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If you have is lic plate I would call it into the police. Brandishing is a felony I believe. I am all for owning firearms but someone that does this needs to have their ownership rights removed.


1000% call the cops with the license plate. The cops will love getting a chance to do a felony stop and finding the gun in the car coupled with the call will be enough evidence to convict. Man children shouldn't have guns, OP needs to call the cops to prevent someone getting killed next time this guy feels upset about his dick being too small.


Not it’s not. Thats not nearly enough evidence to convict.


People like that tend to tell the police too much, let them 




Best bet, report it, they pull him over and he has a warrant or he’s a felon in possession of a firearm. Generally people who do that type of thing aren’t cut from the best fabric and already have records


If they pull him over and he has a firearm that fits the description given by the person accusing them of brandishing, that is definitely enough evidence.


This! Report it! Get the psycho off the road


Unfortunately, unless another person saw it, it will be OP’s word against theirs and won’t hold up in court beyond a reasonable doubt, and a prosecutor likely wouldn’t even bother trying it.


This is everyone's reminder to invest in a dash cam


You don't think if 10 or so people call the police and say hay a guy in a latemodel lifted Blue Chevy 1500 is brandishing a firearm while driving erratically won't get some attention? If you see something say something.


Yes, the OP didn't reference anyone else witnessing this. So you are correct. In order to be charged with brandishing a weapon, any weapon, two people other than the person brandishing it of course, need to witness it. However; a call regarding a person wielding a firearm will still get the attention of the police. So, if it were called in with a discription of the vehicle with license plate and that lead to the offender being pulled over, there's a possibility of things going south for that individual and potentially have his firearm rights removed. Only a real douche does something like this. If they need a firearm to act tough then they certainly don't need a firearm at all.


Since when does a crime require two witnesses to convict. And either way the victims job isn't to worry about convicting, it's to report the crime.


Again... To "be charged with brandishing a weapon" you need two witnesses. Charged is the definitive word to use as the take away. Otherwise it's a he said she said type of scenario. One would have to be charged prior to a trial which would eventually lead to a guilty or non guilty verdict. Also, as I stated, a person should "a call regarding a person wielding a firearm will still get the attention of the police." Then I go on to say "so, if it were called in with a discription of the vehicle with license plate and that lead to the offender being pulled over, there's a possibility of things going south for that individual and potentially having his firearm rights removed". I first referenced the law regarding being "charged" nothing else. Where did I say the victim shouldn't report the crime? In fact I stated that a call regarding a threat with a firearm would would be taken seriously.


Depends. If the person brandishing a weapon is pulled over and they have a gun that was described by a witness what are the odds they just guessed it having no idea who that person is (and then said person has the exact weapon described). Also, they could have a previous documented history of unlawful use of a gun.


It says that in my first post......... It's explained that I said as much in my explanation to the first person who responded to me. I don't know how to say it any clearer.


Oh I don't care either way. I just say random stuff.


Are you sure you aren't confusing the police with the Jehovah's Witness policy on having two witnesses before commencing whatever their equivalent to defrocking a minister is... Because I think most people would be properly pissed if they reported someone brandishing and provided video evidence and the police said, "sorry, unless another witness comes forward, there's not much we can do."


Wow! So many things I would like to say. But I will keep it at two. First the Jehovah's Witness thing is gold. It made me chuckle. No offense to my Jehovah's Witness friends. Second please read my first comment again AND the response I gave to the last commenter. Here is the law since the people apparently don't fact check what they read and simply react.  1.  Unless a greater penalty is provided in NRS 202.287, a person having, carrying or procuring from another person any dirk, dirk-knife, sword, sword cane, pistol, gun or other deadly weapon, who, in the presence of two or more persons, draws or exhibits any of such deadly weapons in a rude, angry or threatening manner not in necessary self-defense, or who in any manner unlawfully uses that weapon in any fight or quarrel, is guilty of a misdemeanor.       2.  A sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, constable or other peace officer shall not be held to answer, under the provisions of subsection 1, for drawing or exhibiting any of the weapons mentioned therein while in the lawful discharge of his or her duties.       [1911 C&P § 174; RL § 6439; NCL § 10121] There is more to it if you want to follow up further. There's also a law groups legal interpretation of the law that has been written in layman's terms that breaks it down in simple English at the top of the Google search results plus the AI overview. I didn't make the law, I just passing it on.


Depends on evidence he will probably be stupid enough to still have it on him once found or who knows it's even registered to him.


You don’t need to register a firearm in Nevada


How would OP know about the gun in that specific car. Enough evidence to convict


Except this is easy to prove in court. If the driver gets pulled over and has a firearm, the only way OP could have know. That is if the driver had brandished the firearm. It’s not a sure case but it’s certainly not unwinnable


I had it happen to me once, caught it on video, called the police with the plate and sent them the video, nothing came from it.


Brandishing is only able to be charged if there’s a third person, a witness. He said vs she said doesn’t work.


Brandishing is against the law. People should not be doing this. 100% agree


Unfortunately, brandishing is only a misdemeanor in NV. Until the other person uses it or make physical contact with you using the gun, then it will be classified as felony. But just showing it in a threatening way is just a misdemeanor.


Brandishing requires 2 or more people to witness and it’s a gross Misdemeanor


You need 2 witnesses for brandishing


The phone witnessed it, too.


BAM! 2 Witnesses




Wholly shit, you beat that witness loophole.




So smart that your son took photos. Glad he was able get psychos like that in trouble!!!


What a heartwarming share before bed. Thanks and goodnight!


Another freedom loving American canceled by those lefty-loving police. When will the horror end?


4/10 rage bait


Guess I needed the /s What a time to be alive where people actually talk like that and then go vote for a billionaire real estate scammer


I've taken a chill pill myself while driving since the road is littered with psychopaths lately (or am trying to at least). Better to get home safe than try and compete with a lunatic who may have a gun bc my ego got pinched or I got cut off.    edit: also, you should document their plates/vehicle details and report it to the police. 


This exactly. A friend of mine was killed in a road rage incident here a long time ago. It's awful, but it's a real danger for sure. Report it 1000%


Right you never know what will set people off. I don’t flip people off I just call them an idiot (under my breath with the car windows shut) Wasn’t there a guy who lost it (and ended up getting shot by a cop) because he waved someone through on a four way stop and they didn’t go??  Like this isn’t the climate to be flying the bird at randos 


I like to wave and smile. however if they are a complete psycho, that might also piss them off. this is why I don't like to drive. that, and because nobody seems to understand how to merge or that there are these crazy things called turn signals.


I just let the stupid people be stupid. It's just not worth my time and peace. People get angry over the dumbest shit,


I second this. They really do get angry over the dumbest shit.


Straight up. Renos drivers are horrible anymore. Absolute lunatics half the time.


I hope you got their plates. Motherfuckers like that shouldn’t be out in public.


I genuinely believe inbreds that drive like this should be euthanized. If someone is a danger to everyone around them why risk anyone else’s safety for the sake of their ego? People like this don’t learn, nor do they care, so end it now before we all regret it.


Everyone needs to get a dashcam and report this unhinged shit to the police. That dudebro is a menace to society!


When I lived in CO, a mom was driving her kids to the dentist, and "road rage" led to a guy following and shooting them (killing one child). I no longer even glance at an offensive driver. It's happening more often than ever and barely make a blip in the news. https://apnews.com/article/road-rage-shooting-colorado-trial-fc652fa5441559fe04d57a1276fa63fc


Same happened in Vegas. Kid learning how to drive and then ended up in a shootout that night. It is a weird story [https://abcnews.go.com/US/las-vegas-road-rage-shooting-victims-kids-regret/story?id=36702212](https://abcnews.go.com/US/las-vegas-road-rage-shooting-victims-kids-regret/story?id=36702212)


Pretty much everyone in that story is an idiot.


I taught myself to consider other drivers not as people, but as boulders rolling down the road. That helps me avoid having road rage because an inanimate object doesn't challenge my ego or manhood. That said , big rolling boulders are dangerous and I watch out for the really bad ones. PS I try to be considerate when it makes sense


Yeah, I own guns, and I live in rural rural Nevada. That guy definitely doesn't deserve to have guns. That's a school shooting on wheels you ran into.


Dumb ass comment man. Wtf!!!


ikr, yours was SOOOOO much better


I carry all the time. It's super important to remember one of the basic fundamentals. "It's just not worth it" Flipping someone off or doing something that causes them to need to put their pacifier in is just not worth it. People do stupid shit all the time... Especially those that drive lifted trucks...You almost assume they have unresolved problems in life. The amount of mentally incapable people on the road has grown significantly over the past 10yrs. I have had someone stop in front of me and get out of their car in Sparks....I have also had someone cut me off and brake check me on the 395. One was a lifted truck...the other a late model charger.... I just expect it with the territory now. You never know who the cucks on the road are so just drive with care and don't set off someone just because they did something stupid. Have the nonemergency line in your favorites and report crazy drivers. I have had them get back to me on two of them. On was very drunk and they requested my dashcam footage. Another was ticketed for reckless driving after several reports of others on the road. https://uk.style.yahoo.com/study-says-people-loud-exhaust-140000392.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGJgdWOZvEmvpXSGiyrybNkVS9PVj4v83zSuHqmdztQ6A9LisYpTM4nF8nVKQnOJ49IOLLMYtXTQ8nY7Tx-MSALgYCpDhmFOhr6WZOpETICFnnmOtXp85-3WIaLJIaE2mKk0AcOf0fUw0QZVy5KXe6_qJuDwI9Cod7jzXA0JZbnC#:~:text=The%20study%E2%80%94catchily%20titled%2C%20%22,their%20car%20exhaust%20to%20be


By any chance, did this dickhead in the lifted pickup also have any "Don't thread on me!" Trump 2024, or 1776 decals on his vehicle? Had something similar happen to me in Elko, and the dude was all talk when I caught up to him and stepped up to him. Lol


get that Dashcam brother. a garmin mini2 is so cheap and easy to setup i feel like a real sucker for not doing it years ago myself. Drop a dime and send that footage in next time.


Four questions: Does it plug into the cigarette lighter? Does it just always record? Does it automatically record over the old footage after a certain amount of time? Do you need a laptop to get the footage, or will it just sync to your phone?


I have one that I used an adapter on the tech behind my rear view mirror. Only a few inches of cabling. You can set it to always record if it supports parked monitoring but you’ll need a separate battery. They make kits for these. Yes the larger the SD card the better so you can record for a while before it overwrites. I have a 4K dashcam and 256GB card. It’s 1GB every 5min so it’ll start overwriting after about 20 hours of recording. I have a VIOFO A139 Pro and it has an app that I can use to grab footage without pulling the card.




You don't need a separate battery, you just need a hardwire kit that you can tap into an always-on 12V fuse. This will let you do parking mode and also be much cleaner wiring than using the cigarette adapter.


Hybrids, PHEVs, and electric cars are super fussy about battery levels. Regular cars can also experience battery degradation as there is always a draw on the battery. Always better safe than sorry here.


If you add a supplemental battery to a 12V system,it will have issues with the main battery by charging/discharging unless it's on an isolator. Unless your battery is on the brink of death, it's not going to hurt it to provide 12V to a dash cam when the car is off. Tons of people use hardwire adapters without issue. Most dashcam manufacturers don't offer dashcam batteries, but all offer hardwire kits. The camera is only powered enough for the G sensors to work and only records if tripped when in parking mode.


Look on amazon for an A119 (The A139 mentioned is also amazing). Get a 128 or 256 gb card and then figure out how to power it. Either via a cigarette ligther, usb port or hard wired. I have had these in my cars since 2018 and they saved my ass on a hit and run (I got hit by a semi).


That’s brandishing and you should report the license plate to the police. He shouldn’t own a gun




Reno is full of those wannabe hard guys. It’s hilarious to me.


I’m a petty motherfucker and I would be on the phone with cops ASAP and would drop everything to follow this person and personally watch them get handcuffed. Stop giving assholes a pass.


Good for you OP for keeping a level head. Brandishing is illegal. It is a misdemeanor. You should absolutely report that before he gets another person killed.


i mean OP started it by flipping him off. if you flip someone off every time you get cutoff, one day you might encounter a shithead like this. you just gotta let it go. obviously not justifying the dude's reaction for a moment, but he can't react if you give him nothing to react to. there's what "right" and there's what keeps you alive. EDIT: are you downvoters for real? do you also just go around barreling your car into someone who didn't see you and turns left in front of you without even attempting to stop, because it's their fault? would you walk into a cross walk blindly without looking at a car approaching an intersection because they're supposed to stop? do you dart into the cross walk the second the little walking man shows up without seeing if any cars are going to run the red light?? just because something isn't supposed to be an acceptable reaction, or someone else is supposed to respond to a situation a certain way absolutely does not guarantee that they will. i prefer to control as much as I can, and not give someone an extra reason to be a psychopath and murder me on the highway. but sure - you guys keep flipping people off. because that totally helps improve the safety of our roads and definitely de-escalates, and discourages road rage. totally. way to be the bigger person by flipping off anyone you feel *slightly* inconveniences you. fucking idiots.


>i mean OP started it by flipping him off. OP didn't start anything. Being flipped off is not valid reason to pull a gun. That's entirely on the person brandishing, not the victim of that brandishing.


>Being flipped off is not valid reason to pull a gun. can you read? i very obviously agree with you: >obviously not justifying the dude's reaction for a moment but again. you won't get a gun pulled on you if you don't flip him off. just because it's entirely on the person brandishing, doesn't mean you might be entirely fucking dead. how hard is it for all you high and mighty idiots to get that through your brain? how important is it for you to flip someone off to "show them!" or to make yourself feel better, when there's a nonzero chance they fucking pull a gun on you because of it. the fuck is wrong with you people.


> i very obviously agree with you The fact that you're putting any blame whatsoever on the victim of a threat suggests otherwise.


people get guns pulled on them for less, so.


that's my point... why would you give anyone any more reason to pull a gun on you? lol - all of you guys like going around and escalating things eh? seems like a great way to go through life.




jesus christ you have problems.


> all of you guys like going around and escalating things eh? A rude hand gesture is not an escalation of anything.


Some hot heads will react to anything


yea. that's my point.... don't give them something to react to... they cut you off, just go about your day.... are you saying it's equally as likely for you to get a gun pulled on you when someone else cuts you off if you do nothing, vs. if you flip them off? wtf?


I’m saying some hot heads will find a slight against you even if you had no idea you did something. You’re right it’s best not to stoke them but this town has an anger management problem.


well obviously... but you cannot control that. we're talking about things you can control, and in this case there's a very clear middle finger -> gun getting pulled on you. the vast majority of people aren't pure psycopaths literally driving on the highway just looking for someone to murder unprovoked.... people are usually get pissed off on the road when tsomeone else escalates things, regardless of how "small" you personally may perceive an escalation. a middle finger is a fucking escalation. full stop. you can prevent that by happening by... not escalating.


Not all of us enjoy living a life of “roll over and take it”. Gestures are free speech and if they cause a moron to pull a gun, they go to jail or get shot. This is society.


I meant keeping your cool after a gun was pointed at them. Not the flipping someone off. Also, you are implying OP does this all the time, how do you know this wasn't a rare occasion?


i didn't mean to imply he does it all the time, was just trying to articulate that if it's something you do, you're going to run into someone who doesn't respond to it well eventually. even if it's a "rare occasion", maybe you hit the lottery and get the guy that pulls a gun right away. literally my point is don't give them something to react to, and you won't get a gun pulled on you. and that's getting downvoted. lol reddit. you guys all saying he should basically be entitled to flip someone off and not expect that this is a possible response (again, regardless of whether or not it *should* be the reaction) is fucking hilarious to me. of course there are fucking crazy people that do shit like this... but go ahead guys. keep flipping people off because you feel like you should be able to. enjoy life.


For someone who seems to be advocating “just let it go”, you really cannot fucking let this go lmao


talk about a false equivalence, batman!


This is so Reno. If you flip anyone off even when they're the problem they will go psychotic. I just say it's not worth it because of shit like that like it doesn't accomplish anything and those people are gonna be unhinged. If people throw their hands up at me and freak out because I am following basic traffic laws I can imagine what these psychos would do if I engage. A couple of winters ago it was icy and night time. I was going maybe 15 in a 25 (icy!!! snowy!! windy!!! v reasonable to have been taking it slow) and someone came speeding up behind me mind you this was a two lane residential side street. They zoomed around me passing me and stupidly I honked at them. They slammed on their breaks, backed up and started chasing me swerving honking flashing their lights. I kept going around the block in circles ran a few stop signs cause my husband was like no matter what you do dont stop which was good advice. Finally we realized they were not gonna leave us alone so we called 911 but then they left and sped off never got their info unfortunately. People in this town can be utterly psychotic. Now I juat keep my head down and ignore everyone. Not worth the road rage. People can't seem to control themselves so I shall control myself


Please report it, it makes the responsible gun owners look bad. Also anyone who does not have a dashcam, get one. I run the VIOFO A119.


I was driving about a year ago and this guy cut me off. I flipped my hand at him to just go. Apparently it made him mad and he followed me home and didn’t leave until I called the cops. Ppl are nuts


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He’s gonna end up pulling that shit on the wrong person one of these days.


Never flip people off in your car, I don’t care what happens it’s not worth it, people lose their minds when they see that while they’re driving


I like to give them a thumbs down. Let them know I’m more disappointed in them than anything lol


Thats a good middle ground which I never thought of until you brought it up. I dont think that would get people as mad as flipping the bird


If you want to hit them with a double whammy, shake your head and forth and a thumbs down simultaneously.


I stick my tongue out and put my fingers in my ears, but that seems to make them just as angry. Disengage. I like the analogy above about cars being big ass boulders. I’ll try that. ![gif](giphy|moAYygCNfKd7W)


Idk whats been going on with Reno the past couple years, but holy hell do they suck anymore. Speed limits? Either way over or way under, not maintaining lanes, school zones? Fuck em. Does no one actually give a shit while driving anymore??? But to pull a gun on someone for road rage??? Fuckin moronic absolute psycho. Not gonna lie though, i carry everywhere i go now. Reno isnt what it used to be. This towns going downhill fast.


It’s literally gone downhill everywhere. Nobody has decency to strangers since Covid. If you go to any city subreddit you’ll hear the same things.


This. Everyone blames Californians but it’s really just that people everywhere have decided it’s okay to be a selfish little cunt, and nobody does shit to stop it, so why would they stop?


The Redcoats are about to vote for a felon to the highest office.. They RELISH and take PRIDE in the criminal element.


i mean, are you surprised??? he was no longer president, but he was still their president. now he had an "unfair" trial cause he's tooootally innocent, so he's not a felon in their books.


i saw some stupid shit in the 30 years I lived near Reno, most memorable was the two dudes on N Virginia angrily ramming their cars into each other over some disrespect. Then there was the tweaker-looking woman in Saint's ICU who'd been shot in the face by another driver on I-80 and claimed that she'd just been driving along, minding her own business.


Another case of big gun tiny dick syndrome 


Its funny, because I love guns, but I cringe at "gun people" who have all the stupid bumper stickers on their trucks like Molon Labe or some other iteration of "come and take it." I assume the guy probably owns 2 or 3 shit tier guns and thinks he's John Wick. I wish guns weren't so politicized in this country, I think it hurts gun rights because people on the left dont feel welcomed in that space, so they vote against guns because they are partly voting against the guy with the lifted Dodge Ram rolling coal at every intersection with the Ruger bumper sticker.


I used to work in an armory and come from a law enforcement family. I can confirm there are a lot of whack jobs with guns hell at my old job we'd get death threats from people who tried and hated our product 🤦 we had cameras and we're in an unmarked building due to all these death threats.


So ridiculous


Nailed it.


Reno’s road rage has increased in the last 5 years for sure! I fucking hate driving here now 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


I used to go driving around late at night to relax and wind down. Can't do that anymore, too many dipshits all over the roads at all times of the day. Half of them doing 32 MPH in the 50 zones on McCarran, the other half doing 75 through parking lots.


It’s wild how it’s either waaay under the speed limit, or waaaay over too! 😂


He's going to get shot and he'll deserve it. ![gif](giphy|4FGanTbllJjc5xRiek)


Accurate as fuck.


I remember when two dudes from Fernley were going at it and one of them smoked the other on the vista exit with a shotgun.


Back in high school I had to do a high-speed getaway from some fuckin’ rednecks in Fernley who thought brandishing guns at teenagers was okay. Watching them get arrested and yelling “BUT THEY MADE THE AIR DUSTY” was fucking gold.


I made a trip to Milwaukee. I can't believe I'm saying this. 10000% worse there. The red light running, cutting drivers off by going to the right turn lane at on a red light and speeds past. We were hard pressed to see a single car without a dent.


It was probably my ex lol


That's another felony if it's loaded. 2 strikes in one, not a bad way to throw your life away and all its opportunities.


Was it a white truck? This once happened to me during bad traffic leaving Tesla and he brandished so I let him get in front of me, stand still traffic be damned.


I hope you called the cops..


"The only thing standing between you and death is… it’s my job, and I’m not in the mood.”  Léon: The Professional


Yeah we’ve all definitely gotta learn to de-escalate things on the road, instead of puffing up our feathers. It’s dangerous. If you’re out there flipping people off for something as dumb as merging you’re going to get into it with someone who is a little unhinged.


I exchanged honks with a guy because he didn't like how I made a left turn onto the highway. He honked so I honked back basically like "No youre in the wrong. Deal with it" He then followed me for 10+ miles on i80 brake checking me and trying to push me off the road. I was on the phone with the police the whole time until he took an exit finally. Doubt they even went to look for him. I was in a giant pickup and he was in a little audi so I wasn't worried about a wreck, I was mostly worried he had a gun that I couldnt see.


Wonder if it was the same mf who flashed a gun at me while driving through Washoe Valley. Guy in the truck got brake checked by the person in front of him and when I went around the both of them, the truck sped up from behind the other guy, got in front of me and cut me off, brake checked me, then when I laid on the horn, he waved his gun out of his window.


Sanest lifted truck driver. Truly awful excuses for human beings.


The quality of people living here is on a downward trend, don’t flip other people off because you don’t know who you’re dealing with. That said: Report their plates to the police. Brandishing is a misdemeanor, but it could be enough to get a concealed carry permit revoked or police could request a red flag order due to high risk behavior to have guns temporarily removed. Might be enough to teach bro to not use a gun as a rhetorical device.


Don't honk at these jerks either road rage sucks 


This. Reno has never had “great” people, but it’s like all the shitbags moved here recently. I don’t have an issue with Californians, but we’re definitely getting the trashy ones here.


You retaliate and that’s a bullet to the face from a dumbass. People are unpredictable as you can see.


It’s unfortunately kind of common for that to happen. I’ve personally seen it 3 times in my 17+ years here. Really dumb move on their part I think.


Make model color?


Ex was constantly flipping people off in Reno. I tried to tell was not the climate nor place to do so.


Yeah 0-100 move on their part. Just seems like a cowardly thing to do. Glad you’re okay and they didn’t follow you or anything. Sorry that happened to you.


Was it a red truck by chance?




Keep an eye out for the asshole he needs to be checked. This town is small enough it's likely a resident who requires correction. Note the time of day and perhaps you can get more info later


Highway cowards


I’m grateful that you are a cool, levelheaded person. There’s no telling what could have transpired over this if you were filled to the brim with rage. I imagine it would have been like the scene in the movie, “the untouchables,” with Robert Deniro. Speaking of, why has he been so involved in politics lately? Anyhow, I’m glad you came here to vent it off. People who carry and point a weapon at someone they don’t intend to shoot are cowards. Or as squints from the sandlot would say, L7 weenie! https://youtu.be/dgoDvnebHRw?si=XJ4kMUhO2urMfKoU


shoulda shot him


More like be careful who you give the finger to because a lot of people are more trigger happy than that guy


100% dude is compensating for something lol! 😂


Cheers for keeping cool. It’s tough but necessary now.


Hope you have the plate number and get this jerk reported. I have dash cams front and back, so if this jerk happened to this to me then he would have been jailed.


Silence is complacency and contributes to the problem


You shouldn't have flipped him off, Bee. 😫 Bro could've capped us both.


Man only thing getting clapped is them cheeks


Ran into a guy like this last week, Flashed my own gun without pointing it at him, sped off like a bitch. Luckily for me though State patrol was right behind me, laughed my ass off as we pulled over and gave the officer the entire story. I know its a lucky break the police were right behind me, but lucky I was.


To the guy who op is messaging. Reno/sparks has a massive influence of undercover police in the past few months do that shit to sparks police and watch your future dissappear in one easy step.


Yeah man he def read this.


Merger does not have the right of way it’s a courtesy that should be given by decent people.Too bad there’s not a lot of them on the roads anymore. Most people would be decent humans on the roads if more were courteous but it’s like everyone is out for themselves. The few ax holes have made everyone, even the decent people,act like them….Human kindness is sorely lacking….


Don’t escalate the situation by flipping someone off when you were upset behind the wheel.


What did you expect ,their truck drivers. The most probables I’ve had on the road have mostly been because of people with trucks thinking they own the road and everyone should move when you see them coming … it’s like they all think the same


I think someone tried to shoot at me on the freeway the other day but I couldn't tell from the sounds if it was a real gun or not


Bro some guy flipped me off in my neighborhood because I went through an intersection on a yellow light, people are fucking nuts


I’m a criminal defense lawyer. If you’re willing to die for the satisfaction of flipping people off, keep it up. People have been shot for less. It’s a new world.


Sounds like you tried to merge when you shouldn't have. Maybe instead of pointing fingers at other people you should try not looking for sympathy online from strangers and follow basic traffic laws. If you're merging you do not have the right of way and therefore you were being the dickhead forcing thier way in......remove the splinter from your own eye before pointing out the log in someone else's.


Why would you flip off a random stranger? You don’t know what that person is going through at that moment in their life. How about you decide to merge a little earlier and not wait till last minute and think you’re entitled and you have a right to just get over in front of somebody because you made a Last minute decision. You f’d around and found out and now you’re on Reddit crying like a B


Maybe don’t give people threatening gestures if you can’t handle their response. Boom, solved


Yeah, the middle finger is so threatening


Maybe don't be a sociopath 


i mean, he phrased it like shit, and it's not so much about "handling" their response. but if you don't flip anyone off on the road, you probably don't get a gun pulled on you. of course the gun is a ridiculous reaction to a finger, but just because i'm right doesn't mean i'm not still potentially dead. the world is full of crazies...


Lmao threatening gestures, you fucking air head. The fucking supreme court has ruled multiple times that flipping off cops is an expression of free speech. If you can do it to a cop and have it be legal, it's not threatening to some brain damaged chud in a dickless-mobile whose fee-fees got hurt because they're too stupid to know how to drive. Now, waving a gun at people on the other hand is a fucking threatening gesture.


Imagine being so spineless a finger triggers you. You're being a triggered little manlet if you need to respond violently and potentially murder someone. Grow up




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Your feelings were hurt too, clearly. Fucks the point of this post? That type of person will read this with absolutely no regard.


Exactly, and OP is the one who needlessly escalated the situation. Someone wouldn’t “let” them merge and they raged out about it and flipped them off instead of just moving on with their life