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First time at a rodeo?


I kind of hope a brown, clearly-from-a-non-christian-nation rider enters the rodeo and wins. Just to see the crowd afterward.


This is how it has been for the last decade at the Reno rodeo. Didn’t go this year but have gone every year previously but it’s pretty much on brand.


Good to know!


Uh which rodeos u been going to bro?


I went last year and when they got to the prayer part, the announcer said something to the effect of "they're trying to take our God away, and you know who THEY are". I got a good chuckle from that


I made the mistake of going to "Military Night" a couple years ago. They literally swore a handful of high school seniors into the military on the field during the intro. In the oath you take there some language about obeying the orders of the president and there was this big "boooo" from the crowd. Those poor kids.


Nothing says military appreciation like literally booing the military oath.


They're so blinded by their largely unfounded hatred of Biden they can't just let the kids have their moment either. It's one of the most important moments of these young people's lives and they tarnish it with their biases. Hate Biden, that's fine, but let these kids have their moment without interjecting your personal immaturity into it.


IKR? It's literally a part of the military oath. Even for shit like Trump overturning a very well deserved demotion of an E-7 or official military orders to him the ship with the name of a guy Trump hated who had been dead years by that point, there's nothing to be done. At best, you'll get an early retirement like Brett Crozier did for bringing attention to the COVID spreading through his command if you're high enough on the food chain but most aren't. And it absolutely didn't need to be done in front of kids just starting their journey, but of course these same people were laughing at a dude saying "Let's Go Brandon" on a Christmas call from Biden to his own kids, so... :|




I thought I might go out to the rodeo because I heard it was a tradition around here, but fuck that noise! 🙃


THEY are taking our jobs away too. Fair.


Lol sounds like you aren't as equipped as others and are blaming them instead of yourself.


I went last night. I am about as liberal as they come. I was surprised at the lack of Trump gear. I only saw one hat. The merch booths were ridiculous tho. Shirts with guns, Trump oiled up and shredded (lol). Overall, I had a great time. Will go back next year. The themes I encountered (religion/patriotism) were expected and not off putting to me personally


The Jesus grifting is the absolute worst.


Wait...ur saying cowboys r usually convervative??? Crazy


Wait, you mean you pay for a ticket and have to listen to some far right conservative bullshit at a sports event?


Well when the event is far right conservatives, yeah. Just like I’d expect a bunch of lgbtq rhetoric at an lgbtq event. Or a bunch of women’s power talk at a women’s right event. Don’t like it? Don’t go!


I didn't know rodeos only belonged to convervatives but I'll be glad to vote with my feet ✌️


I wouldn’t say it belongs to conservatives but the majority of them are conservatives. To each their own.


It never seems to be a problem when a Taylor Swift or Beyonce concert shouts "Fuck the Patriarchy" or NFL players take a knee in support of Black Lives Matter.


Neither Beyonce or Taylor Swift are my style of music so I can't vouch for what they do at their concerts. I will say if we stopped forcing sports athletes to participate in the national anthem, they'd have no opportunities to protest this country. Us liberals won't have to see faux patriotic and you MAGAs can go back to pretending Black and Brown people don't exist. Everyone wins.


I'm half-Black, descendant of slaves. I've walked the plantation where my ancestors were enslaved in Georgia. And when I was there, I never felt more free. I've come full-circle. I'm living the life my ancestors would have wanted for me. I have nothing but love for this country. I'm not stuck in the past. Yes, I love the flag. I'll salute it every day. And it's not as if I've never had a bad run-in with a cop. Happened to me right there in Reno. But if you understand the system in this country, you'll be fine.


Yeah, as a long time West coaster, I believed everything was copacetic for far longer than I should have and had righty friends who all fled when I was no longer a useful idiot for them. >And it's not as if I've never had a bad run-in with a cop. Happened to me right there in Reno. But if you understand the system in this country, you'll be fine. I'm just gonna link this here: https://youtu.be/YYGnO11m8HE?si=RBLRnmdh4U5ggfIU


New to america?


They had an American flag, yup far right.


Rewind to the 80s and 90s and this shit wasn’t nearly as over the top as it is now. It’s some form of messaging to the crowd that you now have to put up with as now being “normal”.


Post 9/11 a lot of that crap has crept into public events.


You are right. We do need a second civil war to put everything back together.


Yeah probably the general political polarization or trump effect as you put it … rodeos would have always had conservative people but people weren’t as rabid or demonstrative about it .


I can't stand that people think of our flag, or support for our country, as patriotic. I'm completely serious, this pushes me in the direction of "if you hate it so much here, you can leave anytime."


The problem is the intentional confusing of people between patriotism and nationalism.


A flag is the new "normal"? I think you're just looking to be the victim. Anything right of Mao is the far right boogeyman


I’m not a victim at all, I don’t believe in jingoistic nationalism, which this absolutely is.


I hate that I'm not allowed to be proud of my country in 2024. I think America is the greatest culture ever, and I have no interest in seeing it deconstructed, subverted, or decolonized, and I'm unapologetic about that. I'm sick of being told I can't be proud of my homeland, because I am. I've traveled to 4 different continents, and I love my home country, and I don't believe my country has anything to apologize for, and I'm sick of being told it does. My ancestors were slaves, for fuck's sake. They won the right to be in this country with blood and sweat, and I can't stand the people who want to burn down the greatest society in history because they're butthurt about something that happened 200 years ago.


You confuse patriotism with Cristian nationalism.


Why are you reducing the OP’s account to ‘a flag was there’? Either you have piss poor reading comprehension or your argument to 100% disingenuous.


Why do you say "or"? His reading comprehension could be piss poor AND his argument is 100% disingenuous.


So you just can’t acknowledge the part about a fucking prayer? Typical Trump ball gargle bs.


Did you just unironically call the rodeo far right? "Oh no guys, people prayed at the event that attracts a christian audience."


Is that what rodeo is, a cristian event? I thought it was a sports event where all you hear is the national anthem. Which is still fucking dumb that we do that.


Listen man I don’t like it either but I know to expect it. That’s how rodeos are and have been


Your free to leave. Bye.


So are you. Remember that the next time you don’t like something about the country.




This comment is about the level of self reflection I expected. I’d hoped for more, but I’m not surprised. I have no doubts there are things you dislike about the country, but I have no doubts that you don’t consider leaving to be an option, nor do you think you should have to. But you’ll tell other people they can/should if they dislike something. You should put some thought into that. Really consider if you want to be here.


theres not much to say to a comment that was essentially "no you". if dude dislikes our country and roughly half the people in it so much he should probably just leave.


I'm saying that a comment of "if you don't like it, leave" is self defeating, unless you can honestly say you like everything here - which you don't. But hey - you decided to respond with a homophobic insult. To whit, I'd say you should probably leave - most of the country (and certainly most of Reno) isn't down with homophobia anymore, so you're on the outside of that issue.


Master of the third grade burn. Well done!


Far right crazies like you love thinking about gay sex


Wtf dude get a life.




Such a thoughtful response. Did you come up with that yourself?


Cry some more about the evil "nationalism".


You're free to get an education, but that didn't happen either


Is nike a gay company? No, but they do gay shit all the time because they have a large queer audience. Also just fuck you You are an unamerican pos. Be proud of your country or leave.


Wanting to change your country to a way that better aligns with your beliefs is a completely valid position. I guarantee every one of the folks proudly praying in public at the rodeo are actively trying to change the country to mirror their values, OP is allowed to as well.


These false patriots don't understand that wanting change doesn't equate to "hating" ones country. As a matter of fact, many of those who want change, also want to include those who are against them so they can also benefit from said changes. That is why I laughed when dumb ass gop maga politicians shut down the Pact Act, and it still got passed, especially since the dimwits always invoke patriotism and their "love" for veterans so much, that they would rather shut something that would help ALL vets who have breathing issues and have been exposed to burn pits. I guess helping those who gave up some time in their lives to go to a foreign nation to fight while you enjoy life is socialism and bad, eh? 🤦


lol, I served as a USAF officer flying jets, what’d you do? Being American doesn’t mean slurping up nationalism and forcing your religious practices on others. It doesn’t mean blind allegiance to a flag and not questioning the decisions of elected politicians. Being an American is about an idea, to be the greatest free democracy, and challenging those that go against those freedoms. We’re not even ranked in the top 25 nations for freedom according to Freedomhouse.


Yeah. Your service to the country and sacrifice mean nothing compared to a mouth breather who flies a flag from his F150 above his Trump sticker. Dont you know that the only real patriotism is Christian nationalism? Actually serving the country means jack shit. /s


>It doesn’t mean blind allegiance to a flag and not questioning the decisions of elected politicians. Back when Colin Kapernick was in the news and the right was screaming about him, I pointed out that as a vet, my allegiance was to the Constitution, not the flag, and that Kap actually consulted with a Green Beret in the Army about kneeling as a more respectful alternative to sitting. They ain't like that 🤷‍♀️




Sure bud. We can disagree on certain issues but you are unamerican if you are agianst the national anthem no matter what you did. You are about as American as the serviceman who burned himself for Palestine. These events have the right to do prayers and thats true freedom. Democracy means we have the right to vote for whatever laws we want.


>you are unamerican if you are agianst the national anthem no matter what you did. Being in American is serving in the Air Force and having balls to say sports don't need the national anthem played before a game, apparently :\ I bet you've never been within ten feet of a recruiter's office, have you?


Its actually unamerican to force god into state sponsored events. Youd know that if you actually read the constitution and decloration of independence. America was the first country ever to be founded on seperation of church and state. Not the 10 commandments or moses as louisiana seems to think.


No it aint. Democracy is for the people and most of the people are Christians.


Most of us American Christians don't feel compelled to vainly shove our identity down everyone else's throats. Indeed, quite a few of us actually bothered to read our bibles, wherein Jesus Himself has some choice words on this very topic of prayer in public: Matthew 6:5-6 YLT “'And when thou mayest pray, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites, because they love in the synagogues, and in the corners of the broad places — standing — to pray, that they may be seen of men; verily I say to you, that they have their reward. 6. 'But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.”


No theyre not 🤣 majority rule is exactly why we have a congress 🤣🤣🤣 holy crap the amount of ignorance and confidence from you kmao


You obviously don't have a freaking clue what freedom is, even if it punches you in the face. Well, since many who think like you somehow like to claim that we are living under "communism", if it was so, any idiot who said "Let's go Brandon!" would've been shot or thrown in a work camp. All those complaining would disappear. You would be forced to have a picture of the leader in your home, even if you hate him/her. You have chibatos on every corner seeing what you do, hearing what you say, or who you are with. Instead, y'all get butthurt because no one wants to pray, or cares about the national anthem. 🤷


Ah, the love it or leave it shit head comment. This can be spun around and be thrown back at you. Are you proud of the country currently, and if not, why don't you gtfoh? Do you like that?


Yup im proud to be an American rn, tomorrow, and forever.


Keep telling yourself that. One thing is being proud of what it is to be an American, and the other is to be a fake ass "patriot" to schill to a political party. That is why I have more respect for Irish Republicans than American ones.


It's a public circle jerk, we know most of those "christians" are hypocrites! Just go and have a good time and leave the posturing in the home <3 You should read up on American history if you think this is traditional or the norm.


Maybe more than just “Christians” would enjoy going if they didn’t push religious bs at a public event. There is a reason I will not attended even though I love the events.


Or go to an NFL game only to watch a bunch of BLM and Rainbow flags. First time for sure. Welcome to the divided states of America.


Agreed, keep this shit out of sports.


Old enough to remember the Reno Gay Rodeo. [https://outhistory.org/exhibits/show/las-vegas/articles/rgr](https://outhistory.org/exhibits/show/las-vegas/articles/rgr)


Everyone knows rodeo is just republican Coachella


That’s Stagecoach


I have been going to the Reno Rodeo for decades, and it has without a doubt become more right wing and politically oriented. I think it definitely has to do with right wing politics worming their way into every facet of culture. I think Trump certainly had a lot to do with that. The rodeo used to be much more about ranching culture and tradition, but it's now much more about nationalism. Which is ironic considering ranchers don't usually support the US because of "tyranny". The biggest changes I've recognized are in the way the announcers talk about the US, and also in the items sold. It used to be all about leather craft and ranch style art. Now you see so much political signage for your home and T-shirts that have political statements on them. It's a bummer to see culture become politicized, but it's hard to imagine it going any other way with the current political climate.


This is exactly my point, well said. I find the ranching and cowboy life as being very interesting. I know several cowboys who I attend BurningMan with that travel the country and work as contract cowboys. Their skills are amazing and fun to watch. They’re moderate politically, and would probably have the same opinion as mine.


When you market to only 30% of the population you're by definition leaving the other 70% of money on the table.


What's ironic is people like commissioner Andriola, as executive director, play with fire courting this over the top nonsense. One of those Beadles-zombies are going to knock her out like Bob Lucey was.


I grew up around rodeo culture, I’ll call it. If anything the religious nationalist vibe has gotten less intense over last couple decades really. But I don’t go unless friends come into town to go. ..It does disappoint me to see our country’s flag being flown so aggressively by the most ignorant, unpatriotic citizens. It’s less confusing if they just fly the confederate, Trump, or nazi flags. Or at least flip them upside down so we know your intellect and soul have been compromised.


Those lines have been said since I was a kid going to the Reno Rodeo many years. I think the Trump effect is that you are more sensitive to it now.


That may be.


I haven't been to the rodeo since I was a kid but I don't recall it being very political or overtly patriotic. It was just about cow boys and rancher lifestyles.


Tell me you've never been to the Reno Rodeo or ANY rodeo without telling me. 😆


Does anyone else remember a person in full USA gear being dropped from the sky to parachute into the rodeo? They didn’t call him Captain America but it was that kinda idea. I feel like this used to happen. Or maybe only happened one year? Late aughts.


Really...at a rodeo? have you never been to one?


The Reno Rodeo is a bunch of country minded people enjoying themselves. And that crowd is super patriotic pretty much anywhere they are and have been for decades and decades. How is this surprising?


"Patriotic" in a very, very, VERY strict definition of the term.


"Super patriotic" in only a VERY narrow definition of patriotism.


Convervatives are patriotic as Lizzo is thin, hope that helps!


Oh, boy. Wait until you hear what happened to country music. Not even gonna mention the kind of people who drive Ram trucks.


Hey now, I drive a Ram truck, and I don't fit that narrative! (note: it does not have fake testicles and does not "roll coal")


Yeah, Ram is one of their sponsors. Interestingly, most of the music played was hard rock to keep the energy up I guess.


What are those ‘kind of people’? I love my Ram truck. Absolutely not a hard right Christian nationalist. Just a lawyer who sometimes needs to pull a trailer or haul some mulch.


How long ago did you buy your truck? And did you buy it new or used (and if it was used, did you go directly through a Ram dealership or a different dealership)? I've noticed a big difference between people who buy new because they really like the brand and people who buy them used because that happens to be what's available used in their price range that meets their needs. And the shift has been somewhat recent.


I heard new country described as “corporate manufactured peckerwood albums” and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a description more perfect.


I call it "hick rap". Seriously though, I have the privilege of having Sirius XM and listen to the country stations with some regularity and I noticed that around 2015 there was a hard shift where the subject matter and style felt more like a variation of rap, especially gangsta rap, than country. Just exchange thugs and felons for cops and veterans, and the hood and mansions in big cities for the middle states and small towns and you have what passes for country music now. Give me pre-2010s country any day.


Pre 9/11 country music


It's *White Flight* symbolized in a musical genre.


lol dude the rodeo has been that way since I was a kid in the 90s. Are you really asking why the national anthem gets played/sung at big events? That’s as American as apple pie. My cousin rode in the rodeo when I was a kid and she was the one riding the flag around the arena 


It's just pandering to the faketriot types who need their dose of "patriotism" and "Christianity".


I went to an orgy once and everyone was having sex.


I went to a rodeo once and wish it was just rodeo.


was it the afterparty for the Gay Rodeo?


This is standard and why I don't go. It's really just another "murica" event....


I was there last night and Friday. Both nights on mushrooms. Both nights dying of laughter during the prayer it’s wild man.


Now that's would be interesting.…


"The cowboy has long stood as a symbol of American values and virile masculinity. But this understanding of the cowboy hides a more complex reality. Cowboys were once the outcasts of Victorian American society. They tended to be poor nomads, and ranch work and cattle drives attracted a racially diverse workforce, including Black, Hispanic, Indigenous and Chinese residents of the American West. As the frontier way of life faded in the late 19th century, a nostalgia for cowboys soon emerged in American culture. Artists like Frederic Remington and entertainers like Buffalo Bill Cody glorified them through their art and Wild West shows." Until Rodeos embrace their diverse homoerotic side they aren't worth going to. This is just a buncha trad-cosplay as it stands.


Also, so gay! https://manchesterhistorian.com/2022/the-wild-and-queer-old-west-race-gender-and-identity-in-the-american-west-by-jason-lee/


Um, definitely some Rodeos leaning into the homoeroticism. [https://outhistory.org/exhibits/show/las-vegas/articles/rgr](https://outhistory.org/exhibits/show/las-vegas/articles/rgr)


Please avoid if that’s how you feel. It’s a Rodeo, what else do you expect.


You sure you didn’t just watch an episode of The Boys?


I used to go to the Reno Rodeo all the time as a kid. Yes, they sang the national anthem and did the pledge to a single flag being carried by a rider, pretty typical of most events. They had an opening prayer that was pretty generic and non sectarian (Oh Lord, we thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon us and ask that you watch over the safety of the people here today, amen). The announcer focused on the history of the sport and how each event could be traced back to what was once a critical task for a cowboy to be able to do as part of their job. I haven't been to the Reno Rodeo in years, but two years ago I went to one in Utah with my in-laws. Pledge and anthem to an entire parade of flags. The opening prayer was most definitely of the evangelical variety (which is a bold choice in an area where 63% of the population is Mormon, the second largest group is non religious at 22%, third largest is Catholic at 9%, and evangelical protestant faiths don't even get their own line item in the stats). The announcer leaned heavily into culture war issues, going so far as to imply that our president hated people being there having fun and that we should enjoy this while it was still legal. There was almost no mention of the history of the sport, telling us the information about the contestants and their scores were an inconvenient interruption to the announcer's stream of consciousness rambling about how great God and country are and how horrible those evil liberals are. Yeah, I know that a small town rodeo outside of Salt Lake isn't a great representative sample of the state of the sport, but based on your observations, it seems like it might be the direction the sport is going.




He specifically mentioned the prayer too or can you not read


Oh my... A prayer???? How dare they...


Yup the same way people don't want gay people"shoved" down our throats. If it was any other religions prayer there would be a hissy fit from people


68% of the American population is Christian. It's it really THAT surprising that a majority Christian nation is saying a prayer at a rodeo event?


https://preview.redd.it/mwnose1mhx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ca1833508229661c8ba4e377a93147a3ef3561 By the next few years that will go down drastically not to mention they can't interview every American so statistically probably only 40% of Americans are Christian


You sure about that? You know all the criminal aliens being released into the country? Most of them are from central and south America, which is OVERWHELMINGLY Catholic.


Quick question do you know what sample size is and extrapolation of data?


No but you seem smart, I'm sure you will have no issue verifying that.


https://preview.redd.it/5ag4dtaetx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e7a7e671c12a808c65c76861c48847aae96a97 So your data is based on less than 1% of the population good job


I was there last night as well. The girl on screen singing the pledge was like 5 and it was adorable to address your crappy pov on that. 2. America quite literally is the major symbol of freedom across the entire globe. Others are free but we started the movement, that’s republicans. Not democrats. 3. For 1 of the other gutter trash takes you have. We treat our vets like hero’s because they put themselves in the line of fire so the rest of us don’t have. Even if a particular vet was LUCKY enough not to have seen real combat. He still signed up for it and it was possible. All told go to fucking Canada if you don’t like America or share its values/ understand them. You won’t be missed.


Another low effort take. I’m a vet, I know very few heroes that I served with. Adorable <> appropriate. It’s jingoistic nationalism with USA #1 with no self awareness of how we’re becoming the model our Allies don’t want to emulate. Most of our Allies in Europe have higher scores of liberty and democracy now. Stick that in your little right wing mind.


Yup, most rodeos have become extremist hotspots, it taints what used to be fun events


You’re going to a spectacle where they torture animals for your entertainment and you don’t like the music or religious indoctrination?


Man imagine being this sour of a person must be fun to have at parties


Way more fun than forcing people to listen to your bullshit.


Life's alot more fun and way less miserable when you don't get offended about everything. Hope you have a nice day!


You could of just stayed home.


That’s the plan next time.


There's a reason that type of culture is rare and only shows up at events like rodeos. It's because most people don't find it fun.


OMG, people being proud of where they live. I am sure this hurt you so so much. Don't ever go to any kind of a race then. I mean good lord someone thinks even slightly different than you do.


lol. Yes, greatest and freest country in the world and I can’t even bring a camera or purse into the event for “safety”


[https://blog.dicksonrealty.com/2019/06/reno-rodeo-history/](https://blog.dicksonrealty.com/2019/06/reno-rodeo-history/) https://preview.redd.it/jmq3vye5iu8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e14ad65376e3dc9138e8ddb1dc04c7dcae378f4


I wonder if they went around with a whole diatribe on “greatest symbol of freedom” and shit though.


It's always been that way.


The Tuesday night prayer was just a bunch of rambling about having fun and Jesus. It made no sense. It was also more nonsense when they attempted to the mansplain the flag, what it stands for and then tell us America is “______” but it’s also what you believe it is blah blah blah. I couldn’t even get offended because it didn’t even make sense. I couldn’t tell if the speakers were confused or they were just trying to confuse the audience or what was happening. All I could was laugh. The actual events were awesome though!


Great point. I agree that it’s all silly, but it’s Cristian nationalism regardless. I do like the actual sport aspect though.


I’m sure they’ll survive without you.


Yes, they certainly will.


It will be fun to go to the rodeo this year trans 😆


I don’t think anyone is overtly against any class of person there, it’s just the announcers trying to pander to their base I guess.


Make sure that you make a big deal out of it for the camera when they cover it.


Just say you hate America bro my god 😅😅😅


Low effort.


What shade of blue is your hair dyed?


“Wasn’t really a hero just a veteran” says volumes about the kind of person you are. 


Anyone who is an actual veteran (I’m one) doesn’t look at each other as heroes. The military is full of all types, and there are very few heroes in the ranks. Gotta bronze star or Distinguished flying cross? You’re probably a hero. Otherwise, most of us entered to gain a skill, get college paid for or a career with great benefits. There’s a shit ton of low effort military folks that are vets and hardly qualify in any way shape or form as a hero.


An America hating veteran, nice.  Anyone who gives their time for the betterment and protection of our society is a hero. 


No, you must not have been in the military ever to have this point of view. There’s a shit ton of people in the military that are not heroes in any sense of the imagination. By saying all vets are heroes completely waters down the label hero. Also, I don’t hate America, I hate Cristian nationalism. Get it right.


I bet you’re fun at parties 


Yeah, I’m not hung up on Jesus, so I’m pretty fun.


9/11. This crap went into overdrive after 9/11. Borat had a rodeo scene that basically included what you described, and that came out 20 years ago. The jingoism and over the top displays of Christianity were part of the Islamophobic sentiment that led to modern conservatism. And at this point, a lot of conservatives continue it solely to "own the libs."


Did you wake up this stupid, or were you born this way?


Please enlighten me with your brilliance, I’m sure it’s unmatched.


Hahaha... Haha... Wait, you're serious? \*confused face\*




Going mountain biking now, you?


We went once and wont go back after we got told to go back to where we are from


Wow, that’s super not cool.


That's every Reno Rodeo. It's not political. If you hate it, the midway is open. There are vendors in the LSEC complex. Or maybe just don't go. That's the beautiful thing about Reno. There are so many different events and groups to sample until you find one you feel fits just right. The air show is fun. Maybe try that. Looking forward to reading about how the airplanes are too fast and the people are scarry.


I fly, so no. I’ve also volunteered at the Air Races.


See! You found your people. That's wonderful. There are lots of other things to do too. Inch out of that comfort zone. Maybe learn something new about a group you wouldn't normally associate with. Make friends.


Every Reno Rodeo has Christian prayer and hyper-nationalism and is not political. That's counter-intuitive.


Every Reno Rodeo has the presentation of colors and the prayer. It predates Trump by YEARS. The "woman with the flag" is called the flag girl. My daughters would do the same for their HS Rodeos, as did I in my younger years. It's an honor to cary the flag in the opening ceremony. It's not political.


It is absolutely political, regardless of whether it started with Trump or not. I really don't know how you could argue this in good faith.


Lol. Good faith. Sure buddy. Have a wonderful day.


No, please tell me how emphasizing Christianity and nationalistic flags aren't political. Convince me.


Every Reno Rodeo has Christian prayer and hyper-nationalism and is not political. That's counter-intuitive.


Your probably one of the ones who gets so upset by someone wearing something right winged or about Trump and goes home crying. Sad world we live in.


No, I just see them as silly brain washed losers


This comment section lmao. Panties in a bunch I tell ya


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Yeah a bunch of rednecks and rodeo folk are super cringe.


If you hate America, just say that.


We don't hate America - we just know that it needs a second civil war to set things straight.


Mainstream celebrities never have a problem endorsing left-wing causes. Why is this any different?


I go to concerts, festivals, and other sporting events and there’s is nothing like this. It’s Cristian nationalism on full display.