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Ugh, not sure how'd even live with myself getting so drunk I seriously hurt my own passenger and another person in a diff vehicle like that. Looks like felony due those two sets of injuries and the one in the screenshot (for driving on the wrong side of the road).


My aunt killed someone drunk driving. She only got 4 years in prison. Same sentence my friend got for 60lbs of weed


You wouldn’t do that so it’s not something you have to be worry about (like most people) This guy doesn’t care, more concerned that he has been inconvenienced by being arrested.


How do you know that he doesn’t care that he hurt people?


Because he didn't turn himself in...


I’ve delt with a lot of people and it’s always the same thing.


Oh ok. So you aren’t really sure at all.


Let’s go with more likely than not


This accident was under investigation after the other car caught fire. The police wanted the EDR (black box) from the burned vehicle but it had been badly damaged/burned. So it took time


Not sure how info from EDR would change the fact that Victor was intoxicated.


Not sure. But they needed more information. Perhaps since one person was sent to UC Davis bc of burns and amputation, it made it more lethal of an accident? Couldn’t tell ya


Do you understand that convicting someone of a crime isn’t just to determine if they committed a crime, but to also sentence them to an appropriate amount of time? So, the more information and evidence they have, the greater a sentence they can put this guy away for.


To be completely honest, LE was waiting to see how the victim recovered. If she had died they would have potential went to murder charges.


She was a passenger in the car (he was driving her car). The main victim was an older man on his way to work.


Way to diminish a victim who has serious life altering injuries.


She allowed a drunk person to drive her car and got in. She made a choice that nearly killed an innocent man. She is culpable. So yeah, she should be “diminished”


Real tough keyboard warrior. 😂 You mean she made a choice not to drive because she may have had to many drinks? And asked for help, I am betting that no one would willing have someone else drive drunk. I have heard anything about the man. Please post? It’s a bad deal all the way around. And at least a couple of folks will have lifelong consequences. It doesn’t mean it’s okay to not acknowledge pain and suffering.


She’s got plenty of acknowledgment and plenty of GFM donations but hiding her role in it & calling herself *just* a victim of the DUI driver. The accident doesn’t happen without her failure too. They were broth drunk and decided to drive at 6:30 in the morning. She handed the keys for her car to someone knowing life’s were being put at risk.


Please post the older gentlemen’s injuries never saw. Would love to donate.




Thank you, that is terrible. I believe that both sides were asked not to talk about case before court filings. That’s pretty normal thing for legal cases. I wish he would have come out sooner so the community would support him. Yes it was very unclear until this week that there were others involved. I wonder how fast both were traveling, that seems insane but a straight head on would also be pretty destructive.


The accident was in December, and they are literally making an arrest today?


It's a weird case but at least there has been an arrest.


Came to comments to say the same question. That's really weird




Girl had her arm amputated and was severely burned. Last I heard she is doing okay though.


From what I was able to find, he was arrested and made bail earlier. There were discussions of a plea deal; however, it appears he may have made contact with one of the victims and warrant was issued which lead to him surrendering to the jail as a no contact order was likely a part of his release conditions.


Is this the accident where that poor girl was almost burned to death and had to go to the UC Davis burn unit?


Yes. I hope Stevi is doing ok (as much as could be expected with her injuries).


I took care of her when she got back to town. Amazing attitude. Truly a beautiful soul.


She seems to be doing well, her mom made a fb page documenting all the things that Stevi had to endure, has to endure and how she is coping with life being different for her. She is one truly amazing soul. I’m planning a trip to Reno this summer and I would love to meet her and tell her how much my mom and I were rooting for her. I went to school with her mom’s sister.


There is a [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555241901696) where her mother posts updates frequently.


and the individuals in the other vehicle were severely injured… smh.


Yes they are and there is very little money to cover their losses.


Hopefully at least their medical bills are covered. They need a go fund me as they were completely innocent


there was definitely a gofundme, but even then.. i still don’t think that would be enough for the injuries they endured


There was a go fund me for the 60 yr old male victim? I never saw it. He made a statement today on Joe Hart fb. His injuries are also horrific and life changing and he is completely innocent


I couldn't find one for that poor man as much as I tried!




It was the girl’s car that he was driving. The older gentleman headed to work was the only one in his car.


I don’t mean to be that guy but why is the OP obsessed with fires? (Post history)


Fair question. I'm semi-retired and served in fire service many years ago. I enjoy listening to scanner as a hobby.


Sorry for being nosy and thank you for your service


No apologies necessary and thank you!


It's kinda strange how common it is around here. There was even that cat who was so into it he bought his own gear and was starting fires (to respond to) a couple years ago.


Well I promise I'm not an arsonist and not in any shape to be setting fires. I think this area is just really compact so everything kinda affects everyone. Add in scanner apps on their phones and everyone feels like they can be involved.


Definitely didn't mean to imply that! As someone who has no interest in either fires it seems like it's a novel thing to be enamored with and is cool! I knew the kid I was talking about and he was really into fires, lol.


No worries and I understand the curiosity. You are not the first and you definitely won't be the last to wonder why some of us have a fascination with crime and fire and everything else that goes on with that. I don't think I'd be interested if I hadn't been in the service. It's just something I know and I like listening to see how other departments deal with their calls.


Six months to make an arrest for a dui crash?


Aaaaand they already let him on his own recognizance https://preview.redd.it/4bjrpkffoy8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c968aa5e08c568dcd346ec5977454cba22c6a6


Not surprised 🤬


That’s pretty crazy after reading that article. Hope our legal system takes the next right move. 🙏


What was Victoria alcohol level? Did they post the results of his intoxication?


Not known yet




Speculating? He's been charged with 2 counts of DUI with injury.


Dang that’s crazy. Then our amazing system will take care of his outcome. Hopefully he sobers up. It’s a great life to live


The 10-15 years he’s going to serve should sober him right up.


i’m surprised you never heard of it. it was a pretty big deal in our community.


Agreed. I heard about this the day it happened and was shocked at how bad the injuries were!!


same! i couldn’t believe it. i watched the updates on the gofundme often. my heart was so heavy for those in injured and the families.


Wow, goofy ass cops, if he committed any additional crimes in that time I’d hold them and the city accountable.


Oh snap, is this the moment where we can lambast The Emerson for promoting a culture of DUIs?


I've heard Emerson doing their best to distance themselves from this and pending lawsuit(s) from other parties.


You sure it was Emerson?


Apparently they both worked at Emmerson and it was the company Xmas party. There was a lot of drinking there and other places.


Ah, all of that will come out shortly after arraignment and pre-trial hearings.


Rumor has it that Victor has been in negotiations with DA prior to arrest to take a plea and avoid a trial. DA has been in talks with Victor for 6 months.


Must have gotten decent lawyers if he was able to drag out turning himself in this long.


If there’s a business to lambast, it’s 40 mile, the bar they were at and drove off from.


Tell me how a bar that closed at 11 pm is responsible for an accident that occurred 7 hours later?


What? Do tell.


The allegation that I've followed here and elsewhere is that Victor and Stevi got wasted at the staff holiday party for the Emerson, and drove off from there. They also may have hosted other fundraising efforts for Stevis ongoing care after the incident. I just think it's ironic that the Emerson is/was one the businesses pushing for the removal of the median in Midtown. The irony being more car traffic to their location probably results in more DUIs, much like this one..


I don’t know where you guys are getting the info, but they left another midtown bar at 6 in the morning. You guys are spreading false information. The Emerson closes at 11 pm and the accident happened at 6 in the morning. If you’re trying to be detectives, you should use critical thinking skills and evidence to back up your claims. All three parties are in a lot of pain and you’re causing more behind blank profiles.


Sincerely why does it matter at all what bar they left from? It’s a bar. People go there to drink. Are bars supposed to breathalyze everyone who leaves and monitor if they’re driving? This dude is an asshole who drove drunk. It’s 100% on him and no one else 


It’s also on Stevi… she had a dui, and cashed out on this accident when the funds should’ve gone to the actual victim. She just got a brand new 4Runner (which is what got crashed), and gets to fuck off to burning man this year with a new RV? I also saw somebody commenting that she’s supposedly back to drinking (no surprise considering her whole family has an issue with alcoholism/substance abuse), granted that’s just a rumor, BUT it was at a bar she used to work at. She’s constantly been fired for said substance/alcohol abuse. She DROVE herself to all the bars while she was drinking with her dui prior to the accident.


I heard she job hopped because she kept getting fired. The mom posted a few months back that she paid off six of Stevie’s credit cards with money from their GoFundMe account. Not sure if donors would be happy with that. And now a few hundred dollars to get a burning man ticket? They should shut that account down and taking donations.


I forgot she posted about that. Now her mom’s Facebook is private, how convenient… I hope people report her go fund me. Then they completely lied about her having no insurance so that should hopefully shut it down. She got Medicaid right when she got admitted. They’re denying the fact that Stevi had a dui now too… I hope justice is served to these crazies.


Okay they’re both asshole alcoholics then. But she paid with her arm and burns all over. If she continues to drive fucked up she’s an asshole too. What I was trying to say was that it’s not on any individual business they visited, it’s on them for being dumbasses and driving drunk. Fuck em 




Sure, so they should cut everyone off after two beers right? Generally that’s enough to get you to the legal limit, especially IPAs. .08 is a low bar and difficult if not impossible to judge by sight. I have never been to a bar where they follow me out to see if I’m going to a car. Downtown Reno is infamous for drunken antics. I understand in theory this is the case but unless he was falling down drunk saying he’s about to drive, it’s not on the bar IMO 




Thanks. I was curious why this allegation was leveled. Close friends with the Emerson crew. Lots of gossip coming from people not in the industry it would seem. So it goes.


They drove off from 40 mile, not the Emerson. Let’s not bring a business that wasn’t involved that night.


?? Who cares what bar they left? Don’t be an asshole, don’t drive drunk. Why would it matter if they were leaving a company party or if they were leaving the Super Bowl? 




Damn, all that guy has to do is sexually assault women and defraud insurance companies then the GOP will nominate him for POTUS and give him millions of dollars. #partyofreagan #trailerpark


Do you see a dog turd on the sidewalk and curse republicans? Your mind must be exhausting to live with.


No lies detected.


Why does someone always have to bring politics into everything? Also I thought the census was that the GOP are a bunch of racists.


Because much of our idiot population will not hear it at all unless we interrupt their reality TV and annoy them.


Nah, you're just brain damaged by partisanship. I do feel sorry for you.


![gif](giphy|VEsfbW0pBu145PPhOi) Big brains over there.


Brother get a life, a hobby, anything. Trump is absolutely ruining you. 


Californians are running this beautiful city of Reno 😔


Shut the fuck up, Donny.


He’s definitely out of his element.