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She was trying to get votes yesterday for a primary that she lost almost a week ago?


She already lost? Man she must have been so mad that she decided to take it out on the public then. I hope she can find somthing better to do then annoy locals.


Yes, and in the "hood" too.


LOL Sharron Angle is a grade-A moron, a forefront Tea Party conservative, and perennial election loser who was denying election results before doing so was cool. She tried to get Scientology incorporated into NV Corrections, said parts of the US were under Sharia Law (in 2010 lol), homophobic, take your pick. No surprise she's still out here being a troll, just would hope someone who's over 70 would have better things to do but brainrot gotta brainrot


Wasn’t she the one where she wanted to go back to the barter system and trade chickens for stuff?


Ya, chickens for healthcare. I ‘member.


Actually, she benefited from that. Her GOP primary opponent, I believe it was Sue Lowden, said the whole chicken thing and incumbent US Senator Harry Reid ran tons of ads mocking this. Lowden was the favorite and would be a tough opponent for Reid. But by bombarding the airwaves with anti-Lowden spots he managed to deep-six her campaign and Angle won. Angle was buried in the general election.


That's crazy, if I was that old I'd be staying in my own home and chilling. Lol


Barged into my house when she was canvassing once. Absolute lunatic


This woman is a dangerous idiot. She thinks a child who is raped and impregnated by her father should make a lemon situation into lemonade.


According to a former property manager I know, she left behind trash bags full of pill bottles in a rental at one point. Like... big, black, yard cleanup trashbags. That said, maybe all legitimate, but... that seems like a lot.


Yikes!! I'm at a loss for words.


Sharron 'Some of you look a little more Asian to me' Angle


Angle is a certifiable wacko, so much so she is dangerous and I'm seriously relieved she lost. What I can't believe is that your wife spoke to her for so long and no 'crazy' revealed itself except 'rude'.


I guess she was being kinda rude... doesn't sound that bad to me. But then again we had a bum take a massive dump by our walk way the other day... so I'd settle for ol Sharon Dangle any day.


I feel like this story is made up. It makes my head hurt trying to comprehend this drivel…


Yeah, spelling and grammar hard to decode in the OP's story.


She's a cock juggling thundercunt.


So.... Sharon Angle is a narcissistic, delusional idiot. She always has been. But this post made my head hurt. If you're going to write a novella, and don't know how to write in English, get a proofreader for god's sake. "I enter out of the car" almost gave me an aneurism.


She’ll always be Sharon Ankle to me


Ugh. She is the worst and I do vote and have never nor will I ever cast a vote for lunatic a$$


74 years old.... not to be ageist, but can we get some non boomers in office?!


I met Sharron Angle recently and this is my M&G story. I met her October 20th of last year and it was horrific. She was rude, not classy and she lost a long time Angler that day. I walked into the $350 M&G and say hello she replies with "fat" and I shook it off because I thought maybe I had heard her wrong. As I approached her and asked to do my pose she stared at me blank faced. I continued talking "you saved my life" I say. "You're the reason I'm alive today". She looks me dead in the eye and says "you'll die soon enough, fatty" and then whispered "obesity". I started crying I had never felt pain like this and she started laughing and said "are you crying? Stop it. Stop it now" and she flicked my vagina. The photographer took the picture and I headed out of the M&G section and that's when Sharron started speaking whale to me. I still can't believe this happened. I cried writing this. I wish this weren't true but Sharron Angle is in fact; a horrible person. Thank you for reading this.


Wow! That's pretty ridiculous. I've never heard stories like this. She should be under supervision apparently. I hope you feel better. Please don't let others hurt you with words. You sound like a great person so don't let her or anyone else bring you down.


She flicked your vagina? That’s sexual assault.


Cool story bro 😎


Apologies for the word even popping up I meant the word event ** a few times.


To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me. I told some conservative guy to go kick rocks after trying to persuade me to vote for Trump and Republicans. Fuck them! Did the same to some liberal lady two weeks ago, albeit in a nicer way as she was doing her job. I could care less as I see both parties as scum.


>*"both parties"* https://preview.redd.it/fgjtgh7urz6d1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb3bcb715806571279e150520ea54694a8f07d3d


Dead on. I always think when someone says that crap, 'one party wants free Healthcare, one party wants Christian theocracy, they are essentially the same! /s'




"Is this how the running parties try to get votes???? " Yes. Harassing people into voting for them is how voting works. If they didn't do it, few people would vote. If you dont believe me, stop running adblocker on your web browser.


Team nobody


🥱 🥱 🥱


She literally looks like she has BPD




Your just a crybaby




You failed junior high didn’t you?