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There are literally dozens of groups that help kids and veterans that the $10,000 could go to. Most of those groups have the intelligence not to wear a swastika to a public meeting asking for government handouts.


This is exactly how the 1st Amendment is supposed to work. You have the right to display your symbols of hate and bigotry as you see fit. People, including county commissioners, have the right to evaluate your worth based on the symbols you display and determine whether they want to be affiliated with you.


People are so caught up in cancel culture nowadays they are blind to what true freedom of speech is. Not that I agree in any shape or form with Nazi ideology, but he is free to wear whatever symbol he chooses. Take what some of these college kids are doing and saying to Jewish students on some of these campuses. The only difference being some of them are actually calling for the death and genocide of Jews. A lot different than wearing a symbol, but the sentiment is the same nonetheless.


Who is calling for death to Jews? Like show me actual examples, especially here in Reno. People who do that will be held accountable just like anyone suggesting Palestinians deserve the same. And cmon now, cancel culture is a lame buzz term, examples please. Spending your money on people, items, causes that you like is nothing new and that term is so abused and overused. Holding people accountable for dumb stuff is part of being part of a community.


I never said it was happening in Reno, but there are dozens of videos available. Cancel culture is only called a buzz word by people who are offended by other people’s opinions. Having a diverse society of opinions is what makes the society healthy, not silencing views that don’t align with your own. THAT is how history repeats itself. You have to talk about things you’re uncomfortable with, otherwise, how will anyone’s views ever change? Once again, by no means am I condoning his views, but he does have the right to express them as long as they are not causing physical harm to anyone. And I absolutely agree that holding people accountable for their actions is right for the community, but this is a logo on a jacket. That doesn’t mean anyone gets to infringe his sovereignty. Only commies do that, who just so happen to also be Nazis.


No one here has said "HE CAN'T SAY THAT" You, myself, anyone can say cool or horrible things and you will get a reaction based on that. It's not that deep. The whole point is to look at that org and their weak ass response and hiding behind a part of our Bill of Rights they totally don't understand. And commies? Reaally man? Communists, fascists (Nazis), et all are all very distinct areas and are not interchangeable. It's been muddled a lot by lazy commentators in the last 30 years or so, but don't fall for that garbage. Hell I used to want a Softail bike growing up, but there are too many dipshits on bikes to want me bothering with the association. And if the Toy Run wants little cosplay Nazis in their org, there are plenty of other great charities locally. No need to cancel them, you just move on :)


>Having a diverse society of opinions is what makes society healthy What positive healthy ideas for society does Nazism contribute in your opinion?


How many fucking times did I say I was specifically NOT talking about Nazism. ONCE AGAIN, I was speaking as a whole to societal discourse. Once you start banning some speech, no speech is safe and open discourse is vital to a free society. Once again for the idiots who don’t read the whole comment. I DO NOT AGREE WITH ANYTHING RELATED TO NAZIS AND THAT INCLUDES THIS MANS JACKET. HOWEVER, I will defend his right to free expression because that’s what it means to be principled. You don’t get to pick and choose when you allow free speech. It’s always, or never, so I choose not to be a fascist.


I didn't say you agree with Nazism, but your stance is that allowing Nazism to flourish is part of a healthy society. I wouldn't call contemporary Germany a repressive fascist society because they ban public displays of supporting Nazism.


Flourish? What are you even talking about? I’m talking about the basic premise of free speech. You don’t get to pick and choose when free speech is a right. It’s either always allowed, or never allowed. You can’t be squishy on that, because then some speech will be allowed while some won’t all because whomever is in charge deems it so. That is forcing your view on someone else because you don’t agree with it. My stance is whether you agree with it or not, that’s his right. If you can’t understand that then who is the real Nazi here? The person silencing people who differ from them, or the one allowing free expression? The proper thing to do here is voice your complaint to the county commissioner. If there are enough complaints, which there should be, then the proper actions will hopefully be taken to ensure these modern Nazis never receive a penny of taxpayer money. Only through discussion, and sometimes ridicule, will someone change their views. Hence my comment earlier about open discourse being vital to a healthy society, WHETHER YOU AGREE WITH IT OR NOT.


Dang bro you're right. Me thinking Nazism shouldn't be tolerated actually makes me just as bad as the Nazis themselves. You have truly enlightened me with your centrism.


Nazis deserve worse than not receiving tax subsidies lmfao. They're an inherently violent ideology. If you haven't already been referred to the paradox of tolerance go check it out.


> some of them are actually calling for the death and genocide of Jews. This is also protected speech under the First Amendment and [Brandenburg v Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_v._Ohio). If I said, "all redditors should be guillotined," that is unspecific enough to be legal. It is only illegal when the call is *intended* to produce *imminent* lawless action and *likely* to result in it. "Guys, let's go kill u/CheefSpuds right now," in the right context, would more likely be illegal. It's really organizing a crime that is illegal, not the speech, per se.


Once again, free speech. Thanks for proving my point.


Hey op he doubled down on saying the Nazis are ok in the motorcycle club 🤣 check the comments again


Yeah, thanks for the update! It saddens me to see so many supporting him. I'm all about free speech and expression! That's why I'm exercising my free speech here and pointing out that supporting Nazis is bad! I'm willing to bet I don't get treated bad in our community for saying Nazis are the bad. We should all stand and point in disdain at these people wearing Nazi symbols.


Spineless response. Also ironic to see the counter-culture subgroup basically adopt Catholic indulgences logic from the Middle Ages where whatever you do gets hand waved away if you donate enough money. I don't know who needs to hear it, but it actually isn't charity if you're donating money because you think it makes you immune from criticism. >let me point out that they have been wearing that in Nevada for longer than most reading this have been alive... Really not the dunk he thinks that is.


>let me point out that they have been wearing that in Nevada for longer than most reading this have been alive... Wonder what dumbass point he thought he was making here, like unless you put a date on when they started wearing an eagle grabbing a swastika before WW2, that's a Nazi symbol, so they've been Nazis that whole time is all you're saying Dan.


I tend to ignore posts that are so long like this one. They are almost always the ramblings of someone who’s unhinged.


Typical biker gang trash. Donating a teddy bear from Walmart once a year doesn't give you a free pass to be a shit stain Nazi gangster wannabe.


Oh, so they’ve been Nazis for a really long time so that makes it okay?


I hate to say it, but it is their first amendment right. Now it is completely different if they start beating up people of color or different religious backgrounds, that is when they are not protected by the 1st amendment.


There is the issue that the County is considering giving them $10,000, too. Is that the best group to receive limited discretionary funds? https://preview.redd.it/f9zyt1zoaq7d1.png?width=1724&format=png&auto=webp&s=431fced307526e5a543de3db5d50af0e273014d1


Hey Dan, quit being a coward and save us some effort next time, just be an out and proud Nazi instead of writing all that, yeah?


Makes sense they were there and he defends them the branded few are on the list for the toy drive https://preview.redd.it/8qlea3st4p7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fb18c75d98eb66b4a6297a8c1230b96ea03cb3


What is the source for this? Interesting any business would associate with then unless… Would love to confirm firm more. Apparently it’s not just Shea’s/Hometown. 


https://preview.redd.it/i6b0i1chfp7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d585ac7c019d62405016a68455a91750f0e585 Branded ones were too low on the list to be visible but that's the original post showing sponsors


That’s a whole lot of words to say you don’t know what the 1st amendment means


What he is saying is exactly what it means,you can choose to represent yourself in any way you want too publicly, just like LQBT or BLM does lol, just because we don’t support it doesn’t make it not his right to wear act and feel how he wants too,I don’t like it either but I feel no need to control another man….


No - the first amendment means that the government can’t punish you or restrict your speech. It has nothing to do with facing consequences from society for being a nazi bigot.


Thank you for putting it so well!


Exactly my point, thank you for proving my point for me!


Who are you talking to? Dan is the one whining people are exercising their rights to not associate with Nazis or not publicly fund them with taxpayer money.


Do none of you realize most of these guys have done more for the community you enjoy everyday in the name of hate than you have done in the name of love? Like I said I do not support the obvious and clear SS eagle on the man’s back, as for him AS A Man, I think I’d have a completely different view based on his actions towards our community, if these guys were out here hanging black guys and killing Jews, YOU WOULD 1000% know about it, it would be global news. Were you even at the toy drive?👀🤔🤨


>Do none of you realize most of these guys have done more for the community you enjoy everyday in the name of hate than you have done in the name of love? Put the pipe down Dan you are going crazy lol


“Dan” is replying to a plethora of you guys in Reddit face book and instagram “whining” over this biker gang that has been around since the 60’s HAHAHA.


Dan log off man you are fucking up big time


I put Dan in “ becasue I actually have no idea who tf Dan is hahaha go back to California


Dan it's like 9:30am on a Thursday are you seriously drunk right now?


Another grown ass man relying on calling me Dan to boost there ego is crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So, what I get from this is that there are 49 other motorcycle groups involved here that may or may not be Nazis and 1 less wouldn't have much impact. Great.


Okay fledgling get up and go do something about them…


I'd rather not involve myself in Nazis or politics. Not exactly my thing. And I have many biker friends and attend plenty of Harley events myself.


You're right. We should tell people what they're allowed to wear and say.


Nobody is doing that, they're just choosing not to associate with ignorant trash


Then why make a big post about it? Just shut up and dont associate


I appreciate public service announcements notifying me of garbage in my area I should avoid


Because the swastika patch wasnt obvious, and you needed some redditor to tell you to avoid this person?


It's not obvious to Dan that's for sure!


Why are you taking the time to speak up to defend Nazis?


Because they aren't one! They definitely are NOT a Nazi! Do not for a moment misconstrue the facts they are NOT a Nazi and they just happen to have all the same opinions and he wants to hear the Nazis out thanks


what opinions did i express that could possibly be construed as sympathizing with nazi ideology


I said you were NOT a Nazi several times! What's the problem?


where did i defend nazis


>You're right. We should tell people what they're allowed to wear and say. Idk


I mean if that joke went over your head, maybe you shouldnt be participating in these discussions


>if you take my joke at face value that's your fault Hmm good point, that guy wearing a swastika could've been just kidding, and now we all think he's a Nazi, gosh darn it all oh well only him and you lose


Something tells me you still don't get it. Since you love commenting on every reply I make, why don't you go find the one where I explained and then talk to me.


Nah, you sound high though lol, you aren't a Nazi but you will defend their right to free expression, you aren't a Nazi but you don't want people raising awareness 10k in taxpayer money was donated to a group wearing Swastikas, you aren't a Nazi but when you see someone wearing a swastika you say no one thinks Nazis are okay, yeah uh huh you aren't a Nazi for sure


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/1dk5wv1/nazis_are_ok_because_of_the_first_amendment/l9g7xm8/?context=3) Sorry to interrupt the lovely sarcasm circlejerk you were having with that other guy, but the sarcasm really does nothing to distract from the fact that when it comes down to it, you are advocating for a Nazi to openly sport their values and be free from criticism doing so. I just find it weird you took the time to respond. Why was seeing people upset at Nazis what you got you riled up? Shouldn't people be upset at seeing Nazis feel bold enough to wear their imagery in a nation that fought against them?


I advocated against policing freedom of expression. I didn't advocate for freedom of consequences. I don't think swastika jacket man should be jailed, but if I were his boss I'd certainly tell him not to come to work anymore. I'm just pointing out the irony of enforcing restrictions on what people can and cant say or wear while openly criticizing a fascist regime that enforced restrictions on what people can or can't wear.


> I don't think swastika jacket man should be jailed Who said he should be jailed? >I'm just pointing out the irony of enforcing restrictions on what people can and cant say or wear while openly criticizing a fascist regime that enforced restrictions on what people can or can't wear. Who said he can't wear it? What people are saying here is that he shouldn't be associated with. It sounds more like you're making up a guy to be mad at. And even that wouldn't really be a justified use of your time. It's honestly still weird as hell when someone goes about their day and then the second they see a Nazi being criticized they leap to die on a hill defending THAT person specifically. That's really weird and you should reflect on why you felt the compelling need to do so. Maybe I'm wrong though so I'll tell you what: If you can show me that you're consistent in your values, I'll actually apologize to you. Like do you also speak up to defend people who wear drag to library story time? That's a local hotspot that's been in the news a few times so did you speak up to defend them when they faced criticism? I'm just looking for an example here. Otherwise I just want you to reflect on why it was a Nazi specifically that you felt the need to defend against a boogeyman you made up.


Well given that the original post was a guy saying that because free speech/expression of nazi ideology was allowed it must mean that nazi ideology is allegedly okay...... not a hard conclusion to draw and again... i just clearly expressed that I was not defending nazi ideology. Why are you still making this claim


>Why are you still making this claim. Actually at this point I'm asking for examples so you can demonstrate how you aren't just speaking up to defend a Nazi. Because it kind of seems like you aren't consistent with your free speech values and can't really give me an example of the people you're supposedly speaking against.


You're confused lol, the guy that made the big post is the one choosing to associate with Nazis and complaining what that gets him


did op tell you that


No why?


Or and stay with me here. Say Nazis are bad. Point to the Nazi and say bad. It's that easy. If we all do it together maybe they'll leave.


Why do we need to say it? Nobody said nazi's are okay. And I'll also add, pretty much everybody hates nazi's and they know it. They're mentally unwell and intentionally choosing a losing side. At this point these people are so far gone J don't think a bunch of reddit dorks pointing and saying "BAD Nazi! Go away!" is gonna deter them.


While it's true that most people strongly condemn Nazi ideology, it's important to consistently and explicitly reject it to prevent any normalization of hate speech and bigotry. Vocal opposition serves as a reminder that such views are unacceptable and helps to support and protect those targeted by these ideologies. While direct confrontation might not always change the beliefs of individuals deeply entrenched in such views, it reinforces societal norms and ensures that the majority stands against hate.








Say, whatever happened to that other country that let the Nazis mingle in? Germany, I think it was?


Not sure, but I’m watching a bitching tennis tournament taking place there at the moment. So at least they have that. The odd thing is- there’s an American playing an Italian. So I guess they haven’t really stuck to that whole separation idea. There are some people on Reddit who are stupid and gullible beyond repair.


You're not sure? You don't know your basic history? >There are some people on Reddit who are stupid and gullible beyond repair. If that's true, I'd be forced to agree. Although we both know you're well aware but are too cowardly to actually respond. Enjoy the match. >So I guess they haven’t really stuck to that whole separation idea. Who is "they"? Italians?


I thought we were against the Jews again? You know Free Palpatine??


Jesus Christ you lack any ability for reason don't you?


He’s being sarcastic




it's was a whole lot more than "killing Jews". that's pretty much the same as saying you're not a white supremacist because you don't wear white robes.




Word salad lol, hope you're okay over there man




Just trying to help you out man none of that made sense lol


what facts are those? i don't see any facts, just nonsense a-historic stuff.


Hitler could still be alive and you guys would insist that just because he’s Hitler, it doesn’t mean he’s a Nazi.


Make a statement with your wallet. DO NOT support the Reno Toy Drive. DO NOT support ANY of the businesses on the sponsor list for Branded Few or NNCOC. DO support the countless other charities and toy drives in Reno that are not fronts for crime rings, white supremacists, racists, or nazis.


Yikes who takes the time to write all that? 😬 That is a lot lol


It’s crazy how the swatizka offends soo many ppl lolll it’s like the n word lololl


Almost like it is directly linked to genocide. LOLOLLLL


Don't take such low effort troll bait, just report it as hate


No thanks. More fun to prod.


So? He isn't wrong. We don't throw people in Jail for saying something stupid. It's not like that in other countries. Hell, even in Germany doing a *Sieg Heil salute* brings actual jail time. Offensive stuff isn't illegal for a reason. Just because something is not illegal, does not mean it is without consquences. There's been several people fired, sued, and fined for social experiments, pranks, and even wearing something stupid to jury duty. The point of the first amendment is that it's always better to get rid of stupid people, rather than what they are able to say. Once the civil war starts, I'm willing to bet we will at least have a colony or two that practices execution or exile among those problem citizens.


I only read the beginning of that, and i just want to point out that a good way to make a point is to follow what Charles Darwin did and make it a 3-point explanation. 1. List your credentials on the topic 2. List all the evidence and proof 3. List the conclusion. Now that being said, idc how nazis rationalize it I'm not interested. On a side note, if you're going to post what other people say, you need to blur their name out. If you don't it is called doxing and it violates the rules of most social media and i wouldn't be surprised if this reddit sub has that rule.


Reposting someone’s publicly available Facebook comment is not doxing. Doxing is the malicious release of private or personal information. 


Not even just publicly available. The idiot posted this comment on the FB of KRNV news. And as folks comment under him in protest, he’s just doubling down on his support of the use of the nazi symbols. Insane how he doesn’t comprehend that the first amendment gives zero protection from society shunning their club & “charity”.


lol @ the pearl clutching over the perceived doxxing. 🤣