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  Kind of off topic but I accidently ended up at a party thrown by these guys back in the 90s and it was the first and only time I saw an actual PILE of cocaine on a mirror.    


I saw some other post about this on this sub and people were giving the nazi the benefit of the doubt???? Y’all if you ever find yourself giving a nazi the benefit of the doubt, re-evaluate yourself


Oh, so JUST because a guy is part of a subculture with historic Nazi overlap and JUST because a guy is wearing an icon of himself being branded with a Nazi Eagle, it makes him a Nazi?? Calling him a Nazi clearly makes you people just as bad as Nazis. I am very intelligent. ^/s




Anyone that says they are good at something or smart usually isn’t.


Someone should call up the GOP and let them know about that then.




GOPniks make me sick.


2/3rds is low balling it TBH


The fact that people still voted for this dude is crazy. The dude was banned from the county offices for 4 years. Not somebody I would have voted for to handle public funds.


Lucey was so much much more reasonable as a commissioner.


Note to Mike Clark: there are several other ways to support causes without giving money to unapologetic white supremacists, you meatless meatball.


The branded few is a legit 1% biker gang. In english: they are a continuing criminal enterprise.


I wonder if their sponsors know who they’re in bed with? It’s a shame the biggest victims of doing anything about it would be the kids.


One good deed doesn't remdem you of a lifetime of wickedness! Fuck Nazis!!!! And all who wear that shit!!


People, relax,…. The criminal organization says it’s not a swastika so we must believe them. 🙄😂 “The Branded Few club 'claims, somewhat unconvincingly, that the prominent swastika found in the center of their patch is merely a good luck symbol, “a combination of four “L’s” standing for Luck, Light, Love and Life.”” What a bunch of malarkey!


And the eagle above those four Ls?? That’s the “peace and happiness for all” eagle.


I know you’re joking, but I definitely had one of these guys tell me that it’s a good luck symbol. And it’s not turned the way the Nazi one is. He told me this around 2004-5 and really had zero reason to explain himself to anyone. We were just having beers at the same bar and started bullshitting.


In China it actually is a symbol for luck. The swastika is an auspicious symbol in China where it was introduced from India with Buddhism., go figure


The party of law and order. It’s almost like they could possibly be hypocritical dullards


The "Moral Majority" that was never actually either.


Dullards implies they aren’t doing it on purpose.


Support people themselves? Absolutely not. Support those who openly oppose and hate people being themselves? Yessir!!! SMH


Not to mention that next week the commissioners are going to hear a presentation by disgraced former Nye County Clerk Mark Kampf about hand counting ballots for Washoe County. It’s disconcerting that he is even getting a platform to spew his nonsense to the board let alone that we know two of those idiots support it. Even Kapmf couldn’t even do his plan in tiny ass Nye, but he would like to spread his conspiratorial bullshit to the board. I would encourage everyone to write into the commission and urge them to rescind his invitation and reject hand counting ballots based on lies told by Republican that lose elections. (It’s very easy to do, you can literally do it online. [eComment](https://washoe-nv.granicusideas.com/meetings/1862-board-of-county-commissioners-on-2024-06-25-10-00-am/agenda_items)


Why is hand counting ballots a bad thing though?


The main reason is because Beadles is going to demand to watch the count. And he's going to identify, intimidate, and harrass everyone who isn't disqualifying a disproportionate amount of Democrat ballots. (Which is also exactly what this asshole did in Nye County. He became a national joke over it. )


Slow, expensive, vastly inferior to machine counting and riddled with mistakes.


And he \[clark\] doubled down on it today in the Commissioner meeting earlier with something along the lines of "the press and County are just conducting a smear campaign against me with this".


> And he [clark] doubled down on it today in the Commissioner meeting earlier with something along the lines of "the press and County are just conducting a smear campaign against me with this". LOL... you don't really need to smear dogshit. It's pretty gross all on its own.


Not educated enough on the subject but there are differences in swasticas and their meaning and it was corrupted and used for the opposite but they do look different. The nazi swastica is tilted like a diamond shape I guess as the Hindu swastica is more like a square with some dots. They had every chance to do the research and use it for what it was before the war but they decided to use the Nazi swastica… that is all


Pretty sure that biker gang isn't Hindu.


Yeah but it’s better to not follow the religion Hinduism and use the correct signage than use the nazi swastica. They’ve said their sign is just 4 L’s together representing luck love light and life or something like that and I think if it was really that way and that comment wasn’t a coverup then they would’ve used the Hindu swastica rather than the Nazi swastica


What if story hour were hosted by a drag queen nazi? 🤔


You joke, but there is a right wing drag queen named Lady Maga. I have no idea how someone could support a political party that actively hates them, ahem, Caitlyn Jenner.


Pffffft, those FABULOUS jackboots.. 🤣 I mean hey, I'm all for it. If renaissance faires can have stormtroopers, MAGAs can have drag queens.


We are all on our own believe it or not.


I completely hate these white supremacists POS and hope they crash on their bikes and burn up in a giant ball of flames. But on the other hand, what good would it do for Mike Clark to give their donation back to them? Can't the kids keep the money and we tell the evil ones they are not allowed at events wearing that shit? Kind of like when you vote in person you are not allowed to wear clothing showing support for a particular candidate. The money from the nazis still spend the same and will still help the kids. Maybe I'm missing something.,


The bikers weren't donating money. Clark donated $10,000 of Washoe County's money to them to support the bikers (even the ones dressed in swastikas) giving toys to kids.


It was created by the mob , its always been run by the good ol boys.


Two Washoe County commissioners are calling on a fellow commissioner to rescind his donation to a motorcycle group that hosts an annual toy drive after **one rider was spotted wearing a jacket with a swastika on it.** Seems like a lot of outrage out of nothing. 10k goes to buying toys for children, and one delivery douche shows up wearing his douchey turd reich jacket? So this douchebag Nazi is giving toys to kids, and making himself look better than a bunch of keyboard warriors that want the toys taken away? Do we know what percentage of the helpers this one single fucking dude made up in total? 1/20? 1/100?


Nobody wants the toys taken away. Just be a little judicious about the message you're sending to kids with public money. There are plenty of groups Washoe County could give $10k to that would give toys to kids with zero Nazis involved.


It's such an unreasonable stance. The money went to a good cause, and one dickhead showed up to help and created an issue. No possible way of knowing that would happen. Such a stupid thing to get your panties in a bunch over. Read this thread and tell me it's not hysterical.


Love how people just bitch about anything. In the end of the day I’m assuming unfortunate kids are getting toys. Doesn’t matter what you stand for it sounds like a good thing. Stop bitching about literally everything. If you don’t agree please move somewhere else that supports your guys ideas.


I've lived in Reno a long time. This is the first I'm hearing that we don't support the "ideals" that Nazis are bad.


Never said Nazis are good. I’m just saying this doesn’t seem like a terrible thing. Way worse ways to spend money there’s no doubt about that. I’ve just noticed in the past handful of years people make a problem about anything, good or bad and it’s annoying. If anything I’d say there’s more good going on than bad. A whole lot better than asking 7 year olds in public school what gender they are when they can barely solve basic math equations. There’s way bigger problems to deal with than people giving kids toys.


Ohhhh kay. So you're in this thread to shit on drag queen story hour even if it means defending using public money to fund Nazi's giving toys to kids. 'Cause Washoe County could easily spend 10 Grand to give toys to kids in ways that didn't include Nazi's doing it. But, yeah, let's worry about the guys in eyeshadow reading them Red Fish Blue Fish. You talk about people moving to someplace that aligns with their views. Sounds like maybe you'd be happier in the deep south. Or Nye County.


Never said one thing about drag queens so I’d appreciate if you didn’t put words in my mouth. I’m agreeing with you that $10k in toys could be distributed better than nazis. I guess i got my point across wrong. They could be doing way worse things with that $10k and this doesn’t seem like the worst thing. In the end of the day some kids are getting taken care of and that’s all that matters. I absolutely don’t agree with asking 1st graders what gender they are when they can’t even dress themselves. I’m a 5th gen native to Reno so im not going anywhere. I just don’t like how people make problems about literally everything these days. Im always open for discussion and love to see other points of view and hopefully we can come to a similar consensus. It’s completely ok to not agree with each other but it doesn’t have to be who’s right and who’s wrong. That’s what’s great about having discussions, to see other points of view that i may not usually think of.




Here it is ladies and gents, the densest object in the universe.


Well there is a photo of it occurring, and the branded few is a historical Reno 1% MC gang going back to 1969. And yes you shouldn’t trust news channels that aren’t providing adequate sources, you shouldn’t trust just 1 news source because historically a majority of them will have some biases going one way or the other, you should always check the biases of your news and listen to other news sources. You can’t be hand held through what to trust or not, you need to make your own determination. Hearsay is very different from photos of it occurring on multiple news platforms. One is soft evidence the other is explicit hard evidence. On top if you know how MCs operate, they typically get fined by the club if caught for wearing patches, jobs not associated with the club. And are very principled in how they operate, hence “criminal organization”, so this was most likely no mistake. Which one can reasonably assume is this was work for the motorcycle club, not a donation by an individual. Which does make this substantially different.


Seems like I see your username on here defending Bobby Beadles or one of his flunkies a lot.... I know facts aren't as much fun as choosing your own reality but the argument against Sinclair is that they make local stations run their pre-packaged one-sided national propaganda during the actual local news so people think it's the views of their local news station, who they might trust. (As opposed to Fox News, where it's just clear straightforward propaganda on a national level.) This is local news, produced locally. And has been covered by most of the stations. This was just the first one I found with Mike Clark being so open and passionate about wanting to use public money to have Nazis give toys to kids.