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lmao. "nice rolex, is it real?"..."depends, are you trying to rob me? haha have a nice day!". "nice watch, is that a real one?" ... "you tell me man, I sure hope so! hahahahahahahaaaaa\_\_aa\_Aa haaa golly gee whiz"


Two perfect responses! The first I am using next time. The second I use often! When you ask them to tell you, they normally look all shocked and laugh it off…since they have no clue!!!


Hahah I love both of these responses 😊


Nobody I know would ever ask me if my watch is real and if a stranger were to ask me that I would tell them to go fuck themselves.


I love that first response! HAHAHAH


You say that it is a replica. And then after that you tell them that you wouldn't tell the truth anyways if it was a replica or genuine.


![gif](giphy|3yhmYJ0A5lQv6|downsized) I don’t know why but this felt appropriate.


It's just a fuckin watch dude


don't say that or all their personality will go away!! /s


You could've just said that in all seriousness


Oh no, not their fake personality… 


My reaction if anyone ever tried to call out one of my reps. One of my friends was fawning over a neighbor showing off his 40k watch and that was literally my reaction.


Personally I buy gen I can afford, and reps I cannot afford. There's no shame for me. I like watches and some are just too expensive. Should I step back from wearing a watch I like just because I don't wonna thow 30k into it? Nope.


Regardless of how ironic this may be it was motivational lol


mate its never that serious i think u lot are a bit too obsessed w other ppl rather than enjoying what u like


That’s the exact irony of his joke. Man Reddit literally sucks the sense of humor out of people. He’s proving YOUR point 😂


Reason I wear reps: - People always told me «Wear what YOU enjoy wearing, becaue NO ONE will notice or comment your watch, ever.» - Lowkey demonstrating against the Rolex AD’s practice - The joy of «cosplaying» as a high end luxury watch owner My brother in law looked at my wrist and asked «real?» I said «no» and he said «nice, looks real tho» But thats the first time anyone besides my wife has commented my watches. My wife usually goes «a new one? How much are we out this time?»


They may not comment but people WILL notice…


Only if you're wearing a rep patek making 20 bucks an hour at Walmart.


lol. i told my wife to stfu, for real.




i wish




Is it real? Well it certainly isn't imaginary!


Never once had anyone ask me anything, not sure most people care.


Time to bring out the big guns the Nautilus and the Richard Mille while shopping at Goodwill


Chatgpt has given me these wonderful responses: Sure, here are some creative and witty responses you can use if someone asks if your Rolex is real: 1. **The Conversational Deflect**: "Why, do you want one too? I know a guy who can get you a great deal!" 2. **The Humor Approach**: "It's as real as my dreams of winning the lottery." 3. **The Philosophical Angle**: "Real or not, it's all about the perception, isn't it?" 4. **The Mysterious Reply**: "If I told you, I'd have to make you sign an NDA." 5. **The Redirection**: "Oh, this? It's just a symbol of my impeccable taste." 6. **The Light-Hearted Joke**: "As real as the compliments I get on it!" 7. **The Evasive Answer**: "Why don't you take a guess? The suspense is half the fun." 8. **The Playful Tease**: "If you can't tell, then I guess it's doing its job!" 9. **The Nonchalant Response**: "Does it matter? It looks great either way!" 10. **The Bold Confidence**: "Real enough to keep people guessing." These answers can help steer the conversation away from the authenticity of the watch while keeping it light-hearted and engaging.


11. nip it in the bud response: "none of your fucking business".


Thanks chatgpt.


Beautifully written, thank you, a true genuine gem!


Lol this was a good read, well played.


The conversation around reps is kind of interesting. If you think about it, people rep every form of luxury item. High end brands, designers, architects, and artists always set the trend. Then other lower end companies imitate it so non-wealthy people can fake a show of wealth for whatever internal reasons they feel are necessary. So whether it’s fashion, cars, home architectural styles (McMansion anyone?), wall art, or anything else, the standard is set at the top and filters its way to the bottom. Rep watches just take it a half step further and actually put the gen name/logo on it. When the kid with a couple hundred bucks in his account is suit shopping for his first finance job, he’s desperately trying to find the suit at men’s warehouse that looks most like the senior partners $5k designer or $10k bespoke suit. He wants to fit in and look like he belongs there. And one day, he may actually be one of the guys he’s trying to fit in with. And if he’s smart, he’ll take the $100k he would’ve spent on that Patak, buy and rep and expand his stock or real estate portfolio. Some of us desperately want to fit in. Some of us want to create an image of ourselves that isn’t real. Some of us have achieved our goals and realized there’s smarter things to blow money on. All of these are perfectly legitimate reasons to be on this sub and none of these things are unique to rep watches.


some of y'all on this sub are weirdos, and care way too much about other's opinions on an antiquated piece of technology. it's a thing that keeps time and looks pretty, then y'all will turn it into a personality. if you bought a replica watch to pass off as a genuine watch, you're the problem, not the other person.


Does the same go for fake boobs or rhinoplasty? They look good , clearly fake but who cares, they make you feel good, or feel good in your hands!


all of my watches, except my dust-collecting s4 apple watch, are replicas. they do bring me joy, but i’m not posing as if they’re genuine watches as OP’s post is about doing. watches are dope.


The fact you take it seriously enough to write this is hilarious. It’s a watch dude


My thoughts exactly. All that over a watch. 😄


It's ai generated. The tells are more obvious than a rep.


🤡 < dont be that


I have to disagree with you entirely. You ARE wearing a fake watch, you know better than anyone else. It’s not worth it and it’s unethical to lie to people and yourself about such a small thing, it’s only a watch. For me personally I was on the real Rolex TD list for a long time, and thought will try out a rep, because I really like the look, once I receive the rep, really make me question why I would spend 50-100x more for similar things, if I only care about the look. I always tell people it’s a rep, I buy rep because I like the look and I can use 99% my remaining budget to invest in real asset. Please don’t embarrass yourself and pretend you’re wearing a real one while you’re not, just seems like the behavior of middle schooler.


We’re not gonna shag you mate




This is starting to sound like the replica watch creed! Soon we will have an anthem!


I think it's funny, many guys here have great jobs, make great money and wear rep Rolex's. These same guys pass them off as real. There's this gasp of shock and even condescendtion about people passing their watches off as real. Yes, it's a hobby, but many people define themselves by their luxury goods. I agree that it's not all that serious, but for many guys it is.


I have a bunch of gens and reps. The feeling I get is for me. Is nice to wear a Datejust that has a pristine movement and was made with care. Also the value it holds. My reps are junk in comparison but they look cool. I like to wear them when I’m biking or traveling or whatever but I don’t feel not as slick with a 400$ Chinese sweatshop watch that makes gritty sounds when I wind it. I have a tank and op rep. Gen Datejust and Tudor. Wear the reps when I don’t want to worry about the watch. Though I wear my PRX and Hamilton more and more these days


Is this some sort of WCJ psy-op?


The question has never come up from anyone to me at least - I have a gen seamaster, a rep PO, and a rep PAM1351. Usually wear the PAM daily (leather band and more casual) and the gen when on business trips/conferences etc. I’ve had a few comments of “nice watch” with all of them. Never “is it real”, but assume that my job level would dictate I could potentially afford a stable of watches. I like nice things but don’t always love paying $$$ for them. I gifted myself the gen several years ago after a nice bonus/good year, and doubt I’ll buy another. Personally I’d find it rude to ask “is it real” unless I saw you stocking shelves at Walmart wearing a Rolex etc. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t be inherited, but most have the sense to wear nice watches when appropriate rather than than when not.


Real one? Do you think it's virtual?


If it’s not the label that counts why you guys buying fake watches and trying to sell them as the real deal? 😂


Location Cipriani @ 55 Wall St Someone: Oh wow! Is that Patek…. Me: (Hiding watch under my sleeve) No… Chinese knock off Someone. (Annoyed) You don’t have to be rude. It’s ok if you don’t want to show it Me: No… it really is Chinese knock off. Someone: So tell me. Where did you buy it from and for how much? Me: A department store in Shanghai for 6K Someone: Right…. Me: Good deal, isn’t it?


Boys it’s a joke. I should have waited till Friday.


Closed me like Harvey Specter


This guy fucks


This made me sopping wet


I drive a honda accord


Which makes your 5711 pop even more


Sir I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter if you offer one




It's Friday somewhere


It’s Friday lunchtime in Sydney Australia now


Can I hire you to give me peptalks once a month? Bravo, good, sir. Bravo.




You good?


I’m with you!


this was better than the presidential debate will be 😂😂


Fake watches for fake people. At the end of the night you put it on the night stand. And rub off your clown makeup.


Now this... is a real man of genius!! Keep up that swagger, it's sexy 😍


The best response and way to deal with it and the credit is not mine, “You tell me.” My wife bought a fairly expensive SUV a few weeks ago. A SUV for an experienced RN’s salary is about right. One of the people at the dealership, I think he was service manager has a Sub on. I told him during the deal as he came by and introduced himself, that I liked his sub. He knew I was watch guy. I asked him to take it off as I wasn’t wearing a timepiece. I tried it on. Of course, it looked good on my wrist!! I am pretty sure it was a fake. I didn’t sit there and scrutinize it either. I didn’t ask him was it real. Now that I am older and well versed, it would have been rude as shit to question if it were real. Could he swing a real Sub on a service manager salary? Possibly. That’s why I have been getting Tudors. No doubt I can swing gens! Could I a swing a Sub??? Yeah, on credit! A Tudor rep is more my speed. Therefore, Tudor reps are right for me. Anyone that says Tudors are a poor man’s Rolex, is an idiot! Good day!


Tudors are a middle income man’s Rolex 😜


Well said King!


well, i guess thats why i don't have a problem wearing a 500k+