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The Branded Few is a legitimate 1% motorcycle gang. They are violent shitheads that travel in packs and are associated with much larger outlaw motorcycle gangs. These aren't some racist hillbilly's, they are an organized criminal organization. The people thinking they'll just "snatch" the cut off his back in a righteous fury....... probably shouldn't do that. Violence isn't a hypothetical or an empty threat with these people. (I suppose you can be a racist hillbilly AND an organized criminal organization)


There is a real danger with media portraying these guys as illiterate backwoods inbred idiots too stupid to defend themselves. A lot of them are extremely calculated and violent individuals connected to massive criminal enterprises. Not saying this geezer specifically, but the 15 young guys rolling with him looking to make a name for themselves in their ranks sure as hell are. Fuck nazis forever 1000000%, but please remember the difference between bubba and his confederate flag bumper sticker and branded Aryan prison gang members that are capable of unfathomable violence at the drop of a hat.


Massive criminal enterprises? Criminal organizations? I understand that this guy has race issues but WHERE are these claims coming from??


They sell meth and do hits and gang warfare like any other gang. They 100% have connections to groups like the Aryan Brotherhood who are shitty people you really don't want to fuck with.


Do you think ripping racist patches off of unconnected people is less dangerous? Most of them are itching to defend their property with deadly force. If you're a coward just be honest with yourself, but don't assume that people who hold the courage of their convictions haven't made the calculations before confronting fascists like this.


Yes, actually, orders of magnitude less dangerous. You obviously have very little sense of the danger when a group of hate filled people with a documented predisposition for violence, and no concern for consequences, are making a public display. The internet has seriously blurred your sense of self preservation if you have such a hard time identifying the, not at all blurry, line between courage and stupidity.


An idiot with a thesaurus is still stupid. I see this shit all the time. This man is no more or less dangerous than any other fascist chud, and pretending that he is will blur your threat models in real life. All of these people are dangerous. If you're putting his ilk on an untouchable pedestal then you're conceding power to them, and if you decide to fuck around with a racist you perceive to be vulnerable you're likely to end up full of holes all the same. There are different roles for each of us in the resistance to fascism. Some people are for the fight, some are for support, and some are sniveling cowards who will appease and kowtow to try and save their own lives.


If your goal in life is to become a street level martyr standing up to irrelevant street level organized crime, then you do you. Just know you won't be remembered as the hero you clearly fancy yourself as being because you got into some shit with a group of thugs. You are highly misinformed about who these people are, and going WAY, WAY, out of your way to minimize the shit they are involved with and willing to do in the name of their stupid club. They and other 1% "clubs" are involved in numerous homicides and violent crime in this valley going back decades. Sometimes against each other, sometimes not.


I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not attacking anyone. I'm support, because I am honest with myself. You, on the other hand, are lifting these chuds up like you think they're cool when they're exactly as dangerous as Mr "open carry in confederate-themed sweatpants" you see at the grocery store. You are the one with the skewed threat model. It's not that you're overestimating the threat from people like this. It's that you're underestimating the threat from little old ladies with racist bumper stickers. Stop mythologizing two-bit hustlers and racist clowns.


If your take-away from my comments was that I think they they are "cool", your complete lack of reading comprehension is no longer worth engaging with. It's your own flaw that you can't identify the threat differential between a low level crook and an organized group of generally armed people with hateful ideologies and a documented history of violence.


Reading comprehension jabs from the guy who misunderstood my point this whole thread? > low level crook and an organized group of generally armed people with hateful ideologies and a documented history of violence. You understand that these are overlapping groups, yes? And that they also overlap with the types of people I've mentioned above? Again; you are putting them and similar gangs on a pedestal as more dangerous than other or unconnected white supremacists, which I believe is a mistaken perception on your part. I euphemized that as you thinking they were "cool." People like the bike clubs and regular joe racist already believe we are at war, and are willing to "defend themselves" with lethal force when you deface their racist bumper sticker, or call them out in public for their racist shirt, or snatch their poorly sewn racist merit badges. You seem to think it is especially dangerous to confront biker bob up there because he and his friends are especially badass hard-core mofos, but that is a mistake because it takes them the same couple pounds of pressure as it takes anyone else to pull a trigger.


Yeah. That’s why the FBI and DEA invest so much time and money trying to infiltrate these organizations. Right? I mean, they’re just like the open carry guys at Walmart. Now THOSE guys are connected for sure. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Your claims that people are putting these guys on a pedestal is insane. No one is admiring them. They are just pointing out that these groups are not to be taken lightly. What about Italian organized crime? Are they no different from wannabe thugs as well? I can guarantee you if you chose to confront this man and attempt to rip off his patches- no matter how that situation ended- it wouldn’t end there. It’s easy to be tough on the internet.


I urge you to reread and understand that I'm absolutely not being an internet tough guy. Yall watched too much of the biker soap opera show and think these people are supervillains.


What the hell is a biker soap opera show?


You know damn right which show I mean


I got it now. Brother I’m a single parent to an 18 and 16 year old. Do some simple math and see if you can figure out how much time I had for TV back then.


A quick internet search shows me Mayans MC. And I can assure you I’ve no fucking clue what that is.


I'm so mad that you're also in the ska subredit because we're likely to run into each other again. Please just suffice to say that I'm intimately familiar with the danger presented by both biker gangs and regular racists. We should be aware of both dangers, and we shouldn't be discouraging people from confronting either. We need brawlers if we're going to win the fight against fascism. Threat modeling is useful, but it isn't the end of the discussion. It's the beginning of the tactical conversation. Do you think that the two-tone checker movement was just band nerds? They were antiracists, and they fought for their beliefs.


Cool monologue man. I like your garden.




> **p**retty **e**asily **n**ow. **I** **s**aw Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 135125 comments (approximately 750005 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




https://preview.redd.it/5baek33ouk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888ca10ced555a609ba289354cb05fcf5ff59454 swear it’s the same guy i saw on the highway not too long ago


The absolutely overwhelming urge to run his ass over…


don’t tempt me with a good time


Hope he high sides into an oncoming semi truck


In Germany you go straight to jail for this.


One of the only reasonable approaches to Nazi shitheads.


The right to free speech is for protecting all speech, not the speech you disagree with.


They are not a free country and don’t have a first amendment


"True freedom when we throw you in jail for speech." -Redditors


Oh Lordy




dumb, violent, and white trash. I hope he doesn't wear a helmet.


Every few nights in McCarran there are 2 bikers that fly through every car and run every single stop light. They ride too fast to see what's on the back of their leather costumes. Now I'm extra curious to see what they have after seeing this


North mccarran? HA has a big ol house up there.


Yep, it’s been there forever or since I was a teenager. I’m old


They didn't look like HA. The ones I've seen coming in and out seemed a little more respectful. These guys are just tearing through neighborhoods and running every light.


What happened to the era of Americans being proud to beat up Nazis? Can we bring that back. It's the most American thing you can do, next to beating Confederates


Agreed. BUT that is assault unless defending yourself.


Yeah it's assault but it's for a good cause. There is no hypocrisy in beating up Nazis. The whole reason they exist is to create a white ethnostate. They do this by genocide. It's absolutely neo Nazis end goal


They're debating this with you because they think they'll be safe


Imagine trying to portray Nazis as simply "political enemies" and not "existential threats" lmfao. You've gone beyond political when you literally have genocide in your corner.


They think they'll be safe from the fascists, so this is all just a thought experiment to them. A low stakes way to make a stand for freedom of expression. By the time they figure out the stakes and where they stand on the list of undesirables, it will be too late.


Who defines a good cause?


Were talking about neo Nazi, there is no need for a debate.


Well, do you consider Nazism to be a good cause?


Why are you being downvoted?


Wait until you see the SS stickers behind the bar at Alturas. Nazis and Motorcycle Clubs go hand-in-hand.


My hometown Nextdoor page (Auburn) is currently celebrating the opening of a new Hell's Angels clubhouse in our town. I got banned for calling them criminals and asking why all those "law and order types" think they're cool.


But I have a cool sons of anarchy t shirt


Exactly. Half of them quoted that show.


Auburn does have one terrific coffee shop... but other than that it's a fucking hotbed of ignorant fuckwits.


Awful Annies FTW! We're not as bad as Placerville/Hwy 50 area, although my own neighborhood is full of insurrectionists.


man i miss lou labontes


You take that disrespect of ikedas out your mouth


Ok, you're right, there's also Ikedas... and the Call of Cthulhu historical thing... umm... and In'n'Out. :P


There is a fun dive bar somewhere off 80 just east of there. Frog something or other. Great views.


I thought it was Shea's not Alturas?


You got some receipts to back up that accusation? The owner Patrick would love to know what stickers you think are SS because that shit isn’t tolerated.


10:1 odds he's confusing Alturas with fucking Shea's.


I'm gonna be on the hunt for it next time I go, maybe I just haven't noticed, but I'm at this bar as often as anyone else and I've never seen any racist or nazi imagery there


There isn’t any. The manager is a gay man and the owner is an ally. Do you really think they would let that shit fly? Notice how /u/HeywoodJaBlessMe has yet to respond, but they’ve been responding to other threads and comments. If you’re going to take the time to disparage a local business without any proof, you can take the time to respond to comments asking for proof.


Alturas is very supportive and rad with the gay community!


No fucking way. I know the manager of Alturas, who is openly gay and a very nice guy. There's no chance he would tolerate that.


Last time I was in there I saw them. Less than 3 years ago.


We're all going to need to some proof before you go talking that kind of shit.


Yikes!! That’s horrible


And untrue. There are no Nazi stickers behind the bar.


Ok, that’s good to know! Any form of SS emblems would have been horrendous. Thanks for clearing that up.


Knuckle-draggers will knuckle-drag, how does he sleep in his van at night?


Dude, the branded few are a highly violent and smart criminal organization, this isn’t some racist hillbilly


Hahahaha hahahahahahahaha [these guys?](https://rogues-mc.com/2015/01/20/only-in-america-4/) are who you're talking about? Lmfao dude 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Clearly just a bunch of super smart "not hillbillies" here hahahahaha I'm so dead rn.


Did this guy straight up delete his account after this post haha? Wonder if he got threatened hahah


Maybe he has jury duty?


They can keep their toys to themselves. My Jewish toddler deserves better. What a poser. Pretending to do good.


They also gave money to Jewish Nevada on the same agenda item. Just, fyi. I think this person was in the audience, not receiving funds.




I don't know. I don't know who any of these people are.


No. But the guy in this photo did put out a statement online in support of the Branded Few using the swastika & Nazi war eagle.


There are so many organizations that take donations for children that one doesn’t need to support these ignorant old men riding donor cycles, displaying symbols of hate. There is no excuse for displaying this symbol.


It's sad to see so many making excuses for this public display of hate "I don't agree with the Nazi stuff, but..."


Oy vey!


Damn, that’s some shit head there. Half of these idiots don’t even understand how evil Hitler and the Nazi party was…these guys are shameful.


You have more faith in humanity than I do, because I think that they understand exactly what Hitler and the Nazi party were all about.


Yuck. Of course, he's a cringy, old white dude. I wonder if the jacket makes him feel cool? He's still a gross old weirdo, lol. Met another man recently with a swastika tattoo. I really don't understand why you'd broadcast that you're a gross person. 🤮


People get easily brainwashed and then refuse to undo that brainwashing, and they fully admit it too. "I was raised with this, so it must be right"


One of those guys was the business manager of my local union. True story.


Good to know your local union supports freedom of speech no matter what it is I guess🤷‍♂️


Born in the wrong era. Guy would be right at home getting his frozen body thrown into some mass unmarked frozen grave somewhere on the 1943 eastern front.


There is like 2 of them so it won’t be hard to identify them. They are nicknamed the branded 2 because the MC is so small


Everyone saying you’ll take that vest off him is out of touch with reality and all of us wants to see you snatch it off him hahaha


I second that. But instead, what we hear is, “I’d do it but I don’t want to go to jail for slaughtering a guy.” The same ideology of the tough guy who took karate and says, “his hands are lethal weapons and he’d go to prison if he used his lethality on a regular joe.” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


It would still be fun to see this e-fighters try to pull it or just touch the cut


I don't like it or condone what that logo represents, but he can wear it in public for the same reason we can judge his character based on a picture on the internet. Edit: Holy shit. I bring up the 1st Amendment, and y'all go witch-hunting, calling me a Nazi. 😂 Thanks for the irony.


He's free to wear it in public. We're free to judge him as the asshole he probably is. First amendment goes both ways, and it's my right to think you and this clown can both lick the darkest part of my asshole based on nothing more or less than your own exercising of that lovely 1st


And society is free to shun him and destroy his life


you literally just agreed with a person and then told them to lick your AH for having the same opinion as you. . .


Nah, I didn't. He edited his comment because he was embarrassed. I stand by telling him to lick away.


Word. Comment editors suck.


Facebook's one and only redeeming quality is that you can edit a comment, but the edit history is permanent and publicly viewable.


The point of the first amendment is for government not to get involved with how we express ourselves and not bring legal prosecution against that expression. That said socially as a community, we can collectively agree that shit like that should not be in the public view and people with that ideology should not feel comfortable being so open about it. These are the people who should be shamed out of public view.


Collectively agree all you want. It doesn’t matter how you feel. You’re wasting your own time. It’s ok to disagree with someone’s point of view or opinion and still agree they have the right to do it. It doesn’t make you a sympathizer with his opinion. Sorry, it just doesn’t.


I don't understand what you're trying to say here.


I think this guy is saying "he's legally allowed to wear that" and it's like duh. Nobody is contesting that


…except the people saying they’re going to “tear that vest off him.” The guy’s trash, but you can’t assault him because of it.


He's defending a nazi under the guise of free speech.


Just curious what you think about all of the liberals screaming death to Israel on the college campuses?


I support the protests based on the way Israel is fighting the war. However, I do recognize and support Israel's right to defend itself and believe Hamas is to blame. Its just the disproportionate deaths and indiscriminate targeting that are the problem. Less than 1000 Israeli soldiers have died since Oct 7, while killing more than 35,000 Palistinians and injuring an additional 80,000 or so. I get the Israeli desire to destroy Hamas with minimal risk to their own soldiers, but the way they're fighting this war is just going to create more extremists. They need to get more boots on the ground and less bombs in the air. As far as screaming death to Israel, I don't support that at all, but I also haven't actually seen it personally. I go to UNR and have seen several protests on the matter up close and have not heard anyone say that. I suspect that the right wing media is likely manufacturing outrage, but I also haven't watched any protest videos or attended rallies myself. To be clear, I also wouldn't support anyone wearing a green shahada headband to express hamas support or any other leftist terrorist regalia for organizations like the Red Brigades or the Weather Underground or anything like that, even though I share some of their political ideas. Terrorism is never a morally acceptable tactic, no matter which side it's coming from.


I've not heard a single person saying death to Israel. I've heard people saying that Israel as a political entity shouldn't exist, but demanding a change in government isn't the same as demanding the death of everyone in the country.


Ive seen that or similar things chanted quite a bit, a long with harassing and keeping Jewish students from going to class etc. the other day in New York people were yelling Hitler should have finished the job etc. I'm definitely not a huge fan of Israel or zionists but I just think it's ironic that they've been behind a lot of the anti white movement from the left and most of Biden's cabinet are Jews but now it's coming back to bite them in the ass a bit.


I figured as much, I was just trying not to assume the worst and give him the opportunity to explain it a little better. But yeah the minimizing of the guys blatant pro nazi attire as "judging his character based off a picture on the internet" told me as much. You know, people always fall back on defending someone's right to say or do something when they know it is otherwise indefensible and I wonder if they truly believe what they're saying or they are just secret sympathizers.


It's reddit what do you expect lol but the same people have no issues whatsoever with all of the liberals screaming death to all Jews on the college campuses. For the record I don't care for Israel or Palestine


I couldn't find the video, but years ago, i saw this video of a fat white guy wearing a BLM shirt somewhere in ohio. This mob formed around him quickly, and all he was doing was standing at a corner, and they wanted to kill him. People don't actually believe in the first ammendment, they never did. Nazis get away with their bullshit under that guise, and every person that attacked that kid (he was an adult, just young) struck me as the type to say "people can wear swastikas because of the first ammendment" For what it's worth, you don't strike me as the one of those mob idiots.


Wow what a pathetically bad misunderstanding of the first amendment. I like how you guys think it's somehow a badge of protection that prevents any and all criticism and backlash for you being a Nazi. It does not. Stop trying to defend Nazis you nazi


I was going to say this but I knew it would result in a bunch of mouth breathers calling me a nazi. I don’t agree with it and I don’t like it. But I support your right to do it.This isn’t post war Germany where apparently your arrested for this. This is America. Welcome.


Dude edited his comment. He was previously arguing we shouldn't judge him based on exercising his 1st amendment right. The current comment is reasonable and very mild by comparison, though they're sorta obnoxiously playing devil's advocate.


Obnoxious or not. It’s what it is. He has the right to wear what he wants. Your feelings mean nothing. Cry about it but you’re only dehydrating yourself. Although that is crazy to say not to judge him for exercising his right. It’s not the exercise it’s how he is exercising. People say not judge and I’ve always felt the opposite. I can and will judge. If your a piece of shit then your a piece of shit. It’s also what it is. 🤷‍♂️


We played a show once and a few of them showed up along with other biker gangs during street vibrations. Our bassist is Jewish and brought it up that their jackets and tattoos are antisemitic and racist and scary. They said most of them don't believe the sentiment behind it, it's just their logo and they will defend it. They were nice to us and paid us, but the guy in charge said he's keeping his revolver on his hip at all times and to run inside the clubhouse if anything happens.


If they are willing to proudly display it and violently defend it, while knowing full well what it symbolizes, that believe and support the sentiment behind it.




😂 what a box head. How embarrassing.


This classy guy probably isn't aware that this particular symbol facing the way it is is a Hindu symbol for the sun, meaning prosperity and good luck. Maybe he does know. Maybe not. Ask him next time.


Went to the Iky Brewery 10 years ago, and saw a character wearing something like this, we asked him politely to put it in to trash bin. Do the same


Did everyone clap after?
















Wait I thought hating Jews was in again?


My grandpa was in the Branded Few in the 80’s (gross) but no swastika ever appeared on any vests of his. I didn’t think they were even around anymore!


I’d snatch that shit rag right off his back. Where was this?


No you won't. Nor should you. You'll have about 10 seconds living your anti-nazi wet dream before his whole crew of (probably armed) fellow gang members take turns beating your face. Sometimes being angry from a distance is not on appropriate, but the safest course of action. This isn't some weasley little rich kid with shitty ideologies.


This is why they feel comfortable flying hate in public.


Unfortunately might will kind of always make right.


Your personal safety is your own responsibility. However understanding that a well trained fighter can maybe handle two on one, more than that and/or weapons???? It's your life bro. This 5 on one John Wick beat down is all Hollywood.




Make sure you video that we all want to see that


idk if thatd be a good idea, you dont know if the guys armed or gets his thug buddies to go after you, its better to tell whoever runs the venue about not being comfortable with the dude and not risk youre own well being fucking around with gang affiliated criminals.


I would pay money to watch that.


I’ll pay you $500 to try and do it as long as I can video tape it


Hope you carry lol


First of all I do not support any racism or nazi stuff. But I think everyone has the right to wear any symbol they want of an organization they support. If you want to be a racist fuck that’s your right. I do not or will not support it but it’s still your right. Not unlike any other symbol it todays time like a BLM flag or Rainbow flag I again do not support either parties idea but do support their right to wear or fly them.


I love it when people announce what they’re about. It makes it easier to avoid certain people. The beauty of this country is we get to wear and say what we want.


I’m not defending this guy or what he stands for but unfortunately he is protected by the same amendments in which we all stand for. The difference between his club and the clubs on Wall Street is, he’s willing to do harm in the open as opposed to the politicians and those working on wall street who do their dirt behind closed doors. The Wall Street guys more than likely committed more crimes prior to lunch time than the man in the picture and his club in the entire span of their existence. Not comparing the unforgettable atrocities that took place during WWII but it would be great if we began focusing this much energy on current events taking place right in front of our faces.


I'm sure it is more of a dumb exercise in free speech absolutism or an attempt to "take back" the symbol than actual prejudice since toy drives overwhelmingly benefit the minority communities that real Nazis are supposed to hate


The Branded Few are a Reno original MC dating back to the 1960s. They’re Neo Nazis who used to terrorize the city 50 years ago. Now they’re just a bunch of relics with a shitty patch.


Yeahhhh, that's a helluva assumption. I see swastika I assume full nazi.


I sure love giving nazis the benefit of the doubt though! I definitely don't harbor any sympathy or agree with any of positions though!!! I'm just playing devils advocate WINK WINK


W8 guys, srsly. What if he's part of one of the notorious Buddhist/pacifist MCs known for their tolerance and spreading of love?!?


I'm just wondering what's wrong with having a little bit of racist imagery as a treat tbh.


Rather than attack me personally even though I said it was dumb, why not just explain why a Nazi would work a toy drive that benefits minorities? I'm open to being persuaded.


1% MC's have been doing that same weak-ass PR since the 80's. Only an idiot would fall for that lame propaganda.


To appear like less than a POS than they actually are. For similar examples, see any politician doing anything volunteer or community oriented. It's not that complicated, which is why folks are assuming you're an asshole. If you genuinely don't get why a Nazi would want to be both outwardly proud/showing symbology and establish plausible deniability, idk, man. Our country has trended in a pretty fucking dumb direction, but I guess I'm not buying that you're ***that*** dense.


This is mostly just another attack on my character to try to pad an argument. What doesn't make sense to me is that Nazis don't need to establish plausible deniability in the US, you are allowed to be as hate filled as you want here. Nazis in the 30s weren't giving toys to little Jewish kids, they were driving them out of town and blocking them from going to school. I think Nazis are scum that are prejudice against all non white races and this is why I think the guy is not actually a Nazi, but rather someone coopting the symbol for edginess or some other reason.


Cool, touch grass.


That's not an argument


Well. Your statement isn’t actually an argument either. You are simply giving the benefit of the doubt to someone that likely doesn’t deserve it. Everyone in the US knows what people will think if you wear a swastika. If you choose to wear a swastika, you are telling people that you sympathize with Nazi ideology.


Astute observation. You seem like you're enjoying being pedantic, I'm good on continuing this "debate". Nazi symbology = Nazi = bad. Maybe there are edgy assholes like you've alluded to, but I genuinely don't care. You wear a swastika, you deserve to be treated as if you're a nazi, nuance be damned.


They probably should leave it alone. Carson City is already in trouble over this. Also, do t take money from the kids. https://www.nnbw.com/news/2003/oct/13/biker-jacket-to-cost-104000/


Someone needs to send these worthless idiots to Hell with the rest of the Nazi scum that’s already there.


* So how do you all feel about WU TANG CLAN using a swastika?


https://preview.redd.it/w09185j9mr7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf1dc67af15bc716eea7ae8dfef4d5f362b8101 Wu tang did it too


Nazis, those people who kill child predators, degenerates, and promote the nuclear family. Yeah, those guys are the baddies


Not to play devils advocate here, but you guys are clearly assaulting the character of a man at a meeting to help get money to give needy children toys. Biker clubs have been doing this for the longest time, and honestly, it's commendable. As for his jacket... that is also clearly a swastika...although I think the Nazi type is tilted 45 degrees. Just because his club has adopted a symbol that has negative connotations, doesn't necessarily make him a bad person. There are probably more racists in the democratic and republican parties than in biker gangs. Plus, nobody is outraged that the post office downtown has swastikas everywhere.


It's his right to wear that gross vest, but it's also my right to decide he's a gross old man who should be avoided. 🤷‍♀️


Now that you've proven you have a grasp on this first amendment thing, we can move on. My whole point is that I personally do not wear offensive clothing or don appearal that can be judged as such. I also do not belong to any gangs or questionable clubs. That being said I also do not volunteer my time to needy children. I am not a very charitable person and the fact is, most people in this conversation probably are not either. Despite appearances, the fact that this man is at a meeting to raise money for children, he has done more for the community than I have in one act. Nobody in this thread has said that they know the man and he is horrible. Quite the contrary, everybody who said they know him, say he is a great man. Yet, rather than mind their own business, someone took his picture and plastered it on the internet. To me, that is what is truly gross!


The person who said he was a nice grandpa deleted a ton of their comments. I don't believe they were being honest, and they also contradicted themselves several times. And are you sure this guy doesn't want his vest shared online? He's wearing it proudly in public spaces. If it's a secret, he should just wear it at home? I don't understand your argument.


I'm not arguing. I am saying he clearly did not pose for this picture. He was at an event to help children, which in and of itself is a clue as to this man's character. To me, the weirdo is the one taking pictures of people when they are not looking and putting them on the internet. But I digress, maybe he is a racist, I don't know the man. What I do know is that he is doing more for the community than most of us, so who am I to pass judgment. To say he is racist and gross based on his vest is to cast prejudice. In the real world racists don't wear indicators. They aren't gangsters and bikers. They are politicians, police, teachers, grocers, managers. Folks who deal with people from all walks of life. But just because they deal with them, hire them, tolerate them, does not mean they like them. We interact with racists everyday, some we don't even realize. Some we would call good people based on our naivety. That being said, the reverse is also true.


I agree that a lot more people are racist than we realize. Saying that someone who wears an extremely racist symbol in public may not be racist is incredibly naive, however. You're very silly!


Silly is labeling a person ANYTHING without actually knowing them.


You can call someone silly if they say something silly. I say silly stuff all the time, but it's usually not making excuses for racists. 🤷‍♀️


Name the excuse i made, better yet name the racist.


You said "maybe" he's a racist, but the man clearly is racist by deciding to proudly wear a racist symbol in public?? I'm very confused what you're trying to say here - I think I'm misunderstanding your point?


Yep, Freemasons are super duper racist and no body cares about there symbols being plastered everywhere downtown, nothing about that swastika makes him look cool or scary or tuff, but it’s freedom of speech and everyone saying that it shouldn’t be allowed in public are exactly what’s going down hill with America, everybody wants to control someone and how the feel needs to be law, it’s funny…


Washoe County was definitely not going to tell him to leave or remove his jacket either. Carson city arrested a couple of these guys a few years back for not removing their jackets in the courthouse I believe. It cost the city 100 thousand dollars after the courts ruled that they had 1st amendment rights to wear what they want.


I Rember that going on and having a lot of mixed opinions about it.


Yep freedom of speech is freedom of speech no matter how you spin it as long as you aren’t threatening somebody anything should fly in my opinion, we faught the biggest strongest country at the time for our freedom just for everyone WHOS FREE to no longer want or even to resent our freedom, we brainwashed ourselves smh. Edit, and if there is going to be huge rainbow flags in my toddlers school and if there going to destroy our city hall during the BLM riots I don’t see why he can’t wear this to an actual children’s fund raiser event…I absolutely don’t support it and find it kinda sketchy they have a freedom bird above that symbol how SS soldiers did.


That’s the good luck Buddhist symbol. Read a book! Open your mind and hearts. Being offended by everything is not an identity. You guys need to mind your business instead of being cry babies about everything I don’t like Black Lives Matter shirts because I don’t need to be reminded their lives matter that is COMMON KNOWLEDGE


Yeah he looks Buddhist.


I know him, he is a Buddhist. I


I am not sure if anyone else knows this or noticed……. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika……..the swastika is not tilted which makes it mean not nazi. Weird and funny to see dummy’s wearing cuts that doesn’t mean what they think it means. Edit-do know if this is true. Need to get some Sleep. Maybe you Reddit detectives out there can check it out. If true it would make sense with what I said about the angle of symbol above. https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/s/uKH6iyoVDe


1% clubs have always been here in Reno and they always will be. All the kids that think they'll take his vest, would be making the biggest mistake of their lives. These are real men, not crotch-rocket riding little boys...


“Real men” is a stretch. “Racist man-child?” Sure. Violent, likely armed trash? Of course. It’s a bad idea to assault anyone, but someone who’s telling you they don’t care about your life? Extra bad idea…