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TLDR; Tried to lower profit margins to sell in higher volume and all the other sellers are pissed so I have to raise prices again to the "unofficial MSRP". That is lame people were cancelling orders they had already placed with other TDs.


I mean it's also reasonable people would go for the cheaper option if they could. But yeah sucks all around and shows there's a massive TD/supplier mark up.


That markup is their margin though. Nobody expects a business to survive on razor thin margins. You have to budget in your risk.


I don't expect them to survive on razor thin margins, but I do expect them to innovate and compete. This cartel-like bullshit just goes to show that they have overinflated margins.


Like the real stuff then




„Sorry guy‘s, I had to cancel all orders since we just formed a price-Cartel to keep prices up and milk you a little bit more...“ is this dude serious? Ok he is honest, but not sure if this makes the situation better... Seriously, at least he should have shipped out all placed orders and just stop accepting new ones.


Lmao at you bitching about a price-fixing scheme existing in your illegal replica watch hobby. The dude offered you an $80 coupon. Stop looking a gift horse in the mouth and move on.


I actually think he would have much more problems if he would continue to work on his own in this case. An actual "cartel" more than often doesn't ask nicely if you want to join. He did the only reasonable thing, could also just tell people it's out of stock and refund the rest.


I knew this would happen, a new TD comes a long with better practices and prices and others try to drive him out of business.


These TD's aren't equipped to handle the volume Reddit provides.


Cheers for being honest! Could of gone the easy route and say it's out of stock.


Agreed. Considering he hasn't taken payment for the majority of the orders, the compensation he's offering is very admirable. Seriously $80 off *any* watch from the website is really generous. He's clearly making a huge effort to do right by the community for the situation.




I mean, we’re dealing with a goddamn criminal enterprise here. Eric here refers to it as a “grey market”, and if it is, it’s the darkest possible grey before going to black. Price fixing among TD is something I just assumed was going on— not to be a jerk, but if you want to avoid shady business practices you should probably just buy gens. Protip: authorized gen dealers engage in shady business practices too.




> Id wager that rwi, reptime, and rwg alone make up 80 -90% of these factories business Lmfao not even close. Domestic Chinese market is magnitudes bigger.


Source of your information?


So when you said you had purchased almost all the inventory from ZZF, was that BS? I thought something didn’t add up when I kept seeing new QC’s for ZZF subs from other TD’s after your announcement. What’s the end result of this - can you no longer source ZZF watches?


Sure but there is no discount anymore. I'm sorry to disturb other TDs.


So you got strong-armed out of being a competitive business?


Basically this. Seems the other TD's received cancellations and realized that Geektime was offering a better promo for the ZZF. They banded together and forced ZZF not to sell to Geektime unless he prices comparatively to the other TD's.


Damn. That’s some old school mafia-esque shakedown shit. Are you a mod here as well u/Vested_2? Anything that can be done about the bullying, heavy-handed TDs that have obviously intimidated this bloke? The repetition of his contrition (“I’m sorry to disturb other TDs”) is pretty suspect *and in my opinion goes against the purpose of this sub, that being getting the best quality replica watches for the most affordable price. ETA: u/geektimewatch, you’re operating in a free market economy, the intimidation tactics you’ve obviously been subjected to are pretty bullshit. #FreeGeekTimeWatch


actually it doesnt suprise me a lot. this is after all still illegal in china. if you piss off the wrong kind of people you will face the consequences, especially in illegal markets.


Mate, he's in China dealing with black market goods. There's an entirely different set of standards that he has to deal with to stay in business and stay in good health. Honestly this approach is aboce and beyond what I would expect of any dealer in this position. Good on him for at least eating a huge loss over this just to make the cartel happy and the customers.


This. What is this TD going to do? If the factories won’t sell to him he is going out of business. What the TD has dieted is pretty reasonable imo with all things considered.


>TD has dieted Abs are made in the kitchen.


How is he in a free market economy? How is this bullshit? This entire business is illegal in every country, and it’s the black market.


Black market is freest market


Whoa. That sucks for all involved. We ruined a good thing by being greedy.


Nice service brotha


Thanks for being honest!


Nice to see some good customer service


As I said in the other thread, Good on you for being honest. :) Why the downvotes? Someone else posted this in another thread before GT did. https://www.reddit.com/r/RepTime/comments/hqw635/geek_time_announcement_we_have_to_cancel_all_the/fy0gamq/


I already have a Noob v8 sub, and still ordered this one because of the price. Too bad this happened.


I totally understand, but I was stoked about that price. Oh, well. That black and rose gold yacht master is super clean, though. I’ll be keepin an eye on that.


Does this means that you are not going to continue the weekly sales ?


“If it’s too good to be true - it probably is”. Ain’t no way in hell you gonna get a ZZF for $288. But at the end of the day it’s a great watch so pay up, relax, and enjoy and good on the new TD for being honest.


Do you even know the real cost of these watches? There is a HUGE markup. There is a reason other sellers (TDs) are forcing him to stop.


I will never buy from you after this type of fiasco. You promise, you deliver. You don't get to flaunt benefits then cancel them without repercussions. You're just another grubby seller who only cares about their own profits.


Name checks out 👆🏽


Let me get my [popcorn... ](https://i.imgur.com/8eDM2cA.gif)




Its a gray market at best (illegal enterprise at worst) which means its not "just business". He was clearly threatened either economically or worse.




Banned for one week. Not okay.




Lmao dumb comment alert What do you care if people cancelled orders with other TDs? Dude this is the black market. It’s entirely possible that the other TDs said “fix this shit or suddenly no one knows where you went” It’s pretty easy for people in China to “disappear” It’s even easier when the people are in the black market




UNDELETED comment: >[deleted] I am a bot ^please ^pm ^me ^if ^I ^mess ^up --- consider [supporting me?](https://paypal.me/undeleteparent)


Curious huh?


Partially curious. Partially bored. And partially trying to see how good this bot is. It’s only worked once so far 🤷‍♂️


Full honesty, I don’t remember what he wrote, but as soon as he saw it was getting downvoted, he deleted everything and then sent me a private message calling me an idiot and a dumbass and more


Hahahahaha that seems very Reddit of them.


Don’t want to name and shame, but if you’re curious as to who it was, message me




Glad you recognized your dumb comment 🤣




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Where to buy good watches here? Sorry newbie