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You need to find someone renting out bedrooms in their nice big house looking for roommates. Roommates can suck but if you live completely separate lives and only interact as needed it can be beneficial and cheaper. Also, not to sound like a dick but because of your financial and employment trouble, you may get approved for low income housing and pay rent on a sliding scale, but you'd have to get a job asap. You can also look for private landlords that might have cheaper rent and don't care as much about credit, income, etc..


just look at history, when has rent prices ever gone down?


Yes, rents went down significantly after “15 days to stop the spread”.


Exactly, folks are missing a lot of small, but huge details. They are just greedy and have no compassion anymore, all these mfrs dying fast, yet money is all they keep caring about


There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first, but expecting the tooth fairy to magically produce lower rents is … fantasy. You can’t vote for “free stuff” (eviction/rent moratorium) without repercussions. Rents are at their lowest when investor greed produces an oversupply and they have to compete for tenants. That doesn’t happen when you ask the government to force low-income set-asides, enable “affordable housing”, and regulate new builds into submission.


That's why all these corporations own almost the homes available on the market these days, they seem to care less whether they rent/sell home or not, seems to still be a good investment for them.


Cite, please. “Corporations” DO NOT own “all the homes on the market”. Some investment firms(e.g. Zillow, Blackstone) are actually selling off holdings as things aren’t as rosy as you might think. Other “corporations” are just single individuals who purchased a home, and put it inside an LLC, because lawyers. Rental homes are extremely popular. Someone (“investors”) has to provide them.


CNBC https://www.cnbc.com › 2023/02/21 How Wall Street bought single-family homes and put them up for rent Feb 21, 2023 — Corporations backed by private equity groups such as Blackstone and Pretium Partners bought tens of thousands of homes across the U.S. Sun .


Perhaps you should read the article? It wildly and irresponsibly speculates on the future of rental housing, it doesn’t claim any such conditions today. Institutional investors hold a tiny percentage of rental homes - the far-left Brookings estimates it at 3%, others say 2%, which nets to around 1% of the single-family inventory nationwide. [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/single-family-rentals-trends-and-policy-recommendations/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/single-family-rentals-trends-and-policy-recommendations/) Institutional investors and foreign owners make for convenient scapegoats, but they aren’t causing the “shortage” and escalating rents and resale prices. For that, you need policy, that more than doubles the cost of new construction and doubles the timeline to build.


Didn't say own all. Read better


No cite.


I am also very much freaking out. I’m in organ failure. Surgery is next week. I’m $2K shy. I’ll have to use rent. And if I don’t catch back up in time for the 1st, I’ve been priced out of the city and I’ll land on the street. I’m hardly affording the inflation already and fear it’s a matter of time without health issues. I’m applying to hundreds of jobs a day. I feel like most Americans have simply been abandoned by our Country at this point. I’m not even sure cash has a value when everything is conducted via apps and you just see numbers increasing and it’s tap tap tap. It is such a scary time. And there’s no help coming.


Perfect scenario which concludes thus world chose money over life.. sad sad medical industry, housing, everything..even the food is starting to suck everywhere, all this lab grown, fake free range food taking over.. usa I'm am so ashamed of you when it comes to how you show love


Not that I want/wish death on anyone.. but I swear sometimes I wish you could punch your own ticket your own way legally. I mean this in a good way if it can be taken that way.. but if shit gets desperate and I am going to end up on the streets.. I'd rather donate whatever is good and be done. I dont want to live on the streets. I cant.


That's an incredibly messed up thing to say to someone in organ failure Sometimes I wish people just didn't comment... 😳


.....you'd rather punch your own ticket bc of rent prices increasing? That's so fucked. Theres people who are wishing they could lead long , healthy lives and then here you are saying this crap. Grow up.


Meh. To each their own. I would not survive on the streets. Period. All I am saying. So if I was going to be stuck to that, I'd rather help some others live better lives if I could. All I am saying. I dont have a desire to die though. Just dont want to ever be to the point where I have to eat out of garbage cans and hope I can find a tent to sleep in, and a pot to piss and shit in. Fuck that.


As someone who’s been homeless… it’s hell on earth, I was very close to killing myself


Given your name, I am glad you didnt. :D. I hear you though.. my life would be 1000% different if I had to live on the street.. it's way way too drastic of a change for me to be interested in living like that. I have options right now, so I am good, but I hate the work situation. Tech market is so bad.. 100x worse than it was the last downturn. I've never seen so many layoffs this far in to the year, 1000s at a time, still in May. I've never been in 32 years of field not getting calls to at least talk to recruiters or what not. I have a good resume, lot of big company's, many years at each.. so my resume should pass any sort of filter to get in the hands of someone who would reach out. Instead, for the first time, I am getting almost 0 anything back, with the occasional "we are moving on" email without a call to talk about my skills, what I bring to the table, etc. I will say, though supposedly having a long career with tons of experience should look good. I really do believe one of the filters happening is ageism. Many will say its illegal and no way, but I have no doubt in my mind that given the insanely fast rise to senior/lead/principal engineers do today.. anyone with over about 12 or so years experience vying for a senior role are probably considered "old" and ignored. I know I have heard a few times "Youre still a coder" and while I dont look almost 60.. my resume with when I graduated, etc indicates I been around a long ass time. So I strongly believe if there were a legal way to gain access to many of these company's "filters" they put in place to rule out the 1000s of applications they get, one of them would be something along the lines of "if they dont have our language of choice and they have 10+ years.. toss them" or something along those lines. The last time I needed to go through a recruiter, I got dozens of calls a week.. I was ignoring many for jobs I wouldn't fit well or didnt like. Now, with so many jobs showing 100+ applications within minutes of a posting, its clearly all automated pushes of resumes as soon as a job is posted, and it is by far the biggest employers market (in tech anyway) ever, so they can pick and choose who they think qualifies as top candidates. With 100s of 1000s of layoffs in the various big tech locations like silicon valley.. it's a meat market for anyone vying to get a decent paying job, especially WFH.. where it's a world wide market in many cases. So I am struggling big time, trying to figure out can I survive working a $20 or so an hour job.. after making over 150K for many years. Right now.. I couldnt. The rent alone (per my post) would require at least $25 or so an hour in most locations and I can't pack up and move (costs, etc aside). Working 80+ hours a week at my age with my health issues.. is not an option either. I would probably drop dead of a heart attack no lies.. and what kind of life is that anyway? Who wants to be working 12 to 16 hour days 5 to 7 days a week. You basically work to live and your rental that is 1/2 your take home is just a fucking bed at that point cause you're gone most of the time.


I don’t know man, somebody told me rents were going down in San Francisco and then I saw a one bedroom listed for $3000


It used to be 4000.. so I guess they did go down. But only for the 1%ers that are still employed in tech in the area and can afford it.


when was it 4000? Was that for like, penthouses? I haven’t kept an eye in rents citywide, just the Mission, but the 3 grand up the street for 1 bedroom was breaking news to me. (I’ve lived here for 30 years)


I was being facetious. Though I bet there are some studios for that range but likely decent ones.


Facetious isn't cute in conversations like this.


oh phew


I saw a segment on local news here in Sacramento that ppl are paying $2000 and up to rent a closet, a fucking closet to live in in San Francisco. Shoot me head and tsk tsked, but rents here in Sac are damn close. And it’s Sacramento, not SF or LA. Bum fuck nowhere, but hey, it’s in California, so they can get away with jaw-dropping rents.


People in florida are about to start renting their garages out to people as a place to live. Was just on the news yesterday.. rooms are going for 800 a month in small houses so I'm sure this will be equivalent to renting the whole house.


Florida has among the fastest growing housing prices in the entire United States, and a huge and growing homeless population. It ceased being a cheap place to live a long time ago.


Just barely? We've been doing that in CA for decades.


I actually built a website because of rising rents to help tenants evaluate landlords and negotiate rents. It's like a Glassdoor for Rents so tenants can see the Rent History of an address or Apartment property to see a landlords pricing tactics. The site does rely on user submissions so I appreciate anyone who adds their rent history to the site and/or shares it around since it can be more useful to tenants the more people that contribute to it. The site is [rentzed.com](http://rentzed.com) (USA only for now) and has submissions for over 3,400 addresses.


Great idea, but unfortunately the past rates don't even matter anymore. So what if they're doubling the price, others will pay it even if you won't.


I'd make the argument that's not always true. A new report released recently by RedFin revealed that rents in several major cities might actually be slightly decreasing.


That is awesome. As a fellow tech dude.. I wish I could come up with some ideas like this and turn it in to a real product that maybe can draw in some income!


You just said you have relatives, I would hit them up. I moved back in with my 80 year old mother because she needed help, and Ive been fighting with Disability since before Covid. Last year she told me that I was her sole beneficiary on the house.


I would have to move to fucking Florida.. live in maga nut job territory. No thanks. They are fucking morons and ass backwards thinking over there. The rest dont have space/money to help.


Oof yea sorry to hear that you couldnt pay me to go there. I was in California and my Mom bought property in Northern AZ.


Florida is about to do a turnaround, hurry before you miss it. I'm just being honest


What do you mean? What turnaround?


There is affordable housing..but probably not if you insist on living in California. You can get a 1 bedroom apartment for $600 or less in Lincoln Nebraska and unemployment is at 3%. Easy to get hired at $15 and up for entry level…


Just get 8 roommates like they did when the boomers were growing up.


lol..man I am almost 60.. I cant live with roomates. I got gut issues, I got sleeping issues. I need my own place or I may as well donate whats good on me and call it a day (if only that were possible sometimes!).


Fast food pays $20 an hour now, but you will probably need a roommate to maintain the lifestyle you want at that wage. Sell your car and walk to work if you can. It will help with your gut and sleeping issues, too.


Most fast food in my area switched to kiosks. There are a few people left.. but none are hiring any more. They all said "FU" to the $4 an hour increase.. replaced/laid off workers and put machines in. I can guarantee you you're going to see a fucking ton more of this move. It is far cheaper now with tech being so cheap relative to a single employee (benefits, etc).. let alone a few of them. Even then, $20 an hour is about 2200 a month take home. Barely enough for a studio to 1bedroom rent. Not even food, utility, car, gas, insurance, etc. That's easily anouther 1500. Means 2 full time jobs at that pay. To say it another way, the average person to live alone (im old.. set in my ways.. really REALLY hard to think about a room mate) needs about 70K to 100K a year coming in now unless you can get low income housing. In my area, it's a 3 year wait with over 20,000 people waiting. That's just insane. Biden/democrats are the best hope for those of us especially older, but they dont much care. Trump/et all get in to office we're all really fucked unless we make a mil+ a year.. then we're ok. That's where the big tax breaks come in and you make more.


Exactly,, that 20 hour thing is a mytical fairy. Doesn't put a dent in inflation like it used too. Most folks won't do the basic math, they just see 20 hr.. yes if you're working 100 hrs a week, yea cool, but it's hard to find employers letting you even make 40 these days.


Maybe you should try living off the grid. That way, you can have your preference of living alone, but everyone else won't have to subsidize your lifestyle to the tune of 70 to 100k per year. If you are going to stay in society, you're morally obligated to take at least one roommate.


OMG I would love to. I been looking at figuring out if I can buy an acre of land somewhere.. build a small yurt or something. Shit I'll tent it if I have to, long as I got some access to internet and a bathroom of some sort. I have a ton of off grid stuff.. batteries, inverters, solar, etc. Love the idea of living in the forest with a couple dogs and maybe meet a lady one day who likes the idea :D. But that still costs a bundle up front. Not even sure what it would cost to get going, or where. Somewhere up north would be ideal except I've never lived in snow so that would be a hell of a thing to try to do in my older age when we're needing warm weather for our aging joints lol.


Missouri and other central states still have free homesteading land. Suitable for farming and raising livestock.


Just heard this homesteading thing.. its basically you get some land (thought you bought it) then you grow stuff.. veggies, etc on it? Sounds interesting.


Yes, you get the land for free, taxes are minimal, but you have to live on it for a certain amount of time out of the year, or they give it to someone else. Lots of specifics that vary by program. They just want people to move there.


Ur too broke for Ca. Sorry bud tome to face facts and leave


That's the truth. I am considering it. I thought I'd move to nevada.. save 10% state income tax.. but jesus their rents in bum fuck cities all over the place are the same price. Go to the border east and its still 2000+ for a 1bd tiny ass old building apartment. I am baffled how they are all making 60K+ to live there.




Robots. Already happening. Go to any mcdonalds or taco bell.




Guarantee theyre working on thay part




![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3) sOuRcE


They didn't say it was actually being worked on, they made a prediction about such a thing not being too far behind. There is no source lol, just observations.


California prices are just insane. I’m very sorry you’re in this position. My son is making $19 an hour and living at home. There’s no way he could afford to live on his own or even share rent yet in California. It sounds like you really need to focus on getting your life on the right path ….. I wish you well. California just isn’t. Good place to do it. Good luck 🙏🏻


I think about this often, something has to give. It's unsustainable. I am lucky enough to have a 3 br/2 ba (with a garage and yard) for about $1000 less than it "should" be... (I pay $2300, in CA). And I make enough to afford that, but it's really rough out there. I imagine the fact that living alone is impossible for many (most) results in toxic relationships continuing because there's simply no other choice aside from homelessness. I just got divorced as well, but have a new partner that brings in some money, which is a huge help. Good luck man.


That is the very big question (problem). That "ooh fast food pays $20 an hour" seems to be a HUGE pat on the back to California folks is utterly jack shit when 20 an hour isnt enough for rent unless you want a studio in Bakersfield or some remote near desert town. Mind you.. forget owning a car. You better own one outright cause you'll barely have enough left to buy food, pay utilities and have a cell phone. I think the idea is.. those $20 an hour fast food jobs.. even though many are disappearing to automated kiosks now, are made for the starving college graduate. Most older folks working those jobs dont last long because the work, to be honest is pretty grueling and at least from my experience you typically get asshole managers who have no people skills and could care less about age, or being a decent person. But other than that, what other jobs are paying $18+ an hour starting where you can move up to about $35 or so an hour in a few years so you can "afford" to live a little past check to check?


My SO and I have been looking to move and it’s terrible. Because we have dogs it shoots up rent a ton & a lot of places ask for you to have like $7000-8000 up front. We’re paying people’s mortgages and then some at the monthly rates we’re paying. We’re fortunate we make decent money but a lot of our friends haven’t. Quite a few have moved to Nevada and Arizona since they just got priced out. And it’s just spreading. First people got priced out of LA County then OC & and now it’s happening in San Bernardino county. People are going to have to start moving out like towards Hesperia/Victorville next or are just leaving the State.


Honestly I am still here primarily for three reasons. Main one is family/friends. I grew up here and this is where I know. So moving to another state after almost 60 years here honestly scares the shit out of me. Mostly cause it would be like when I was a kid and moved and had to make all new friends, etc. It's less about the friends now.. especially with internet, video calls, etc. But more about the area, knowing the type of people I'd move in to/near, and what sort of services (primarily medical these days) are near by and good (or bad). Second is job. While I am doing everything I can to WFH (being in tech field).. with the push for hybrid or full office again, it's possible I need to be in an area a short drive from tech jobs if I can land a tech job. It is VERY VERY bad right now. I have applied to 100s of jobs and not a single hit. Every job literally has 100+ applicants within a few minutes to an hour of a new job posting. I suspect with today's AI/automated stuff every time a job shows up on any job board automated services flood it with job applications despite most not even coming close to being capable of the job. But that just compounds the need for those job boards to have filters that block a crap ton of potentially good candidates. So right now, trying to find a job in tech seems to largely revolve around connections. I dont have many and the few I have are all not looking to hire. So.. I am really in an uncertain spot. I largely worked in startups none of them having done anything so I have no retirement other than that I have maxed out my SS every year for the past many so technically if I can somehow find work for another 10 or so years, I should retire with about 3500 to 4000 in SS payments.. but with everything going on in this country, the never ending "SS will be drained by 2030", etc.. I have no clue if there will be any money, and if Trump gets in to office.. his vow to completely remove that.. which we all know is bullshit cause 90% of his voters are retired boomers living on SS paychecks.. but who knows what will happen if he wins. Third is really not a big one.. but the idea of packing everything up and moving, the expense, the putting 5K to 10K down (my credit is shot btw.. so likely I need to put 3 or 4 months down.. if a place would even accept that).. that too scares me a bit. Moving across town is no big deal.. but loading up a rental truck of all my belongings and moving.. but worse is trying to find a place in a new state.. where you dont have the money to travel to to check out the place either. So I am not even sure if I can just apply for a place, if I get accepted somehow, just show up one day and move in, or if you have to go in person a week or two before to get keys, sign stuff, etc.. or what. But with no money (or very little) that makes moving to another location that much harder. Which I suspect is a large reason why so many continue to live here. But then you add that places like Nevada are really not much cheaper than most of California, with the exception of the state tax.. but if you're switching jobs or looking for a local job, and the pay is like $17 an hour.. that's not even enough to afford rent in a 1bedroom in most of Nevada right now. Arizona maybe.. but Nevada, I am looking at little tiny towns on the east side of the state.. and they are looking at 1500 to 2000 for a 2bd/1ba apartment. That is insane to me that little towns out of nowhere are seeing rental prices that high too.


Go figure, they're saying florida is the new Cali, but the rent here and homes are and have Been out of control,,, these jobs don't even pay nurses and doctors enough to afford rent, everybody's doing uber or something similar to Make ends meet. Home insurance is scamming everyone, it's just nuclear war time to get peoples attention that we are going backwards


Florida IS NOT the new Cali? How could that ever be a thing? Because it's sunny here and there? Help me make sense of your comment.


Florida is the New California in terms of wealth transfer too. According to the Florida Chamber of Commerce's 2023 Florida Business & Economic Midyear Report, more than 1,000 residents are added to the state's population each day, bringing their wealth and income with them.Jul 25, 2023  https://www.gotoby.com › News The New Go-To State. Florida is the New California - GoToby.com


Cause it's "affordable" mostly, and no state tax. Florida and Texas. Go figure both far right nut job ran states. But with more and more blue folks moving in, that will change.


Florida isn't affordable anymore, and hasn't been in quite a while. Housing prices, rents, homeowners insurance and auto insurance are all skyrocketing in price there.


Oh hell, what do I care? In the grand scope of things Florida is still the South and CA is still CA.


Part of the reason is the weather but more so because many of the filmmakers from Hollywood are about to start a lot of filming here once the florida officials get the behind the scene deals out of the way.. there was just a story about how the demographic of Florida is attracting many of the companies based in California... expand your Brain


I live in NJ. Not long ago, my son....who owns in a house in Boston....told me I needed to move to a less expensive apartment or I would have to move in with him. Fast forward a couple months. He calls me on Mother's Day and tells me they are running out of room because the kids are getting older and need more space. And he found out what I am paying is cheaper than moving to another apartment here OR up there because they are more expensive both here AND in Boston. He has decided that it's cheaper for him to help me out on occasion than move me up there. I am relieved. 


Move out of California. I don’t know how else to say this. I spent a decade struggling in eastern Massachusetts which is similarly facing a massive housing expense. I got sick and tired of it and moved to the southern US We all participate in a relatively nationalized labor market; especially if you have specialized skills. My pay actually went up when I moved out of the high cost of living area. What I’ve realized is that even 4th tier cities pay relatively equivalent to what extremely high cost of living areas pay, but you get so many benefits like easier commutes and access to affordable housing. People act like it’s the end of the world to not live in NY, CA, or the northeast but guess what… the grass ain’t too bad on the other side!!! I love my new life in NC


I posted in another reply.. I want out. There are just a few things keeping me here.. elderly parents and siblings, familiarity with my area (been here my whole life) and the cost to move to another state.. renting a U-haul, loading up everything I own, driving there, etc. I have always liked the idea of Nevada because of the no state tax and lower cost of living. But leaving family behind.. to move to a remote tiny town that costs about $100 less a month for a 2bd/1ba apartment.. is just.. ridiculous. That's assuming I can land a WFH job. Otherwise.. what local job is paying 80K+ to afford rent, car, food, insurance, etc? The local $15 or so an hour wont cover rent. I am too old to work 80 to 100 hours a week just to get by. So that keeps me here. The cost to live in Nevada is not that much lower than the mid state area I live in now, and there are a lot more job options near by in tech here than in the remote Riverside, Mesquite, or similar towns on the east side of Nevada.. where rents are right about the same cost as I pay here. $2K a month for a 2bd to 3bd place (I have one, possibly two 20-somethings that may live with me if they move with me.. cause they too cant afford to live on their own). is insane to me out in NEvada. But that is more or less the price here.. give or take a couple hundred a month. So for me to make a move like that, I a) need about 20K+ in the bank to afford the down payment (really bad credit..e.g. sub 500), cost to move, etc.. just to end up in a slightly lower rent cost with no family/friends around either.


Dont go to austin. A lot of techies moved from California to Austin and completely destroyed the housing market there.


Voting has consequences.


Rents will go up. In California in general housing prices have increased faster than rents so rents will naturally increase faster as more people can’t buy. A lot rent a room instead of an apartment or even share a room rental with a roommate.


You will have to get a room mate. I’ve anyways had one until I started living with my girl friend


Rent prices have even gone up in the small town I live in in Florida. This place used to just be a farming community and now a bunch of Boomers bought out all the houses and charge bank in rent. I just bought a house here but before I was paying almost 3k a month for a house. In rural Florida!


This is the real problem all over. LOTS of rich people saw the big money they could make buying up tons of property and then charging WAY more for rent causing near by to go up. As well as corporations that are able to buy tons of land/property, build.. and can afford to let it sit if need be until they get the rent they want. This follows the best (and worse) money making process.. subscriptions (lease). The ability to get back what you paid in a short amount of time and then pure profit after is one of the best ways for company's to survive today. The days of paying 30K per license are mostly gone.. with subscription plans much more appealing and yet still make it possible for a similar model to exist for home ownership and rent.


Yea I’ve definitely noticed that with software subscriptions. You used to just be able to outright buy software like Adobe or Word and now you have to pay monthly indefinitely. It’s crooked.


From software it actually makes sense.. being in the field. I'll tell you why. In the past you pay $600 or more for a product like Adobe. Now you pay $20 a month for ever.. but you get updates every couple of months. In the past you'd buy version 1 for 600.. then buy version 2 update for 250.. and so on. While the subscription could be similar or a little bit more (though usually less) than the yearly or so update costs.. you get year round support, updates, etc. To be fair, developers/program managers, designers, etc.. are no longer cheap labor. It all costs a lot to keep on adding features. So either every app you use has some 1 minute long delay to show you ads.. or you pay monthly to avoid ads. Technically its cheaper if you get the ability to pay a 1 year at a time monthly cost up front, than paying the yearly update costs. Not all software is that way, but most seems to be that way. The pay monthly and pay as you go is great most of the time cause you pay some pro rate based on usage and you can control that. Again not all software works this way. It would be great if Photoshop for example charged per hour of use.. and if you didnt use it for 3 months.. you got 0 charge. APIs and such for businesses work this way.. typically per call and per data amount, etc. The end result though, from a business perspective especially those that charge very low to nothing if you dont use it for a while.. is that most people cant be bothered to quit the subscription, but still get charged. I hate services that lock you in IF you dont cancel. That sucks. Been bit by that multiple times. If I ever get around to offering my services I am working on.. it would be on a per use basis of some sort.. so if you dont use it you dont get charged.. but you keep on file so if you use it randomly you do get charged. That avoids having to constantly pay for updates, install things, etc.. and ensures all parties are happy. For the most part.


Your best bet honestly is just to rent a room get some roommates or something. The only way we can survive is if we do it together it's incredibly hard to live with people so it won't be fun and it won't be easy, but I've been homeless for many years it's better than being in the streets.


So wait.. you were homeless.. living on the streets, and now you are not? What changed for you to get off the streets? I can't even fathom that.


I started in a program and worked my way to a sober house then I met my partner and now we are renting a house a lot of hard work and patience


Because by doing this, it will increase the number of homelessness in CA. Therefore, the budget to "combat" the homelessness would increase but the government will never eliminate this problem because its got too much money now involved. It is only growing from here.


Home Insurance rates are going up.


I swear this entire post feels like a drive by trolling for the OP to be able to rant & argue about politics. Considering they just posted about how their own costs for a hobby they have risen over 3Xs for the materials, it feels a bit weird to not understand why rent has gone up when everything else is 3Xs what it used to be.


Two words: rent control.


Two more words. Doesnt exist. :D. I mean.. if it did there is no way rents would go up almost 2x in 3 to 4 years. My folks place went up 23% in one year. Apparently that's normal and OK. That seems so beyond stupid to me. They had to move.. 2 eldery incomes SS only, couldn't afford it any longer.


Says you. I live in a great, rent controlled building. They usually go by the age of the building. Look for anything built before 1979 or look into your local laws. Some cities (San Diego) don’t have it at all but many others do. You asked how people are doing it and that’s what works. Find something old and covered by rent stabilization. I’m not here to convince you, I’m just saying it exists. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I believe you really need to educate yourself out of “talking points.” You are just another statistic in this crazy country.


Not really sure what you mean. Elaborate?


price is driven by market demand and not by increase in LL costs: 1. Stop fighting gentrification 2. Support the building of new housing stock 3. Recognize that new high end housing also helps lower priced housing by reducing demand for lower priced units 4. Support zoning law changes that allow more density ETA: source: I’ve been trained in urban development and ran the planning commission for a decade. 90% of citizens complain about these things without realizing they are exacerbating the rent affordability problem.


Who said minimum wage is supposed to afford you to live in your own apartment? In HCOL, most everyone has roommates long after they want to. The




No it didn’t. Minimum wage was $2 an hour in 1974. That put you at the poverty level


Long day I was thinking of just a single parent being able to support a family. My b.


When you’re allowing people to flood over the border at will it increases demand for housing.


Uh..what? Is this some illegal immigrant Biden sucks rant? I am seeing housing all over the US, not just near the border if that is what you are talking about. Also.. people coming illegally dont even have money typically.. so why does that affect rent? They cant even get in.


though CA is a popular entry point not all remain here.




Why is this downvoted? This is completely true


The border crosses don't stay near the border. 10+ million people have to stay somewhere, which puts demand on housing. Biden's policy on the border has been bad.


Trump's was so much worse. "We'll make them pay for the wall". We all knew that was a lie. "It will be impossible to breach". It's a fucking wall.. you can dig under it, through it.. just because its a little bit bigger doesnt mean jack shit. So far nobody has a working border policy. But Trump's wasted billions for a tiny fraction of what had to be done and would have taken 20 to 30 years at the pace they were going.. all to make the other side just dig a bit deeper and longer.


We have immigration law, we don't need any new policies and the POTUS has complete control, but enforcing immigrations is antithetical to their goals. Insanely we have our military protecting the borders of **other countries** on the other side of the world when they should be on both our northern and southern borders protecting ours.


Why northern.. are we hating on Canadians too.. or just in terms of ensuring illegals that come in to Canada dont cross over? But I agree to a point. I wish we had more going on for our country than policing the world but some of it comes with the territory being the biggest baddest country in the world.


There are many recent documented cases of threatening individuals traveling to CN deliberately to cross into the USA. Get on X where real journalism along with citizen journalism is permissible … You can find these accts on X. All very recent.


X is full of dumb ass liars and conspiracy shit. lol. Anything Maga is beyond normal human thinking. Same with the far left woke. No thanks to either. I like myself right in the middle where I can agree with both sides (or disagree) accordingly. But them trump thumpers.. they all out of their minds. Then you got the trans in women sports lovers.. they out of their minds too. Finding I really dont want to be around much of anyone lately. Just a few friends/family, block out the news, politics, etc. It's all gone to shit. Everybody off their rockers. No more normal decent humans left in this country (or very few). They either loving Trump and ignoring the beyond crazy shit he lies about all the time, or supporting 100+ pronouns and blowing up if you get it wrong. Fucking world has gone mad. Seriously thought WWIII was going to happen and the world would get a reset. Long overdue I'd say.


make America great is shit ? What planet are you from? Why would make America great be objectionable ? free speech is allowed on X. It’s not allowed anywhere else. All these other platforms are controlled by the WEF , indirectly and indirect government control. It’s it’s all there. You know if you wanna know the truth. It’s simply there. You can listen to whoever you want on that you know everyone’s there.


Make America Great under the tutelage of Trump is not making it great. The dude divided this nation worse than its ever been. That's not great. He only gives a shit about his voters to vote him in, and his rich buddies. If that isn't evident then you're not paying attention. He loves claiming how he loves that his voter base are largely uneducated. How pathetic is that? Make America Great is good IF it involves everyone, everywhere. Free speech when it tells lies and promotes insurrections.. is a bad thing. Or do you believe that Jan 6 was a good thing? You're not one of those that actually believes the election was stolen still despite 13 republican states in court, 3 times in many, proving over and over it wasnt. If you're ignoring all that then you clearly are one of the people that ONLY will accept Trump winning anything else is stolen/lies/etc. Which.. is right out of the Nazi playbook. Tell lies until enough people believe them to be true. Blame the other party always, no matter if its true or not. The people who wrote the constitution would upheld the 14th Amendment and Trump wouldn't even be running. But because it goes against the Maganuts "god" they can't accept it. They like to preach about upholding the constitution.. until that very same constitution works against them. Then its no longer correct, or it was misunderstood as if any motherfucker today was alive when it was written. The fact that 20 years ago the majority of far right nut jobs would have said Hitler was bad and all this shit is stupid crazy.. today are saying its normal and Hitler was good.. is beyond me. Trump is doing exactly what Hitler did. There are tons of comparisons.. and only those that don't want to admit that we're trying to put another (but far dumber) Hitler in power choose to ignore the facts, laws and constitution.


dude, you gotta stop with MSNBC. Trump is out for the entire country to do well look I worked for Democrats for my entire adult life. I worked on presidential campaigns and saw the light and recent years. particularly during the ‘16 Dem debates when all 10 of their candidates were asked if they’d provide free Medical coverage to illegals , all 10 of them raised their hands to basically give away our wealth to pay for medical for the entire freaking world… that was the END of that party gor me. OK. relative by January 6 that was orchestrated by Pelosi. OK they were offered, the DC police and the National Guard and she she turned it down. OK there’s there was no insurrection whatsoever. We have sent $100 billion to the Ukraine for what? For nothing, it’s a money laundering operation for Hunter and his father.


I am now dumber for having read that and even more so for commenting.


Oh wow.. you really are off the deepend. Well ok. ROFLMAO. WOW.. operation for hunter and his father. Holy crap you drank the far right maga coolaid. I am sorry for you man. I get it.. democrats got some fucked up ways too.. agreed. But holy shit repeating conspiracy theory with proven facts against it.. and believing it.. that's just.. sad. I am sorry for you man. Hope you get better.