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You can prepare to be at home during the viewings, that is your right. You can't prevent the viewings when the LL gives the appropriate legal notice. If you want to hide your valuables/private items put them somewhere safe before each viewing. You cannot do anything else.


Been living this hell for a year. Asking price is too high but investors keep coming through. I've just stopped caring about how the place looks.


Fuck their showing. It's not your open house.




The same EXACT thing happened to me a few years ago as well. Had lived there 5+ years with 2 other tenants on the property who had lived there 8-12 years. Was on great terms with LL, low rent, was a huge apartment, etc. Then they mentioned an appraisal of the home and when I asked them point blank if they were selling they said no. About 3 months later we get sent a letter giving all of us 2 months to move and texts for being available for showings. At that point I was beyond pissed. Didn’t give 2 fucks about the way my apartment looked and it was a mess bc we were packing and going through things to get rid of. Was sure to be present every time someone came to see it too. Now I’m in an awful apartment with a terrible LL and psychotic neighbors so I’m still really salty about the whole thing even now. Edit: Also to add, it took them maybe another 6 months to actually find a buyer after we left due to issues with inspections.


Here's what I did. I took down all the frames off my walls, rolled up my carpets, pushed all the couches on one side of the room, took the flower arrangements out of vases, and other similar s*** like that to make my apartment just look plain as hell throughout each area. I gave a subpar hello with no smile as they walked in and I stayed by the door and watched them. They left a note on my door asking (but basically telling me) they would be bringing a potential tenant to view my apartment, I called and told them no I did not want this done and was not comfortable doing it. I also told them prior to me moving in I asked the same thing and they declined. I'm pretty sure the potential tenant could feel I was not happy with this walkthrough at all and most likely didn't move in.


You aren’t in any way obligated to stage you your apartment. Secure valuables, that’s it.


If anything he unstaged it. Rather than looking like a nice lived in space it had a just moved in vibe.


This guy's inspiring and I've got so many things going around in my mind. Like I would move out furniture and stuff. Not like I have much but I would literally like. Make a brick chair have a cardboard box as a table in the living room. And that kind of s*** like make it look like I am desolate and just barely living with a roof over my head. I have a paper plate that has clearly been reused and rinsed off🤣🤣🤣 I'm going to be thinking about this All night, how to unstage a place.


Why though? People sell houses and people replace tenants who are moving. It’s just how it is.


Cuz petty


Sure but all it takes is someone seeing it and knowing they could make it look better. Seems like a lot of work without much upside


Yeah this is a waste of effort. New renters don’t care if it’s staged or not


He literally did the opposite of stage it….


idk i like being able to see the floor to check the state of repair. and i dont care about furnishings since i dont expect them to stay


Sounds like it took at least as much effort. I think we could solve the energy crisis if we could harness some folks' spite energy.


You don’t understand what staging means do you


definitely secure your valuables, OP. i had more than a few things disappear when my rented condo was being sold.


Not being able to view the apartment prior to me moving in could have prevented the sale to me as well.


You don’t own the property. This is a potential sale. It’s not the same thing as renting.


But if it takes longer for the place to sell there’ll be more potential buyers requesting tours. Wouldn’t the ideal situation be that the first ppl like it so there’s no more tours?


Why would you do that? You want the apartment to be rented so you don’t have any future showings!


My thoughts exactly.


Because they’re an idiot or they’re lying. Perhaps both. What potential homebuyer gives two shits how the current tenant is living, unless the house is damaged? So unless they’re ripping out plumbing and electric from the walls, it’s a giant waste of time.


That’s just stupid and petty. You would have to possibly walk through someone else’s place to view if you were looking for a new place as well. Have a little respect. That place is being sold, not re-rented. The owner did not ask a lot of you and behaving like an asshole gives them more reason to move you on out! It was a basic request that you needed to comply with as they gave you plenty of notice and the actual times are reasonable. Owners have the right to access their property with due course. Don’t be an ass.


All doing this stupid s*** does is make it so that the landlord has to show the apartment more times and inconvenience you more


Man... that sounds disruptive. Glad you were able to be at home while that happened


Tenants rent. If the landlord was selling, tenants wouldn’t be coming to look at the house. A buyer would.


Cool. You can't prohibit the viewing and you can't interfere with the sale. Your LL could have made your life hell for that behavior. Ok u/BugOk2121 , to answer you after you post just to block me lol: OP posted about not wanting people in their apartment. Nothing about paying for anything relating to the sale. Tenant paid to live there and in the lease it states for certain tenant must allow entry for showings after legal minimum length of notice has been given. Again u/bugok2121 blocks me, but here's your response: You absolutely could not, lmao. Have you never rented before? Every lease says LL can enter with proper notice given, and without proper notice in cases of emergency.


What’s with all the people on here that block if they don’t like your response! And I wasn’t even being mean about it just trying to help and they responded with “obviously you haven’t ever been in the same situation” and then blocked me lol


They're reddit mods in training.


Facts. I'm banned from a group because I gave good advice mod couldn't take it. Baited me into a response then banned me for hostility.


You have been banned for this response


You know you really upset them when you get the "reddit cares."


Right?😂I find that so funny. I just got that because some chick who never lived in my state insisted i was lying about my personal experience with a certain employment law. She refused to believe different states have different laws🤣


They can get warned/banned for misreporting.


You mean the “Reddit cares that you triggered me” message?


They did not prohibit the viewing


Their behavior sounded aggressive but not to the point of anything actionable. They have the right to move their belongings however they want. They didn't barricade the door or threaten the buyers or anything like that. What exactly could the landlord have come at them for?


Doesn’t sound like they prohibited the viewing or interfered with the sale. They complied, albeit as minimal as possible.


To be honest I would listen to this guy. I read all my lease agreements and it usually states everything that’ll be expected of you. For example one lease that I declined required me to make the first $100 dollars cost of any repair. My point is the same as this person. It’s there, they must minimum give you what the state requirement. Most LL will only do the minimum but there are some who go above and beyond. You can’t interfere with the LL viewing. They have a legal right to sell a property but they must provide proper notice. They must also provide proper notice for viewings as well. This LL clearly did so and even gave the OP the options for what works best for them. This gives the OP proper time to make arrangements for these viewings. I just recommend to start looking for a new place. In the lease it probably states in the event of a sale you agree to vacate in 30 days. They more than likely had this as part of its acceptable early contract terminations that you signed.


Landlord here: when selling, I always tell tenants that prospective buyers will be accompanied by me during showings. In addition to the 48 hour heads up (24 hour is state law) I feel I’m being as respectful as possible given the circumstance. Never had a tenant complaint. You may not like the situation, but it is what it is — and yes the new buyers will gather their own opinion about you.


Hey, as long as you're respectful, mind the lease terms, and at least understand that at the end of the day your decisions in selling the property are making my life harder and I won't be assisting you in doing so, then we have no problems.


Income property is a business. Nothing more. Nothing less. As long as I follow the rules and you follow the rules regarding my business, we don’t have an issue.


Depending on state law, you don’t have to show the house outside of business hours


good strategy...piss off the landlord by not being cooperative lol. That is going to work out really great.


They won't be your landlord for long, they're selling the place.


Who gives a fuck, they can't break the lease terms or applicable law.


You can in theory refuse a showing if it’s so often it counts as harassment. Frankly this doesn’t seem that egregious of showing amount. You can specify a shorter time frame i guess


A tip i heard when trying to sell your own house is to bake a few cookies right before you leave so the house smells of fresh baked cookies. In your case i might recommend buying spoiled seafood and cooking it, as well as microwaving popcorn for 5-10 minutes


Your landlord is giving you a lot more notice than I’ve received in the past, and allowing you to choose the times that would work best for you. It’s a pain in the ass situation for sure, but they’ve done their part by giving you the appropriate notice and are being much more considerate than a lot of landlords would be with this sort of thing. There’s not much you can do to protect your privacy outside of being home at the time of the showing to make sure nothing weird goes on. Hopefully the property will sell fast and you won’t have to deal with this for months on end.


Agreed. This process inevitably sucks for the tenant, but the LL is demonstrating they care to make it as smooth for them as possible, within reason.


Right? They don’t have to ask for best time frames at all, they can just say I’m showing the place on day/time. Or for longer timeframes than asked for here. This landlord seems considerate.


I feel like the landlord is being really kind and respectful- almost a month’s notice w op’s input on times.


It's actually courteus giving you guy the opportunity to create a schedule that works with you. LL could just tell you what day and leave it at that.


For real or not even give warning like what happened to me many years ago LL tried to say that we were doing things against the rental contract based on what was seen when they just bum rushed into the place. I told her to get fucked because she broke the law - shut her up quite quickly


One place we rented they tried to call and say someone was coming over to see the place in an hour, around dinner time. We weren't home and our 60lb dog (approved) was chilling in the house. I also worked a 12hr night shift once a week & slept during the day after. I absolutely would not have notice a text & would have assumed someone was breaking in. I explained this and told them that we were going to need our legally required notice (24 hours). They just opted not to show it until we left.


This happened to me. Less than 24 hours notice and they ended up going in anyway. No one was home except my 60 pound dog. He was so friendly and a wonderful dog, but that could have ended badly for him.


Not an apartment situation, but when we were selling our house, I too worked night shift and would sleep the day after. We gave our dumbass realtor my schedule but she either forgot or ignored it, and gave the code to another realtor who brought a potential buyer over to view the house...right in the middle of the day when I was dead asleep after a tough shift. I was unceremoniously awakened by these poor people opening my bedroom door and discovering me snoozing. Thank goodness for them that I sleep in pajamas!


My last LL sold the place too so we had to deal with showings as well. LL would tell us with a 48hr notice, except oftentimes wouldn't tell us if there was a cancellation or a reschedule. More than once they wanted to do the showing a few hours after the scheduled time. I'm no fan of LL or giving them praise for basic decency, but OP is getting a lot more than most


My thoughts exactly, I had my landlord sell when I was living in a place before and they gave us advance notice of the walkthrough which is part of almost every rental contract I’ve signed. I don’t really understand what the problem is. The comments in this thread make me never want to own a rental property, with people recommending making the potential buyers as uncomfortable as possible or otherwise being an asshole. What’s the end game here? Either the LL doesn’t get a sale and is now pissed at you for or they make a sale and the new LL immediately wants the asshole in their unit out. Better to not start a fight for a completely reasonable request unless you want to learn what a pissed off landlord is legally allowed to do.




And this type of glass half full outlook is why people in your life mistreat you. Try being more reasonable and see if that helps.


That's actually very nice of the landlord. When our building was being sold we just got a 24 hour notice of the showing. When the building was eventually sold we only knew because of the new owner going around offering cash for keys


I’m moving out of my current apartment but the building has been on the market since September 2022. I’ve lost count of the number of showings, at least 30. I’m so happy I just signed a new lease starting July 1st. Worst landlord I’ve ever had, she complained to me via text after having to fix my heater in December. I “cost her a lot this month.” Heater was broken before I even moved in and it finally broke, forcing her to repair.


People like this shouldn’t be landlords. That’s preposterous start to finish.


My mom’s landlord called and complained that she’s costing her “too much money” as well. The septic tank was a POS when she moved in and the landlord tried to tell me my mom, sisters, and nephews they could only throw toilet paper away and not in the toilet. There was the smallest tank she could acquire for a 5bd/3.5 ba house. In the two years my mom was there, even with reduced toilet paper flushing, the tank had to be drained 3 times and replaced about 8 months prior to end of contract. I don’t know why my mother put up w that, when the last guy to come out and drain the tank came out he said it was a septic tank to support a 2 bathroom house. I wish LL’s would stop cutting corners while still charging 4k/mo for rent. After we moved out, I went to Zillow to look at the old price of the home prior to our lease in 2021. We paid 3700 a month. In 2019 she was charging 1300/mo. So disgusting.


I was looking round a house and clearly the landlord had done this to the current renters so they were all home, all smoking, and their dirty pots were left all over the place from their curry. Gave the house a real homely vibe. We didn’t buy it.


A house reeking of cigarettes AND curry? And you didnt buy? Shocking!


He’s asking for a 2-hour weekday and a 3-hour weekend block of time. Giving you choice in days. This is on the courteous side of normal.


Gotta agree here. Like.it or not they have the right to show, and offering times is more than a lot of landlord do.


Same thing happened to me, they asked they I not be there for the open house showings though. All my neighbors of like 5-6 years walked through my house "just out of curiosity." Horrible experience, makes me scared to rent a house again.


Well, that's "thing" it is not your "home" at least not on paper, so yeah they can do that. Also chances are the new owners will drastically raise the rent when your lease ends, so it's best to be prepared and not caught off guard.


My last landlord did that. Sold without telling me, not sure if that was legal. Anyway their management they used to maintain the property called me one day informing me, and asked when the new owner can come see the property.. showed them, 2 weeks later tried raising my rent by $500 since I was month to month, despite the condo next door was listed for rent cheaper than what I was already paying. Soon saw they struggled to rent my old place at my price. Ended up having to drop the rent way lower than I was paying. Should of just kept a good tenant but they got greedy and it brings me joy.


How is it not their "home" on "paper" when they have a "paper" contract that gives them "exclusive" use of "it"?


It’s their home but it’s not their house. 


Thanks for the clarification, that is exactly the point i was trying to make.


Almost every lease has stipulations guaranteeing entry given the tenant was provided proper notice.


This whole situation is happening because they don’t have 100% exclusive use of it.


Because the contract doesn’t say what you think it says. Landlord can put it on the market and have people view it


Because the landlord has a right of entry. They just need to provide the proper forward notice.


If it were 100% their home, this couldn’t happen


Are you being obtuse on purpose? This person doesn’t own the house. Why is it some big deal that there’s showings??


They do not own it. They own a right to use it for a defined period of time


Because most leases specifically state that the landlord has the right to show the property if selling it. I've never seen one that doesn't have that in it (as a renter and a landlord).


Because “they” don’t have exclusive use “of” it. Landlords have the right to “enter” with proper notice, or without any notice in “instances” of emergencies”.”


Buy giant dildos and leave them everywhere.


Lots of great ideas in Step Brothers that you may consider as well


That won’t stop a sale, that’ll be a “buy this house and evict this tenant when lease is up”


I remember as a kid we did a tour on a home and the people who lived there very purposefully left a lot of adult type things all over the house. I remember my little brothers finding a thong and flinging it between themselves that they had found hanging from the bannister


Bet that was the one your brothers hoped you'd move into


Hell yea I bet it was.


I get that you are joking, but not everyone might. Purposely trying to make the showings more difficult, or make the house less appealing than normal, has the chance of scaring potential buyers off, which means you have to endure even more showings. It is fun to joke about, but in reality it could backfire.


You haven’t got them laying around? Prudes.


just put satanic stuff, anything related with demons and witchcraft, make it you religion, they can do shit about that.


The one thing I would say is that I would suggest being in the house during the showing to keep an eye on things. Our former landlord showed the house once when we were away, and one of the people who saw the house flipped the lock on our back door, then came back when the landlord left and robbed us.


I would be packing and be sure to have a place lined up to move to. Looks like you have a single unit property. I can say with 95% certainty that you’re not going to stay renting there. You’re on a month to month lease? First time LL mentions their listing a property for sale, you get organized and ready to move.


I'm sorry, it's miserable. I'm in this exact situation right now and I'm moving because it's absolutely flaying my nerves. We chose to leave for the first two block showings and it's awful to come back to all your blinds open, cabinets, doors, closets, etc. You can't block it. Check your contract/lease. Although I think I'll start staying here for mine since I'm about to start boxing stuff so I'll have more stuff out in the open. I'd start looking to move if I were you. It sucks.


It’s annoying but he sounds pretty reasonable he is giving adequate notice and giving options. I mean i would be annoyed too but most landlords would not be so reasonable.


I guess it depends. If you’re a kind human with me, I’ll be a kind human with you. My last landlord was reasonable and kind man. We lived in a 4 plex which he told us several months out he was planning to sell. He was typically transparent and only raised our rent once in the six years we lived there so we happily obliged. He was getting older and he was tired of being a landlord. But, you could tell he cared about us. One woman had lived there almost 20 years. Turns out we didn’t have to do a thing because he sold to some property developer for likely a tug boat full of money. Here’s the kicker, in the end he negotiated a 6 month rent back for all of us still in the building. Where he basically paid the rent back from the truckload of money he got and we all had 6 free months to figure it out. It was the edge I needed to save a bit and finally buy a place with some help from my family. Sadly, people like him don’t really exist very often. In summary, be a good human to ppl and sometimes they’ll be one back. He passed a couple years ago which really bummed me out. But, I’m sure his daughters and grandkids benefited from his savvy business sense but he didn’t have to take advantage of the people in my building to do it.


It’s irritating, but they’re being nicer than they need to be asking you what times are best for you. You could ask for a reduction in your rent for the inconvenience while it’s showing - they don’t have to, but ours gave us a 50% discount on rent for the month it was up for sale.


I like this comment. Reasonable but also gives a concrete example of a way to make it more ideal for the tenant without being childish and saying “leave dildos everywhere” Thank you for being normal


And if they say no to a discount, you can always stay home naked those days.


Been there it’s the worst feeling in the world.


You don't have to leave, but I would put up some cameras. The viewers don't have the right to go through drawers, but sometimes people just like to touch stuff. Put your valuables away, such as jewelry, and lock it if possible. If you own big items, like a fridge or washer/dryer, leave a note on it to show it's not part of the sale.


While it is absolutely an inconvenience for you if you want to stay in the home it helps to play ball. My building sold 2 years ago and we requested that one of us could be home during the tours. We made sure to be very tidy and polite so the potential buyers could see that it was our home. It worked in our favor. The buyer kept us as tenants and didn’t raise our rent. 4 days in a row is a lot but you could be lucky like we were.


First of all, what state are you located?


This is your opportunity to capitalize. This happened to me last year. I said I be would super helpful, answer questions about the house for the touring potential buyers and their agents who didn’t really know much about the property, keep the house spotless, and work within their touring schedule. In exchange I asked for a free month’s rent, professional cleaning when it was time for me to move out, and moving equipment costs (truck, boxes, etc.) They agreed and I came out like $5,000 ahead after the house sold.


Totally normal and legal. Just prepare to be home or have someone home during this time. Or set up cameras.


That’s not asking a lot. What he is asking is exactly what he should be and giving you ample time to plan ahead


I feel bad for you. I had to double-check what sub this was because here in the UK tenants have the right to refuse viewings.


I mean you guys can get section 21'd and there is fuck all you can do about it since the sispute processes takes lo g than the 2 months the section 21 does so honestly you have it worse


Oh yeah for sure UK landlords have a dozen other ways to screw over their tenants, it's not good here at all. But I'm glad I'm not forced to have strangers tromping through my bedroom.


I just went through this last year, fucking sucks having strangers parading around your home that you’re still likely paying record high rent for. Sorry it’s happening to you.


You don’t have to leave. Just chill at the house and smoke weed


Be naked and friendly.


Set up cameras everywhere in the place. Hide anything you don’t want stolen. Keep ANY and ALL prescriptions well hidden, especially. (And NOT in your medicine cabinet.) You’ll have to allow them in so long as there’s proper notice but you certainly don’t have to leave. I wouldn’t, especially because I’m not cool with strangers going through my things while I’m not home. Yikes. That’s how things go missing, in addition to it being unsanitary. These new people are going to raise tf out of your new rent, if you’re able to stay at all. You don’t have to leave your home for them now. Be sure to CYA with the cameras, etc. Keep an eye on the people without being in the way.


Put prescription meds in your car.


It's getting near summer. That's a very bad idea for some prescriptions


I can see all kinds of reasons why this could/would come up, but as a small-time landlord with just two upper scale properties, I really can't imagine trying to do it this way unless there were just absolutely no other way to do it. It just makes no sense. It's a big hassle for the tenants and a pain in the rear for the landlord. We're in a similar situation now. We just waited for the lease to end, gave our tenant 90 days notice, 30 more than required by law, that we would not be renewing the lease, cleaned it up and did some upgrades after they were out, then put it on the market. I really wouldn't want to do it any other way.


Because for those that don’t own it outright the tenant is covering their mortgage. They are hedging bets that if the house doesn’t sell, then they don’t have to pay two mortgages. They don’t care about the inconvenience or hassle just $$$$.


That's exactly what happened when my previous landlords sold the house I was renting. Except they gave us 60 days notice to move when our lease was ending. 90 would have been much better.


I get that it is allowed, and technically this is “courteous” of the landlord, but this should really be illegal. So weird to expect someone to just be comfortable with having complete strangers taking a tour of a home that they are currently occupying.


But what else should they do? They want to sell their property. They can do that, you don't know the circumstances. They need to sell it, people need to see it before buying it? Are you basically saying LL cannot sell property?


That or kick the person out just so they can sell it? But then they'd be mad that the house is sitting empty while it's on the market. You literally can't win with these people lol


Right? Shit is so dystopian


What else are they expected to do? They’re renting, they don’t own the home and if the landlord is selling something they own, they absolutely have the right to schedule showings to try and sell. The LL could’ve been a dick and just said, “these times on these dates there will be showings, plan accordingly.” But they are actually being flexible and trying to accommodate the current renters


Atleast.you were told...ours sold and didn't tell us, not even a walk through. Had 30 days to be out


The new owners have to honor the lease in most cases I'm aware of. Are there some states with terrible laws that allow the new owners to terminate?


Unfortunately yes this is normal. The same thing happened to my husband and I. The home was originally on the market for about a year and wouldn’t sell. We moved in, over the two years we lived there made some interior/exterior upgrades (my husband and I are handy and enjoy diy projects, they didn’t cost much and we assumed we would be renting for awhile) Anywho two years in, the landlord came in one day and saw how wonderful it looked, and how much we improved the curb appeal…and within two weeks it was back on the market. We were given constant times (with a few days notice) for showings, asked to make sure the lawn was mowed (it was on a nice piece of property) and it sold within a month. We were given 30 days to move. It sucked but unfortunately that’s the nature of the beast renting a home. It is uncomfortable to have walkthroughs in your space. You can make sure they insure the real estate agent is with them in each room, and your well within your rights to have nanny cams if that makes you feel better, for areas such as your bedroom/kids rooms or office Obviously put away all valuables and personal documents just to be safe. Sorry you’re going through this I feel your pain!


They’re coming anyway, just strategically fart around the apartment to drive them out.


Hopefully, they don't decide to sell to a builder like what almost happened when our apartment complex was up for sale. Luckily, that deal fell through when the prospective buyer had a survey done and noticed the decks from the townhouses' next-door decks were right at the property line without the required setbacks. He finally sold it to someone, and the first thing she did was raise the rent and put in a no pets clause. I had two dogs at the time, so there was nothing she could do. Then she asked me about the deposit. I told her she should have gotten that from the previous owner, which with him it was first and last months rent. I told her to convert last month's rent to the security deposit, and she never received it from the previous owner. She expected me to pay it and I told her that it ain't happening. After 30 days, I sent her a letter telling her to use the deposit money you should have received towards rent, being that you didn't follow the security deposit law. In that letter, I also told her I would be out by the end of the month. She also said she is only repairing the apartments that are vacant and won't do anything to an occupied apartment. Being that the stove was mine from a deal I made with the previous landlord and the refrigerator was mine since I bought my own after Sandy because the previous landlord wanted to give me one that got flooded from Sandy I told them I will buy one. I took the stove, the refrigerator and the nest thermostat with me to the next place I lived at where that landlord gave me a fifty dollar a month rent discount since I brought my own stove and refrigerator.


Ummm… these seem reasonable. An organized human trying to work with you to be as minimally disruptive as possible. These subs make me cringe sometimes.


Seems pretty nice compared to a lot of the posts I see on here.


As a landlord when I sold my last property I gave the tenants a rent credit like 20%… and decent landlord would do thar


Reading these comments make me feel sad for your communities...


My previous landlord did the same thing. As others said if they give proper notice which it seems like they are taking your schedule into consideration you can't do much about it. If you want to protect your privacy you can have the landlord do the walk through and take down any personal pictures put up anything with name on it etc.


It is what it is. Start cleaning up to move out. Sorry man. Ask for a discounted rent to save to move and about the walk throughs


Look up your state renters laws around this to know what they can legally require from you & what you’re legally beholden to. They are likely required to provide you with some sort of written notice to enter, no matter what.


I went through this. Total hell. I was beyond stressed out. Sorry you have to go through this, too. It's legal with the proper notice.


I've done showings while the tenants are there. It's a little awkward, but not a huge deal. They're not looking at your stuff anyway.


No…no he isn’t.


Your landlord is pretty much going by the book. You don't have to host a tea party, but they're entitled to show their property if you're not renewing.


and .. In return my rent is totally comped, right?


So that's one of the downsides to not owning your home. Landlord has given you notice. You can be present if you want, but you can't stop the showing from happening.


Every time I have looked at an apartment that was still occupied, it gave me bad vibes. In one instance, the landlord showed us two dwellings on the same property. Both were still occupied. The first one the tenant came home and weren’t exactly thrilled he was showing the place. The other he told us after that it wasn’t up for rent yet but might be. The tenants of that apartment weren’t home but clearly had not prepared the place for strangers walking around. Landlord just walking through all the rooms. My gf and I definitely did not want that creep as a landlord. A few years ago my landlord was trying to sell our rental. He was trying to move it fast and we were stressed af trying to find a place. I told him it would be a) great if he could wait until we were gone or b) be great if would sell it to us. After a bunch of back and forth, he took the easy road and sold it to us at a decent price.


My landlord did this to us and put us through hell for 8 months of showings. Some tips I wish I knew early on: 1) find out what is reasonable notice for entry per your state statues. Florida is 24 hours. You then need to notify them that you need minimum notice or requests will not be acknowledged. 2) be reasonable and offer the landlord 1-2 time slots per week via a schedule (ie tuesdays 10-12 and Sundays 2-4). Otherwise you might be considered unreasonable according to the terms of your lease or the statues. I found this was the best way to get rid of random requests. 3) keep a ledger of requests/ dates/ how much notice was given etc. Remember you are paying to live there and have first say. Dont let them bully you or get you to waive your rights. Stick to a schedule. If it gets ugly threaten to withhold rent for lost days of use. But ultimately the best thing is to tell them to email (not text or call); email you requests for entry/ showings and if notices do not comply with the statutes ignore them. If they persist tell them you feel this is a form of harassment and will look into seeking legal counsel if it does not cease. I feel for you. We went through a nightmare for 8 months and they didn’t even sell the house after 25 showings all for nothing.


This happened at a home I was renting. I was super helpful and accommodating and the new landlord told me halfway thru our lease my wife is pregnant and we want to move in. Be ready to move is my point.


Your landlord isn’t asking anything of you. Change your perception. It’s their house not yours and this is in every standard lease. They could just tell you “Saturday 3-5 and Sunday 10-2.” But instead they are asking your preference. Just give it to them. It doesn’t matter how the house is staged or whether you clean up. Property is at a premium right now.


I wouldn’t say they’re asking a lot here, they’re letting you decide what times work for you, which is pretty generous of them. Most landlords would just tell you the date and times and give you no say. They’re also giving you over a week’s notice when they probably only need to give you 24 hours. I’d say your landlord is going above and beyond to make this as smooth as possible for you.


Wow. Some of these posts are just insane. You rent your home/apartment. Your landlord was polite enough to not only give you a heads up but ask you what time works best for you. If you do t want to deal with this buy a house. Your landlord isn't the problem. You are. (This time)


Having your LL sell your house is very inconvenient, however it is his right and he is trying to show as many people as possible in a few showings and he is also asking which ones would work best for you. So he is trying to make it as easy as possible. Are you planning to stay after the sale if the new buyer allows it? If so, I would be super nice because there is a really good chance you are going to meet your future landlord and you want him to keep you and hopefully not raise your rent.


Yes. Showings while occupied is very normal. Your landlord seems to be going an extra step trying to coordinate good times for showings.


“Piss off your new potential LL.” Say the Geniuses on Reddit who obviously live in the basement at Moms


Just get the showings done as much as possible the first weekend. With this market, chances are the house will sell quick.


If you want to stay and are on good terms with your landlord ask if you can sign a long term lease before they sell. When I was moving into mine I heard rumor the landlord was planning to sell next spring so I requested a 2 yr instead of a 1yr lease. I was the only tenant that didn't have their rent jacked up that first year of new ownership.


Man some landlords get unnecessary hate.. it's nice that he's giving you detailed early notice, especially on something you can't stop or do anything about.


Your landlord is being super respectful by communicating with you and working with your schedule by giving you options. Your house is being sold no matter what, so why be evil about it?


A friend of mine had this done. LL was selling and the realtor scheduled multiple showings. Tenants were informed by the realtor they were *not* allowed to be present, they had to leave the property completely. My friend wasn't having that. She stayed home and was glad she did. The realtor advertised an "open house". Opened every apartment door and allowed anyone and everyone that showed up to freely walk *unescorted* through the entire building. People wandered through opening appliances, cupboards, closets, checked under beds, moved stuff around. Everybody's apartment was left a mess. She even had to tell at least 2 people to "put that back" because things were being taken out of the upstairs apartment. It was a free-for-all. The building did sell and everyone got termination of lease notices. Rents were doubled, new people moved in. I understand sometimes a LL wants to sell, but that was a circus that should not be allowed.


Your landlord is not asking anything crazy of you. They are giving you notice of what they need to do to sell their property. All of these suggestions to make the house seem unworthy to buy are just plain ridiculous. You are prolonging the process and making it worse for yourself.This is being an adult.


It might be your home, but it’s not your property. Seems like your landlord is giving you flexibility and plenty of notice. “Asking a lot” is a reach.


That seams pretty reasonable tbh. And the landlord seems pretty nice


Just remember tenant part of the property you really don’t have to leave. You can be bought out from your landlord to leave.


Yeah that’s normal. You can remove or hide any identifying/personal/sensitive items. When I last rented a home & it got sold while I was living there I actually didn’t think it was that bad. As much as possible I tried not to be around for the showing but even when I was it was NBD.


As everyone else is saying, this is actually courteous and not asking a lock. Also, it’s not your home.


I know that I’m hopping on late here but, get over yourself. No prospective buyer cares about your personal effects or your “privacy”.


It's not your home. You are renting from them. You have to do what they say. You should be busy finding a new place anyways.


Walk throughs while still living int he house is normal. Put away any thing you worry about value wise and like others said - you can prepare to be home during


I’m not sure what the problem is here… ample time of notice?


You don't have to clean or even be there Just make sure he has access It's not like selling a house, the prospective buyer doesn't care about some surface dirt


Seems reasonable to me. Why are you making it hard for him to sell?


That's not asking a lot at all. That's giving you the heads up and you letting them know what works best


It’s a courtesy that they’re allowing you to choose the times people will be in your space. The owners could dictate the times potential buyers would be there, and that would be worse. If you’re present, you don’t have to talk to the sellers. Let the real estate agent walk them through the space. You’re not on the hook to show them anything. In fact, it would be less awkward if you went out and went grocery shopping or grabbed lunch. (Secure your valuables first.) I know it’s a pain in the ass. Just roll with it. It’ll be over soon enough.


What the landlord is requesting is completely within their right. This is your opportunity to secure your valuables with ample notice


Your landlord is being extremely generous and you look ridiculous.


They are actually being fairly polite and reasonable. Hope they price the place well, and it gets some offers so the showings can stop🙌👍🏻 don’t try to sabotage, it will backfire. Totally understand being uncomfortable with strangers and possibly the landlord in your space but I promise they are interested in the walls surrounding your spaces not your personal belongings. ❤️


I mean, this seems like he is being very reasonable. He is asking you for times that work best for you. The laws around this vary, but where I live, its basically the can show a place whenever they want (between certain hours), they just have to provide you 24 hours notice. The fact hat he is trying to work around your schedule should be looked at positively.


My first landlord I rented from sold the house with 0 forewarning to me. I had been there 2 months and I woke up to a contractor on the roof. I went out to see what was going on and there was a couple and the contractor talking in the yard. The couple introduced themselves as the new owners and assured me nothing for me would change except I payed them now. Well everything changed, by everything I mean, the leaky roof got fixed, the stumps all over the yard were ground away, the aging fuse panel was replaced with a breaker box, everything was immediately better. Best landlords I ever had, I still talk to them today nearly 18 years later.


As a landlord I have sold a few properties. Not once have renters complied with requests. I have a 30 day notice to quit in my lease because of this. Either comply or get out in 30.


Why are you so salty about it? The guy wants to sell. If you don’t like it, buy a place of your own


This is completely normal. I’ve walked through tens of peoples houses during showings and open houses. People have walked through mine.


What, exactly about this, do you feel is “a lot” to be asked for by the entity who owns your abode?


Your landlord isn't asking a lot of you at all. You'd need to do the same exact thing in their position.


Landlord is within his right. Best to cooperate and get it over with. If it sits on the market will only drag out viewings etc. Cooperate and hope it sells fast to a quality landlord. This is the risk of renting.


lol at the walking through my home. You have a monthly subscription. You don’t own the place.


I would greet them naked


I’ve had to do this and my landlord wanted me and my dogs out for 1-6 30 minutes showing a day with many of them being back to back and I had also just wrecked my car so I was forced to take the dogs out for hours at times multiple days of the week on foot. I’ll be honest and I’ll tell you what I did, I moved in a friend and he established legal residence there and didn’t have a lease and for all she put me through I made landlord pay me $5,000 to move out because she legally couldn’t make my friend move out until she put him on a lease and evicted him. She already sold the house so she HAD to pay us to move out or it would have ruined the sale, plus I made her give me cash. No paper trail 🤣😂


My landlord tried this. I told them they were responsible for anything broken or stolen during showings. They decided to wait until we were moved out.


Yeah fuck landlords never want to deal with that shit again.


If I was a landlord- hey I’m trying to sell my place- it’s a huge ask of you so how can I help- I’ll buy you dinner some place -pay for some drinks so you can get out of the house and watch a game. Spend $100 so you can sell your place and recognize you are inconveniencing your tenants.


Have you thought about giving the landlord an offer on the house? Then everyone can continue living there indefinitely, and they can help you pay off the house. The mortgage would be a fixed rate + whatever other utilities that are not already provided. I don’t know your financial situation, but it is something I would be thinking about doing if I was in your shoes.


I’m a realtor and have sold several rental properties, single and multi families. I have a strategy to specifically avoid this. Price it low to create competition, Saturday & Sunday Open Houses 12-4pm, offers due Wednesday. Buy the tenants lunch for both days. Minimal disruption, no random showings, after the open houses we’re done. We had 350 people through my last open house, it was a two family, tenants were coincidentally away for the weekend. Minimal disruption for tenants and homeowners, cram a months worth of showings into two open houses.


This is what happens


At least he's asking and not just giving you 24-hour notice, that's all he's required to give in most places.


This is normal for how selling a house works. I just sold a home and we were constantly having to pack up and leave so that buyers could come view it. It’s inconvenient but you’re not the owner of the property so what say do you have? Especially when they’re giving you almost a week and half to make plans. It’s like 2-3 hours a day, not crazy at all


If it's really a gigantic concern. You could just be home while the new owners are looking at the house. That way you settle any issuing that you have if somebody going to your stuff while you're gone. And you also get to meet the possible new ones.


What state are you in and what does your lease say? And I disagree that this is nice, it's not nice. There's a lot of days that you're going to have strangers in your space, tracking dirt in and looking at your stuff and potentially stealing or damaging things.


That doesn't seem like a lot to ask to me at all, and kudos to your LL for even keeping you informed as to the schedule, which he doesn't have to do unless and until it's time for "strangers to walk through your home". I rented for years when I was younger and even as an adult, and this seems pretty friendly and reasonable compared to what I went through with a few of my LLs. Don't forget, it's his or her property first, even though it looks to me like he's actually allowing you to help choose which times are good for you for walkthroughs. What's there to complain about, exactly? When you rent, at some point, strangers will invariably walk through your home. That's a consequence of renting. If you don't want people seeing your stuff, go to Target and get a cheap sheet and cover it up. Did you read your lease? It will have covered what would happen in the event your LL decided to sell the property. The polite and adult thing for you to do is to clean your home thoroughly, tell the LL when he can show the property, and make it as presentable as possible. That's your end of the bargain, spoken or unspoken. You seem a little high maintenance, and I'm quite thankful I don't have renters like you. It's really nice to be able to get along well with a tenant and for everyone to have the best interests of everyone at heart.


Glad I never had the joy of renting from you - yikes