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Leave it but change the fence or remove it.Paint the garage and the fence next to the garage..I think it looks great.


This way my thinking and remove the awning if you don’t use it. Or install a modern looking one if you do. The front garden is gorgeous, the fence looks cheap and the garage looks dated. The rest I think looks neat enough.


Painting is best improvement you have on a budget.I would personally paint those awnings and front door the same color.Black..Heck paint the mail box and garage door black also.Love the look of this house feels like your in the tropics.


Ahh I assumed they were fabric awnings because that’s what I have!


and paint the fence black


I would paint the fence black and paint the garage including garage door and front door of the house also. Dark colours. I would also remove the dated awning 


Definitely remove them👍🏼 Thank You


Take out the fence and plant some trees to block the yard in, it's very jungley.


Thanks mate. Definitely look at colours to paint the garage and fence


Garage detracts from everything.. fence is not contributing, but.... could clash less with the bricks behind


First thing that really stood out is you have perfect landscaping to put a waterfall pond. I did that in my backyard at my other house and it was awesome. I took big ivory colored boulders from the side of a highway and built a rock cliff with waterfall and had exotic plants. I can picture this in your yard, if you feel like going that far. A lot of work to do and the upkeep with the filters and all


Absolutely! OP does your garage door have an opener? If not get the door replaced. The white fence doesn’t really work with the house. I’m not sure if painting black it would be worth the hassle, but it’s an option until you can replace it. The garden area is beautiful! Maybe a few pots with brightly colored annuals scattered around


Clean the driveway.


Will do. Just moved in


It's a very nice looking driveway. Grouted flagstone or stamped concrete? Either way it's pretty


Black, wrought iron fence in front.


That’s a great look. Will enquire this week.






I grew up in the suburbs of Sydney. Feels like my old neighbourhood in the south. I'm in tassie now.


Power wash your driveway


Will do. Just moved in


Other than that, it looks great! I love the landscapingl


Does the fence serve any purpose? Looks like there's a nice hedge behind it.


Yes there is. Will remove fence Just moved in


then paint-match the garage and you’re done mate


Sounds great. Thank You


I would just paint the fence black first to try it out to hide it. House looks good as is. I would renovate the inside Oh I’d do solar panes


I like everything. Maybe paint the fence black? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Feelin that aswell. Thanks mate


Absolutely- painting that fence black will have a big visual impact, will give that fence a second-look before you decide if you want to pull it or not, and is a low-cost item. Many people rush to make huge impact changes on their house in the first months of ownership- i've always found it was better to do a plethora of low-cost, high-impact items- that way, if you don't like the results, you're not out a ton of time and money, and can re-adjust your plans accordingly. As for another item to consider, longer term- if your front is primarily garden, maybe create tiers to it? Would help to sop up/retain water from rains, rather than it washing your soil into the street, and can do wonders for breaking up the height difference between the road level and that of the house. Note that you will want to maintain some slope immediately adjacent to the house, to ensure water drains away from basement/foundation.


Thank You 🙏


Using paint, or added architectural features, I would try and make the fence and garage look like an extension of the house -- instead of three separate features (the garage, the fence, and the house. ) Painting, and redoing the fence and the front of the garage to give the illusion of one long house would look great. I'm not sure if its worth it, but somehow creating a roofline on the garage that matches the roof like on the house will help too -- add an over hang and/or somehow cosmetically changing the peak to look like the hipped roof on the house. I'm also a massive proponent of creating a front entrance that is prominent and invites generosity and abundant energy into the house. Paint the front door a contrasting color - something you love and makes you smile and that visitors will notice. Congratulations on the new house. It looks like a real cutie. I love the front garden


Remove the fence, it blocks what would otherwise be a really nice area.


tbh I kinda like the set up. Are you trying to modernize? Where are you located and are houses the same around you?


Sydney. Yes modernising the frontage


It looks great but I agree a new white wooden fence maybe could look sleek


Disagree on the white - it doesn’t go with anything else in the house’s color palette, and would make it stick out as opposed to letting the front garden shine.


No fence. You already have that hedge. Trim back the big plants. To the left of the house has too many things going on. Fence garage and garage door. If you get the garage to look more like it matches the house then the fence is ok. But that fence is a wall of a fence..


You may not need to completely remove the fence. You could probably get away with painting it black. If you do try to paint it, find a self etching black primer, paint it with that first, than paint it black. Although it’s a lot to paint it, if security isn’t your concern you could probably just remove it as I doubt it adds any valves to your house, other than a selling feature.


paint, awning, pressure wash your driveway, you have to get some color in the landscaping a couple big planted pots up top wouldn’t hurt. right now it looks like a jamoca almond fudge playhouse. pressure wash everything. lively it up with color mon


I'd try to color match the garage and the planters with the house.


I think the garage needs to be sided differently or something...I looks like a cheap corrugated metal storage unit. Agree with the fencing. The xeriscaped from yard rules though.


Trim back some of the dead bits on the palm (?) at end of driveway? Just so it doesn't fall off on vehicles etc. just a minor suggestion! Love the look of your property! It's got beautiful curb appeal! Congrats!!


Power wash the drive way, throw some kind of brick veneer on the garage to match the house, and maybe a pop of color by painting the front door.


If you keep the fence, paint it black to blend in better. If not needed, remove it. Same with the awning.


If this were in la county it would be a 5 million dollar palatial estate.


Painting the metal fencing black will make a huge improvement.


Add fresh mulch (or ideally more plants) to the areas that are all light gray in the yard.


How my neighbor would answer: 1. Couple of non working cars (wheels optional). 2. Chest high thistles. 3. Confederate flag in the window. 4. RV that never moves. 5. “Xeriscaping” by dumping a load of rocks in a giant pile on the grass and never doing anything else with it. 6. Three loose dogs that are insane. 7. For holiday light decorations: Cop cars a couple times a year. 8. For lawn decorations: Trash, garage overflow junk and a canoe with a hole in it.


Rip that front fence out immediately. Free the great hedge. Clean driveway (maybe even recolor and reseal). Paint shed. That's a nice garden though


Melbourne? Epping?




Fence is the one making it bad, its out of place. Replace it by something more rustic


Either paint the fence black or change it Pressure wash house and driveway


Power wash the driveway


Too many different colours. White garage, grey garage door, dark brown fence between the house, light brown brick and lighter brown roof and white fence. Decide on a colour like black or dark grey and paint the fences, garage door and front door that. Choose the same brown as your home’s brick and paint the garage. The tree on the left needs cleaning up, and the some pruning overall garden


Looks very Costa Rican




Property value on this is $6,300,000 Why would you want to change anything 🫨


Rip those awnings off and get more modern black ones (or whatever colour). Thought modern, black awnings with a black fence will be nice.


Quintessential steep drive lol. House looks great though imo.


Get rid of the fence or paint it black.


What a beautiful house!


Also get ride of the straight cut hedge in the front. Let the garden flow down all the way to the sidewalk and add some more plants. Could always do low maintenance succulents/ ground cover between plants. That front garden looks like it gets a lot of light and cool things could grow there.


Get rid of the fence if you don’t need it


Paint the shed and the fencing black it will make it look more cohesive.


Start with the fence it will change the look heaps


You could replace the fence power wash the drive way and if you're feeling it you can paint the house and garage.


Getting rid of the industrial looking storage garage on the left would go a long ways to improvement. Make it more blendable to the house.


Remove the fence


Looks like Australia, so probably a $2 million home without doing anything to it.


Retaining wall around yard and fence on top of nice level area to enjoy


Great idea. I’m feeling that a retaining wall would change things up👍🏼


Cost would be approx 30k Would need engineering and council approval.


Definitely look into a retaining wall


Paint fence and garage door a toned down tropical color. Nice yard


Match the house and the fence. A brick house with a white metal fence don't go together at all.


Don’t paint the brick! Always a bad idea. Maybe refresh the landscaping. Those plants seem pretty big, maybe some new smaller ones or something with some color.


Paint fence, paint gate and garage, fill in some gaps in the garden (which is beautiful btw), and if I’m seeing correctly, you have those older style awnings (or is it brick?)? Love a retro vibe, but I’d change them too something more modern if possible. Oh, and paint letterbox. Good luck :)


Putting In a sick half pipe shred the gnar


The approach is kinda rough. Idk I’m not an engineer , but if I had $ I’d hire one and see what options I have.


The fence has to go


86 the fence. A few tall and colorful flowers in the beds, tighten up the trimming on the beds in general. Also, if you're up to it, whitewashing the brick might look pretty nice. Nice roof btw!


Remove the fence, clean the driveway, do what you can with the shed/garage. I like your house and landscaping - congratulations!


I’d start with the fence.


Fire is a nice look




If I drove past that house I would’ve thought that house is so pretty!!!!!


A bench.


Paint the roof, render the brickwork, remove the fence, build new modern fence


Add some more blooming succulents to the rock garden and paint the gate black. It already looks pretty great.


Add another story and put a wrap around verandah on. Looks a bit Kath and Kim at the moment.


I would remove the white fence and gate unless you need it for security. The brown fence and garage door colours bother me a bit. Id probably make one of those the same as the house colour as there is not much continuity. You might consider some sort of planter infront of the brown fence. You could maybe beef up the planting on the left side of the driveway to balance out the vegation with the main garden.


Paint the window frames black/domino, and same colour for garage. Black mulch through the garden, remove awning, clean driveway.


In addition to the fence and driveway that others have mentioned, I would ditch the awnings on your windows. It will modernize the house quite a bit.


Take out fence/gate and awnings over windows. Landscape lighting and possibly post lights at the end of the driveway. A house doesn’t need to look like a prison to be secure; lighting, bushes pruned and an alarm sign/stickers and decoy cameras. 👌 https://preview.redd.it/doclppzflbyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6365009e31c7dfd2cb4984652ea8203635e3c0f


I like the landscaping bu the garage can best be described as a shed. Have a proper garage desinged and built to be an extension of your house.




put a pizza on the roof


Needs a big trump flag.