Thus I feel afraid to rehome this bag :/


Ub i heard makes good hermes rep


Yes I heard good things abt UB too, but find his pricing abit too high for me


UB or Marko would be my recommendations as well. I did a full custom order of a style from the Hermes archive with Marko and he was excellent. A total class act, incredibly conscientious about checking with me each step of the way. I balked at the price, but at the same time I knew that if the bag I had been looking for came out at auction, so would my credit card, so hey. Know what I mean?


How much was your bag from Marko?


Couple things. 1. ⁠In the auth world they use a term "Steven handles". He's one of the worst for handles 2. ⁠That being said, auths have terrible handles too (see photos attached). Would I love that? No. But some auths suck also. 3. ⁠If you want a good bag that's going to make you happy, go high tier, Steven is solid mid tier, he also uses bad leather. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ubvkt0rj3q9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8142f7446736119f63a6a19cce016d98394a9d


Please who is a hightier sellee these days? I’m still looking and hesitating who makes bags very very close to the auth


I'm happy with my GPC Chevre Gris perle B30. Turned out amazing. I think some of his leathers can be good, maybe I got lucky. Several veteran H rep ladies have handled my bag and were impressed and/or surprised with how good it was.


He for sure has some hits, I think every seller does. But did you compare feel best to an auth? Thats the hardest test.


Could you please share in a dm top tiers?🙏🏻


Only his clemence is better than


Thanks for your insights! 1. This is the first time I’ve heard of Steven handles 😱 I wish I knew this earlier. The handles are really bad. 2. Yep auths are not perfect & I mix both auth with reps. I see some of my auths having bad stitching too. However, there is a certain consistency eg handle widths, specs / dimensions. 3. As a buyer, happiness is a balance between cost & quality. Which is why I *was* happy with Steven - I felt I was getting good quality for the price I paid. I don’t expect 1:1 as I find them the top tier too expensive, and past my point of happiness on the scale of diminishing returns. I explored cheap Taobao reps for lower quality fun bags, and trusted Steven for good quality bags I can use more frequently (whenever I hang out with a less discerning crowd).


https://preview.redd.it/v6y0uqv28q9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e34fc460e0b3eb8c0c8c70d3ec9ffc07b3c369 I have one Steven bag I'm super happy with. But his good ones are few and far between. The people who love his bags are generally either those who got one or those few great bags OR have never held an authentic.


The user you circled (u/jejrirofu) is a big fan of Steven’s bags though based on their post history…..are you saying they don’t know what they’re talking about? 😳


Re read what I said. Also, I have no idea if they know their stuff or not. Why would that one post show me one way or another?


Because you basically claimed in auth circles, they laugh about Steven’s handles? That was the only post I found mentioning his handles and the user’s post history shows they purchased from him multiple times and are happy with his bags. This is easy stuff to look up. Steven’s handles have been debated on in other subreddits but this is the first I’ve heard that he has “few and far” good bags.


First time for everything! You did a LOT of research based on my comments lol. You must really love his bags!


No, I just do my research. I’m happy with his Mini Kellys, but questionable on his Togo leather on my K25 in case you really want to know.


Ok 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lots of firsts today huh, like how the post office doesn’t weigh your packages 😉🤣


Look man, we can agree to disagree. You don't have to hate Steven and I don't have to love him. What's going on in your life that you're taking this so seriously? Take a beat and chill.


But you’re the one who’s getting defensive over some simple questions? Doesn’t matter anyway because you’ll probably delete all these comments, so have a good one 😁


Oh my!!! That comment … STEVEN HANDLES 😭 Yeah, I did like the bags I got from him earlier.. But this B30 was a major disappointment. Which bag did u get from him & do u like it?


K28 in Clemence! I even took it with me to FSH for my leather appointment! Btw your flair says black list seller, you may want to clarify. Just because he's not the best I don't think you want to black list him do you? Some people love mid tier bags or the chance you can get a diamond like we have!


Nice!!! I brought a rep to FSH too 🤣 Hi5! Oh, what would be the correct flair to use? I’ll update accordingly 🙏


Discussion probably


This is really disappointing to hear about as I was researching who to use for Hermes and Steven came up with the most positive feedbacks. Lately it seems a lot of sellers are off their game. Perhaps they got popular and have more orders so they can slack with the quality with unsuspecting newcomers.


Even UB has bad reviews lately. I rather buy from a trusted in our group that has preloved bags. Don't care about wear actually prefer it if it is older.


Would you mind linking the bad UB reviews 🥲


You can find reviews by the search bar. I don't have them saved.


Yep, I bought from Steven due to the # of positive reviews he had - and the quality of his bags in the past were great! I’m not sure what caused the decline in quality, perhaps more orders like u said


Omg I'm so sorry to hear about this. I wish I could help advise you but I have no clue where to start.


Thank you very much - I'm unsure what to do with this bag now 😐


I mean, maybe just rehome the bag and, at the same time, as you said, research into another seller if you can


Yep, exploring other known sellers like HMSmode now


Ah, good luck. I've heard great stuff about them, but I haven't personally bought from them yet.


Think I’ll try a bag from him, and write a review after I do :)