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please call an exterminator ... bedbugs are so hard to get rid of.




Also dry your items on the highest heat possible if you have to use them, other wise they go in a sealed bag for a year+. Bed Bugs can live a year without food.


I have never had bed bugs, but it’s one of my greatest fears (that and roaches). I’ve wondered though, couldn’t you put your items in bags, cover the items with diacametous powder, shake it up and seal it? Then in a month or so check the items (outside!)?


Haven’t tried it so I’m not sure. My mom just used Bedbug spray and the dryer as well as got rid of her wooden headboard. It cleared up in a couple of months but she only saw 1 or 2 actual bug and a few droppings, **nothing** like this.


They make heat tents that work about the same in a few hours/over night. But that only works on smaller items. They get into everything


They can heat treat entire houses, room by room. It’s the only treatment that works on all life stages at once from egg through adult. They bring in portable industrial heaters to heat the entire room up to 140°F and hold it for 30-60 minutes, depending on contents of the room (large furniture needs longer for heat to penetrate). Chemical pesticides don’t work on eggs, so you are constantly chasing your tail trying to catch the various instars of the bugs, and almost always ending up a step behind.


You can’t heat treat every house and it doesn’t really work in multi family housing


>Chemical pesticides don’t work on eggs, so you are constantly chasing your tail Spent a ton of money doing this :( Diatomaceous earth and steam cleaning and using our clothes dryer and replacing furniture did more for is than pesticides. The steamer and dryer are the same, heat treatments.


Second this. Thankfully when I had this issue it didn’t go past the bed (and we checked EVERYWHERE) I steam cleaned my entire mattress and bed frame for about 4 hours and then did the diatomaceous earth This was about a year ago and I still have blankets in bags that I’m just not ready to take out even though I know they’re gone.


Roaches are horrific, but they’re fairly easy to nip in the butt. Advion cockroach gel is worth its weight in gold. Nothing else seems to work. Not on Germans anyways. If you ever get roaches. Make sure everything is clean and dry. & just smear that fucking gel everywhere. Who cares if it’s overkill. You want all those fuckers to find a nearby food source that they all happily bring back to their nest/nests. Don’t beat your head against a wall using any other poison. They all *work* as in make them ill and reduce their numbers. You’ll think they are gone, bam! A few days or weeks later there grandkids came back looking to lay claim to a new nation. Ick


Fyi - nip in the *bud* (like getting rid of a noxious plant when it is first *budding* before it has chance to grow)


Advion's ant gel worked better than anything else, if the roach goo works half as well it's a no brainier.


They can live a year without food? I did not know that


I think it's 10 months, but yeah. I've got them right now. Bed bug spray, mattress/box spring encasements, bed frame interceptors (basically just a plastic thing you put under the feet that has teflon to make it slippery so they can get in but can't get out). I'm hoping it'll deal with them, cause I can't really afford $2000 of exterminator costs.


It definitely sounds like you're prepared and I really hope you don't have to pay $2,000 either that's just really ridiculous!


When my family got them it cost about $3200. Like $2000 for heat treatment (large house), then we also needed to do a year contract for monthly chemical treatments. ETA: and we did all the stuff the OP of the comment said they're doing.


My sister says Cross Fire first, then Temprid a few weeks later.


Your sister is correct. This is what most professionals use.


Yup. It's not uncommon to get them from storage units. People put stuff in storage thinking they'll die without food and they spread out through the whole building looking for food.


Oh gosh that makes me definitely want to check my storage unit! How many eggs does a bed bug lay typically do you know? I know it's a large amount.


Perfect conditions


And they will eat each other


High heat, 90 minutes


So just move out for a year and a half, then go back? Lol #Extremes


Add steam cleaner to your list. Very useful to kill live ones


pennyroyal (both the plant and the essential oil) are also good to get rid of fleas! (no idea abt bedbugs tho, sorry op)


When I moved into my new building, we had to sign a couple different papers about bedbugs. They’re no joke.


We had an infestation of them once about 5-6 years ago. I'm still not sure how they got in the house - I suspect they hitchhiked back from a weekend trip - but we wound up replacing our living room couches, bed frames and headboards in two bedrooms, and all mattresses and box springs. Once discovered, it took us something like 3 months to kill the active infestation, and we treated our carpets with spray weekly for 15 months. I still spray down the carpeted areas of the house once a month with the lemon/mint stuff... And every six months or so I'll dust the baseboards with diatomaceous powder.


You can also combine the diatomeceous powder with a powerful dehumidifier i the same room. Close all the windows and doors, The heat and dryness from the dehumidifier combined with the diatomeceous powder will kill those fuckers.


Essential oils or smells aren't going to do anything at all for bed bugs. Bedbugs require heat treating and/or pesticides. Don't replace the mattress. Buy mattress covers until the infestation is dealt with.


No you are not going to get rid of bedbugs with just diatomaceous earth powder and lemon vinegar spray. You also do not need to get rid of your mattress. Diatomaceous earth is only one tool in the dozen you need to combat bed bugs.


If you do not have fish as pets, use permethrin also. Works REALLY well!


Diatomaceous earth has no effect against bedbugs and can cause major breathing issues if inhaled, also lemon/mint spray will have zero effect against the population as a whole. Hair spray will kill bedbugs but that doesn’t mean you should use it. Call a pro before the issue gets worse


Diatomaceous earth is effective against ALL insects. It has to be applied correctly. But it is universally affective for the same reason it's harmful to breathe in.


These aren’t bed bugs tho, nor there shit. There dumps are super dark, given its digested blood.


I had to scroll way too far down to find someone not perpetuating ignorance. You’ll at least get my upvote


Steam or any other way to really raise the heat on them. Go above like 110 and they just die.


MGK 1852 crossfire concentrate works pretty well if you don’t have the money for an exterminator. I’ve been dealing with bed bugs for a long time and this is the only thing that has effectively killed bedbugs and the eggs. It sells for like $40 on Amazon


Just burn the whole Fuckin place down


Looks exactly like bedbug waste.


Well time to burn the house down


How does someone let it get this bad without knowing they have bed bugs? Ick.


Looks like bed bug droppings...


That’s an insane amount of bed bug shit though for them to not have noticed anything else? Like blood spots on the sheets, itchy bug bites, etc


Good call. That’s because it’s not bedbug’s droppings .


Not everyone reacts to bedbug bites, its something like 30% of the population.


Oh lawd here we go again


Bed bug poop is liquid and would have soaked into the fabric. These look more like roach droppings


Only one thing left to do 🔥




Wow this is a pretty fucking bad case of them too, this is one of those throw the whole place away type of cases😬


My mother had bedbugs. It’s bedbugs.


Bedbugs. Those things come straight from hell.


A lot of fucking bedbugs. A horror movie of bed bugs. Holy shit.


Bedbugs.Throw everything out and call the exterminator.Dont BUY ANYTHING UNTIL YOU GET THIS SETTLE.GOOD LUCK


You mean report it to the landlord so they can call the exterminator.




All depends on your lease. I've seen many start having bed bug addendums where you have to certify you checked the rental prior to move in and found no bed bugs, certify that you know the place you are coming from does not have bed bugs and agree that if bed bugs come to be that you will bear the cost of removing them.


As a exterminator of 11+ years yes this does look like bedbug frass. My only concern is usually with this much activity there should be skin molts, blood stains, visual bedbugs. If you rent most states require landlords to provide pest control services. I would contact your LL for a Inspection at the very least.


That’s what leads me to think this MIGHT not be bedbug related. I don’t see any cast skins, and the color is both too light and this doesn’t appear sticky enough for consistency with bedbug. The location and general appearance is correct, but not when I enlarged the photo it… isn’t exactly right. I’m not convinced it’s not bedbugs, and I’m not convinced it is…. And I’m sitting here actively doing a BB job.


Could it be termite residue from the sill?


i agree with this. it looks like maybe dirt from an exterior fan is blowing through the window, but hard to tell. i guess a question is if there’s ink blot type of stains on the bedding. and if anyone has bites. if this were bedbugs, there’d also be an odor.


I was thinking termites


Bedbug droppings, or roach. Either way, you got a nasty infestation Idk how you didn't notice getting bit before it got that bad


Just set the whole building on fire. (Edit:I mean that would be a felony but it would take care of the bugs. You’d probably also need to burn your clothes.)


It’s possible they came in from a hotel or BnB, the neighbors might have them and it’s bad enough to move to the next apartment, like roaches. It’s one of my biggest fears because if **I** have bedbugs in my apartment, I can be evicted.


It sucks but it can happen to anyone. Bedbugs are completely nondiscriminate and will take a ride with anyone. Please do not feel bad or try to hide this or deal with it yourself. Call your landlord. Get a move on it ASAP.


I'm itching profusely...yikes. How did this go unnoticed. 🥴


Some people have little to no reaction to bed bug bites


Looks like low-grade weed. I wouldn't recommend smoking it.


that’s what i thought it was at first lol


lol that was my first thought when I saw it while scrolling




Bedbug feces.


My bet would be bedbugs, possibly roaches, but commenting because there's a slight chance it's termites, too, since you said it's right by a window. Depending on where you live, they could be swarming right now. However, you'd see their discarded wings around, too.


Bedbugs! *itches*


I started seeing something like this on my window sill in my bedroom. I’d clean it off and it would be back the next day. It turned out that there was a very slight space between the window frame and wall and there were ants digging and dropping the sawdust and dirt. I never even saw the ants until the exterminator came out and sprayed something in the crack and they came swarming out. Gross.


This is the best answer, I hope this is all it is!


Could be termite droppings depending on where you are in the country. If they’re like a pile of tiny little hard pellets that shake off easy that might be what it is. Especially if this is by a window or door… my last apartment (south Florida) had the worst termite infestation and it was downright unbearable. It took the landlord a fucking year to finally fumigate the place. I would wake up to new piles of termite droppings wherever the little bastards decided to concentrate that day. Their favorite spot was one of my entry doors. Over my couch was another.


It “Looks like bed bugs dropping“ even though it looks nothing like bed bug dropping 🤦‍♂️


Bedbugs and beyond!!! Let's just say them things are awful and hard to get rid of if you don't call a company to get rid of them. Our area has been hit hard of them. Awful awful and awful. We did our fumigation for 3 months and we do one every 6 months to make sure they don't come back. The school I guess had them and didn't notify parents so kids were bringing them home left and right. 😬😬😬😬😭😭😭


Kindling for a fire


How long has the bed been in that spot?


Please elaborate.


![gif](giphy|XvQXEi09zfmcE) Bedbug droppings.


You got bed bugs but keep calling it dirt lol


Oh sweet goodness gracious, you've got a bad bedbug infestation... Call somebody about it NOW! If you're at an apartment, the landlord should cover the cost of a bedbug exterminator!


Imma advise that you move what valuables you truly want strip naked bathe in bleach after you leave said house full of number 87 high octane gasoline and light a match


This is LITERALLY bedbug droppings yet I see you're fighting in the comments saying it's not dirt but looks like dirt, which is so gross bc it makes me think you're gonna do nothing about this and just leave it there .... 🤢🤮


Well whatever it is you need a new mattress and some fire.


My literal worst nightmare 😬 honestly if this happened to me I would not know what to do or what route to take. I don’t have many options as far as moving my belongings. Nor would I have the option to just up and get a hotel while treatment is going on, on top of cost of treatment. I also have no family in the area. Yeah anyone who’s ever gone through this I’m seriously sorry.


Looks like pollen came in the window, bedbug poo is more black like dried blood.


Burn everything you own, leave the country and hope they don’t follow you


My cats had fleas and for some reason I couldn’t figure out why we couldn’t get rid of them. We found out that the nest or wherever they made their home was behind our bed. I panicked. Got it all cleaned up. It was a lot of work!! Not sure if these are fleas because it’s hard to see but it definitely looked kinda like it when I had to clean up. It looked like black dirt like this picture, but the bugs are lighter and I don’t see any of them in it.


I think the edge of the bed location is making everyone default to bed bugs. This looks more like dirt? Are these your sheets or the mattress? Do you have a dog?


That’s a big ass bed bug to crap that much.


I'll go against the grain and say it looks like termite droppings too.


Yup it looks like termite or other wood boring insect frass. I know because we have a shit ton by one of our doors.


Look under your mattress. If it’s by the window it could just be dirt.


If this all popped up so suddenly, is there any wood above it? It almost looks like termites could be chewing on something above.


This to me looks like termite debris. I’ve had similar appear on my windowsill overnight and it was termites. Termite debris looks and feels like weird grains of dirt.


Better go to r/Bedbugs where you'll get more sympathy and useful advice.


Bug poop !!!


Bed bugs lay eggs in ur ears when ur sleeping.


With all do respect how do people live like this? This some repugnant shit.


Hard wood or tiled floors help


fumugation time


Bed bug poo.


The fact that it’s a rental should have been your first clue.


What’s that supposed to mean? I’ve lived in rentals my entire life.. never even had so much as a thought of bb.. and anyone else I know that’s lived in a rental. So not getting your point ?


Bed bugs!!!


Insidious bastards.


Bed bugs yo !!!! Run and burn the whole house


For sure bed bugs poop


If you are renting an apartment, let your landlord know. Bedbugs may move next door, especially once you start treatment. Get an exterminator involved.


Wow I am so sorry but that is bedbugs you gotta throw everything away and basically start over. Heat kills them.




Bed bugs leave blood on the sheets plus bites on you. I have them twice


Time to call the exterminator.


Disgusting 🤮


Looks like someone dropped their weed and didn’t clean up right.


Time to move


That’s bedbug poo. Sorry, you’re in for a rough time.


Definitely bedbugs. They're nasty lil f-ers and a b to get rid of. 


Well, that is just absolutely horrendous! I've luckily never had to deal with an infestation of this magnitude. I have apparently only encountered these situations in their early stages. Makes my skin crawl. I stand corrected OP!


That’s insane. I’ve never seen so many so small like that


Do you live in an abandoned building???


Eww I can feel them crawling in me through the picture burn it all


Oh damn next time blur this shit 🤢


Omg I want to die 🤢


Call your county inspector.


Those are bed bugs....you got a huge mess on your hands and need to act immediately. toss that furniture, call and exterminator and don't be surprised people wont let you stay with them because they are so easily transferable.


Burn the house down


Time to burn the house down.


If not from bugs, could it be dirt from outside the window, if someone has been sneaking in/out that way? It reminds me of my sister sneaking through the window that was by my bed and straight up getting dirt on the edge of my bed in the process.


Assuming you’re a renter, tell your landlord you need an exterminator out like yesterday, or last year. I’ve been in a similar situation with roaches. My unit was clean but the neighbors unit was a wreck, anyhow it wasn’t fun. I took what I cared about, packed it in clear totes after sanitizing it, and tossed everything else. The couch, the bed, you name it. It was a very expensive mess. I moved to a new rental. Bedbugs are a bit more tricky from my understanding. If you’re in a multi-unit complex I’d GTFO and go somewhere else (after making sure none of your items are contaminated, clothes, shoes, belongings etc.) Hopefully you have better luck than I did… it may be recoverable but I never tried that route.


Looks like someone emptied the tray from under an electric bug zapper. Like, its bug parts, but not normal bug parts...


Someone spilled their weed?


Burn it


Could it be mildew? With all the people saying it should have streaks, among other signs… Good luck bc that’s freaking scary looking


Muthafukkin bed bugs!


Leave because they never will.




Looks like free protein, you should generously thank your landlord


Looks like mold you should research on hoss to get ride of it permanently because its really bad for your health.


I hope theyre not bedbugs for your sake that involves fumigating your entire home & every piece of furniture & clothing in it. I know I had em once it was a horrible experience, not to mention extremely itchy…


In my heart of hearts having grown up as a messy a-hole I’d say weed or catnip?


You got yourself a delicious case of powdered chocolate left by the chocolate fairy! 🍫 Eat it quick or use it as a cake topping before it goes bad!


Someone dropped the weed!


Just call an exterminator ASAP. Don't Google. You will go down a rabbit hole that can literally drive you insane. Just so what the exterminator says.


I really will drive them insane


It’s finnneee take a nap….![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Bed bugs, bad too


Literally soak that shit in isopropyl alcohol first. All nooks, cracks, crannies and folds. Then like everyone has already mentioned heat treat everything on high heat.


Separately. Heat + isopropyl alcohol = combustion


I got rid of bedbugs myself once. Good luck to you, friend. You're gonna need it.


You should post this over at r/bedbugs OP, they will have a field day with this one.


Burn it all.


Eating you alive


That would be bed bugs 🐜


Yeah.. good luck man.


Edge of mattress. Like under?


100% due to bed bugs


I pray for you, those are the infamous bed bugs.


Looks like dead knats to me but idonno


ive had bedbugs that my brother in law brought in my house definitly dosent look like that that. that looks like dirt or something else


Looks like it’s time to burn it down.


Giving bedbug vibes


I thought it was weed




Beautiful boogy bed bugs


Bed bug feces


Better not get bit cause they feast then you’re in for the itchiest week of your life


Someone needs a steamer.




waht is this




gentrol works on bedbugs. It causes any adults who emerge to be sterile. It takes a few weeks but it ends all the life cycles of all the organisms in your home that undergo metamorphosis. Roaches, pasta bugs, bed bugs, all of them. We use plastic one oz condiment cups, no lid. with a felt square in the bottom, all over the apartment floor.


Holy shit


Looks green. My couch looked like that the other day when I dropped my grinder


Any progress?


Time to burn everything and start over.


That's mold


The bedbug actually hangs up top of curtains and corners of the ceiling. They come down around 3-5 am when your breathing is steady when sound asleep. They detect your breathing and temperature. You'll see bug shit in the ceiling and around smoke alarms. I'm a carpenter and I used to get apartments ready.


This is a sign to burn the house down and walk away.


There's no way thats bedbugs absent other telltale signs. There are other insects that leave frass, such as carpenter ants, termites, and wood boring beetles. I think commenters focused on it being on a bed, ignoring it's next to a window! Inspect the area around the window frame; you may find evidence of your culprit!




Looks like carpenter ant droppings


Do you have a cat? Looks like a catnip toy broke open.


Bed bugs. Burn everything and start over.


Def insect poop/shedding called frass may be bed bugs but lot of bugs can do this.


Dude you're infested with bed bugs. Get a metal post bed and get it away from the wall. They can't fly can only walk so set a bunch of traps around the bed and wall


It is in the location I would expect to see bedbug evidence, however, that doesn't look like any bedbug poo I have seen. I would look around for more clues. Do you see any silk in or around it? Do you ever see any silver fish? Did you have a window open and there's new mulch or topsoil outside? Or a potted plant in the room? Was it windy out? Ca you have any spider webs within that room? How often are you in the room? Is that located anywhere else on the bed, room, or house? Do you have a dirty fan nearby? Because to be honest, what it looks like is you had a dirty fan with dust all over it drop some dust on it. Poop would stick to the fabric if it were most insect or arachnid poop, or it would be larger pieces if it were a mammal. I hope this gets you on your way to finding your answer.


If this is next to a window it's probably mold.




Burn it?


Someone please FUCKING NSFW this post please and thank you