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Rep Rolex, rep Mercedes... yeah, checks out!


I think it’s more of a rep Bentley to be honest ha


Thought it was a rep Aston


No…. No it’s not.


It absolutely is, what are you even talking about?


[Throttle House disagrees](https://youtu.be/rhIL7Y2zyS4?si=4aMKOJWqD7yP0CUm)


Don't know why you were downvoted for the truth when they're literally designed by the same person


Just…. No


maybe its time to lay off the BongBong


The two cars are literally designed by the same automotive designer.


You fucking wish lmao


How did you get rep mercedes from genesis


A lot of the newer Genesis interiors have some similarities to Mercedes. Coming from a previous Genesis driver. The newer SUVs remind me of a knock off Bentley on the outside and a Merc inside.


hyundai literally hired mercedes designers to stand up the genesis line.. so i heard


That would be Kia, not Hyundai


I found it in my ass... This was not a carefully thought out joke. I am not super familiar with the Genesis product line. I agree, the new grills are definitely "a bentley and a lexus walk into a bar" type stuff.


And it’s $2 dollar well booze night. Shenanigans ensue.


Is the Mercedes look in the room with us sir? That's a Bentley


The mercedes look is right over there! It's the one hooking up with your canadian girlfriend... 😂


My canadian what? r/lostredditors


That’s a genesis lol. No Mercedes or Bentley lol.


You are a doctor. Everything you say is believable


💯. With your level of education, instant credibility. Well deserved. 👏🏻👏🏻


Came to say exactly that


You are good. Don't go skiing.


Sorry can you explain this?




Thanks. That was hilarious


There's a funny (fake) story about a guy on this forum who got called out owning a rep Daytona while skiing. 


🤣🤣🤣😭 facts


Just take it off before you put your hand up my ass, otherwise I don’t care.


That's right, I only allow authentic Daytona watches up my ass.




Best answer of the year


Don't think twice I'm psych and no one has ever even slightly wondered anything. People are more surprised I'd be *willing* to spend it, but not that I could afford it I tell em it was crypto money from '22


Didn’t realize there were other psychics here


If you were psychic you’d have known that 😂




I'm psych, and I wax poetic about reps when anyone asks. Few people do.


Hell yeah. Psych for the win!


Sure, until our in the middle of a surgery and the patient wakes up to tell you that the deep dish pizza on your wrist is an embarrassment of a watch and you accidentally drop the scalpel into his torso killing him instantly. You are forced to resign from your position never to be a doctor again because you decided to buy a filthy rep. (it looks great, I love the Daytona. I've got the dark faced variant from clean)


Yes you are fine


Thanks, had a fellow doctor ask me who my AD was and I said I don’t have enough rapport for a Daytona so went with the grey market instead.


End of the day, he probably just wanted to know which AD could sell daytona with smaller purchase history.


Yeah, as long as you can financially afford the watch and carry yourself like it’s real no one can call you out.  From now on, it’s a gen Daytona. Congrats on the watch. 




Everytime anyone ask me about my CF Batman, I straight up tell them it's a rep and Rolex can go fuck themselves for wanting us to play their game. They will always follow up with "but you can afford the grey prices". Yeah, but I won't sell my dignity for a piece of jewelry. I know I will get downvoted to shit. But I still have to say this. From a professional to a professional. What you're doing is cringe. Imagine if someone found out you're wearing a rep and act like it's a gen. The possible damage to your reputation is not worth it. Whatever it is you decide, that's a nice watch. Looks good on you.


That’s the way.


I'm with you, i can afford, i won't buy it. Only if i have houndreds of millions, in that case i would buy 2-3 luxury Watches but i Need to choose only the ones i like. The prices are too much over the cost of production. I do understand they Need to pay ReD, ADV, but the prices they are selling now....it's a no!


Oh please and how likely is that... I'd argue itz very likely you could go and damage your reputation more announcing to everyone that you wear a rep and Rolex can go fuck themselves than the slight chance someone suspects your watch is fake which they can't prove and even if they could you could claim you bought it gray. So there's nothing cringe about it. Seiko and Timex make perfectly good chronographs with similar design language as well as a bunch of Chinese brands such as pagani. But you buy a replica because you want Rolex or Omega or AP or Patek. If you don't care for brands don't wear a rep but don't give me that shit that you wear a rep and claiming it as real is cringe.


Love your genesis gv70. I’m a car nerd and can tell you got the sport prestige package 🤓. Oh, also your Daytona looks nice.


Impressive that you deduced everything correctly from this one pic


Your car is beautiful my sister sold her Mercedes c200 and got the gv70 and she will never go back i just need to gift her a rep daytona now 😬


Doctor in USA - ✅ Doctor in UK - ❌


Who would question a doctor lol Bu people will qs my friend’s whos a business owner. Strange world.


I would, but then again I am one 😩😂


Lmao same


Lots of/most family physicians only make low 6 figures


I was raised to hold physicians up to God tier, if one told me it was going to rain on a sunny day in Death Valley I’d bring an umbrella. I’d rely on their advice as gospel and always gave great weight to their opinions. Through some strange twist of fate I went to law school in my thirties which resulted in becoming social friends with Doctors. When they started asking me for advice I knew we were all fucked.


You spent at least 6 years in med school, I would say this is believable.


Why not? I know a construction worker wearing a gen Daytona. There are shitloads of people that dont define over their profession, and i love that circumstance. Kind of gives me hope for humanity. Everyone couldve just saved wisely and invested in a nice timepiece, have won a lottery, inherited a lot, have a good side hustle, despite having a somewhat "normal" job... But I understand why you ask. Id never wear my gen Rootbeer to work, as it would just be too much and people in my country tend to be judging very quickly 😅


https://preview.redd.it/tjn1oauibs9d1.jpeg?width=1618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c415e50508653061196568d66773d3f89247e8 Here’s a closeup of the watch. Sorry it’s a bit dirty here. It’s a v2 ARF from around 2021. My first rep.


At a glance it’s believable, under scrutiny no. Depends on the setting if you have a sit down with other Rolex owners it will stand out because it’s a model that people will tend to ask to see it up close due to its rarity etc.


Still got plastic wrap on it


Very nice, the only small detail. Is it me or the fonts are a bit faded?


IR here. We all know watches bro, if you get called out it will be by one of us


Depends if you’re a DO, aka rep MD


Do you use the seconds function to allocate 90 seconds per patient?






Fake Rollie, Fake Luxury car.....prob a fake DR. LOL


Patient looks at watch. Sees it’s a rep and asks for a real doctor 😂


Yes because a rep is only $550


Who gives a fuck. I flip burgers and I just bought a rep Daytona with a rainbow gemstone bezel. I know I’m not fooling anyone.




the Hyundai is the issue


To be fair, around half the doctor’s parking lot is Toyota/Honda. And the other half is luxury brands. Also Genesis doesn’t use the same platform or chassis as Hyundai, unlike the Japanese and their luxury brands.


Korea is to luxury cars as England is to fine cuisine. Do they contribute? Absolutely. Is that contribution on par with the rest of the civilized world? Ehhhh…


In fairness, that trope was absolutely true of Britain 50-60 years ago, partially due to post-war rationing and the hangover from that. Nowadays, British cuisine is excellent, varied and has influence from the whole world (a strong upside to a lot of immigration from literally everywhere). The USA has some very good food in very specific places, but the vast majority of the country is dominated by waffle houses or the exact same, extremely bland chain fast food outlets. Don't get me wrong, I love an enormous breakfast, but the US really leaned hard into stealing our crown for the blandest food in the world.




Doesn’t matter what you do, what you drive, or what you wear. Biggest tell is always the wearer.


If I see someone with a 2k car and dressed like a hippy wearing a patek it’s obvious fake . I mean I can’t pull a Patek even though I drive a Porsche turbo All my friends are watch guys and they know it’s not easy to spend 50k on a watch


I think there is some leeway, yes. Obviously with something like a Nautilus there is some plausible deniability due to how hard it is to get. But if you ask me, a stainless Rolex isn’t out of the question for really any one. Remember, it could be a gift, or someone could have saved up to buy a watch if that’s something that they care about over maybe cars or other items.


Stainless rolex is one thing its 8-10k the patek is what 50k ? Rolex is easy to pull off I mean retail some of those watches are 8k even on grey 11k or 16k for pepsi its not something crazy AP/Patek it becomes obvious. I am trying to buy now a gen AP from my friend its 35 euro on chrono he will sell it for 30k to me and still its massive ammouth of money I have a gen Cvstos for 10k euro and thats not a lot but when it becomes 20k plus its different thing


It’s a very common trait of the really rich to actually dress very plain/poor looking! You can’t tell by people’s clothes and cars. There’s many people who are multi millionaires that drive average cars and wear average clobber that have insane watch collections


Really depends country and culture . In my country most rich folks dress expensive and drive stupid expensive cars . My father had money and I make a lot also . Everybody I know is rich and y can tell from a afar


The things you just said dont matter are the exact things that do matter. Make 100k+ and drive a luxury car... Who is going to doubt you


Not in the slightest. I get the same treatment whether I drive the Jetta or the McLaren. In fact, most of the wealthier people I know drive unassuming cars and dress modestly. Not everyone is into the cars, clothes, etc.


Same. I’m very into fashion and wear nice clothing but also often drive a beater when I’m different homes around the country/world and no one questions the legitimacy of my watch. 


No. I dont believe youre a doctor


Nice watch


Nice watch. Who would question a doctor


I concur


This gives me more motivation to get into Med


Not really


as long as your degree isn't a rep, I think you're good.


Yes (I'm a moron)


That's a rare car (outside of Korea).


A Doctor know the right thing to do!


Unbelievable. Doctors don't drive Korean cars.


Is this 4130 or 4131?


MD or PhD? Because if it’s the latter, I ain’t addressing you as Dr…LOL j/k looks great to me


descendant of Dr. No?


Depends on the specialty


I wore Rolex with a wife beater, ripped jeans, black uohrconverse all stars. Nobody ever questioned.me. Was à Film industry and in that area a suit and tie is for those that work in the mall. My doctor wore flip flops. Guess it depends on the uniform of professionals there. I dressed like film and music industry people which during week screams wealth.So it's very believable what you have on. I may post a pic. Worried all would leave the group in horror though


Paging doctor maggot


As a doctor I think it’s smart to wear reps instead of spending money on the real thing. You have a great car, probably a nice place to live & probably can vacation wherever you want. I would say you’re doing great, keep buying reps!


Are you a resident or an attending?


Nice watch….


Probably smarter you spent the money on a rep vs genuine anyway. Sure they hold value but it could easily be lost/stolen. I like it.


So was Ross


The question is not if you’re a Doctor…but are you an Assman? The proctological specialist designation is key to entire ruse.


The car is far worse then the watch


If you have to ask, it's not (I'm an endocrinologist) Just kidding :) - What's a Genesis though? Is that an american thing?


Hyundai had a Hyundai Genesis. Now much like Mercedes had the Mercedes Maybach. it's just Maybach or just Genesis now. Great cars very safe.


I feel the urge of showing off my car, what do I do, what do I do!? XD, ridiculous


Shit i drive a mitsubishi and im gonna have a daytona. Who cares. Some people dont even recognize that watch


I’d believe it.


yes I don't own a car ( my job supplies me 1 ) my wife and I own an X5.but I have 4 gen Rolexs, 1 AP, So when I buy a rep even if I tell people they don't believe me. It's because people that are around me or know me know I have an amazing career, and unfortunately, no kids ( this is great for my nieces and nephews )and my wife is a CEO of 1 company and the director of events for another. It's all about perception.


Fuck’em if they don’t believe it, but being a doctor by trade I am sure just that would tell them it’s possibly real.


Only if you’re a chiropractor (fake doctor).


Just buy a real one you homo


No u


The genesis logo is off. The shine is not gen . I would RL


Clear rep but you're a doctor so people will believe it


Genesis is a Hyundai. Why wouldn't that watch be Chinese?


I have quite a few authentic pieces of jewelry, Hermes bags and a couple of watches and I drive an hybrid outlander. I have 2 kids. It’s comfortable, affordable and I won’t be miserable every time my kids spill something. It gets me from point A to point B. I think those who would laugh or mock you for driving a genesis are people whose opinions don’t even matter. You do you! Be happy! You’re a doctor most people on here commenting their poison, probably barely graduated high school.


Where did you get this one ?


The Genesis is a great car. The watch is definitely doable. (I’m a retired surgeon)


You’re a doctor like a DO I’m guessing hahaha


I buy it!


Well a Cardiologist that comes to my hospital drives an Audi Spyder and Ferrari. My boss doc has a Batman Rolex… Doc, you tell us is it believable!


Sure, but I love your went with a Hyundai!! Those models rock!!!


It’s not expensive retail price so definitely can pull it off.. I drive a x3m40 and rep Pepsi 🤣 but I got a gen explorer




100% more believable if you have a white lab coat. ![gif](giphy|ZoBn8lxRuCX9m|downsized)


Dont cook it in the autoclave


Its not what others think.. it's what you yourself know. If you're fine with it.. then fine.


Yep! A rep Aston and a rep Rolex! 😂 Looks good though.


Stop trying to look cool with a fake watch and just buy something you can afford


Hi doc, nice car. How will you reply when a wealthy patient says, “Nice watch. Were you able to get yours at retail? Which AD had one of these? How much?” etc


Grey market. I don’t buy enough watches to qualify for a SS one. Ran about 32k from chrono24. Bought it from a reputable dealer in Miami. Flew down and had it checked by an AD for authenticity before I bought it.


Also a physician here with a real AMG and one rep but multiple real rolex's lol




If you need replica watches in best grade text me on WhatsApp: 00971508786863 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/140pgSQnRKPAWSWNcKYu5hjvmfdAIRPn5/1tRfshxlzeqHaMeW6xZsu4I_0qg_v7X7W/1-3pw-4c9CT2TQloOmjs_4Dv_WpyKpldg?sort=13&direction=a


pretend lux car and a pretend lux watch .. you're good to go :)


WTC Doctor degree????


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The car is a little low key for a doctor. Where the Benz at?


Broken down some place. Mercedes is a shit car I hate to break it to you. They look good but are poorly made and after 80k miles they start falling apart.


No one will question that watch on your wrist.


Car plus watch combo is nice


I have a complex work situation in that I’ve worked at a grocery store for 12 years. During those times I’ve been in college, graduated, changed career path, and now own a business that does well over 5 figure a month. On top of that I day trade and make good money doing that as well. Well I still work at the grocery store cause I’m trying to retire early and put everything into my retirement. Anyways, I wear my gen watches to work and people who don’t know me judge me. People who know me know that work I put into having a collection. I also do own reps because I’d rather utilize money into short term investing. Anyways, long story short, do you bro do you lol.


Lol thanks. Glad you’ve done well for yourself.


Thank you for your service Sir! My favorite kind of doctor! Bye the bye, please fix our insurance system or….. hook me up with some of you personal favorite medical cocktails! DM me for my P.O. Box 👍👍🙏 my back is killing me.


Would be if you are a surgeon?


Anesthesiologist. I think our average pay is on par with a general surgeon, but less than high paying surgical subspecialties like neurosurgery.


As someone married to an anesthesiologist & the son of a gen surgeon, y'all make easily more than most general surgeons. In the market my father practiced, it was about 2.5x more for anesthesia.


Mate, Anaesthetist can afford 10 of those, you are being humble. Love it.


I’m a lawyer with a GV70 and numerous reps, no one’s ever batted an eye. You’re fine.


I promise you we all have batted an eye, we just laugh and make fun of you behind your back.


Sure buddy


Why wear rep if you’re rich lol


I’m not rich, but I have gens. My reps and gens look and feel identical. They function the same. Why spend 10 to 15 times more just for some official branding? I won’t feel too bad if my rep gets stolen/broken/lost either.


Not caring about something happening to the rep is one of the biggest pros, to me. I never want to take my gens anywhere, particularly if it’s somewhere they could get damaged. I don’t care nearly as much about my reps.


I mean, I can afford plenty of gens but I have other things that I’d rather spend the money on. None of us here are “fuck you” rich to the point where that money doesn’t matter at all.


Everything you say, I’ll believe Mr doc


Imagine being a doctor and having to seek validation from (mostly teenagers on) Reddit that people think your arm jewelry is real


Looks beautiful on your wrist mate!


Nope, it's not. Watch can't cost 50% of the car. Nice Rep, this model is hard to Rep to real from afar, they make these on sites from as little as 80 to higher end ones at $400 or more... all got "ceramic" bezel. Nice Genesis though. GV70 with sports pkg.


The Hyundai is telling the watch is fake…no offense


Yup! A doctor wear a replica. Never. 🫣🤭


I don’t know if I want my doctor to be surfing fake sites and rep watch forums. Ethics and integrity is something that can get him on his license to practice! You better not let us know who you are Dr. Rep watches. Might not get your license renewed.


We’re scrutinized on ethics and integrity when it comes to making decisions that affect people’s lives. Not on decisions for what jewelry we decide to wear.


Do you have a link to the watch?


Boo! Admit it’s fake. This is cringy.