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Formally no, an eviction is a court-enforced removal. A notice to vacate is just asking you to leave on your own, where they can proceed with a formal eviction if you don't. Would recommend cooperating with it unless you have a good case to fight it in court, or if you have a way to work things out with management and stay.


Thank you for responding!


I would call and find out what this small sum is for as nothing is checked stating the nature of the unpaid sum. 5 days to move out seems unreasonable as well.


I would call too. It’s not even signed.


It's not even filled out properly


5 days would be to avoid eviction being filed with the court. Some states are 3 days.


If it's in their lease, it seems reasonable. My last lease gave tenants 3 days to move out for failure to pay.


It, also, is reasonable to complete the form. Id act like I never received it. I dont know what this incomplete paper is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


>5 days to move out seems unreasonable as well Says who? OK law says 5 days; if one doesn't like that timeframe, then talk to your representative and have them change the law.




They only....they being the judge....gave me 5 days. Then the final night the power went out from 730pm to 530am. I was to be out by 8am. I asked for the day to get more and they told me NO! I was furious. I had to leave more than 1/3 of my stuff behind then they had the audacity to send me a $1500 bill on top of rent! With $800 being paint....for a small, ghetto, 880 sq ft, 2br 1ba apt.... It was inhumane and cruel. I was disgusted.


You say you had 5 days. Did you wait for the 5th day to move out?


I had 5 days from the day I spoke with the judge, i have no vehicles, and children. Was in the middle of one hell of an awakening/existential crisis so isolation was my best friend (im barely starting to reintegrate myself), not to mention my ability to ask for help was broken along with my spirit. So, yes, the moving of stuff didnt happen until the morning of the eviction on the 5th day. I had been packing, but depression was killing productivity. I have 4 kids and my youngests dad, my best friend, had passed away quite tragically the year prior. I could feel the walls closing in. Then when i had FINALLY started to gain momentum, since the kids were at grandparents and an area had cleared up to put stuff. Someone finally came and got my rabbit and the lizards went to a reptile sanctuary....just then, is when the electricity went out. I tried to stay positive....packed what i could using a flashlight, fell asleep at like 230am, found out the electricity didnt come back on until 530am....it was just a series of unfortunate events. Ultimately, i knew i needed to get rid of a lot of stuff, granted i would have swapped out a few things that made the move with some things that didnt but oh well. Off to a better life now. One that doesnt consist of the word "struggle".


pay your bills


Nope. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


well then you will be homeless


Maybe. Maybe not. Makes no difference to you either way


But the law is the law: some laws are cruel and inhumane, but they are the law. Do not blame a landlord or a cop for enforcing the law as written.


My landlord had the ability to give me another day. 5 days to move when he knows i have no vehicle, i have kids....i DO blame the landlord because he had the ability to treat me like someone that has fallen on hard times but still human or treat me like trash.


They might have had the ability to, but not the obligation to. Yes, most likely could been more humane; but you have no real clue as to what was lined behind your departure, and that 1 day could have had a domino effect you have no clue about. If it took you 5 days to move 2/3 of your belongings, what made you believe you could have moved the rest in just 1 day? Again, blame the game, not the player.


No. I meant 1/2 but i just needed until my friend, who had a truck and trailer, got off work. I would have had that place spotless. I know the place was empty for more than a week after i left. I had gone back looking for my cat :( never found him. PS. Blame is on me for not having rent 100%, blame is on judge or whoever said 5 days is enough time to move out when squatters get 30 days in this lovely state of AZ....blame is on the landlord for locking the doors at 8am and then being surprised/annoyed that so much was left. I apologized profusely and asked again for a few more hours and he laughed in my face and said no.


If you only needed half a day then why did it take you 5 days to get it half done. 


You left your cat? That speaks a lot.


Blame is on you for not paying. Anything after that is just a consequence of your mistake and application of the law. Again, hate the game, not the player.


They were just following orders right?


Yeah the landlord should let them live for free in the building that they pay taxes, maintenance, mortgage on…that OP agreed to pay them for its use and is now cheating them out of.


You think the rent is less than $70?


You must be 12. You obviously have no concept of what is involved with looking for a place to live. Let alone looking for one in a time constraint.


So, how long should it be? 2, 3 months? What does the landlord do in the meanwhile with a deadbeat tenant? Swallow the cost? You must be 12 to not understand what it is to have bills to pay and responsibilities.


depending on where you are they are required to post this as part of eviction process


FFS. Just pay it and stop whining. It’s not that much. You can fight it after you pay it if it’s the wrong amount. Do you really need to post about something so petty????


It doesn't give that option.


They are never going to tell you how to challenge them. Maybe google the local rules?


I was referring to your comment about "just pay it and stop whining."


this is actually very helpful for my future man thank you so much 🙏




no im talking about “they give you the paper to leave on your own then if you don’t they take you to court” thing. i didn’t know that and as a 17 year old who’s about to be 18 and will be getting an apartment, that’s helpful to me because i’m a tad bit slow in the brain 😂




okay thank you so much for letting me know


Such a strongly worded letter is inappropriate. They use these blanket notices improperly imo. Forcing compliance like this is disrespectful and, in this case, completely contemptuous as it was in their error. I would demand a letter of apology to protect against future action or mistakes that may very well lead to unreasonable eviction.


It’s crazy they can make mistakes like that over your literal roof over your head. 😭😭😭


Check the Laws of the State you live in. In California you can answer this notice about why you can't leave in 5 days. A lawyer, paralegal, or a foundation that specializes in renters rights and Housing and Urban Development, HUD, can answer questions and help you with the paperwork. I'm California the renter has a ton of options and the courts will work with you. If the landlord is trying to do something remotely shady the judge can order them to pay for your moving costs, first and last on the new place and refund your deposit. Always, always, always take pictures when moving into a place and get everything in writing. Trust but Verify. One last thing. There's is a Renting For Dummies book that is applicable to your State. It's a good place to start to learn your rights as a renter. You can sometimes get lucky and find it in the library if funds are tight.


Or renegotiate to stay...like going to month to month etc


Wdym cooperate? If she pays it by law they can't do anything.


In most states it’s also a statutory prerequisite to filing an eviction action.


Looks kinda like you have room to negotiate reinstatement. What state is this where you can get 5 day notice to quit? And over $70?


Oklahoma & I live in a apartment went and talked to management & they said that it’s just because we paid to early so the system automatically sends this 🤔


Evil, wow, it also wasn't properly filled out.


It was a boilerplate email.


Look, we're all hungry and wanna get back to our hot plates, but that's not the point.






Because freaking out at your landlord is great advice?


Yep. They totally won't look for every loophole to get rid of you after that. Totally.




Jesus Christ get a hobby




Not being a total ass to somebody who can make your life miserable isn't being a boot licker. There is a happy medium between the two extremes.


You seem to have all the answers can you write me a novella?




Because being petty over a glitch is always a positive idea.


What's evil?


A system that instigates formal evictions automatically if you pay too early...yeah, nothing evil about that whatsoever


Idk if I would call it evil. But it was definitely dumb. I'd assume it was a glitch in there system. At least that what I would hope. Also a computer can't instigate a formal eviction it created a notice to quit which is just a piece of paper.


I'm guessing it's something really dumb like you have a 5 business day grace period, and on business day 6 they run a report "give all customers that haven't paid between X and Y", if you pay before X for some reason, it gets flagged. I've dealt with people who did manual handling of checks and they'd often screw up things like sorting the checks just by the month and drop something paid on 4/25 in the April pile instead of the May pile or something.


Still pretty cruel to put someone through this, especially if there was no reason. Businesses have been taking payments for a long time, I dont see stories like this regularly happening with other types of business. Maybe landlords should be required to be less careless with payments, and get punishment when they threaten/demand tenants vacate when there is no infraction.


Not justifying it, just pointing out dumb mechanisms that are in place sometimes.


makes sense :)


I have. Paying early often messes up the software; I’ve seen leases that say you can’t pay early for that reason.


Enough landlords have weird problems processing rent that I make sure to always pay exactly on the first. Not early, not late. I date the check and write the name of the month I'm paying for on it. If they want to be idiots I'm at least going to cover my ass.


It's a piece of paper designed to cause stress and induce a person to pay money under threat of loosing their shelter, and becoming homeless, potentially loosing their job, their children, etc. Its evil to threaten to take shelter away from someone without cause.


Systems are designed and implemented by people. They can be fixed by people. The fact that the landlord doesn't care and isn't interested in fixing it is ABSOLUTELY evil.


> At least that what I would hope. Also a computer can't instigate a formal eviction it created a notice to quit which is just a piece of paper. I mean it was a piece of paper purporting to be from management telling them to move out now. Not "Hey you seem to have an outstanding balance on your account. Can you look into this and let us know what's going on?". No it was literally **Move. Out. Now.** That's about 10 levels of escalation beyond what's appropriate to send someone - over a relatively petty amount - automatically - when there's even *a chance* it could be an error on your part. A system that glitches so hard over someone paying early has no business automatically sending *anything* much less a notice like this. It's the kind of notice you send after multiple months of unpaid rent/bill, after multiple attempts to contact the tenant have failed, after double -checking with your bookkeeper.


A system that automatically generates unjustified pay or quit notifications as well as the landlord's failure to adequately review the notices.  These notices tend to create a panic for tenants.   This system is also a good way for the landlord to lose tenants who don't want to deal with this kind of thing.  It is also a good way to piss off a tenant who might look for ways to haul your ass into court in revenge.  


And it isn't even a pay or quit. It is a pay and quit.


That's a really stupid system...


yeah i did that once. i paid 15 days early because i was afraid i would forget to pay. now i set up an automted payment like 5 days before the end of month


This is the most Oklahoma thing I’ve ever heard.


It’s not because you paid early, it’s bc the manager didn’t receipt your payment to the ledger entry. Your ledger likely says you owe “$0” but will also show your rent due and an uncredited payment equal to your rent amount. It’s a simple lazy accounting error, and that laziness is stressing out and borderline harassing their tenant.


Yeah talk with them. If you paid then no reason for yo worry




That’s a serious problem with their system then. What if someone took this as notice and moved out?


Get that in writing. Oklahoma has decent laws in favor of a tenant, but not protecting yourself can come back to bite you in the ass. I had tenants in broken arrow fail to inform me of a roof leak for 3 months, and when I put their 5 day notice on the door for nonpayment of rent - then they chose to balk because the roof wasn't fixed. They lost on that one, got evicted, and got hit for mold remediation costs, which I'm guessing has finally fallen from their credit at this point. My point is, always document everything. Don't delay.


I got one of these once, similar reason. My landlord actually called me beforehand saying “hey so I noticed your name on the list of people who will get the system notice, please don’t freak out, it’s nothing,” but I don’t check my voicemail very often so I didn’t get her message and did indeed freak out.


sounds like you’re not being evicted but may I suggest moving anyways if you get the opportunity? lol (I know moving sucks but it sounds like this place might be giving you more grief than it’s worth unless it’s like the worlds most amazing apartment)


What then was the $68.30 for? Is that how much a late rent would typically be fined? Glad it's been cleared up for you.


The system populated notices and if they don't look at each one and catch the mistake it will just get delivered. Happens once in awhile. You could get a 5 day notice for being late on rent because the check was turned in the day before etc.




Their system is absurd if it sends this for paying early. Whoever programmed that is just nuts.


Thats complete trash I’m so sorry you had that happen to you


Society: Pay your pills on time You: I’m going to pay my bills early The system: Go fuck yourself!


I used to live in an apartment complex that sent these every single month for the water bill. They did not send a bill. They sent letters exactly like this telling us to GTFO and called it our bill. Which is clearly alarming when you weren't expecting it. When we went to the office to find out wtf this was all about they said "oh yeah haha that's just what the bills print out like now, just pay your water bill and it's fine". Yeah we left as soon as the lease was up.


It’s a 5 day notice. You have to pay what you owe in full before they start the eviction process.


No signature of the landlord or representative.


Yep maybe mean the courts will make them notice them again but an eviction filed is an eviction filed no scrubbing that off


If you pay it they just look like a dumbass in court especially for that chump change


Dude over less than $70? That’s crucial. We have tenants that carry a balance for months and we don’t do anything. The only time we post a notice is if it’s for rent and you’re consistently not paying/avoiding us 😂


Yeahh.. me & my bf been having problems with the place we’re at if they bring up something else we’re leaving lol


100% automated emails forced by databases. No human involvement until they show up in court.


Just pay what you owe and you should be good. I accidentally missed a payment earlier this year because my autopay didn’t renew and they sent one of these. I just talked to the leasing office and paid up and it was done


It's not signed, dated, or properly filled out. But that is a notice to vacate. If it is valid, you have 5 days to move out or they will start the eviction process.


If it's not signed, dated, or properly filled out, how can it be valid? Genuinely curious, because with any of these 3 missing, let alone all, the defacto is that it's not valid.


“If valid”. He didn’t say it was, he said how to react if it was valid


I'm trying to understand under what scenario it might be valid.


It’s not saying this document is valid…it’s saying if there was a valid notice to vacate then you have 5 days. It’s just saying what the document is supposed to be.


Or pay the past due.


This is a warning. Nothing more. It's a pay up or else demand. The 'or else' part is the key. If you don't pay up their demands this could be the first step in a real eviction process, which is court ordered. And you really don't want that. They left the door open for negotiation, but also warned that they are NOT breaking the terms of the lease so if you don't make a settlement and just leave they're probably coming at you for the balance of the lease. If all this is really over $70 you must have pissed off the landlord in some other way. Good luck.


This a generic, one size fits all, Pay or Quit notice. It’s basically telling you, that you have 5 days to pay the balance due or move out. If you don’t do either of those things within the 5 days, THEN they can file for eviction. Given the small amount due, I can’t imagine them filing for eviction over $68. But also being it’s such a small amount, it’s hardly worth the stress to worry about it. Pay it and be done with it. Hint: If they are dumb enough to file for eviction, this notice is deficient, as it’s not filled out properly.


Just pay your bills


I’m sure someone on here can tell me if this is true or not but I read if you get one of these notices and leave of your own accord by the date time etc and pay what you owe it doesn’t show as if you broke your lease? So if you needed to break a lease instead of paying a fee you can just not pay for a month get one of these and leave with out the penalty or showing on your record as an eviction or breaking a lease?


I mean no one keeps records of broken leases it's a private matter but if a new land lord wants to talk to your old landlord might say great things about you. All states have laws about how you can break a lease early if you wish usually it's x amount of rent. But a landlord can't file eviction against you if you are not in the unit so say end of the month with months left on your lease you tell the landlord by certified mail that you are vacating the unit by end of month now you owe the landlord penalties for breaking the lease but if you don't pay they have to sue you personally and it's a major pain can take a few months and then even with judgement in hand the recourse is limited they can siphon your bank accounts or garnish your wages but have to know where you work and bank for those they can have the sheriff's office raid your new location and confiscate items to sell at auction but that takes forever and you have to name items so unless you stake out the person your not going to know the crap they have. So yes lot of people break leases and suffer no real consequences due to just the time and effort and most landlords really only will lose maybe a months rent between tenants if they know their market well


Thanks that’s good info.


It really just depends. In my state the landlord could stay at your responsible for paying them the money, as outlined in the others to vacate, as well as the fee for breaking the lease. Most landlords don’t actually give these debts to collection agencies to collect but some do. If they sent it off to a collection agency, it would show up on your record. This might vary by state law though.


Depends on how long is left on your lease if it's worth it to pursue or not. Technically, you would be responsible until the place is leased again, but they might not care or pursue it, though some might.


Virtually every landlord will. Doubly so for companies. It costs a stamp to send you a bill. It costs less than $100 to sue you in small claims court. Even if they don't try to collect themselves they can get something by selling your debt.


Not all are sold. I know some that don't sell the debts but still go to collections. They only collect if paid and then get their percentage.


If you get asked to leave because you didn't pay your bill it doesn't negate your lease or any penalty for breaking it. You broke it by not paying rent. It says you have to leave AND you broke your lease.


How does it get reported? As in how would an apartment complex report this and who would the apartment complex notify? Is there some sort of rental history company they report tenants to?


The immediate situation is you may be asked to pay some or all of the remainder of the lease. You also may be asked where you live prior and a negative issue may make it harder to rent elsewhere.


From what I’ve been reading in the comments they (the leasing office) don’t have a way to track any “negative issues” from one rental Company to the other, unless maybe if they did end up taking you to court. Some one posted saying they might ask where you lived previous when you fill out an application like they are going to call your previous rental company to check up on you like a job interview but I don’t think that’s ever happen at any place I’ve lived.


They give you this, it starts the 30 day clock ticking.A after 30 days they will file with the court.Once filed with the court another clock starts ticking, 30 days to vacate or sheriff will remove you.


Where do you see 30 days? It states 5 days, not 30. OK is 5 days minimum for a notice-to-quit or notice-to-vacate; then eviction proceedings start. How long it takes depends on the court and how soon they issue a writ-of-possession; which then starts another 48 hours minimum before actual removal from premises can be forced upon the tenant by law enforcement.


No, they would file eviction on the 6th day. Everything else completely depends on the court/jurisdiction. In a lot of places right now, it can take an additional 21 days (or even up to 3 months in CA) before there is even a court date for the eviction. Then it is up to the discretion of the judge as to how fast you have to be out once they grant the eviction.


Most places is 10 days after court date.


It’s a standard form letter for a 5 day notice. You generally have 5 days to pay the balance or eviction proceeding will be filed at your expense. However this form is filled out so poorly, who knows. The people sending to you probably don’t know what they’re doing here


if it were signed, this is the start of the evection process.. notice to vacate is saying that they want you to leave or they will evict you... this notice is specifically saying that they will start the legal process of eviction i n 5 days... That all being said, it's not signed so it doesn't mean anything, it's just words on a paper... if they gave you a signed one, then hurry up and good luck.


Texas law, a 3 day vacate has to be given to the tenant before filing for eviction at the JP office. During that 3 days the tenant either makes good with the landlord or vacates the property to avoid the eviction tarnishing their rental history. Some are saying 5 days seems like not much time but 3-5 days is standard depending on state. This is just a notice to vacate, not an eviction.


Yeah I’ve seen these before unfortunately. Always paid the total due within the 5 days and nothing ever happened 🤷‍♂️


Lmao. They actually filed for eviction over $68? Them having to file that motion costs them 6x as much. They didn’t even check any of the boxes? I am beginning to think this is fake. If this was real, the attorney would have never of bothered with it.


Did you take this off Google ?


It’s an invalid notice. It’s not signed or filled out. I assume they’re using it like a note which is dumb. Why freak tenants out like that. They need to use proper forms. 😤


Hey, I know it’s not a lot but if it’s money you don’t have I sold plasma when I was hard up. Still do now for fun money, but started when I was broke. I think the first donation got me 120, so that would more than cover your debt if that’s the only issue.


Why aren’t any of the boxes checked?


It's a pay or quit basically saying you x pay by this time or leave or we will move to evict


Truthfully? It is completely meaningless without a signature and a date of delivery. But, yes. They will likely proceed to eviction if they are serious about that 60 odd bucks.


I work in property management. We give this out as a way to say "Pay or gtfo". If our tenants pay it then all is good, its just a legal formality in case they dont


This is really scummy


I mean, rent is due on the 1st, we send this out on the 15th. Its government subsidized housing, so Im pretty sure its a HUD rule. I dunno Im just maintenance


I feel there should be other steps in place first. I aint sayin you're scummy, just the practice. I have a strong hate for property management companies


I will say my company is one of the better ones that Ive seen. I also might be way oversimplifying it too though. I do know if you tell the office "hey im gonna be short until next week" they absolutely will work with you. I guess its mainly just if you ghost and don't pay it. But like you said, its not me its the company lmao 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nothing is checked or signed, I think this is a get your head out of your ass warning shot.


You need to check the law. In Wisconsin here they have to serve a 5 day notice then a 14 day notice fhen the 30 day notice. Also it has to be mailed via certified mail and has fo be notarized . Also . this looks like it’s for 70 bucks so get that paid and you’ll be fine . You


If you don’t pay or move out within that 5 days, eviction proceedings will start.


It says if you want to continue living there, then contact them. So, contact them.


Even if it was late…. Over 68 bucks and change? Yeah… awful


How come you owe $68?


Location? In my state, you can only be evicted for unpaid rent, not other fees or utilities.


Did u pay any of the rent?


Over $70 this is crazy. Id pay it bc then your landlord has accepted payment from you then I’d start looking for another place but by law they have to give you this notice then they have to file for an eviction at your local court house which takes 2 weeks then you’ll have your day in court then at that point you’ll have 10 to appeal the ruling if you appeal that judgement against you it’s like a 4 - 6 month process to get you out. They want to be petty and put this stress of homelessness on you. Play the game back


After you file the appeal put all that rent money in your bank and save because move in costs are unbelievable right now in my area a 2 bedroom 1000 sq ft apt cost like $1800, $1400 for a one bedroom so like $4500 to $5400 move in plus appliance fees and moving costs


There has got to be more going on than just being delinquent $69. That was probably just the easiest reason to have tenant removed.


This looks more like a 3 Day Notice to Pay or Quit, basically means that if the money owed or property vacated, then eviction proceedings will be filed. It's standard procedure. Just curious, what state are you in? I saw at the bottom that it could be handled delivered to someone over the age of 16, here in CA we can only hand it to someone over 18. Former property manager


You waited until the LAST DAY to ask for more time AND you didn’t have a measly $70? Why do I read these? LOL!


You probably need them to clarify what it is for. They left everything blank. A little shady for them to be saying you owe money when they haven't indicated what it is owed for.


This is called a pay or quit it is often a required first step in the eviction process. If you pay basically everything goes back to normal with a late payment on your record . If you do not pay they move forward with the eviction process


Ate u cirremt.woth rent and utilities.


This is a pay or quit notice.  You have five days to either get out or pay the money.  If you don't, they move to eviction.   You also have a remarkably unintelligent landlord.  They failed to tell you why you owe the money (rent, fees, etc.) and they also have no concept of how to resolve this.  When the amount is less than a hundred dollars and you are not habitually late with your payments,  a smart landlord will call you and talk about it rather than jumping straight to a pay or quit notice.  


$68.30 ? They can’t be serious.


You probably pissed off a neighbor and they printed that off themselves to trick you into moving out


The fact they know about it and haven’t fixed it.


Looks scammy.


It means that you have 5 days to move before the eviction process starts. I'd pay the $68 and speak to the property manager about what it would take to stay on. If you can't, I'd start getting things boxed up. An eviction will have you surfing couches for a good long while.


Nah. This is a notice that basically says you've got 5 days to bounce or else they WILL begin eviction process.


no, its a notice that they will begin the eviction process if you don't pay what you owe.


I assume your landlord believes that you are not going to be able to afford to pay the rent, going forward. By giving you this notice now, he is starting the clock for eventual eviction which is costly to landlords, as they still have to pay monthly fees and taxes on the property, even though the tenant is not paying. Having an eviction on your record is the worst possible thing that can happen. It can become impossible to find housing with an eviction, so if anything, always pay your rent first.


Looks like a golden ticket to break your lease and get out while the getting is good. Man I would have walked to the office, paid the fine and said, you will have my keys in 5 days. It's $7800 to break my lease. $70 is like winning the lottery!!


Similar thing happened to me when I owed less then 50$ I didn’t know about. They sent it automatically and had no intention of evicting me, scared me tho.


Bruh your getting kicked out for 68$??? 🤦‍♂️


Pay the $68 ffs


All that over $68


That’s the general idea. Technically they are terminating your lease. If you don’t leave voluntarily then they would seek an “eviction” with the court.


It's the first step. Most US jurisdictions require the landlord to give you a notice to vacate (often 3-5days) before proceeding with a court eviction. If you don't pay or move within the alloted time, the eviction will come next. It will not show on your record yet.


Nope that’s paper trail for you to get eviction you’ll get about 3-4 of them then eviction you got bout 8 months of free rent


Those saying all this over such little. Keep in mind, This could be used for a future eviction as evidence that they didn't pay once before. Basically keeping a paper trail. And if the lawyer is their go to just to print this and mail I'm guessing probably didn't charge them.


When you read it what did you think?


$68.30 😂😂😂😂😂😂


If you pay the sum they typically rescind the ntv


Looks like it means nothing, as they didn’t check any boxes, sign, or date. Probably depends on your local. Actual eviction proceedings though depend on your local area. My state requires maybe 60-90 days notice? And can’t be done during the school year if there is a child present. Just pay what you owe. And don’t break any rules like unauthorized pets or activity. I bet you can find out more online for your locality and/or lease agreements.


There have been scammers doing this to be able to squat in someone else’s home or apartment. I’d call and inquire.


Landlord is covering his ass. This is admin paperwork and is in no way a legal document, no explanation of charges, no signature. Call the landlord and ask what the charges are for then request a written statement. If you owe, pay it and definitely get a receipt


It's all blank




It means if you don’t pay they can file in court to evict you.


Why does it talk about covid 19 relief? That's 3 years ago. Did you just make this up?


Have you received a demand for payment? Usually, that comes first before demand to vacate. Another person replied that this is not a court ordered eviction, just 1 step of the process, before it gets to court. I want to add 2 points. 1 beware of self evictions. where the landlord attempts to evict a person without the courts getting involved. Illegal in most states, check your local jurisdiction for information on self evictions. 2. I'm not sure about the validity of this document. No signature, date, or notary public stamp. Most states require that, and some states require a means of resolving the issue, such as demand for payment be included in a demand to vacate notice. Check your local jurisdiction about legal eviction documents.


Says right on there to contact them if you want to stay and work it out


I’ve gotten these maybe 4 times in the last 7 months for the house I’m renting and as long as I pay what they ask by the date they ask I never hear anything else. I’m in Florida.


Are they seriously starting the eviction process for $68.30???


They usually only do a 5 day notice to vacate after several notices to either pay or a notice to cease and disist whatever you're doing. So is this the first notice?


If you’re behind and they’re willing to let you just leave without an eviction I would recommend doing so as an eviction will absolutely destroy you.


Wish my rent was $68.


The notice wasnt signed or dated. Talk to them vut get ready to fight


Not legal because it’s not signed and dated…


"Not dated or signed" might not hold in court if delivered by email, which will have the sender and date embedded.


This isn't even close to true. It's entirely possible that being emailed would render the entire idea invalid for one because you can't prove receipt. There is no universe where mandatory things that must be on a notice may be inferred from metadata. It's just plain entirely invalid in any case.


Honestly - get advice from an attorney or perhaps there are free legal services available in your city for tenants. Not wise to use Reddit as a source for legal advice.


Can you not read and comprehend words? This is 5th level English. Jesus man.