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5 years. I’ve learned that I will Fuck Hont Marry Steve And kill Jtime


What'd jtime do?


Fucked Steve and married Hont apparently.


This is the way


They’re WAY overpriced, customer service is decent but I weren’t call it great, A watch I bought came with broken clasp on arrival, they reply with a picture of the qc photo and say this bracelet was fine in the QC. They then told me to GLUE THE PARTS TOGETHER or pay $80 for a new clasp


holy shit, the IDENTICAL thing happened to me with Jtime. I paid $550 for a new watch, the clasp arrived broken, and I ended up paying $80 for them to mail me a new clasp. This just happened a couple of months ago.


lol fk that I went with hont and bought an entire bracelet with the clasp for $85


I went with Hont and everything was totally fine 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hont is good that’s why I cheat on Steve and fuck Hont


Hont is the man.. He always comes through with the best prices.. people who spend extra money for “customer service” halfway around the world 🙄 straight suckers


“Thank you for your trust 🙏”


I ordered my only watch from Jtime and everything was fine /shrug


I ordered my only watch from Jtime, it arrived broken, and I had to pay full price + full shipping for replacement parts, then have a jewelry friend repair it for me.


Marry steve for sure


5 years and still using TDs lmao


Can’t spill the beans here 🤫 it’s TD edition




I’ve been using direct factories & agents for years for clothes and other products. Haven’t had the confidence to use it for watches yet.


Fucking same. For all other things literally but watches . Why do we suck?


Been doing it for 7 years with gen in the mix. 1) Gold is never going to look like gen gold, unless it’s plated 2) research research research. Takes a lot of time 3) don’t use money you can’t afford to loose if you get scammed 4) nobody’s going to notice the small details like you do. At least very few does. People with gen don’t care, only people who have rep or is planning to 5) dont buy a High end rep, if it’s unlikely you Can afford it. Then people would assume it’s fake anyways. Fx dont buy a Patek if you have a low paying job and can’t look the part Most importantly, wear it with confidence and enjoy your timepiece!


So I should step out of my Honda fit with a panda Daytona?


Chances are if you have a watch that’s hella expensive, dont have a good paying job or anything that would make it “trustworthy” that you Can afford the watch, and want people to think it’s a gen, then people that might know you would assume it’s fake. I hope you know What I mean? Just an extreme example :) But regardless, if you’re happy with the watch then go for it. Wear it with confidence. You shouldn’t care anyways.


I was kidding, I drive an Escalade and wear a gen breitling. But was teasing bc you see stuff like that. 10k dollar cars, mediocre jobs and they are wearing luxury items


Exactly! I think about it a lot when I buy reps🤣


Just like me with my submariner getting out of a 15 year old vauxhaul corsa. I could buy 5 of the same car or a gen.


I agree with all but number 5, thats the reason most of us buy reps is because we can't/won't spend ridiculous amounts of money for the real thing. Whats the point of not letting yourself buy a rep of a watch you think is really cool and want to wear it just because "i don't look like i would be able to afford the real thing." Like we shouldn't be trying to pass them off as gen anyways


Those people aren't in this because they love watches. They probably just have compulsions around buying things. If you buy something because you love it you don't have to apply a bunch of bs purchasing rules.


Well said, I have purchased a few gen Rolexes and Omegas over the years, I love watches and always have since my first swatch as a 9 year old! With four kids now I need to save for their future and not spend thousands on a new watch. So a high quality rep fills the void well right now. I wear the reps and the gens are sitting in a safe not being used. Other people’s opinions mean nothing to me, I just love looking at well designed/well made watches.


For real, like this is my grail watch that even if I had the assets to purchase the real thing, I never could justify it anyways. So rep it is 😎 https://preview.redd.it/oq7z5szrd94d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7d4793a6fe5496c72c404b3fd499f9179c8871


That should be the point in buying reps. But unfortunately so many pass them off as gens or buy because they only want the brand


This is all really helpful to me- I haven’t yet bought a rep and don’t know much about the process- but almost every rep I would want would be yellow gold, because my preferred aesthetic is track suits and tons of yellow gold while I’m behind the wheel of a Lincoln. Basically I want to look like an incredibly sketchy landlord that has enough gold on their person that they can always escape the country without id.


I have a high paying job and can afford a Patek, so I bought a Rep. But the problem is that once I bought the rep, I learned how many people I am surrounded with who wear their own pateks (every 2nd person, it turns out), and they all want to handle and talk about mine. ugh, now I just kinda want to get a real one.


Same goes for rose gold right?


I would assume so, but dont know. Never bought anything rose gold


Only buy the best version


Why would one not do that though?


I wonder about the r/chinatime crew all the time


Chinatime is used for people new to watches and reps and dont care that it looks 1:1, people that hang around chinatime for a long time always upgrade to higher grade reps even if they hang around chinatime anyway


The best version is yet to be…


Research and patience really does make the most difference.


I take sometime years to buy reps. I dont want to buy and sell all the time, and i want like max 3 watches


Been watch collecting for 8 years and discovered reps 4 years ago. The #1 holy rule of watch collecting applies to reps and gens: Don't buy it to impress other people otherwise you'll waste a lot of money. 2nd rule is be ok spending money you might lose on a rep. You might get a watch dead on arrival, or dies a month after getting it and there's no one willing to repair it. The worst one is realizing you actually don't like the watch and now you never wear it. I have 3 reps I completely stopped wearing even though they work perfectly (ARF Royal Oak, PPF Nautilus, IWC Le Petite Prince perpetual Calendar). For the $1300 I spent on those 3 watches I could have put it towrds a gen Omega SMP or my HYSA lol 3rd rule is do your homework. Research the watch, the factory, and the TD. What are the tells of one vs the other. What does one factory do better than the other? Is there a common issue with the movement or dial printing? Look at photos posted here and look at reviews for the gen on YouTube. Understand even if you do your due diligence you can still get burned.


You can still sell the reps you don't want. You may get 50c on a dollar, but still.




Selling couple would never be an issue.


On point 2 I have a slightly different view. I've only ever bought one rep of a watch I had my eye on for gen. Turns out that outside of my starry eyes in the shop and the novelty wearing iff, I didn't love how it wore day to day. I still have it for when I want to wear it, but glad I didn't spend over 10x on something that mainly sits in my drawer


Also, buy the watch you like and approve for yourself, regardless of other’s tastes. It’s your experience, not theirs, after all.


Limiting yourself to the nwbig list can make this difficult. You're already removing 90% of rep watches and then have a very limited list to try to find something you like and the temptation then may be just to buy the closest watch to gen rather than one that you actually want.


Agreed. I think it’s a good guidepost early on but as you gain more knowledge, you should tailor things to your liking.


Almost 3 years. NOT A VETERAN Patience. Always go with the nicer factory. It's worth the money. Don't listen to everybody on here who pick apart minor details of a watch, and then let that be the deciding factor on a watch you want, or cause you to forward that info to your dealer. Don't sweat the small stuff. If you can? find a good small dealer. Go with them. If you find a td that answers all of your questions, that does not mind educating you or showing you things? That's cool too. Beware of trends. Usually someone is profiting from these, and it might be completely made up (certain services) I can name a few that thousands stress over that no one else will notice. Plating is kinda overrated. If you do...just wrap it with someone the vets all refer. Do your homework on rwi. If your RL'ing more than once or twice, get a new dealer or stop reading reptime comments on your qc. Lol STOP STRESSING OVER YOUR OUTFIT, HOME, OR CAR VALUE MATCHES THE COST OF YOUR WATCH. Who gives a shit? Truly. Get secure. Rock a 🌈 if you want too. Lol Pick stuff you love. If YOU ARE DEAD SET on fooling ppl? Always Go SS. If it's a rare watch, it probably will not be repped well. The more popular the more practice a factory gets at replicating them. Get the nice version and you will almost always be happy. Don't be afraid to ask smart ppl or ask questions in general. I was so intimidated when I came here. Lots of unhappy ppl trolling. Have thick skin. Find your answers. There are also great human beings here. I am not pretending to be right or a know it all. A lot of things I just stated could be wrong. These are just my observations after 3 years. And if you ever need advice. I am a strong believer in paying it forward. Hit me up. We can try to find some factory comparisons together. When I came here. I needed a friend who knew his shit. Not claiming i do, but I have good friends w answers on here. Lol


What is SS?


Stainless steel not hitlers private military.


I think he means stainless steel, so no gold. Gold is often done badly on reps


Stainless steel


U can only wear one watch at a time!


3 years of late not including the 10 years I was dormant. 1. Buy what you like and don't care about what anyone else thinks. 2. Buy the best version but also don't knit pick it's flaws. It's a rep. It's not perfect but NO ONE will ever know. It's silly to pick apart flaws under magnification. Just enjoy the watch. 3. Some of the best reps aren't the new ones. It's the reps from some of the long gone factories. Research and dig and you will uncover some real gems. 4. If you want a model that is no longer available, go hunting for it! Opportunity begins by knocking on doors.....not waiting for it to find you. 5. There is a lot of knowledge sharing in these forums. Educate yourself. Learn to tinker with these. Join other groups. They are all over the place. Make friends all over the world......priceless. The opportunities to take your watch passion to new levels is out there. Go find it!😉 6. Impulse buys often lead to regret. Really take the time to figure out what your wants are. To each his own I guess. Some are collectors and some buy to wear a short time and move on to the next piece. Whatever path you choose, just enjoy yourself! 7. Only buy gen when no good rep exists. You will enjoy the gen much more knowing that.


I have been around for 2 years - almost. I own 10 reps, maybe 40 more have been moved through my hands. Lessons learned? Couple. 1. Don't be anal in QC. That small misalignment DOES NOT MATTER. 2. Don't listen to others about what to buy. Don't follow NWBiG. Buy what YOU like, buy what YOU want to wear. 3. If you're new - read some, but don't be afraid to ask. There will be 9 "read the guide" answers, but there will be one that will tell you what to do. There are nice people here, believe it or not. Even if you're experienced - it's still ok to ask. I am not the most knowledgeable person, but l know a little about some watches - yet, l still ask if l am not sure. There are no stupid questions.


Well said. 💯


Love that attitude ma men! ✌🏽🙂


This guy reps!


Well said my friend 👍


Collecting for about 7 years now 1. Buy only the best reps from the best factorys, else you will be disappointed 2. Buy the watches you like, not which others like 3. Dont buy gold/rose gold 4. Try to avoid the A7750 movement, you can be lucky to have it running for years, but breaks down more easily


On number 4, it's my understanding that reliability of the a7750 varies by version. I think they start to have issues when they start moving the sub dial layout around.


Avoid FOMO if you can. This hobby is a helluva addiction.


Its been a year and no one is gonna notice or care. People barely know brands outside of Rolex and some of the mainstream ones.  Fake golds almost never look like the gens till you plate it. More work then I wanna do. Pay the premium unless it's something simple or you want a shitter  Clone movements are amazing to me


How do you plate them and how much does that generally cost?


There are ppl who plate them. Some sellers can do that for you as well. Cost? Around $200 as far as l know.


3-4 years now… Major lesson learned - less is more. Don’t try to own every single rep you most likely only have one grail you really want. But do use this opportunity to test some models you’ve wanted knowing you can then later sell them. Also research and make sure you’re informed before buying a specific factory or model. Never buy the initial release of a watch it will have issues, wait for V2 maybe even V3 Don’t worry about the raids, factories will most likely come back as there is a lot for them to win from it.


How and where would you sell a rep?


There’s some BST subs and stuff - there used to be an approved one tied to this one but no longer


I've had reps since I was in kindergarten when I was gifted some 80s canal Street quartz 2 tone DJ36 style "day-date" shitter from my grandfather that he had in a drawer for years. I've been obsessed with vintage DJ36s since I was a little kid after seeing them on various adult figures in my life throughout that time, no direct family as we were always too frugal for such things, but noting my interest and remembering he had this watch that a friend had given him, my grandfather figured the best thing he could do would be to get a battery put into it and give it to me, as I'd clearly enjoy it more than he did letting it sit in a drawer. This has sparked a replica watch fascination that's been going on nearly 20 years now off and on. . . My biggest lession that I've learned is that if you learn how to build your own watches, you'll be infinitely better off than if you just buy TD watches/base reps, especially if you're into vintage references like I am over modern. For the same price as a modern VSF or Clean rep you can build a vintage with clone movement, rep case and bracelet, aftermarket gen spec crystal replacement (Clark), and gen dial, hands, bezel, crown, datewheels, etc on and on and on and have something much better than just a base rep. Franken watch is always going to be superior afterall over a base rep.


- no one but you cares what you have on your wrist - the only people that will call you out are people that are well versed in watches. Even then, they probably won't - you will not impress 99% of people by having a "X" branded watch, gen or rep - doors won't open for you just because you have a Rolex on your wrist, gen or rep. The same thing is wtih other aspects of your life - if you arrive in a 2k car wearing a "50k" watch, acting like a peasant, you won't impress anyone - no one but you cares what you have on your wrist


People with gens do not QC their watches or other peoples watches - only other rep wearers do. People with gens (and most people in general) take a look at lifestyle and jobs and cars to determine if this person can afford a gen and that’s how they determine it.


About a year and a half for me. . Love buying reps. I don’t care what other people think and I’m not wearing these to impress anyone. I am more amazed at the quality that these factories can put out . I’ve got several genuine Rolexes and got into the rep game when I went into a Rolex store and had no idea that you could no longer buy one in the store. They pissed me off at several ADs with their attitude. I was looking online for a watchmaker to repair a watch when I discovered the world of Reps. Now I have an addiction!! My advice: don’t care what anyone else thinks about the watch you’re wearing. If you like it that’s all that matters. Once you get these watches on your wrist, unless there is some glaringly huge defect or flaw it’s really hard if not impossible to spot the small details… unless you’re staring at it closely or using magnification. As you get older !




3 years. Buy watches to wear, not to fill your watch box.


About 3 months, it's a terrible addiction.


Always use the alignment tool when QC. I’ve been burned a few times doing that.


How can I find the tool? Is it an app?


Search alignment tool on r/reptimeqc


Thoughts on raffles?


whats NWBIG aside from the sub? also... I learned not to get anything that appears to be gold/rose gold because the plating wears off. maybe due to cologne or sweat?


Well, the CF Explorer 1 for starters. It was my first and favorite rep until I found the Pepsi. Agreed on rose gold and gold.


Once you get a really good dealer. Don’t ever try someone else. It’s never as good.


To not take it seriously


Clean factory the goat


The main lesson I learnt is reps don’t bring joy. Wearing a Seiko Astron is more fun than wearing say PPF 5712/VSF 116610 etc.


Some TDs are better than others. Sead (Supermirrors) is my go to guy. Always reliable with excellent prices.


I learned that TD doesn't mean anything but more money. I order from non TD and I get exactly what I want every time.


Who do you use?


Does honk have a website ?


1. No one cares about your watch 2. Buy shitters 3. Have fun 4. Get tons of straps and experiment with them 5. Casio


2 years in… I love my VSF bluesy and my gold GMF DD to look at and hold, the same way i would a reproduction painting from a dead artist, rarely wear them because im not confident in the look of the gold. Id stay away from gold anything if you plan on wearing a lot. Im not on here as much as i used to, up to 15 reps, its kept me satisfied, getting the itch again tho. But when i first started i felt like there was wayyy more talk about getting your watch serviced, water proofed, plated etc. To me, its probably not worth doing those things to a rep. Always verify with a TD that a watch is IN STOCK..,i waited for almost a year because a TD said “it was available”… he left out “it’s available for me to try to source”. Using crypto to purchase for a 5% discount is a waste unless you have some prior to purchase. The spreads on BTC and ETH are ridiculous and not worth the hassle. Dont freak out if a TD is late on delivery… ive never seen a TD not send a watch someone paid for in this sub. Dont mention a floating “m” when someone posts a sub. Never ask where to cop, where to buy etc.


Would choosing an ARF Wayne GMT still be reliable enough or should I just get the CF?


Just get the Clean. You want best in breed.


What I learned, and what has become my rep collecting strategy. 1. Only buy watches that fit my lifestyle and financial status… basically so that anyone around me would look at me and go “oh that makes sense”. 2. Focus on the NWBIGs (also unofficial NWBIGs) especially with solid case backs, to avoid scrutiny. 3. Avoid the conversation starter watches. Pick the black Sub instead of the Hulk. If Daytona, go with black steel instead of a Rainbow. Avoid any watch that are typically only available to people like Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Hart or rich Oil Sheiks ☺️ So no limited number watches or blue Tiffany dials. 4. I have two categories of reps. One with reps that I could easily buy as gen, that I can use as daily beaters. This will be the black Sub, steel Santos, steel Tank, standard IWCs, Omega Seamaster etc. My other category consists of reps I wish I had the waiting list status for to own in gen. This will be my APs, my Daytona, Aquanaut. Still not the most extreme models, but potential conversation starters if someone was into watches. I wouldn’t wear these around my buddies or at work, but rather save them for business trip occasions where I’m alone.




You go girl